Izuku Midoriya was diagnosed as quirkless when he was age 4. He was made fun of by his friend and even his own mother partly gave up on him. As he got home, he proceeded to his computer to watch Allmight's debut, something that really inspired him. As he was searching online for the video, he ran into a manga called One Punch Man. After reading it and seeing the strength of Saitama even though he has no powers, it inspired him to continue with his dream of being a hero, quirkless or not. He decided to do Saitama's training regimen, but he already knew that he could not simply do 100 push-ups, sit-ups, and squats since he was only 4 years old. Instead, he would do five of each everyday. Since he could not do a 10 kilometer run everyday, whenever he would go out to play, he would do five laps around the playground. He would add to the routine the older he got, while picking up a few other exercises as well, such as weightlifting. His mom also became supportive and saved up money to buy him a treadmill. By the time he was 13, he would do 75 sit-ups, push-ups, and squats along with an 8 Kilometer run everyday. On his last year of middle school, he had boosted it to One hundred of each and would do a 10 km run. He noticed that he had become faster and stronger, but he decided to keep it a secret since he figured that some people might not react to it in a good way.
"Alright class, I was going to give you a career assessment test, but I know that all of you want to be pro-heroes!" The teacher said as he threw the pile of papers he was holding in the air. The class cheered at his statement.
"Ha! Teacher! Don't lump me in with these extras teach!! They're not at my level!" Bakugo Katsuki (Izuku's childhood friend turned bully) said while resting his feet on his desk.
The whole class glared at him.
"Ah! Bakugo, you wanted to apply for UA right?" The teacher asked
"Huh? Isn't the acceptance rate low this year?" One of the students asked.
"Oh, Midoriya, didn't you want to apply as well?"
The entire class laughed while Bakugo just glared at the greenette. "There's no fucking way that quirkless Deku is getting into UA!" Bakugo shouted as he began making explosions in his hands.
"Settle down Bakugo or I'll send you to the principal's office." The teacher said making Bakugo quiet down. The teacher then Dissmissed the class early since there was nothing else to do.
Izuku was packing up his stuff and preparing to leave. He was about to put his hero analysis notebook in his bag as Bakugo walked to him.
"Hero Analysis for the Future? Gimme that!" Bakugo said as he tried to take the notebook and burn it, but he couldn't since Izuku strengthened his grip. Then Izuku swatted his hand making Bakugo wince in pain.
Izuku then out the notebook in his bag and closed it before putting it on and walking out.
"OY! GET BACK HERE YOU QUIRKLESS BASTARD! IM NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!" Bakugo shouted. But he was enraged to see Izuku flipping him off without looking back. He then walked home, hoping that Bakugo wasn't following him. As he walked under a tunnel, he smelled something foul. Then he heard a light chuckle.
"Heheheh. Come here kid!" A man made of sludge shouted as he ran at Izuku.
"Consecutive blows." Izuku said as he turned around to face the villain.
"GRAAH!!" The villain shouted as his entire body was sent to the wall. Then he saw Izuku run away and exit the tunnel. He was about to go after him until he heard a voice behind him.
The sludge monster looked behind him. "Oh shit" he groaned
Izuku arrived home and finished his workout. He then changed into his tracksuit since he decided to do his 10 k run outside. As he went out and began his run, he found himself around the Tatooin Shopping center, where he saw a giant crowd form. He stopped and jogged in place as he watched what was going on. The area was on fire and he saw the sludge villain from earlier ramping about. He noticed that there were pro-heroes there that weren't doing anything.
'They can't do anything since they can't touch him.' Izuku thought to himself. Then he heard two explosions come from the villain's direction.
"We can't touch him! Plus he's got a hostage!" One of the heros said aloud.
'Hostage? Oh no!' Izuku thought to himself as he took a look closer to see if it was true. As he stepped forward, he saw that there was a guy trapped inside him. As he took one step closer, he saw who he had captured, Katsuki Bakugo. He kept looking to see that Katsuki was trying to fight out of it using his Explosion quirk, but it was all in vain. Then he saw his eyes, where he saw something he never thought he would see from him before. He saw a look of fear that said 'Anyone! Someone! Help me!' This was too much for him, so Izuku ran forward past the crowd and the heroes.
"Kid! Come back! It's not safe!" A hero shouted as Izuku ran towards the sludge villain.
"You again!" The villain said as he saw Izuku running closer. "Die!" The villain shouted as he launched sludge tentacles at the boy.
He dodged the tentacles and swung his fist with all of his might, sending the villain back and setting Bakugo free.
The ash blonde gasped for air as struggled to stand back up. He looked back to see Izuku standing there in a stance as the sludge villain got back up.
"You little shit! Do you know want you've just done!?" The sludge villain said angrily. "RAAAA!!!" The villain screamed as he attacked Izuku.
"GAH!" The villain yelled as he was sent back yet again. "Damn you!"
"Serious Punch" Izuku said as he threw a punch with all of his might, making the villain splatter everywhere. He then looked at his now smoking fist and continued jogging away, leaving the heroes and civilians stunned at what he just did.
Izuku was jogging home as he heard a voice call his attention.
"Deku you bastard!"
'Oh God, why now?' Izuku said in his mind.
"Since when could you do all of that shit huh!? You've been lying to us about being quirkless haven't you!? You think you can look down on me!!?"
"Katsuki, I really don't have time for this. Look, I really am quirkless."
