It Wasn't Just a Drunken Night- Chapter 1
Hi! So, this is going to be the first official chapter of my new story. I have an idea of what this is about and have a few ideas about things that will happen throughout the story but I'm still not sure what this is going to lead to. Anyways, here is chapter 1 of It Wasn't Just a Drunken Night!
Dan’s POV
I slowly stood from my bed as my eyes slowly cracked open, trying to adjust to their surroundings. It was 10:00am and that was pretty early compared to the time I usually rose. I slowly balanced myself and shrugged off my morning grogginess. I really wasn’t used to getting up this early but today was a special day. Today was the two year anniversary for me and my girlfriend, Jenna.
I opened the door to my bedroom and walked into the lounge of my flat, not bothering to see how I looked in the mirror. My best friend, Phil, was already at the sofa, sipping on a coffee and eating a bowl of cereal. I didn’t bother to say anything and simply walked into the kitchen to fix myself some coffee and cereal as well.
Phil’s POV
I watched as Dan walked into the kitchen, not saying anything to me. We weren’t fighting or anything but after you live with the same person for four years you can talk to each other just by using body language. “Morning to you too!” I yelled towards the kitchen entry way and took a sip of my coffee.
Dan walked back into the living room and flopped himself down next to me. “Hey,” he yawned, as he took the remote and flipped on the TV to the food network. I noticed how exhausted started to wonder why he was up so early anyways.
“Why are you up so early?” I looked over at him, “You’re usually not up for at least another two hours.” He took a spoonful of his cereal before turning to me, looking like I was supposed to know something? “It’s mine and Jenna’s two year anniversary today!” he chirped, suddenly energetic after the thought of Jenna.
“Oh, right,” I sighed, looking back down at the ground, “Forgot.” Dan finished off his cereal and got up, leaving a dent in the sofa. I watched as the dent slowly rose before looking back up at Dan with confusion. “What are you doing now?” I raised my eyebrows, wondering where he was such a hurry to get to. He walked into the kitchen and I heard him place his cup and bowl into the sink before he reappeared in the lounge. “I have to run out and get things ready for my anniversary date tonight,” he explained as I continued to slowly enjoy my breakfast. I just nodded as a reply before he walked off into the bathroom to do his morning routine.
It’s not that I wasn’t happy for Dan for being able to maintain a relationship for two years, I was. But, something really bothered me about Jenna; she always came off as a bitch to me. She was never grateful for anything Dan did for her, and even though may have not seen that, I did. It killed me to see Jenna use Dan like he was some kind of toy while he was completely oblivious to her ways.
Obviously I was annoyed at Jenna but that wasn’t the only reason why I was so upset with Dan’s relationship. You see, when you’ve know someone so amazing for such a long time; it’s kind of hard not to fall for them. I was completely sure that I was fully in love with Dan, the boy that I would never be able to call mine.
When I told Dan that I was bisexual and he didn’t seemed to mind, he acted as if it would never impact our friendship one bit, but it did. I fell in love with him and I would never be able to let him know because it would tear our friendship completely apart. I could’ve fallen in love with any other gay or bisexual guy in the world, but no, I had to fall in love with my straight best friend who just happened to be in a committed relationship with the world’s biggest bitch.
Dan walked back into the room with his hair straightened and a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt on. I snapped out of my train of thoughts and forced a smile towards him. “I’ll be back in about an hour or so,” he slipped on his shoes before getting up and dashing out the door. “Bye!” he yelled through the closed the door and I listened to the footsteps stumble off.
I decided that today was going to be a lazy day since I felt too angry and depressed to do anything anyways. I put my dishes in the sink before coming back to the sofa and getting my laptop and scrolling onto Netflix.
I decided to begin watching a new series, so I went with Teen Wolf since everyone’s been saying it’s so amazing. Dan also watched it so I figured that if I caught up to the episode he was on that we could watch together and spend some more time together.
Ever since Dan started going out with Jenna we haven’t had any best friend time for ourselves. She was always around and when she was around Dan was with her. Dan and I are still as close as we were back then but we just don’t hang out like we used to. I was always busy with my job and Dan was always busy with Jenna and his job.
Several hours passed and Dan wasn’t back like he’d promised, but then again he was never back when he promised. I got through about four episodes before I began to doze off, my eyelids growing heavy at a very rapid pace. Before I knew it, I was in a light slumber, dreaming of nothing.
