My love
Its going so well.
His beloved loves him. They can be togeather forever. Nothing will take them apart!
Hearing izuku moan his love made him so excited. He wanted to take his love again soon.
He bites the inside of his cheek.
Sadly he has work to do.
But when its done? He will push iziku aginst the nearest surface.
But when it gets closer to midday he will be expecting some guests. Izuku wont like it at all.
His beloved will be enraged.
He licks his lips looking over at izuku who was studying as the teach talked.
Sho glanced to the teacher and found the mans eyes on him. The moment their eyes met he looked away causing anoyance in sho. They been staring at him for two days now.
They are on to him perhaps?
But they cant stop him.
They wont acy without proof.
His eyes narrow at the teacher. They can look at him all they want.
He looks back to his beloved who happened to look over at him. Their eyes met and the angel blushed and looked back at his work quickly.
So cute.
Today was just an ordinary day. He felt his phone vibrate. His eyes shifting away from his love to pull it out and open it.
Ah. 15 minuts. Class ends in about 10.
His eyes shift to the teacher. Hes a trublesome one. But he cant do anythang.
When it was break time shoto moved his his beloved smiling but izuku shook his head when he sugested they go to the dorm.
"Sorry sho but im heading to the library okey?" Izuku said smiling. "You can join me?" He sigested and before sho could answer Aizawa spoke up.
"Actually shoto i would like to speak to you a moment." He said causing shotos teeth to grit. Really?
He needs to be with his beloved right now!
Izuku however nodded. "Ill be in the libary when your done talking." He assures but he looked a bit nurvous from the way he glanced at sho.
Shoto could assume his lovers mind going crazy. His eyes soften as he nods his head. "Ill be their soon." He promises as students left the classroom izuku being the last to leave. Hestent.
Shoto glanced to Aizawa with cold eyes. "What do you need to talk about?" He knows his grades are well.
"Im just a bit cerious." Aizawa mutters. "You seem really close to Midoriya correct?"
Shoto almost smiled. "Is it obovous?" Good. That will keep others away then.
"Yes... But ive also noticed iziku acting strange. Aprently he spoke to All might quite a while ago. After all might told me about it... It made me think the boy was actually talking about you." He said his eyes never leaving shoto who didnt waver.
"... What was it about?" Shoto questions cerious of this.
"Something about is it wrong to redeam someone whos killed for love." Aizawa said not caring to go into detal. This was a talk when izuku was still unsure of what to do. "All might thought he was talking about an old case... But-" the entire building shook as bombs seem to go off.
In seconds their was screams and yells around the school. Shoto at once shoved the teacher away. He needed to find izuku.
And he needs to fix this. Aizawa is more onto him then he thought. Silently he cursed as villins moved outside and some inside the school having used a map shoto made to get in and set traps. Their goal? To do damige. Put fear into the heros.
He needs to find his angel before his angel trys to fight.
He wont let izuku get hurt!
He moved tords the libary as students ran to suit up wanting to fight the villions like fools. They really think they are readdy for villions? They will reget their actions.
His eyes dart around izuku couldent have gotten all the wat to the libary yet. Perhaps hes running off with the other students to fight?
Damit. That dam teacher. He will need to find a way to clear that mans subspiion of him by the end of this attack. Perhaps fight off some villions?
He can worry about.that after he finds his love! Where is-
"Get away from me!"
That was his beloves voice. He made it closer to the libary then he thought.
But who was on him?
He ran fast gritting his teeth as he saw his beloved pinned by a crazy young woman. "Dont be so sour i just want to see you bleed a bit~ you have souch a beutaful look in your eyes~ i want to-"
"Toga!" Shoto snarlled supprising the girl to look back and then step back frouning. "What?"
"Not. Him." Shoto mutters with a cold deadly glare that made izuku shudder.
Shoto knows this woman?
"Ohhh... Hes the one? This cutie?" Toga coos pointing her knife as izuku who was too shocked to react or move.
Izuku didnt dare look away from shoto whos cold enraged eyes were on this toga who came after him. Sinve she was so young izuku was hestating to attack her since she seemed around the same age.
So young.
"You all were warnned very carefully to not lay a single finger on my angle." Shoto snarled ice comi g from every step closer he took heat rising in the air toga backing away giggling.
"So fisty... I dont want to be frozen again im going!" She called before running down the hall izuku trying to form words.
"Sh-shoto your-"
"Oh my love... This looks bad dosent it?" Shoto cuts izuku off coldly.
"Shoto whats-" as shoto approced izuku kept backing up with unease in his eyes. Shoto didnt like that.
"My angel... Are you... Scared of me?" He asked sounding a bit angry. A bit hurt.
Izuku couldnt fimd words as his back hit aginst the hallway. Unabel to move any further back he maniged to speak. "Shoto you know her? You... Your a part of this? This attack?" He stutters as shoto grit his teeth togeather.
"My love... You dont need to worry about any of this. No one good will be hurt unless they fight too hard. You trust me dont you?" Shoto coos sweetly moving his hand to his beloveds cheek. Cressing it gently.
But izuku turned his face away from shotos hand closing his eyes tightly before peeking at shoto. "You are helping... villains? You said you... Your a hero." Izuku mutters weakly.
Shotos arm slammed above izukus head causing the boy to flinch.
"I am a hero." Shoto mutters. "I a hero people need... I dont mind being seen as a monster but their is so much crime people let go of. If a monster like me kills them people will fear being bad! They will be good! So i am a hero!" He hissed so coldly it scared izuku.
"Sho... This... This is bad. You cant... I cant... I cant ignore this-" shoto slammed his mouth aginst izukus. The kiss was hard and rough. Teeth clacking togeather.
Izuku tryed to turn away from it but he didnt dare use the power of all might. And after a moment he submitted to the kiss.
When he when lax he was kissed harder. Izuku feeling weak as breath was lost to the point he at last had to push shoto back. Why didnt he fight it? This is wrong. So wrong. What is he doing? How could he?
But shoto smiles. As beautifully as ever. "My love... I knew you would still love me... Even if i became a moster, its becuse you needed me to be one~"
Love? Is love why he gave in? Is love... Why he wont fight back? It has to be love. So why dose this love chill him? Why dose his heart hurt?
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