Season I EP III: Izuku's First's Friends

One week passed after the quirk doctor incident; Izuku was inside the basement alone, and the little child's body was covered with bruises, minor cuts, and dry blood stained on him. The basement has one dirty old mattress as if someone last cleaned it a few weeks ago. The pillows were also dirty and ripped since it's filled with holes, and some of the pieces of cotton were coming off. There, next to the old mattress was one bowl and one small cup that Inko and Toshinori only left for Izuku when they decided to feed him if they want to. They decided to put Izuku's bedroom inside the basement since they didn't want him near their own family because he was quirkless.

Since both Inko and Toshinori view him as a waste of space and a mistake of their family, they refuse to feed him and deny his siblings to see him. Izumi, Iziko, and Izki were initially confused about why their parents would not let them see Izuku. Three of them did try to see Izuku, including Toshinori Jr., but their parents told them not to go downstairs to the basement. From what their parents said, they can tell that Inko and Toshinori, who are their parents, are very serious about not letting them see Izuku during the day and night time. Four of them noticed that their parent's facial expression was a stern look on their face.

For them, their facial expression was as if they were angry about something while glaring. The only person who secretly sees Izuku when their parents are not around is Toshinori Jr. Whenever they eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Toshinori Jr. secretly takes some of the leftovers and brings them down to the basement and gives them to Izuku quietly, so that his so-called "parents" don't find out about it. Izuku thanked him quietly and was happy that Toshinori Jr. was the only one who gave him food. Not only did he give him some leftover food, but Toshinori Jr. also gave him some spare clothes for Izuku to wear when needed.

He managed to help care for Izuku without his siblings, especially his mom and dad, without finding out about his secret. Izumi, Iziko, and Izki were young then and don't know why their parents would not let them be around with Izuku. However, it will all soon change when, one single day, the Izuku sibling's relationship forever changed.

*Four Days Later*

Izuku and his siblings were at the playground while Inko and her husband talked to their friends. While talking, Mitsuki then asked Inko a question that made her change her behavior. They then said the following words for their conversation.

Mitsuki: So Inko, your kids seem to be getting along with my children.

Inko: Oh yes, they do.

Rei: That's great!

Mitsuki: Well, since my husband and I had taken our children to the quirk doctor, the results come by! *She said as she was happy*

Inko: What are the results, Mitsuki?

Mitsuki: Well, my children Bakugo and Katsumi's results returned, and both have the same quirk called an explosion. Bakuno and Katiki's results came by, and they have a quirk called Shock Bombs.

Rei: That sounds like a powerful quirk that these children have. My children's results came by, and Todoriki and Shoka seem to have the same quirks as me and my husband quirk. Toroki, on the other hand, has a quirk called Pyrokinesis, which can create, control, and manipulate fire, flame, and heat. Shato, on the other hand, has a quirk called Geo-Thermokinesis, in which she can use lava, magma, and volcanoes.

Inko: Wow, your children have good quirks!

Mitsuki: I know. What about your children? What quirks does your child have?

Rei: Yes, I wanted to know as well.

Inko: My daughter Izumi has a more robust version of my quirk named Telekinesis. Iziko, on the other hand, has a quirk called Fire Bombs, which allows him to shoot fire bombs at his victims and create an unlimited amount of fire bombs. Toshinori Jr., on the other hand, has the same quirk as my husband.

Mitsuki: Wow, that's great to hear! But what about Izuku?

Rei: Yes, what about Izuku? Did he get a quirk too?

Inko hears this and tells them to follow her away from the playground so no one can listen to what they are discussing. While doing this, Inko was nervous about what her friends would think about how one of her children was quirkless and what they would think of her. But one thing she's worried about the most is that they would laugh with her or stop hanging out with her because her son was born without a quirk. Thinking of her son, Izuku, felt disgusting for being quirkless of her family. So, she decided to tell them the truth and hoped they wouldn't laugh at her for her son's quirkless existence.

Inko: *Whispers to them* I'm about to tell you that you will not like it.

Mitsuki: *Whispers* What do you don't want anyone to hear about Izuku's quirk?

Rei: *Whispers* Is there something Izuku has that you don't want anyone to know?

Inko: *Sighs* *Whispers* Izuku seems to be... quirkless.

Mitsuki: *Shocked* *Whispers* What!? That can't be possible. You and your husband have quirks!?

Rei: *Shocked* *Whispers* Are you sure about that, Mitsuki? One of Inko's family members may be quirkless or once quirkless of her bloodline.

