Chapter 12: Top Secret file

The files you are trying to open can only be accessed if authorized by the Administrator of the Unusual Incidents Unit, unauthorized access is considered high treason. Present proper authorization now.


Authorization accepted... Welcome, Administrator.


U.I.U. File 20XX-096: Codename "Shy guy"

Initial report

Summary: Highly dangerous and cognitohazardous paranormal human with various powerful abilities. When exposed to high amounts of stress or something capable of sight perceiving its face via video, photo or in person, will become exceedingly violent. If not prevented, will attempt to injure or kill the source of his stress or the thing that viewed its face.

It is strongly believed to be the subject of the prediction Anomaly 990 made on [REDACTED]. According to said prediction, anomaly shall "decide the fate of the world", either saving it or destroying it. Preventing the latter outcome is to be the Unusual Incidents Unit's utmost priority, overriding any others.

Anomaly Description/Capabilities

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Irregularity Cross-reference: human, shy guy, SCP-096, cognitohazard

Physical description: 15-year-old quirkless human male. Skin is pale white, lacking any pigmentation.

Sex: Male

Height: 193 cm (6'4") or 238 cm (7'10")*.

Weight/build: 123 lbs (56 kg) or 187 lbs (85 kg)*. Build is extremely thin, resembling mild malnutrition.

Race: Asian

Hair: Green

Eyes: Extremely pale, appearing blind.

Identifying attributes: Extremely tall, pale, and frail-looking. Demonstrates very little fat or muscle mass.

*The presence of two possible height and weights will be detailed in the "capabilities" section and in the "Anomaly-096 testing and research documentation" files.


Anomaly's paranormal abilities are numerous and not wholly consistent, varying depending on which "state" the anomaly is in at any particular moment. So far, 4 distinctive states have been identified, hereby designated "state 096-1", "state 096-2", "state 096-3", and "state 096-4".

To simplify understanding the anomaly's paranormal abilities, the rest of this section will be separated into two modules, one which will detail the anomaly's paranormal abilities that have been observed to be consistent between every state and another which will detail those that either are unique to a state or that vary between multiple of them.

Persistent abilities

· Regeneration: Anomaly's body demonstrates the ability to heal itself, mending, correcting, or fixing any wound or negative ailment it may suffer. Cross-testing with different quirks and other anomalies has up to now failed to be able to halt this process. Additionally, unlike some quirks that can offer a similar result, this ability does not seem to need physical "fuel" of any kind, continuing to function even if the subject has not ingested or incorporated any matter for several days. It has been observed that, if no tissue is left to regenerate from, skin, muscle, flesh, nerves or even entire organs will steadily begin to appear as if from thin air on or within the anomaly's body in the places they would normally be, eventually returning the anomaly's body to exactly how it was before injury. Even if it shouldn't be possible because of the lack of cells to regenerate from, microscopic analysis suggests that the tissue in these extreme cases seems to be generated from the anomaly's cartilage and bone structure.

· Self-Sustenance: Anomaly's body does not present the need for any kind of sustenance or upkeep to maintain functioning mental faculties and health. This presents itself as a lack of the need to eat, drink or even sleep... amongst other things. Notably, Anomaly has noted to never have felt hungry or thirsty in his life. Though he has admitted to being able to feel tired or groggy, this feeling is only uncomfortable to him and does not translate into a direct diminishing of his physical or mental faculties. Finally, though his body is able to digest food and perform every standard function pertaining to the digestion of food and the eventual disposing of it, this process seems to not result in the absorption of any vitamins, minerals, or any nutrients at all. Where all of these nutrients go during the digestion process is not currently known.

· Heightened durability: Analysis of the anomaly's skeleton and cartilage has shown that their toughness far exceeds that of any currently known material. Because of the inability of the Unusual Incidents Unit to inflict any damage to the anomaly's skeletal structure during testing, the exact lengths of this resilience are as of yet unknown. Further research is required.

· Pain tolerance: Anomaly presents a remarkable resilience to most types of pain, being able to be subjected to various kinds of torture without flinching or reacting in any way. Importantly, however, testing and interviews have concluded that the anomaly is, in fact, capable of experiencing and feeling pain if only under specific circumstances or in certain ways.

· Fear inducement: whenever a sapient being comes into contact with anomaly, horror and fear will immediately wash over the observing subject. This effect is not limited by how much knowledge one has concerning the anomaly, manifesting in exactly the same way in persons with deep knowledge as to the anomaly's workings and in persons who know nothing about him. On rare occasions, these feelings will also be accompanied by intense auditory and sometimes visual hallucinations. This effect, however, is only limited to first contacts and can be resisted against. During testing, this effect has never been observed to be replicated in the same person twice and those with enough mental fortitude or who have been trained to resist mental attacks have been able to function normally even with the effect active.

