Part 25


The pain in my side is so bad, I know that the knife hasn't hit anything major, but the pain is excruciating. As Louis is dragged away, I can't do anything, even though the knife hasn't hit anything major, I am still at risk of bleeding out if I can't stop the bleeding. I watch as Louis is kicking and screaming but then goes lax in one of the he guys arms. I need to help Louis; I need to get to him. The door is shut, and I'm left alone in the room. I panic, they have Louis and I have no idea where they are taking him or what they are doing to him. I let a few tears escape before I reach for my phone in my back pocket. The first call I make is to the police. I explain everything and they are on their way to the apartment. When I hang up, I dial the next person I need.... Dan. I'm not sure if he is at work but I pray that he isn't.

"Haz?" He asks as he answers my call.

"Dan, I need your help" I ask, panting as the pain in my side worsens.

"Sure, mate what's up?" He asks.

"Dan, they took Louis and I've been stabbed, and I need you to bring your kit and come help me. We need to find Louis" I manage to spill out.

"What, Haz? Who took Louis, is he okay? How bad are you hurt Haz?" Dan rushes out.

I can hear him getting keys and shuffling around so I know he is on his way.

"His old teacher that was in jail, him and two guys came and took Louis. I tried to stop them, but I was stabbed. I'm okay I'm pretty sure the knife missed anything major, but fuck it hurts" I say.

"Okay, stay calm I'm on my way just breathe. We will find Louis Haz don't worry. You need to put pressure on the wound, and I'll be there as soon as I can" Dan reassures me.

I give him my thanks and we hang up. I crawl across the floor to the couch and pull myself up on it. I take my sweater off and place it against my wound, it's deep but Dan can stitch it up, I'm sure I don't need surgery or anything. My mind slips to Louis then, he was beat up pretty bad, and he must be in a lot of pain too. I'm worried about his kidney, he said it was hurting and that could be bad. We need to find him, where the fuck would that creep have taken him. If he so much as lays another finger on Louis I won't hesitate to kill him. Fuck I wish I had kept beating him, then Louis would be safely in my arms. The tears come then. I should have done more to keep him safe. Scott and the boys are going to hate me. Oh no Scott. I have to call and tell Scott, shit. I take out my phone and dial his number. He picks up on the second ring.

"Haz, I just had a call from the police, what's going on? Where is Louis? Please tell me he is okay" Scott panics.

"I'm sorry Scott, they...they took him, and I tried to stop them, but I couldn't. I'm so sorry Scott" I sob out over the phone.

"Haz it's not your fault, please don't think it's your fault. We just need to find him. Are you okay, did they hurt you?" He asks worriedly

"I um... I've been stabbed in the side but I'm okay, just waiting for the police and Dan to come" I say quietly as I continue to cry.

"We are on our way too Haz, we will be there soon. Just hang in there we are coming" Scott says.

His words calm me, and I know they will know what to do, the boys always know what to do when it comes to Louis. We hang up and Dan comes bursting in the door. Before the fucking police even get here.

"Haz, shit" he says when he sees me.

He rushes over and crouches down beside me.

"Dan, they took him, and I need to find him, they hurt him and" I start.

"Shhhh Haz, calm down it's okay. Let me fix you up first and then we can focus on Louis okay" Dan tells me.

I nod my head as he gets to work, he lifts up my shirt and I hiss at the pain.

"Sorry mate" he says.

"It's pretty deep Haz, but like you said it hasn't hit anything major, do you want to go in or want me to stitch it up here?" He asks me.

"Just, just do it here...please" I say.

"Alright just hold still okay" he tells me.

He pulls out the antiseptic wipes and cleans the wound and I nearly pass out it hurts so bad. He gets to stitching it up and when he is done places a big bandage over it. I feel a lot better, and the pain starts to numb. Dan gives me some pain relief and I'm so thankful.