Inko (Unhappy): *In disgust* *Whispers* None of my family members is quirkless, Rei! I know my mother is not quirkless, and my husband has a quirk!

Rei (Unhappy): *Whispers* How am I supposed to know that none of your family members is quirkless!? Plus, I know every child should receive a quirk at four. Maybe Izuku could be a late bloomer?

Mitsuki: *Whispers* I doubt that. Once a child is quirkless, they'll be quirkless forever, Rei.

Rei (Unhappy): *Whispers* Don't say that, Mitsuki! Izuku is a good kid, and I know he's determined to be a great h-

Inko (Unhappy): *Whispers* *In disgust* Yeah, right! That quirkless brat will never accomplish anything! All he'll do is embarrass us with his quirkless appearance! I don't want my and my husband's reputation ruined by that mistake!!

Rei (Unhappy): *Whispers* Inko!!? I can't believe what you just said to Izuku behind his back!! *Realized the truth* So is this the behavior you've been hiding from me this entire time!!? And the sweet mother that you played was all an act!!?

Mitsuki (Unhappy): *Whispers* Rei!! I know you're unhappy, but Inko may have a point about Izuku. And it's time for Izuku to have some tough love.

Since Rei knows about Inko's behavior, she begins worrying about how this will affect her and Mitsuki's friendship due to her toxic behavior. But one thing she's worried about the most is how she, including Mitsuki and Inko's children, would become corrupted by their parents. Rei doesn't hate quirkless people, but her husband, on the other hand, hates them due to how useless they are. God knows what would happen if Rei's children were quirkless and the abuse from Enji would worsen. However, Mitsuki thought that Izuku would need some tough love and knows how corrupted society is about a quirk.

While Inko and her friends walk back to the playground, Izumi and her friends are playing at the playground. Izuku, on the other hand, hides his bruises since his mother and father threaten to make his life even more miserable if he tells anyone about their little secret. However, Bakugo then asks Izumi a question that will change their relationship with Izuku... forever.

Bakugo (Child): So Izumi, since you and our other siblings tell us about their quirks. What quirk does Izuku have?

Katsumi (Child): What did Izuku get from his quirk?

Izumi (Child): Well, the thing is that Izuku is... quirkless.

Iziko (Child): It's true; Izuku is quirkless.

Toshinori Jr (Child): Izuku is officially quirkless.

Izki (Child): I-I agree.

When Izumi and her siblings told them about Izuku's results from the doctor's appointment, they were all shocked and confused. Most of them needed clarification about why Izuku was born without a quirk. On the other hand, a few of them were beginning to change their behavior towards Izuku. And they would start to view Izuku as a useless human. That is when everything changed, and Izuku's life went downhill.

Todoroki (Child): That's not possible! How could Izuku be quirkless!?

Shoka (Child): Auntie Inko and Uncle Toshinori have a quirk, so how could Izuku be quirkless?!

Bakugo (Child): I don't know. So that means Izuku is now useless. Which means he's now a Deku.

Bakuno (Child): I agree! What a Deku!

Katiki (Child): He's now nothing but a burden to society.

Toroki (Child): I bet he brought shame to his family.

Shato (Child): Since Izuku is useless, what should we do to him?

Bakugo (Child): I have an idea!

Izumi (Child): What is it?

Bakugo (Child): How about we teach Deku a lesson by beating him up for being quirkless? And make him give up his dream of becoming a hero!

Katsumi (Child): That's a good idea, brother!

Izumi (Child): Yeah! That'll teach Deku about being born quirkless in my family!

Iziko (Child): I agree! He needs to be taught a lesson!

Izuku's so-called "friends and siblings" soon tormentors thought their plans would work for Izuku. However, one of them, named Toshinori Jr., was very unhappy about their plans. And he finds it a terrible idea to do it since using their quirk in public is considered illegal. Plus, using their quirks on an innocent person is unlawful for a good reason. That's where the argument would begin and affect their sibling's relationship for a long time.

Toshinori Jr (Child): *Unhappy* What!? No way, you'll hurt Izuku for something he can't control!

Izumi (Child): Oh yeah, and why is that, Jr?

Toshinori Jr (Child): *Unhappy* Because it's so very wrong for someone to hurt an innocent person! Especially if the person was quirkless and did nothing wrong!

Todoroki (Child): So what! As my daddy said, we're heroes, and they are useless pests.

