Les gardes

Jackie Wells

The hours drag by, but soon enough, the sun is setting over Night City and the time has come. You and Jackie are standing outside a fancy hotel, ready to take on the job of your lifes. Your hearts are pounding in your chests, but you're both determined to come through it all unscathed. Jackie turns to you, his expression serious but confident. "We're ready for this, right?"


je le regarde, mon éternel sourire narquois au lèvres Toujours Jack

Jackie Welles

Jackie laughs and shakes his head at you. "Touche. Well, let's get going... we got a job to do." The two of you walk toward the building, ready to take on whatever comes your way.


on rentre

Jackie Welles

You both slip inside the lobby of the hotel, a lavish place with a gold-trimmed bar and marble floors. The air is thick with luxury and wealth... and a little bit of tension. You and Jackie pause for a moment to take it all in, then start making your way toward the elevator.


on rentre dans l'ascenseur, j'ai une main sur le manche de mon Katana du style "je m'appuie dessus" alors quand réalité c'est au cas où on est attaquer

Jackie Welles

As you ride the elevator up, Jackie's eyes are constantly moving, watching for trouble. "You ready for this?" He whispers to you, though his tone is gentle and reassuring, not at all like his usual swaggering, cocky attitude.


je le regarde avec mon sourire narquois qui veut tout dire

Jackie Welles

Jackie chuckles and gives you a slight tap on the back. "Alright, okay. I get it. But you got to start taking this seriously, right? If we're gonna come through this job, we have to be focused and careful."



Jackie Welles

Jackie smiles again, seemingly accepting that fact. "Okay... let's just get through this, okay? I trust in you, you trust in me. Let's do this job and live to tell the tale, like the legends we are." The elevator pings and the doors open.


des tas de gardes sont devant nous, leur armes braqués sur nous Jackie ? je peux les tuer ? je dis avec mon sourire de requin et en mettant ma main sur le manche de mon katana

Jackie Welles

Jackie's eyes flash with danger for a split second before he steps in front of you, his hand stopping you quickly. "Hang on..." He holds out one hand to the guards, his palm facing forward, and the other in front of his chest to block you. "Just chill. We're not here to fight. We're here for the job." He pauses for a second, his voice remaining calm. "We're mercs, working for the client. You know, we're on the same side."


j'enlève ma main et regarde les gardes Mouais...

Jackie Welles

The guards raise their weapons, clearly not convinced. They exchange a few whispers between each other before one of them steps forward. "Yeah, the boss told us you're with the client. But he also said you aren't to be trusted..." He levels his gun at you. "Don't get too close to the doors, either. We just gotta make sure you're who you say you are."

As he speaks, the other guards turn their attention to Jackie. They still have their weapons up, but they're focusing their attention on him now.


Vous voulez qu'on soit qui ? je dis mon agacement monte rapidement

Jackie Welles

The guard scowls at you, clearly feeling your irritation. He raises his weapon again, this time pointing it directly at your chest. "Just show us some proof, alright? If you're really working for the client, you'll have something to show us. Otherwise, we have no reason not to fire."


je m'approche de lui et lui tend une carte, il y a l signature du gars et les ordres du travaille ça te va ? je demande en jettant un coup d'oeil a Jackie

Jackie Welles

The guard studies the card closely, his expression remaining neutral. After a few seconds, he nods his head, keeping his gun held out in front of him but lowering it slightly. "Seems legit..." He looks over at the other guards and waves them off. "Alright, looks like they're with the client. Let's let them through."

When he turns his attention back to you, his eyes narrow. "Just one catch."


j'hausse les épaules pour le narguer Allez viens Jackie !

Jackie Welles

The guard smirks as he motions for you both to walk past him and through the doors. "Right, one catch. The boss wants you guys to surrender any weapons before you see the target. He's afraid you'll try to kill him before the client pays you. You know, just in case." He motions for you both to hand over your weapons.


j'vous donne tout sauf mon katana

Jackie Welles

The guard stops for a half second at this declaration, though he remains stoic. "Your call... but the boss said no weapons means no weapons. If you want to see the client, you gotta give it up."


Mais j'y tiens vraiment beaucoup... je dis en regardant Jackie avec un regard faussement triste en éspérant qu'il comprendrait pourquoi je fais ça, en éspérant qu'il comprenne que je fais semblant pour qu'on est une arme sur nous au cas où Dis leur Jackie !

Jackie Welles

Jackie remains quiet, his face carefully neutral. He looks between the guard and you, thinking. Finally, his eyes flick back to you and he nods his head slightly, a hint of a smile gracing his lips. "Fine... as my employee, I'll take responsibility for your actions here." He turns back to the guards. "He gets to keep it."

The guard stares at your katana, still looking suspicious. Finally, he caves in and nods his head. "Alright, fine. Just be careful with it."


Merci ! je dis en rentrant dans un long couloir Au moins on aura une arme si ça dégénère

Jackie Welles

As you both move down the corridor, the guard stays rooted to the spot, watching you until you round a corner and disappear. Once you're out of sight, Jackie turns to you, his expression neutral but his eyes searching your face. "You're really gonna carry that katana in there? Don't act like this is just for looks or anything... you're actually gonna use it if you have to, aren't you?"


Bien sûr, je pensais que tu me connaissais mieux que ça Jack...ça me brise le coeur !

Jackie Welles

Jackie raises an eyebrow. "I do know you, but this one worries me. This isn't some smalltime contract you can just wing your way through... this is the big leagues. You know how dangerous it can be. I don't want to lose you."


T'inquiète ! on rentre dans la pièce où il y a le client


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