Yo yo! Good morning!🤘
This story finally got 1k+ votes !
Don't know about others, but I'm super happy! 😜
💖💖Thanks for the votes! 💖💖
Anyways, Onwards!!!
"Words in double quotes" - Talking
'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts
(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations
Chapter 20 - Reconciling
#Next Day, Mount College#
Aliyah checked her watch in frustration, as she stood before the auditorium. 'He should have been here by now. What's taking him so long?!' She hit the pillar near her in anger.
"Wow there, lady bheem. I'm here. No need to harm that poor pillar. What did it ever do to you?" Shabbir said with a smirk as he came near.
Aliyah turned to him in anger "You! You should have reached here 20 minutes ago! There's only today left for the Fest and you're still acting so irresponsible!"
Shabbir yawned "Are you done with your yapping? I would really like to go practice. We don't need to waste time with your lectures."
Aliyah looked angry enough to hit Shabbir. "You bl-"
"Aliyah! There you are." They both looked towards the voice to find their father approaching, with a girl beside him.
Shabbir had to act rude towards his father in front of his sister. "The worthless father is here! Enjoy your chat. I'll be waiting inside." saying that, he went inside the auditorium.
Mr. Mehra came and stood before Aliyah. "I've been looking all over for you Aliyah. I want you to meet Maya. Maya D'suza." He said pointing to the girl. Aliyah looked at her with disgust. Although the girl was pretty, her dressing style sucked. She was wearing big spectacles and her dress looked tacky. She was wearing an oversized hoodie and baggy jeans. She kept looking down and looked nervous. One could tell that she was a shy girl and an introvert.
"Did you bring her from the 1980's, dad?" 😒
"Aliyah, behave. She's the daughter of a friend of mine. Maya wanted to check the college and I want you to show her around."
"But dad, I need to go practice for the College Fest."
"I-I don't mind wa-watching you practice." Maya spoke in a soft voice. "I-if you don't mind t-that is." she stuttered out. She looked like she was going to faint from nervousness.
Aliyah rolled her eyes. "Chill. I won't eat you up. You can watch."
"Nice. I'll be leaving with you with her then. See you later Maya. Hope you enjoy your time in my college." with a nod towards Maya, Mr. Mehra left.
Maya followed Aliyah towards the auditorium. Once they got near Shabbir, Aliyah sat down opposite to him and motioned for Maya to sit on one of the seats.
Maya obediently sat down. From the corner of her eyes, she saw someone standing at the entrance. Aliyah followed her gaze and saw the person. "That's Tanu. Forget her Maya."
"Who's this?" Shabbir asked in confusion.
"I'm M-Maya. Maya D'suza." she spoke out shyly.
"Hi. I'm Shabbir." Shabbir went near her and put forward his hand. After all, he was Shabbir Mehra. No way would he miss a chance to flirt with a pretty girl.
She blushed but shook his hand. "I-its nice to meet y-you, S-Shabbir."
Shabbir smiled and tried to free his hand. However, she was looking at him, lost and unconsciously gripping his hand.
"Let go Maya. Forget any romantic thoughts you're having about him. He's just a player and a shameless flirt." Aliyah bit out.
"Thank you so much. I took great efforts to build that reputation for myself." Shabbir replied proudly.
Unknown to him, Tanu was watching all this from afar and fuming with jealousy.
"Whatever! Lets practice." Aliyah grabbed the paper and began singing.
#City Hospital#
Pragya woke up with a groan. She opened her eyes to find Abhi looking at her with a smile.
"Good morning Pragya. How do you feel?"
"I...I think I'm alright. What happened?"
"You had a high fever yesterday night. Doctors said it was because of the poison and stress. What were you so stressed about? Was it...was it about my proposal?"
Pragya paused, deep in thought. It was indeed what was stressing her mind. Once Bulbul had told her to accept Abhi, she thought back on all the time she spend with Abhi. Never did she regret even one moment with him. She found that Bulbul was right in saying that she owed Abhi a lot. Moreover, Abhi also had every quality that a girl wishes for in a boyfriend. In fact, she kind of felt that she liked Abhi too.
However, she couldn't deny the fact that she she may like Abhi, but she loves Shabbir.
