Part 7

Louis POV

The club is packed when we get there, sweaty bodies everywhere, we walk straight pass the line-up and through security. Zach exchanges something with one of the guards for money and I try not to listen. It's quite a Prestige looking club and I see a few familiar faces from the industry when we enter.

Zach has booked out a booth and he leads me up to the VIP area where there are two girls and three guys sitting at a booth. He introduces me to everyone and goes to get us some drinks. I sit down in the booth, and I see them all eye me and look me up and down, the guys look like they want to eat me. I'm slightly uncomfortable but they all start talking to me and I relax, they are actually really nice. I find out the two girls are named Ruby and Paige, they are swimsuit models, and they are really pretty of course, but a little on the rough side. They are also older than me by four years. The three guys Noah, Nathan and Aiden are all the same age as Zach, 36 and they all seem a bit shady. They are photographers as well. Noah and Aiden work with Swimsuit models while Nathan is more high fashion like Zach.

Zach comes back to the table and hands me a drink. I'm not sure what it is vodka and something but it's really strong. I thank him anyway and we all start talking again.

"So, Louis, I've seen you around a bi,t you're making quite a name for yourself" Noah says to me.

"Um yeah I guess" I say and shrug my shoulders.

"He's a hottie Zach, you're lucky to work with him" Nathan says.

"He sure is, fucking amazing on camera too" Zach says looking at me and placing his arm around my waist.

"I bet he is with an ass like his" Aiden says.

I can't help feeling so insecure at that comment, my ass isn't big by any means, but it is still round. And looks amazing in underwear apparently.

"Fuck yeah!" Zach says turning to me and winking.

We go on to talking and drinking and soon I'm really quite drunk. Zach has become more handsy, running his hands up and down my side and resting his hand on me thigh, getting higher and higher as the night goes on. Soon he asks me to dance, normally I would say no, but I'm not used to drinking so much and I'm not thinking straight so I agree. We start dancing together and soon Zach is behind me bringing me against his chest and we start grinding on the dance floor.

"You are so hot Louis" Zach whispers into my ear.

It sends shivers down my body, I'm not sure if they are good or bad shivers though. He holds me tight against him and I can't help but like the attention. He is older and knows what he wants, he isn't Harry, but I have to get over Harry. I need to remember Harry doesn't and never will want me, so I try to block him and his gorgeous curls and face out and focus on Zach.

"God Louis you are making me so hard" Zach tells me.

I gasp and look back at him, he is smirking at me. His hands start to travel up my body and I start to get uncomfortable; my head is foggy from the alcohol though; he starts nibbling on my neck and It actually feels good. I can feel his semi hard on grinding into my butt and I can't help but push back on it, I'm surprised by my movements. suddenly though, Zach spins me around, so we are facing each other.

"Hey, I've got a present for you Lou, do you want to try it" he asks me sexily.

"Umm I-I-I dunno, what, what is it?" I ask slurring my words as I try to sound coherent.

"Stick out your tongue babe" he tells me.

I do as I'm told, and he places something on my tongue, and it dissolves instantly. We go back to dancing and grinding and after a few minutes I start to feel really floaty and absolutely amazing. I feel confident and like I could dance and drink all night.

Zach grabs my arm, and we go to get more drinks. I can't believe how amazing I feel, I never want this feeling to stop. Zach doesn't leave my side the whole night, he buys me drinks and keeps his arm around me. We dance dirtily but that's as far as things go. I'm having am amazing night. Soon though, I can feel myself coming down from my high and I begin to feel weird and a little sick. We head back to the booth from the dance floor to where, Noah, Aiden and Nathan are sitting.

"You guys need to get a room" Noah laughs out when we sit down.

Zach laughs back at him. I think I need to go home I feel really weird.

"You okay their Louis?" Nathan asks.

I don't respond just look at them.

"How much did you give him Zach?" Aiden asks.

"A whole wafer" Zach says.

"Shit man, he is fucking tiny, dunno if that was a good idea" Noah laughs out.

"Yeah, he looks fucked up Zach" Aiden says.

"Come on babe, time to get you home I think" Zach tells me, realising that I am a bit out of it.

"I'm okay, just feel weird" I say.

"Have you ever done drugs before Louis?" Noah asks me seriously.

"Nah, nope.... but I want to do it again I felt amazing"

Zach and his friends laugh at me.

"Fuck he is cute Zach" Aiden says.

"I know, I know, he is only 21 after all " Zach laughs out.

"Ooh you cradle snatcher Zachy! Way to score man" Nathan says and they high five.

"I think I'm going to take him home though okay" Zach tells the guys.

"Yeah, no worries mate, bring him out again soon though hey and maybe just a half a one next time" Nathan tells Zach.

Zach just nods and leads me towards the exit and into a cab. He gives the driver my address and I'm really starting to feel like shit, so I lean my head against the cab window.

"Are you okay Louis" Zach asks me on our way back to my place.

"Yeah, I um think so, I just feel really sick" I say.

"Shit, maybe I did give you too much" Zach says sounding a little worried.