Non-persistent abilities

· Supernatural sensory perception (States 096-1 through 096-4): The anomaly presents the ability to feel and perceive things beyond what would normally be allowed by normal human senses. Firstly, in state 096-1, the anomaly seems to be innately aware whenever it is being watched by any living being capable of eyesight. But most importantly, once the anomaly enters states 096-2, 096-3 or 096-4, he will immediately become aware of the location of whoever caused the transition into said state, testing has shown this ability to be 100% accurate and is not limited by any kind of distance or location. This awareness does not cease until the anomaly exits whatever state he transitioned into. Additionally, though it was only confirmed for state 096-1 and can only be guessed for the other states, being viewed by living beings capable of sight is physically painful for the anomaly.

· Extendable/dislocatable jaw (States 096-1 through 096-4): in all states, anomaly presents the ability to open his jaws far wider than what would be normally possible, with the maximum measured mouth gape being at around 4 times wider than that of an average quirkless human. This ability differs only slightly in applications between each state.

In states 096-1 and 096-2, this ability cannot be used automatically, meaning that the anomaly's jaws can only be manually pried apart to reach the mouth gape achievable in other states.

In state 096-3, the anomaly's jaw is still able to be pried open to reach far wider gapes but the ability seems to be passively active, forcing the jaw to open wider than in state 096-1 and 096-2. Specifically, the resting mouth gape in this state seems similar to if the anomaly had his bottom jaw completely dislocated and detached from the upper part of the skull.

In state 096-4, this ability is the most pronounced. Again, the ability in this state is automatically activated, forcing the jaw to open wide. Only this time, the mouth gape reaches the maximum measure mentioned previously. Since the anomaly's resting mouth gape is at its maximum in this state, the ability to manually stretch his jaws further apart is lost.

· Height manipulation (State 096-4)*: During the transition period into state 096-4, this ability will be automatically activated and the anomaly's skeleton will begin to shift and grow. The legs, the torso and other parts of the anomaly's skeletal structure will begin expanding and lengthening themselves, causing a huge amount of distress to the anomaly and causing major physical damage all over. This process will continue until the previously 193 cm (6 feet, 4 inches) anomaly stands at a height of 238 cm (7 feet, 10 inches) and is only reversed once the anomaly exits out of state 096-4.

*This ability is the cause of the two possible heights and weights in the physical description section.

· Incremental strength augmentation (State 096-3): When entering state 096-3, the anomaly's physical strength will begin to steadily rise. This effect seems to augment how strong the anomaly is with each passing second, eventually plateauing at around 5 minutes after the effect's activation. When the anomaly's strength reaches this threshold, most materials and methods will become unable to impede him.

Despite this, testing has shown that the strength accumulated up to that point is finite. The Unusual Incidents Unit has been occasionally able during testing to counter the ability once it reached its highest potency, the only issue being that the methods or materials used would prove to be difficult to apply outside of testing.

· Superhuman strength (State 096-4): This ability differs from the "incremental strength augmentation" ability mentioned above. First, this ability is not time-dependent, manifesting a vast amount of strength instantly when the anomaly enters state 096-4. Second, unlike the highest amount of strength achievable in state 096-3, the strength this ability gives has not been shown to have any finite limits.

The Unusual Incidents Unit has, at this point, been completely unable to combat this ability during testing. No known material or method is able to halt the anomaly once this ability is active, the best having been documented being only momentary delays lasting no longer than a few seconds.

· Superhuman speed (States 096-3 and 096-4): In states 096-3 and 096-4, anomaly has been shown achieving traveling speeds far greater than he should be capable of. So far, the lowest recorded speeds have been 24 km/h in state 096-3 and 35 km/h in state 096-4 while the highest recorded speeds have been 186 km/h in state 096-3 and 295 km/h in state 096-4. The speed provided by this ability seems to depend on the distance between the anomaly and whoever happened to cause his transition into state 096-3 or 096-4; the further away they are, the higher the anomaly's top speed will become. Additionally, in both states, this ability also seems to diminish the closer the anomaly comes to the thing that caused the transition.

If or if not this ability also allows the anomaly to be faster in other aspects, such as in reaction time, is unconfirmed.

· Superhuman stamina (States 096-3 and 096-4): While in these states, anomaly seems to lack the ability to tire. Testing has shown that anomaly can remain awake and active for extended periods without pause or rest when in states 096-3 or 096-4. The most amount of days the anomaly has remained awake and in action has been recorded to be 7 days and 16 hours, though a higher amount of time could be possible.

· Matter erasure (State 096-4): Research has shown that anything that enters anomaly's stomach will spontaneously disappear. The process is not currently very well understood, but any matter put within anomaly's stomach when it is still connected to its digestive track will suddenly cease to exist, leaving no detectable trace whatsoever.

Purpose/Motive: Following capture by the Unusual Incidents Unit, Midoriya has shown very little to no motivation or purpose. A psychological evaluation has concluded that he currently suffers from major depressive disorder, reportedly being plagued by consistent night terrors, suicidal thoughts, feelings of guilt and loss of interest in most things he said used to make him happy. According to him, the only desire he's had since the incident that garnered the attention of the Unusual Incidents Unit has been to be left alone.

Prior to his capture, however, it is reported that his greatest desire in life was to become a hero like the current number 1, Toshinori Yagi otherwise known as All Might.