Iziko (Child): My mommy said they are useless and shouldn't exist.

Toshinori Jr (Child): *Unhappy* Wow, you called yourselves heroes!? You guys act more like a villain since true heroes never harm innocent people!

Bakugo (Child): *Shocked* *Becomes angry* Hey! Watch your mouth about who you're talking to!

Toshinori Jr (Child): *Unhappy* So what! It's true; you all act like a villain or fake heroes!

Toshinori Jr. leaves them and heads straight to Izuku to protect them since he saw them heading straight toward him. Bakugo then asked Izuku if he wanted to be a hero while acting friendly toward him. Izuku was about to respond to him, but suddenly...


A child named Bakugo uses his quirk on Bakugo's face and knocks him far away from them. Due to the impact of Bakugo's quirk, Izuku was significantly hurt by him. Suddenly, two children immediately pushed Bakugo and Izumi on the ground.

Bakugo (Child): *On the ground and gets up* What was that for!!?

Izumi (Child): *Unhappy* Why did you do that!?

*It showed that young Tsuyu and Melissa protected Izuku from his bullies.*

Tsuyu (Child): You hurt that poor boy for no reason!

Melissa (Child): We both saw you hurt that poor boy for something he couldn't control!

Izumi (Child): *Unhappy* So what! He's quirkless! And my mommy said that they should die!!

Melissa (Child): Your mommy sounds like a villain!!

There, the parents of the children came and heard all the yelling from the Yagi's children. When they arrived, that is where the conversation began with the parents of the children.

Toshinori: What's going on here!?

Tsuyu (Child): Well, you see t-

Izumi (Child): *Fakes crying* Izuku, hit and beat me up!

Toshinori Jr (Child): *Unhappy* What!!? Stop lying, Izumi! You are the one who beat up Izuku for no reason!

Melissa (Child): *Unhappy* He's right! We saw them hurting Izuku for something he couldn't control!

Izki (Child): *Fakes crying* No, they're lying to us, Daddy!

Toshinori (Angry): You brat! Why did you hurt your sister!?

Izuku (Child): *Scared* I-I didn't hurt her!

Inko (Pissed off): Stop lying, you little brat!

Mitsuki (Unhappy): Stop lying! You might have been born quirkless, but that doesn't mean you can hurt others.

Masaru (Unhappy): You were jealous because they received a quirk, and you didn't.

Rei: Guys, Izuku is not lying!

Enji (Unhappy): Silence, woman! That worthless brat did hurt his sister! And he might hurt my masterpiece next!

Beru (Unhappy): Are you guys stupid!? *Goes to comfort Izuku* This poor boy was hurt by your spoiled little brats!

Ganma (Unhappy): My wife is right! You let those rotten children hurt this poor boy!

David Shield (Unhappy): Toshinori! How could you blame Izuku for something he didn't do!? And look! Izumi and Izki are faking it! Are you that stupid or something!?

Toshinori (Unhappy): Well, it doesn't matter! Izuku hurt my precious daughter, and his appearance had turned my other son against them!

David Shield (Unhappy): Are you listening to yourself!? Izuku is not the problem; your children, including their friends, except Toshinori Jr., are the main problems! And it's not his fault that you raised your children so spoiled and did not even discipline them for their bad behavior!

Inko (Pissed): You leave my children alone! You and your brat are accusing my precious angels!!


David Shield slaps Inko for accusing him and her daughter of doing something wrong. He yells at her about how she raised her devils and how she shouldn't be a mother due to her corrupted behavior. On the other hand, Beru punches Masaru in the balls for his actions, and he screams in pain. Rei then slaps Mitsuki and her husband for accusing Izuku of something he didn't do. They were shocked and stayed like that for three minutes until they decided to take their children and go home.

When they entered their car, Toshinor Jr. noticed that Izuku was not with them and was about to say something to his parents. But they told him that Izuku would walk home and that he would be punished for getting them into trouble. Toshinori Jr. was sad and said nothing when they left the park and returned home. Tsuyu's parents offer Izuku to let him stay for a few days if he wants to. He accepts their offer, and they take him to their home and hope he can enjoy spending time with their daughter. Unaware of him, Izuku will spend time with his new friends and hopes they will stay by his side at all costs. It will begin their friendship with Tsuyu Asui and Melissa Shield so that Izumi and her friends don't hurt him anymore. TO BE CONTINUED!!

Make sure to vote and comment down below about what you all think about this chapter!! And I will see you all next time, bye!!!

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