"No, no I can handle it, I promise" I say back. My head feels cloudy, and the cab seems to be spinning though.

"I don't doubt you can handle it Louis, I just should've given you a half on your first time" Zach tells me.

We pull up at my place and Zach helps me out of the cab. I'm actually having trouble walking straight. Zach helps me walk to the lift and he guides me down my hallway with his arm around my waist when we get to my floor.

When we reach my door I accidentally trip and bang into the door loudly.

"Shit Louis" Zach says laughing a little.

"Where is your key babe?" He asks me.

"Um, pocket I think" I say as I wobble on my feet

"You still okay their Louis? still with me?" Zach asks.

"Yea" is all I can say as I rest my head on the door.

I hear Zach laugh again at me; oh, this is embarrassing. I know I'm about to be sick and I'm just about to reach in and find my key in my pocket, when the door to number 30 opens.

"Louis, what the fuck?" Harry says into the hallway, he is by my side Immediately. Dressed in his blue pyjama pants and of course no shirt, that's so Harry. His muscles and tattoos on full display and if I wasn't so fucked up, I would be completely perving on him.

Harry glares at Zach and then turns to me, cupping my face with his large hands. They feel so nice and cool against my hot skin.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks me.

I can see two of Harry and the room is spinning and I'm definitely not okay, but I can't answer.

"He is fine mate, just needs to sleep it off" Zach tells Harry.

Harry is looking into my eyes intently as if sensing something else other than being drunk is wrong, he is assessing my reactions or something. He then turns to Zach quickly.

"What the fuck did you give him?" Harry asks angrily.

"Nothing mate, he is fine, chill the fuck out" Zach tells Harry, getting defensive.

"I will not chill the fuck out, now tell me what the fuck you gave him before I have you arrested for spiking his drink or something" Harry yells.

"Jesus, back off mate. Louis is a grown adult, and he can do and take whatever the fuck he likes" Zach yells back.

"Get the fuck away from him before I call the police" Harry barks back through gritted teeth.

"Calm the piss down, I'm going okay" Zach says. He turns to me with a smirk.

"See you soon babe" he says, and he kisses me on the cheek and walks down the hall.

Harry glares and watches him leave like he wants to knock him for six, when the lift doors shut with Zach inside, he turns to look at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks me again.

I can't talk all I can do is lean on my door. I shake my head no.

"Okay tell me what you have had tonight? What that fuckhead gave you" Harry says and I can sense he is really pissed off.

I look up into his eyes upset, I don't want him to be angry at me, I have no idea why I actually care what Harry thinks of me, but I'm not thinking straight and can't work out my emotions right now.

"I'm not mad Lou, I just need to know so I can help you okay" he says gently as he cups my cheek again.

"I had drinks.... lots of them" I say quietly.

"Did Zach give you anything else Lou, a drug or something?" he asks concerned.

"Yeah....on my tongue" I slur out.

"Shit" I hear Harry say.

"Okay come on you are coming to my place; I need to watch you and make sure you are okay" Harry says.

Before I can protest, I'm being hauled into his arms and into his apartment. It's the same layout as mine but it's homier and smells just like Harry. Harry takes me into his room and somehow manages to strip me and change me into his sweats and T-shirt, they are miles too big but I'm so comfy. I feel like shit, and I really feel like I'm going to spew. Harry goes to the kitchen to grab me some water, when he leaves, I try to sit up but the room is spinning far too much.

"Harry" I say.

"Yeah Lou, I'm right here, are you ok?" He asks concerned as he walks back into the room.

"I'm gunna spew" I say.

"Okay, it's okay, I'm going to take you to the bathroom okay" he says.

I nod my head as best I can.

Harry brings me into the bathroom and to the toilet just in time and I'm spewing my guts up completely and I don't stop.

"It's okay, you're okay" Harry keeps repeating.

He gets up to leave the bathroom and I panic.

"Don't leave me, please Harry don't leave me" I whimper.

"Never Lou, never baby, I'm just going to get a cold washer okay" he tells me, and I nod relieved.

It turns out I'm in Harry's toilet with Harry rubbing my back for five hours straight. Harry keeps a wet washer on my head and back and makes me sip some Gatorade in between spews. I feel differently than I do when I make myself spew, this is uncontrolled and its violent, it just keeps coming and it's scary.

"Fuck Louis, this is not good, I think you have had a reaction to the drug they slipped you" Harry says.

I groan in response, I felt so good when I was on it though. It's just the comedown from it that sucks.

"I'm okay" I say before I'm spewing again.

"Listen, if you haven't stopped spewing by 9am I'm taking you into the hospital okay" he tells me as he wets the washer and places it on my head again.

"No, I'm fine I promise I just...." I start before I'm dry retching again, fuck I feel really bad.

"Louis, I'm the Doctor here and I really want to take you in" Harry tells me.

"No, please, if you do and the paps see me.... I can't please, you're a doctor so you can look after me here" I slur out leaning back into Harry's chest as he continues to wipe the cool washer over my hot body.

Thankfully I stop spewing at 8:30am and Harry carries me back to his bed. I pass out before my head even hits the pillow.

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