Modus Operandi: Midoriya will refuse most request for visits, allowing only certain people to interact with him if not for testing or research purposes and only for short periods of time.

Behavior: In state 096-1, Midoriya behaves in an exceedingly shy and docile manner, typically hiding his face from view be it covered or not. In this state, Midoriya presents a great degree of sapience and intelligence, something that is lost when entering other states. In states 096-2, 096-3 and 096-4, his normal docile behavior will change, and initiating an interaction with him will become nearly impossible for most people. In state 096-2, Midoriya will become intensely fearful and will attempt to run away and hide his face, commonly crawling up into the fetal position not too long after first entering the state. In states 096-3 and 096-4, Midoriya will become exceedingly violent and belligerent, injury and death commonly follow when these states are entered. Agents are suggested to steer clear of him and avert their eyes when he enters these states, only coming back into contact with him once he's returned to a more docile behavior. A common sign of a return to a docile state is the anomaly starting to quietly weep and sob to himself.

Prior to capture, however, Midoriya was noted by teachers and parents alike to be very shy but also very kind and hardworking, willingly helping those in need, prompted or not.


1 set of 30 4x6 inch photographs: Each photograph depicts anomaly's uncovered face, his face taking up a varied amount of space throughout the set, the minimum being a total 4 pixels and the maximum being 2,160,000 pixels. Additionally, the angle at which the anomaly's face is taken and the soom percentage changes from picture to picture. All photos have triggered Anomaly's cognitohazardous effect during testing in a clear display of the cognitive threat he holds.

1 set of 20 4x6 inch photographs: Similar to the previous piece of evidence, each photograph depicts anomaly's uncovered face, though only in part. The depictions of Anomaly's face vary between 85.687% and 6.489% of his total face. A very small number of pictures have been shown to not trigger Anomaly's cognitohazardous effect.

Anomaly-096 Testing and Research document: A total documentation of all tests and research done by the Unusual Incidents Unit on Izuku Midoriya's abilities and the anomaly himself, detailing behavior, functioning of states and other important information.

Various civilian footage: footage of anomaly, including photos, videos and news reports, created prior to his capture.

Bureau Record

Current status: Detained at research site [REDACTED] located on North Sentinel Island in a standard S-2 type humanoid living cell with all visual surveillance and reflective materials removed completely save for one standard laptop implanted with surveilling devices to monitor its usage. Anomaly's request to be moved to an S-1 type cell has been deemed unnecessary and therefore refused.

Crimes: N/A, following a pardon given by the Japanese government at the request of the Administrator. However, had the pardon not been given, anomaly would've been guilty of 16 counts of murder, aggravated assault, assault causing bodily harm, several counts of involuntary manslaughter, unauthorized paranormal use, and lethal use of irregular ability.

Sentencing: N/A

History of UIU Action:

Initial contact: Initial contact was made in Musutafu, Japan, in the Shizuoka prefecture, on [REDACTED], following an event that caused the anomaly to make major headlines. News broadcast garnered the attention of the Unusual Incidents Unit when the anomaly's physical description was noted to match closely to one given by anomaly-990 in one of its predictions 15 years prior. Retrieval was accomplished 3 days after the incident, after the Unusual Incidents Unit had properly investigated the anomaly's connection to one of anomaly-990's predictions.

Once mobile task force Eta-10 arrived on scene at Musutafu police department to retrieve anomaly, he had already broken out of the cell that had previously been holding him. He had ripped the metal bars of his cell completely from their foundations, burst through a few walls and then attacked and killed an officer who had seen his face via a video recording. A nylon bag was placed over his head to temporarily counter his cognitohazardous properties, and then he was brought into a 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 meter mobile containment cube for transport.

Anomaly was sent to Tartarus while the Administrator deliberated with members of various foreign governments to decide what facility the anomaly would be sent to. By the time the discourse had finished, the choice of where the anomaly would be sent was made, and the Administrator returned, the anomaly had already broken out again, killing 11 inmates in the process who had attempted a prison escape using him as a hostage.

The anomaly was then recaptured and sent to North Sentinel Island near India to be detained until a choice was made as to his sentence and to begin research and study of the anomaly.

3 months after initial detainment: following 3 months of research and tests, [REDACTED] order was given by the administrator and trials were allowed to begin.

6 months after initial detainment: After an extensive and exhaustive number of attempts at [REDACTED], [REDACTED] order was withdrawn by the Administrator and further research was allowed to continue.

9 months after initial detainment: After much thought and deliberation with the government of Japan, the inner leadership of the Unusual Incidents Unit and foreign governments, the decision was made to send anomaly to attend U.A. High School in an attempt to reignite and promote anomaly's prior dream of becoming _


Nezu sat in a modified chair in front of a computer in an office that had been accommodated temporarily for his personal use. His hand hovered over a custom keyboard made to be easily usable by someone with paws like his. The principle of U.A. and administrator of the U.I.U. paused his writing of Izuku's case file.