Yes. She finally accepted the fact that she indeed loved Shabbir. His attitude, his hidden care, his selflessness, his childishness, his good attributes, his imperfections.... everything. She realized her love for him.
'But I know he doesn't feel the same way. He thinks of me as a friend or an associate. Nothing more. Besides, why would he like me? I mean...he is a rock star with many rich and gorgeous fangirls after him. And me? I'm just an ordinary average looking girl.'
"Pragya? I'm asking you something." Abhi was looking intently at her.
'Should I tell him yes? But I don't love him like I love Shabbir. Yes, its true I feel something for him. But my love for Shabbir surpasses my love for him.' She looked down in distress.
'If I tell him no, he would be heartbroken. How could I do that to him?! I...I need to say yes to him. Besides, Shabbir doesn't even like me in that sense. If I tell Shabbir my feelings, he might start to feel uncomfortable around me and start staying away. But if I accept Abhi, then Abhi will be happy and not heartbroken, I won't be making Shabbir uncomfortable and maybe....maybe I will be able to find happiness with Abhi someday.'
"Abhi I...I accept you." Pragya tried to smile at him, but she knew it must have looked like a grimace. After all, did she think she could lie to her own heart?
Abhi looked at her with a smile. Slowly he let out a chuckle "You're really cute Pragya. Although, you would have looked cuter if what you were saying was true."
Pragya felt her heart still on his words. "W-what are you saying Abhi? I don-"
"Pragya please. Don't lie. If you ever thought of me as a good friend, tell me the truth." he spoke with a serious face.
"Abhi I...I-" Abhi watched as she tried to speak, but broke out into tears instead. At once he pulled her into a hug.
"Hey, don't cry. I'm here. I'm right here. Tell me what is wrong."
"I'm sorry Abhi. I'm so, so sorry. I...I wish I could love you the most. But I love another. Its not that I don't like you. I... I do. I could die for you. But I-"
"But you love Shabbir more, don't you?"
Pragya broke the hug and looked at him wide-eyed. "How did you know?"
Abhi sighed. "Me and Bulbul stayed back yesterday. During midnight, when she had left to get coffee for both of us, you woke up. However, your fever was so high that you didn't know what you were speaking."
He looked at her. "In your feverish state, you spoke out his name, several times Pragya. And...and you also spoke of other things..."
"Like what?"
"Like...like how you were confused about your feelings, how you felt guilty for not loving me back, of how bad you felt that you were going to break my heart."
Pragya cried harder "I never meant to do this to you Abhi. I-"
"Its okay Pragya. Don't worry. I don't hate you."
"Why not!? You should hate me. I'm such a bad person! All you've done is been nice to me and I hurt you."
"Well, at that time, I was hurt. I was furious with you. But I realized that it wasn't your fault. You can't stop your heart from falling in love."
"Abhi, both you and Shabbir mean a lot to me. I could die for the both of you. But when it comes to love....I love both of you more than my life, but my love for Shabbir exceeds even that."
Pragya let out a wry smile "You probably think I'm talking nonsense. I'm not sure if I'm making sense to myself!"
Abhi shook his head "No. I understand. Its possible to love two persons at the same time, but it's not possible to be in love with two persons equally. You will always love one more. I guess, my elder twin is the lucky one."
Pragya looked at him in awe "Why are you so understanding? You are so amazing. Why couldn't have I fallen in love with you? It would have been perfect."
"I guess that's fate." He put forward his hand "But promise me. You won't give the spot of best friend to anyone other than me. I won't ever talk to you otherwise." He joked.
He konce, that sometimes, in order to make the one you love happy, you need to let them go. Keeping them with you without their wish isn't love. It's obsession. He loves Pragya and if she is happy with Shabbir, then he will let her go. He's happy by seeing her happy.
Pragya smiled and put her hand in his. "Deal! You'll be my best friend for ever and ever and ever!"
Abhi chuckled.
"So, when do you plan to tell Shabbir about your love for him?"
