Chapter 4

Almost 100 people read this?! That's scary... But thank you all! <3! Small Trigger Warning for  the start of the chapter. This is the perfect beat for this chapter so here you go!

Sorry for spelling errors.
Edit: Hopefully there's no more XD

PREPARE FOR FEELS!! *Hands tissue and popcorn* SH!T'S GOING DOWN!!

Chara's text = This


When I woke up, I went down to get breakfast, like normal. Nightmare was there, I know he's waiting for me to say something. I've actully never seen Nightmare eat. Does he even need to?

"Why do you never eat, Senpai?" I asked. I braced myself for the hit.

Nightmare growed. "It's too early for this, Cross. And I don't need to," He answered.

Huh. He didn't hit me. It's 6 o' clock in the morning. Still, normally he wouldn't miss a chance to hit me. He's probably tired. Like I still am. I shrugged and went to get something to eat. I noticed that Chara unpossesed me and was striding towards Nighmtare. They whispered something to him and his eyes widened. "He wouldn't do that," I heard Nightmare hiss to Chara. Chara shook their head, a sad look in their gaze. It was the same look from when I-.... Did they really tell Nightmare? He was getting up and walking to me, looking concerned. I took a step back. Nightmare placed a hand on my shoulder. "Is Chara telling the truth?" He couldn't tell, he wanted to hear it from me. I shook my head. Nightmare frowned. One of his tenticals wraped around my wrist and pulled up the sleeve, revealing the scars and cuts. Nightmare looked shocked. "Why, Cross?" Nightmare did something I didn't know he could do. He hugged me. Tears brimmed my eye sockets and I broke down crying.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..." I kept repeating 'I'm sorry' over and over. I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Why are you sorry?" Nightmare asked me.

"For everything..." I sobbed.

"No I'm sorry for hitting you...I didn't realize how far I'd pushed you..." Nighmare hugged me tighter and I hugged back. "Please...never do that again..."

I didn't say anything, only quiet sobs escaped me. I don't want to cut again. Why did I? I can't think clearly. Thank you... I whispered something to Nightmare. "I love you," It was probably the thing he least expected me to say, he froze and I didn't make eye contact. I burried my face in his jacket, embarrassed. He tilted his head so we were facing eachother. He did another thing I didn't know he could do.

He kissed me.

It took me a second to process what he was doing before I started kissing back. We broke the kiss and I latched myself to him in another hug. He picked me up and carried me to the sofa to sit down. We cuddled for a while and I was getting tired. I laid down and rested my head on his lap. I fell asleep soon after.

~~~~~Time Skip to After Sleep~~~~~

When I woke up I was in my bed in my room. He brought you here when you fell asleep. I can tell. I ship it. What? You two make a great couple~ Be quiet! At least thank me. For telling Nightmare. You will stop, right? Yeah....I'll stop...and thank you. No problem. I got up and made my way downstairs to eat something. Chara appeared and grabbed a chocolete bar and shoved it their mouth.

When I went downstairs I knew something was up. Killer wasn't there and Horror was carrying two plates of eggs. "Where's Killer?" I asked him.

"Well I took him to my room yesterday," He answered. "Killer can't walk now," He took the plates to his room.

Oh my god did he actully do that? You and I both heard him. He did. I can't believe he told us just like that. Let's just get some food...


There was an explosion from the main room. I ran to see what had happened. The wall was blasted into almost nothing. Two skeleton's were standing in the middle of it.

Nightmare and Dream. The brothers.

They were in the middle of a fight. Attacking and dodging. I ran to warn Killer and Horror. I entered their room to see Horror grab Killer, alarm on both of their faces, and teleport away.

I went back to where Nightmare and Dream were. Nightmare had Dream in a chokehold on the ground. Ink had showed up and was behind Nightmare, preparing to strike him with his paintbrush. It took all of my willpower not to scream 'NO!'. Instead I held my knife and aimed it at Ink. He turned to me, must've seen me moving, and smiled brightly. He thinks I'm on his side. He thinks the knife is aimed at Nightmare. Idiot. I looked him in the eyes and hurled the knife at him. He dodged, but barely. The look on his face is priceless. The knife dissapeared and reapeared in my hand. Nightmare had turned around to see Ink and I facing off. Nightmare wraped a tentical around Dream's neck and slowly tightened the grip. Nightmare stood up to see this go down. I aimed my knife at Ink in case he tried to free Dream or hurt Nightmare. Ink teleported and I looked to where Nightmare was, expecting Ink to be there. He wasn't. Nightmare's eyes widened and shouted something. I didn't hear. Something had hit me full force in the back of my skull.

I blacked out.


"Wake up!"

I groaned. My head felt like it was splitting in half.WAKE UP!The yelling didn't help...LOOK AROUND YOU!!

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a bed. The person who told me to wake up was Ink, the other Chara. He noticed I was awake and asked "Why?"

"Why what?!" I snarled at him. The b#st#rd kidnapped me!

"Why did you attack me? And why were you with Nightmare? I'm sorry I left you in your AU! I was too busy and-" I cut him off.

"I attacked you because you were going to attack Nightmare! He took me from my AU and brought me there! You damn brought me here!" I got up and walked to the door. I felt Ink put his hand on my shoulder.

"Cross, I'm sorry but....whatever Nightmare said to you is not true. He manipulates people to get what he wants. He wants power. He thinks of you as a slave...I'm sorry you have to go through this..." Ink was trying to calm me down. He only made things worse.

"NO! Nightmare has never treated me or Killer or Horror like a slave! Anything Dream or anyone else has told you about him is WRONG!!" I snapped at him. Ink was most likely not expecting this response.

"B-but the cuts on your arms!" Ink exclaimed.

"I don't have to explain that," I could feel Chara's rage mixing with mine.

I attacked Ink.

~~~~~End of Chapter 4~~~~~

OOOHHHHHH(YES)!!!! *Shoves popcorn in mouth* I'M FANGIRLING OVER MY OWN STORY!!


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