Nezu took his paws away from the keyboard and laid them on the armrest of his chair before pushing himself away from the desk, the sound of the chair's wheels rolling on the concrete flooring filled the otherwise quiet room. For a moment, Nezu allowed himself to sigh and lay his head back on his chair's backrest. Closing his eyes, Nezu thought about the decision he and a select group of men and women had made.

"to reignite and promote anomaly's prior dream of becoming a hero. An anomalous hero... good grief."

He was the one who had first proposed the idea, yet even now it felt surreal that it was what they were going ahead with. In the long history of the U.I.U, such a breach of secrecy had never happened, let alone voluntarily and as a result of a vote from those with a say in the workings of the organization, yet that was what was going to happen.

They were going to send one of the most dangerous anomalies they have ever encountered to attend a school filled with children who would lead the future generation of heroes.

Unbelievable, simply inconceivable, bordering on irresponsible.

And yet, as risky of a play as it was... Nezu had concluded that that was the best move they could make.

Anomaly-990's predictions were absolute, they had never ever been wrong. Normally, this had helped the Unit prevent the outcome predicted throughout the years by simply getting rid of the person or thing at the heart of the prediction... but they had quickly learned that that kind of strategy would not work with Izuku.

If you could think of it, it was likely that the U.I.U had tried it on Izuku: Incineration, laceration, drowning, freezing temperatures, putting him in an absolute vacuum, kinetic impact, every firearm that mankind had created, even an immense array of quirks at the disposal of the U.I.U.

Nothing, absolutely nothing had worked. For three months, they made Izuku undergo what equated to intricately planned torture and they had nothing to show for it.

Nezu shuddered as he remembered the day that the reality of their situation truly fell upon him. It had been nearly 2 months since the beginning of the neutralization trials and, with the aid of the United States government, their next attempt would be done with a 58-megaton thermonuclear bomb.

Nezu remembered the cold and sterilized room in which they observed the trial, he remembered the chill that he felt run down his spine as the eery silence set in once the lead of the neutralization trials launched the weapon of mass destruction. Most importantly, the feeling of dread and horror that took over the room once a radar notified it detected an object rapidly moving away from the mushroom cloud was what most deeply scarred his memory.

A few hours later, when they went to retrieve Izuku, they found him huddled up in a ball next to a splattering of animal blood without a scratch on his body, his skin as pale white as it was when they left him.

They were powerless... Anomaly-990's prediction felt more and more inevitable with each passing day. Long ago, the anomaly had told the unit what criteria must be met for them to avoid his prediction, and as it stood, the person or thing at the middle of his predictions must invariably become incapable of carrying out the prediction by any and all means for it to be evaded. The possibility of the prediction being carried out must become 0%. Therefore, any time a living being has been revealed to be the crux of a prediction... the U.I.U has had the responsibility of assuming the role of an efficient executioner.

The only time the unit tried to tip-toe around that responsibility... countless lives were lost as a result. This was before Nezu's time, so he had not been there to witness it personally, but he read the procedures resulting from that mistake.

"To avoid a prediction given by anomaly-990 where a living being is of central importance, the Unusual Incidents Unit is to issue a neutralization order and execute said being at all costs. No alternatives are permitted."

That was the exact wording of the rule that a past Administrator had set.

No imprisonment, no trying to influence the central being into avoiding the prediction, no rendering them paralyzed, no putting them into a coma, etc. The list went on and on and on. The death or destruction of the central being is the only recourse the U.I.U was permitted to undertake because that was the only thing that would ever completely erase the possibility of the prediction coming about.

But yet... if they become completely unable to deliver through a neutralization order... what must they do then?

That question caused the inner leadership of the U.I.U to come together to discuss their plans for Izuku.

For a while, heads of various departments attempted to introduce their idea, each one being shot down by a peer almost as quickly as they would be brought up, no one could come up with something that didn't present a flaw or that wasn't against the already established procedures.

One voice after another fell silent until the entire room became mute. Nezu had been listening and hoping that someone would present something to change his mind about the conclusion he had come to but that never came. He spoke up, and told the room that there was nothing they could do to prevent Anomaly-990's prediction from coming to pass. They would do nothing because there was nothing they could do, to act against the prediction was fruitless.

Some were outraged at the Administrator's words, and some protested, but eventually, everybody had to admit that the genius animal was correct.

As the room fell further into despair, however, Nezu presented his next conclusion. The U.I.U would not be able to prevent the prediction from happening... but for the first time in history, they might have the opportunity to guide the outcome.

The room listened intently to what Nezu said as he made his revelation. Anomaly-990's wording of his prediction had been this: "what is coming will decide the fate of the world. Either it will destroy it or it will save it."

This phrasing had been different than any prior prediction given to the unit. Anomaly-990's prediction had always been exact and precise, a correlation from A to B, from a cause to an effect, but this time, the future-foreseeing dream man had given them a prediction that branched into two possible outcomes.

Nezu opened his eyes as his final words during that meeting came back to him.