Dan’s POV
I came back at around 4:00pm, much later than I had promised Phil. I slowly opened the door, only to reveal Phil passed out on the sofa with his laptop closed on his chest. I walked over to him and took the laptop off of him. He looked so adorable when he slept, but to me, everyone looked adorable when they slept. Thinking about Phil in that way never meant anything to me and I’m sure it was normal. I pulled a thin blanket over him and slipped a pillow under his head before dashing into my room to get ready for my date with Jenna.
Jenna and I were happily together for two years and we were in love. I’m surprised she actually stuck with me for two years, but I guess that’s what happens when you love someone so much. I knew she was the one that I would spend the rest of my life with and that she probably felt the same way about me.
I quickly rushed into the bathroom and repeated my morning routine so I looked extra good for Jenna. After I was finished with everything I had to do in the bathroom, I jolted into my bedroom and put on a nice suit to fit the location we were eating at. I was taking her out to a very fancy restaurant that was way over my budget but I didn’t care. I had been saving for this date for the last few months just so I could impress her and show her how much I cared about her.
After about an hour I was ready and I walked out into the lounge. Phil was awake and watching some documentary on lions on the television. “So, do I look okay?” I smirked as he turned to face me, his eyes widening. “You look great,” he smiled at me before turning back to the screen. I smiled to myself and went to put on my brand new dress shoes that I had bought while I was out getting things for the date.
I slipped on my shoes and went to grab the bouquet of Jenna’s favorite flowers. I grabbed my keys and cell, slipping them into my pocket and opening the door. “Don’t have too much fun!” Phil winked at me, making me laugh. I waved him goodbye before I shut the door behind me and walked off to meet Jenna at the restaurant.
Jenna finally arrived after being about half an hour late, looking like she didn’t put much effort into the way she looked. I shrugged it off and decided not to let anything get between this date tonight. “Hey babe,” she sighed, sounding rather annoyed, “Sorry for being late.” I smiled and hugged her, quickly pecking her lips and handing her the bouquet or flowers.
“This is our two year anniversary and all you bothered to get me were flowers?” she rolled her eyes at me. “Sorry honey,” I ignored her rudeness, “But, I’m paying for this date tonight as well, remember?” She just shrugged her shoulders before we headed inside.
The waitress walked us over to the seats they had in the restaurant and gave us our menus. I didn’t order much food since I really wasn’t that hungry but Jenna had ordered the most expensive item on the menu. I breathed a sigh of relief feeling happy that I had saved so much for tonight.
The waitress came back with our meals and I gave her a smile to thank her. “Why are you checking her out?” Jenna scowled at me, cutting her food into pieces, “Especially on our two year anniversary.” I knew Jenna was a little possessive so I just smiled at her reassuringly. “It was just a thank you smile, don’t worry,” I began to eat my meal.
The rest of the meal was eaten in silence, but it wasn’t like we had much to say. I just wanted to enjoy the presence of her being here with me. She was probably just having a bad day and I knew that after the date was over she’d probably feel much better.
We finished off our deserts before the waitress came over with the check. I began to sign the receipt before Jenna placed a hand over mine to stop me. “Hey um,” she looked down at the table and pulled her hand away, “I-I don’t think you and me are going to work out.”
My heart dropped as I heard the words shoot through my ears, letting me process every single syllable. “Jenna, please,” I sutured, “Don’t do this to me; we could work through whatever it is.” She just shook her head before getting up and slipping on her coat. “Dan, I’m cheating on you,” she sighed, “I have been for the last year. I can’t believe you haven’t noticed the signs. Either way, I don’t think I can put up with you anymore. Goodbye Daniel.”
She slowly walked off, acting as if what we had was nothing to her. I watched her leave the restaurant, trying to hold back my tears as much as possible. I felt my heart rip in shreds as I realized everything that happened actually happened. I waited several minutes, trying not to look like a fool in front of everyone, all though they probably all heard mine and Jenna’s conversation. I signed the receipt left the cash and tip then dashed out the restaurant, getting a few sympathetic looks from the others in the restaurant.
I walked along the dark and quiet streets, letting myself release all the tears I’ve been holding back. It was all over, just like that. The girl that I fell in love with and kept a two year relationship with just admitted to cheating on me and broke up with me. I haven’t felt this broken in my entire life. It was like she wanted me to feel the pain. She treated this as if it was a joke and before I knew it, it was over.
Yeahh, that’s the first chapter! Did you like it? I feel like it was a little bit shit but I’ll try to improve it as much as I could as I continue to write! Thank you so much for reading and be sure to leave me your feedback and all! Thank you all <3
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