"With hard work and training, you can do it too. Now if you'll excuse me, my mom must be worried sick about where I've been. My jog should've been over an hour ago." Izuku said as he jogged away, leaving Bakugo there.
'Training!? He expects me to believe that he beat the living shit out of a villain made of sludge with fucking training!?' Bakugo thought to himself.
Izuku was now lying down in his bed. 'I only have slightly over 10 months before the UA entrance exam, meaning I have to train harder.' Izuku thought to himself before he fell asleep. He woke up the next day and did his morning routine. Exercise, eat, shower, and go out for a jog. As he ran, he noticed what used to be Dagobah Municipal Beach, now it's just like a landfill.
'That's it! I'll just clean up the beach as extra training!' Izuku thought to himself as he bang to clean up the beach. By the end of the day, he had cleaned about two mountains worth of trash. Then he finished his jog and went back home. He did the same thing the next day. Soon, after two months, he had fully cleaned the beach.
'Okay, I've finished cleaning the beach, what should I do now?' Izuku thought to himself as he was jogging. He soon found himself in front of Somei Academy. 'Woah, this is the school Ingenium used to go to...' Izuku thought to himself as he continued jogging. He then went home and used his weights and handgrip for the rest of the day. He then did this same routine for the next eight months until the day of the exam came. As he began walking to UA, he used his handgrip and admired the school gates. He saw Katsuki walking inside from the distance. He then walked inside the gates by his 145th rep on the handgrip, but he tripped on his own foot. He was surprised to see himself floating a few inches off the ground .
He then saw a girl standing next to him while adjusting his position. She then put her hands together. "Sorry that I used my quirk without asking. But I figured you wouldn't mind since your were about to fall on your face right?"
"Uh....right, thanks by the way."
"No problem. Man, I'm so nervous. Aren't you?"
"Well not really, I've trained and studied hard, so I think I'll pass."
"Well you seem confident. Let's walk inside" the girl with brown hair and eyes said as they walked inside the school. They went their separate ways as they sat in different seats. They took the written test as Present Mic explained the rules and basics of the physical exam. They soon got divided into different groups and went to different areas. He saw the same girl from earlier and was about to walk to her but was stopped by a tall boy with glasses and and engines in his legs.
"Excuse me, but as you can see, she's trying to prepare. Are you trying to sabotage her?"
Izuku shrugged and pushed his hand away from his shoulder. Then they heard Present Mic yell the word "go", signaling the start of the exam. Izuku ran in to a group of robots, which he all took out with one punch due to his intense training over the years. By the time 5 minutes passed, he already had 50 points. Then he felt the ground shake and he saw a lot of people who were running away. He looked back to see a giant robot thrashing about. 'Must be the zero pointer. Finally, a decent challenge.' Izuku thought to himself.
"Someone help me!" Izuku heard a girl cry out. He looked at the robots feet to see the same girl about to be crushed under a giant metal foot. As she was about to be crushed Izuku had managed to save her and carry her out of harms way in a two second time frame. He then looked back to see the robot getting closer. He then jumped upwards while leaning forward and punched the robot's torso, leaving a giant hole in the middle, then causing the entire thing to explode. As he landed back on the ground next to the girl, he looked at his now smoking fist.
"All it took was one punch..... GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled as he pounded the ground, leaving giant circular crack marks on the floor. Meanwhile the other students were shocked at what he just did.
"Did he just take out a fucking zero pointer with one punch!?" A student yelled.
"Times up!!" Present Mic yelled.
Izuku was still there on his knees on the ground. Once he regained his cool, he stood back up and looked behind him to see everyone shocked. Then he saw a small old lady wearing a hero costume passing through. 'Recovery Girl' Izuku thought to himself. Then Recovery Girl walked up to him and saw his smoking fist.
"Oh my, does that hurt dear?" She says pointing at his fist, with a noticeable amount of smoke and steam coming off from it.
"No, it's really like that whenever I punch." He answered back. Then he began walking towards the exit. As he was about to exit the fake city, he was stopped by the girl she saved.
"Wait!" He heard the girl yell. He looked back to see the girl panting. "Thank you for saving me" she said shyly.
"Your welcome." He said. "My name's Izuku Midoriya, what's yours?" He asked.
"I'm Ochako Uraraka. Nice to meet you! How about we exchange phone numbers so we can keep in touch?"
"Sure" he replied as he pulled out his phone.they exchanged numbers and walked to the school gates, where they went their separate ways. Then he began his jog home.
He continued training for the next two weeks as he waited for the acceptance letter. As he was about to finish his 10 Km run on the treadmill, he heard a knock on his bedroom door. "Come in" he says.
His mom opened the door, holding an envelope in her hands. "It's here" she says. "I'll leave it here on your desk." She says. Then she left the room.
As he finished his session, he plopped himself down on his chair. He carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a coin-shaped object. He neatly placed it on his desk. Suddenly, it projected a hologram. It revealed Allmight in a yellow suit standing there.
"Young Midoriya! I bear great news! First, you have passed the written exam without a single mistake! Second, you have passed the physical exam with over 100 points!"
'I'm pretty sure I only had 50 points'
"Allow me to explain! In the physical exam, there are two types of points used. There are villain points, which you get by taking out the robots. Then there are Hero Points, points that are awarded for acts of courage in true heroic fashion. Since you wan back and saved Young Uraraka, we have awarded you 65 hero points! Now, without further ado, welcome to the Hero Course!" Then the video ended.
"Welp, I passed. I guess I'll keep training." Izuku said without emotion as he picked up one of his weights.
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