"My suggestion is this, we must cease any further attempts at preventing the flow of events that are already careening toward 990's prophecy. Quite the opposite, we must help it along. We must promote this anomaly's development into being able to carry out the destiny that has been foretold. while doing so, we might just be able to steer him into going down a path that will cause him to be our savior, not our executioner. Considering the circumstances and what we know of the anomaly's past, I see only one path that would most likely lead to a positive outcome. Anomaly-096 must become a hero!"

Nezu moved back toward his computer as he recalled the mania and the spilled cups of coffee that had followed his suggestion. Loud protests were heard, and some insults and threats of resignation were even thrown... but when it came down to vote for his proposition, Nezu was able to make good enough of a case that the room ended up being split 45/55 between agreeing and disagreeing with his plan.

Fortunately, Nezu was the Administrator.

As Administrator, Nezu possessed an edge when it came down to voting for large decisions because his vote counted for more than others. With his vote, the final result became 51/49 and his proposition was officially chosen to be what they would do with Izuku.

Typing a few last words on his keyboard, Nezu finally finished Izuku's case file update and sent it out for review.

Nezu rarely doubted himself... his quirk allowed him to think on a level that was different than others and it had always allowed him to eliminate most doubt.

But now...

"...I hope we are doing the right thing."

A loud knock on his door brought Nezu out of his train of thought. Turning to his computer, he opened a camera feed that showed him the concrete hallway outside his office. In it, was Yagi Toshinori. Moving his mouse and pressing on a button on his screen, the Administrator allowed the number 1 hero inside.

As the metal doors slid open and before their eyes met, Nezu straightened himself and changed his expression to exude more confidence. Once their eyes did meet, neither talked as All Might stepped into the office and the door behind him closed shut.

Yagi stood with an awkward posture... he never liked these places, these U.I.U facilities. As a man who had spent most of his life defending and saving people and therefore learning to fight against villains and any threat that would pose harm to innocents... this anomalous paranormal world that he was still new to just made his stomach churn with how much he didn't know to expect. It felt like he was always on edge in these big intricate secretive structures, like he couldn't calm down even for a single second.

Originally, he had been sold the same story as the public had been about what occurred to Izuku after the monster of Musutafu incident. He had been told that the HPSC had taken over Izuku's case, that they had detained him, and that, after a small hiccup at Tartarus which resulted in the deaths of even more people, they had transported him to an oversees correctional facility to be enlisted in a program for troubled youths with destructive quirks. Being familiar with how villains are processed in the legal and correctional system, the process had seemed a tad bit rushed to Yagi. Suspicious, even. He had even taken the trouble of asking his friend Detective Naomasa, who had been in charge of the case up till then, what he thought about it and why he thought they had acted so quickly.

Looking back, his admittedly dismissive response now obviously pointed to him having something to do with it... but back then he was none the wiser. Him being sworn to secrecy now that he was also an agent of the unit, it made sense that he didn't want to talk about it further with him. But, his friend told him that it was out of both their hands at that point, so the hero decided to let it go and trust in the HPSC.

But then, a month after the disaster, he was surprised to be approached by two men with odd auras about them. They had approached him while he was in everyday clothes and shopping for groceries, so he was surprised as he was rarely stopped when not looking like the All Might on TV.

"Sir," one had told him, "we need to talk to you."

Despite their regular clothes, their odd demeanor had put him off and, at first, he had tried to brush them off, stating that he was in a rush to get home.

But then he was horrified when they called to him as he attempted to walk away.

"All Might," they called out, "we're sorry but that wasn't a request."

Luckily, no one had been around to hear them. He turned around to face them, alert and ready for a fight.

"Who are they? What do they want?" he asked himself.

His questions were answered, however, when they pulled out identification cards with the words "Unusual Inicdents Unit" on them.

"We are with the Japanese government. This is a secretive matter so we cannot reveal any further information for now. We need you to come with us. Your agency has already been contacted, they have covered your usual patrol routes for today. You may even check in with them if you want."

To check if they were bluffing or not, the hero reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. With a few taps and blips, he was able to confirm that they hadn't lied. Looking at his messages, he had been informed not too long ago that day that his routes had been covered because of a message from the prime minister.

"What does the prime minister want with me?" he said.

"You won't be conversing with the prime minister, our organization is simply in need of your aid. His name was used to express the urgency of the matter to your managerial staff. Come with us and everything will be explained." They replied.

And so, not without a tinge of doubt, Yagi complied with their request. Following them out of the store, he was brought into a dark-colored car and then they took to the road.

What followed was a lengthy explanation similar to the one Detective Naomasa was given the day Izuku almost escaped the Musutafu police station... accompanied by a surprise video call from the Adminstrator.

To say that the revelation that one of his closest allies had been harboring such a massive secret had surprised Yagi Toshinori would be a severe and profound understatement. The revelation had completely changed how All Might regarded the small rodent bear thing who led U.A. as principal and who now was also the head of an ultra secretive government organization. Yagi felt lied to and now felt he couldn't trust Nezu the same way he had before.

Despite his newfound shaky trust in Nezu, however, he was convinced to comply with the request of becoming an occasional helping hand once he learned that Izuku was involved with what he would help with. He already felt like he had failed the young man, like he had not done enough... so he was eager to grasp the opportunity to help him.