Pragya looked down. "I don't want to. I know he doesn't love me and I-"
"You're wrong Pragya." Pragya looked up to him in confusion. "Remember when you were lying outside the auditorium? I had seen Shabbir's face then Pragya. Seeing you lying lifeless, it was as if he lost his will to live. And he way he looked at me and told me to hurry to the car... I can never forget that look. The years may have kept us apart, but I know Shabbir like the back of my hand. He likes you Pragya. He really does."
Pragya looked on with wide eyes. She didn't know if she should cry in relief or laugh in happiness.
#Auditorium, Mount College#
Tanu watched Shabbir and Aliyah practice. She had went to Shabbir, but he shouted at her and called her a double crosser, traitor and a killer. Never had she received such treatment from Shabbir. She saw Aliyah's smirking face in the background, while the new girl was trying to calm down Shabbir. 'Who does she think she is!? She has no fashion sense, no dressing sense! She dares take my place beside Shabbir?! And that Aliyah! She dare laugh at me. I'll show her. I'll take care of Aliyah like the way I thought I would remove Pragya the first time.'
She smirked and looked at the lights. She walked towards the ropes holding them above. 'Top news of tomorrow. College girl dead because of accident at the auditorium.' Tanu smiled imagining the scenario.
Shabbir was playing his guitar with his eyes closed, when he heard Maya gasp from beside him. He opened his eyes to look at where she was looking. His eyes widened as he saw the lights about to fall on his sister.
At once, he rushed forward and pushed her out of the way. He was able to keep himself from being crushed under them, but got some minor scratches. Immediately he rushed to Aliyah's side, forgetting that he had to keep up the act of an arrogant jerk.
It took a moment for Aliyah to realize what happened. However, what came more as a shock was the fact that Shabbir had risked his own life to save her.
"Aliyah? Hey, Aliyah! Are you alright? Aliyah answer me!" Shabbir asked in worry. However, she kept looking at him with wide eyes.
Tanu cursed as she saw Aliyah safe. 'Its all that girl's fault! If she hadn't alerted Shabbir, my plan would have been successful. She's also trying to get closer to Shabbir. I need to show this new girl her place!'
"You....you saved me." Aliyah softly spoke out.
Shabbir instanty realized his mistake. He wasn't supposed to show that he cares. He abruptly got away from her. "I...I did that so that I don't have to look for another duet partner. That's it!"
"B-but no one would risk t-their life just for a duet performance." Maya stuttered out.
"I do, alright!"
"No. Don't lie. If its so, then why did I see worry in your eyes when you were asking me if I was alright? In fact, why did you even ask me if I am alright if you don't care?" Aliyah questioned him.
Shabbir tried to think of an excuse. However, Aliyah got her answer in his silence. "So I guess Abhi bhai was right. You're doing this on purpose. This all drama of hating us...its just a lie."
"No! Its the truth! You're just being a foolish child!" Shabbir tried to convince her. Aliyah could see the panic in his eyes, which strengthened her belief.
"Nope. Now that I know there is a reason behind your actions, I won't stop until I find the truth. I think I'll tell Abhi bhai too, so that he could help me."
"Stupid ignorant girl! Why don't you understand?!"
"Understand what, Shab-bear?" She said with a smile. It was a name she used to call him when she was little.
Shabbir felt an unknown happiness on hearing that name from his sister's mouth after so long. However, he needed to convince her that he doesn't care. "Never call me that again."
"Why not bhai?"
"Don't call me bhai either!"
"I'll try bhai. But I don't think it's possible bhai. You understand right, bhai?" she joked. Maya silently giggled.
Shabbir gave up and stormed out of there in anger.
Aliyah chuckled 'You can't hide the truth for long bhai. Me and Abhi will find it out and bring you back home. Its time we became a family again.'
She was about to leave the college to meet Abhi, when she remembered about Maya. "Um ...you only know me and Shabbir here, don't you? I have to leave, but Shabbir is in the college. Go find him, okay? See you!"
Maya watched her go and sighed herself . "What to do now? *sigh* Well, I guess I'll follow Shabbir. He is so handsome and dreamy. I don't mind being at his side!"
"You're coming with me!" saying that, Tanu grabbed her wrist and pulled her along with her, not paying attention to Maya's cries of protest.'I'll show this new girl what I can do.'
To be continued...
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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹
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