And so, what followed after that was a rough and tumbling introduction to the anomalous. Even now as he stood in front of Nezu, 7 months after he had first asked for his help, He didn't think he had even scratched the surface of the odd world that was the paranormal. But yet... he persevered because that is what a hero must do. Stand strong in the face of adversity and turmoil.

Walking further into the room, Yagi grabbed a hold of a chair that sat in front of Nezu's desk and seated himself in it.

"What do you need this time, Nezu?"

"...A bit cold, don't you think, Toshinori?"

"Considering everything, Administrator, I find it quite appropriate."

Nezu sighed.

"Yes... I know. And you are right. It's no secret, especially to me, that you were against the neutralization order I put on young Midoriya. I know how grim it is to have to do such a thing to one so young, but you must understand that my hands were tied. It no more pleased me than you that I had to do such a thing."

Yagi thought about the Administrator's words. Even if they were true, it didn't help much. In truth, if he hadn't been threatened with getting his hero license stripped when he figured out they were trying to kill Izuku, he would've done everything he could to save him and bring him out of this wretched place long ago. If it meant breaking him out... he might've even done that too.

But saving Izuku at the price of the lives of the countless people he saves every day just wasn't something he could do with his good sense still intact. And so, he had to relent and be satisfied with helping heal the boy's fragile psyche in any way he could. But even with all the help he offered, it still seemed like Izuku's mental state got darker and darker with every visit.

"...What do you want?"

Nezu didn't respond. Instead, he turned to his computer, dragged his mouse along a silky mousepad, and clicked on it several times. After retrieving what he wanted, he turned the screen toward Yagi. He was showing him a log of one of the neutralization attempts. No visual records had been made, of course, but a detailed readout of what the various radars and sensors recorded were present in the document.

When All Might's eyes fell upon the words "58-megaton thermonuclear bomb", his heart sank.

"You- you didn't!" All Might said while practically leaping out of his chair and thrusting his hand onto Nezu's desk.

"Tell me you didn't do what I think you did!" All Might said, a deep frown forming on his lips.

"Yes, we did. .. in collaboration with the United States government."

"... Is this why I haven't-" Yagi began to say before he was cut off by Nezu.

"He survived, Toshinori. Don't worry." Nezu reassured.

All Might's hands went slack when Nezu finished talking. Shakingly, he slowly stepped back and fell into his chair. He felt a tornado of emotions twisting and ravishing the inside of his head. In one part, he was immensely relieved that the young boy was still alive, but another part of him was deeply horrified that he was able to pull such a feat off. Even in his prime, an explosion of that magnitude would've been no joke to him.

"This was one of the last attempts we undertook. The amount of attempts that followed didn't even cross into the triple digits amount." Nezu continued. "It's been nearly 2 months since I rescinded the neutralization order. We gave up, Toshinori."

"You... "gave up"?" Yagi said. "No, I don't believe that..."

"Well, your disbelief isn't unfounded." Nezu said, "We've given up on neutralization, yes, but we've got another plan now."

"And that plan is... ?" All Might said doubtingly.

Nezu breathed and then huffed. Hopping off his chair, he turned around and started rummaging through a small cupboard nearby his desk. Curious, Toshinori extended his neck to his right to see what the administrator was doing. He was interrupted before he could inquire about what the genius animal was doing.

"What would you like to have? Lemon balm, green, peppermint, lavender, chamomile... German chamomile?"

"What?" the hero said, a bit confused.

"Tea, what kind of tea will you be having?"

Toshinori, perplexed, blinked a few times before answering.

"Uh, no thank you. I'm not very thirsty at the moment."

"Studies have shown that regular tea drinkers are at lower risks of dementia and strokes as well as have better cognitive performance. Drinking tea has even been linked to lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol." Nezu said while smiling.

All Might aid nothing in response to the administrator showing his principal side by suddenly lecturing him.

"What I'm trying to convey, my friend, is that you are going to have a far better time receiving the details of what we are going to do with young Midoriya if it is with a hot cup of tea in your hands."

"I... I'll have some green tea."

"A fine choice."

Pulling his head out of the cupboard with a large bottle of water, a packet of green tea leaves and a tea infuser, Nezu stepped to his left and walked up a step stool to reach the top of the cupboard which had a teapot and a small electric stove on it.

"I've been thinking about the plan we are about to undertake for a long time, Toshinori. If I'm not mistaken, I was likely the first person in our organization to start thinking that our... first plan might not work out. The first few failed attempts planted seeds of doubt within me, and they quickly matured once we found out just how tough that boy's skeleton is. I started trying to come up with a backup plan, a second avenue, a plan B." Nezu said while the making of the tea began.

"I've thought about it extensively, and I think what we are going to do is the most efficient option. It might not be very safe; we are going to flaunt nearly every safety protocol ever established by the U.I.U, but I believe it has the likeliest chance of succeeding." Nezu said before falling silent after the teapot began to whistle signaling the water was ready to infuse with tea leaves.

Nezu filled the tea infuser with dried leaves and put it inside the small pot. Not too long after, two cups of green tea were made. Walking over to All Might, Nezu extended a paw to give him his cup of tea. After the hero grabbed it, the small animal returned to his desk where he climbed onto his chair and then sat down to take his first sip.

The two men quietly sipped on their hot drinks for a while. In all honesty, Toshinori had to admit the tea was indeed helping calm his nerves.

Nezu took another sip of his cup of tea and then sighed in delight.

"aah... may you please put your cup down for a moment?"

All Might blinked a few times before complying, laying the cup on Nezu's desk.

"Izuku Midoriya is going to U.A. High School, where he will attend in order to become a hero like he once desired."

All Might felt like he had been dipped in an ice-cold lake during winter as the revelation reached his ears. His lungs felt like they had suddenly stopped working altogether, he felt as though he couldn't take a breath in at all for a few panic-filled seconds. When he regained control of his faculties, All Might leaped up and exclaimed: "WHAT?!"

"Wh-... how could... in what world... i-" the hero stammered.

All Might closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose and took a long breath in before breathing out and speaking again.

"...Sir, I'm sorry but how could you possibly think that that would be a good idea?"

Nezu opened up a drawer and pulled out a file. Having had the file tossed toward him, the hero picked it up and opened it.

"That is a documentation on one of our other anomalies, Anomaly-550. It is how we knew in advance about Midoriya. 15 years ago, it gave us the prediction you can find in the document. It has been known to the Unit for multiple decades... and has never ever been wrong before. His ability is quite similar to your former sidekick Mirai Sasaki's quirk."

Nezu began to finger-tent with his paws.

"All of his previous predictions have always been an absolute path of cause to effect... but this one has differed crucially. In his prediction, he gave us two possible eventualities."

"...So now that you can't prevent the event he's talking about from happening, you want to guide young Midoriya into going to the right path by sending him to U.A.? Because being a hero could increase the chance of him saving the world?"

Nezu smiled.


All Might sighed, closed the document and then set it back onto the desk.

"But... no- I just- there must be a better way of doing this! I believe that young man deserves the best help he can get but... at the cost of the safety of that many young people and aspiring heroes? It's insanity!"

"Yes but I believe it is the only option we have available that'll ensure maximum control and safety of any situation involving Midoriya while maximizing our chances of success."

Yagi squinted his eyes in doubt.


Nezu chuckled.

"You don't believe me? Well, go ahead; propose to me what you think we should do instead.

Nezu was challenging him, All Might knew that. He didn't appreciate the confrontative approach Nezu was going for, but the hero met the Administrator's challenge.

"Quirks. With the ressources you have, there must be a way you could find someone with a quirk that could alter his mind harmlessly to promote him into choosing to... "Save the world" instead of destroying it."

Nezu placed his paw back on his mouse and pulled up an incident report.

"Incident 096-11. During a routine round of testing undertaken to better understand the effect various quirks might have on the anomaly, one affecting his mind was used, resulting in grievous injury to the user. Quirks such as the type you mention have been tested extensively... this incident being only the first of its kind. Again and again, their effects have proven to be unpredictable and possibly volatile. Even ones that were just meant to affect his emotional state flat-out don't work. I believe Midoriya's very mind and emotions to be anomalous and therefore cannot be so easily remediated with the use of a quirk. Even effects that have worked only did so temporarily."

"...Therapy, he's always been devasted-looking whenever I visited him but my seeing him always looked to me as if it was alleviating his anguish if only ever so slightly. If you have a proper team of experts and enough help from those he loves, he might be able to heal mentally and be taught to want to save the world. He'd be in a much more controlled environment in a place like this one without needing to endanger so many people but with the same effect."

"And you think U.A. isn't already enough of a highly controlled environment? Without even considering the protections it already has in place as a standard, the heroes we employ, the defense system, and the security, it is highly implanted with U.I.U agents and resources."

"You can't possibly suggest U.A. is safer than a place like this. It almost seems like the same people who worked on designing Tartarus also designed this place."

"...No, you are right, I wouldn't in a right mind suggest such a proposition. But what I am trying to say is that it is safe enough."

""safe enough" shouldn't be what we are going for here, Nezu."

"On the contrary, it is exactly what we should go for. With this plan, currently, even the most disastrous and unpredictable outcome would pale compared to if we failed to avoid the undesirable secondary avenue of Anomaly-550's prophecy. Even if a chain reaction were to cause all of Japan to be destroyed by that boy... others around the world would still be there to survive such a disaster. There would still be a chance left for all of us. But if we were to fail, he would "destroy the world". Even if the prediction was loosely worded... we must assume the worst. Should we fail, nothing will be left at all. Therefore, it is of utmost priority to maximize our chances to the utmost degree while keeping an acceptable amount of security. Should security hinder efficiency, then we must sacrifice it."

Nezu's beady eyes sharpened for a moment.

"U.A. is the best candidate to fit this description. The annihilation of Japan is preferable in comparison to the destruction of the world as we know it and my school will offer the best environment for him to develop in."

All Might shuddered.

"This plan... it isn't a plan at all, it's a gamble. You are betting with the lives of the Japanese people hoping to win the lives of the entire world."

Nezu's demeanor became cold and calculating.

"...That is exactly what I aim to do."

"Even then, how would U.A. be the best environment for him to develop in? it might be a great place for him to learn the values and attitudes of a hero, but Midoriya is fiercely anti-social, to a degree that is harmful to him and others. Why would putting him in the hot coals of the youths' biggest social undertaking in that stage of their lives help? And how could you not reach the same quality of instruction here via bringing in teachers from U.A., for example."

"Are you aware of what the root cause of the Monster of Musutafu incident was?"

"Generally... I know that sludge villain I had been chasing before it happened was who Midoriya was after."

"Yes but do you know why he was after him?"

"Because he saw his face."

"Yes, that is what led to the chaos, but what do you know of what led to him seeing his face?"

"...Not much, admittedly."

Nezu tapped a few times on his keyboard, clicked on his mouse, and then brought a picture of Katsuki on his monitor.

"This is Katsuki Bakugo. He was the one the sludge villain was holding hostage before Midoriya took to the scene, as I think you know. He is the reason why Midoriya first attacked the villain before he transformed."

Yagi's eyes widened in surprise.

"What? How?"

"This boy is Midoriya's long-time childhood friend. Once he saw what he thought was his friend dying, the stress it caused him activated his anomalous ability, sending him into a rage. The rest, you know. The way he interacts with people like his friend is unlike the way he normally acts with others. Not only that, but his anomalous ability also behaves differently when involving them. Did you know that Bakugo saw Midoriya's face completely unobstructed?"

The hero's mouth went slightly agape.

"But... isn't his ability supposed to force him into killing whoever sees his face?"

"For the most part, yes. But when it comes to people with strong bonds of trust with Midoriya, that rule seems to change. Instead of killing him, Midoriya merely injured his neck and harmed him no further."

Nezu picked up his cup again and took another sip, then set it back down.

"Putting him in a social environment such as U.A. is risky and will unavoidably be distressing to Midoriya but our aim is for him to further create more bonds like this. Eventually, we hope for this effect they have on his anomalous ability to be able to be extended to larger groups. If we can accomplish this and properly establish a protocol to be able to apply this effect to anybody, our chances will drastically increase. Doing so in an environment like one of our facilities has so far been deemed impractical... almost impossible. Trying to create these bonds in a way that isn't natural seems to not work, I believe this is related to his extra-sensory abilities. It needs to be done in a natural environment."

Nezu scooted in his chair, readjusting his posture.

"Also, as to why it isn't preferable to simply transfer teachers and experts to one of our facilities, the reason we cannot do this is that it would not have the same effect as if Midoriya was sent to U.A. Ever since his capture, his mental state has done nothing but steadily degrade, so much so that analysis has even shown a decrease in his mental faculties. Furthermore, any improvement has been for naught,with his mental state always reverting to an even worse state. I believe places like these, highly controlled environments, only make him feel like a monster we're keeping a watch on. Though he'd always had some psychological problems before capture, reports are that he was in a relatively good state of mind with a positive outlook on life. Environments like the ones he was in before seem to aid his mental state and, again, U.A. would be the best place that could offer this. We need to prioritize an area that would promote better development over security."

All Might exhaled, he didn't like the aspect of risking the lives of innocents, not at all, but he had to admit the Administrator had a good case for his decision.

"And my part in all of this would be?"

Nezu smiled, satisfied that he was able to convince the hero.

"Your part is simple, you need to convince Midoriya to go along with our plan. Though he desired nothing more than to go to U.A. for years, his experiences the past year have, of course, changed his outlook a bit. Any suggestion of not being contained has been met with intense objection. He has even been as far as to being documented as having said that he desires to be "locked away and forgotten". Obviously, this won't do. So, you are to nudge him into going along with us. We could force him to go, some of my colleagues have suggested as much, but I believe that it wouldn't help us in the slightest to do so. You simply have to do as you always have, my friend, and inspire hope in this young boy, give him a reason to fight for, something to make him keep going."

All Might gave a deep, thoughtful sigh.

"...Ok, I can do that."

Nezu smiled and clapped his paws together.

"Good! Very good!"

Nezu said before hopping off his chair.

"Well, if you need anything in view of getting this done, feel free to ask. Anything you want to know that might help, you can have it."

Nezu walked toward the door leading out of the office, All Might's eyes following him as he did.

"Like always, we are putting our faith in you, my friend."

Nezu arrived at the door and waited a bit before it suddenly opened seemingly without input.

"An agent will be around shortly to escort you out. Good luck, Yagi."

Nezu walked out of the room, the door closing behind him, leaving All Might all alone. All Might grabbed his cup of tea again and continued drinking it after facing forward again. After taking a long swig of it and finishing it, he set the cup back on the desk before humming in thought.

"...Good grief. I'm really gonna have my hands full with what's to come."

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