The police eventually turn up and a kidnapping report issued, and a search team is put into action. Mr Charles's last place of residence, work, everything before he went to jail, is being searched. Security cameras from the apartment block are being checked and everyone is confident that we will find Louis. Tweets have been sent out, as well as Facebook posts, anyone who has seen Louis is asked to notify the police. It's been three hours since he was taken though, and nothing has come up. Anything could have happened in three hours. Scott and the boys turn up as well as Alberto and the other two guards that were with us today.

"Haz, are you okay?" Drew yells and runs over to me.

"I'm fine D, I promise, Dan fixed me up. I just want to find Louis" I tell him.

"We will find him Haz, we have to find him" he tells me.

"Hey Haz" Andy says as he comes over to sit next to Dan and I.

We all greet each other and the police leave the apartment. They assure us that they are doing everything possible to find Louis and they will notify us Immediately, as soon as they hear something. My phone is tapped and so are the boys and my mobile and all we can do is sit back and wait. Alberto and the other guards are stationed at my front door just in case.

"Haz, tell us what happened. What was Mr Charles doing in the apartment?" Scott asks.

I take a deep breath.

"Well, we finished at Louis shoot and said goodbye to Alberto and the other guards in the lobby. It didn't even occur to me that someone could be in the apartment. When we walked In, everything was completely trashed. I told Louis to stay by the door and I went to get the phone in the kitchen. That's when I was grabbed from behind. Louis was calling out for me, and I wanted to tell him to run but I couldn't. Mr Charles told me to keep quiet or he would kill Louis. Louis found us in the kitchen and told Mr Charles to let me go and that he would go quietly if he didn't hurt me. He had two guys with him, two big beefy guys that neither of us stood a chance against. That's when I was tied to the pipe in the kitchen, he gagged me and all I could do was watch as they grabbed Louis and beat him. The two guys went to keep watch by the door and Mr Charles started........he started trying to rape Louis, he was touching him, and I couldn't do anything but yell. Louis managed to kick him in the face and then ran to get a knife, he managed to break through some of my ties before he was grabbed again. That's when he started sexually assaulting Louis. I couldn't stand to watch it, I managed to break free, and I pushed Mr Charles of Louis, I beat him and I just kept going until he was unconscious. I then went to help Louis but Mr Charles was obviously faking being knocked out and that's when I was stabbed and Louis was grabbed and taken....I couldn't do anything......I let them take him, I let them hurt him...I" I sob, I can't hold it in anymore.

I feel arms around me hugging me close.

"Haz, none of this is your fault, you did everything you could for Louis" Dan says.

"We will find him Haz, please don't blame yourself" Andy tells me.

"What are we going to do? His kidney, I'm worried.... he was kicked in his kidney and I'm worried" I tell them.

"Shit" Daniel says as he puts his face in his hands and rubs them over his face.

"Why? What does that mean?" Edward asks nervously.

"It's just more damage to his kidney and if it wasn't properly healed, I was severely infected and any trauma to his kidney could result in kidney failure or another infection" Daniel says.

"Well, we, we need to find him!!" Drew yells standing up.

He seems to be panicking now.

"Calm down D, the police are doing everything they can okay" Scott says.

"Well, it's not good enough, Louis is out there, being physically abused and we are just sitting here" Drew says.

Suddenly the phone rings. We all look at each other.... before sprinting in the direction of the phone....


I wake up and my body is in so much pain, I struggle to move. I open my eyes slowly and realise I'm on a concrete floor. My hands are tied in front of me, and my mouth gagged. The gag is tied so tightly around my mouth that I can't move it even a little to get it out and I can't reach behind my head to try to untie it. I try not to panic at the lack of oxygen, I try and take calming breaths through my nose. Flashes come back to me Harry Being stabbed, I don't know if he is alive or not. I need to get back to Harry. I can't live without him; I need to know he is okay. I need to escape.

I look around the room and see it's a basement and completely empty apart from the water heater in the corner. There is a window to the left and I decide that that's my way out. I need to get out that way, I need to escape. I try to stand up and get a shooting pain up my back from my kidney. It's so painful I nearly collapse. I hold back my tears, I don't get very far though before the door is being swung open and Mr Charles walks into the room, smirking at me.

"Louis, look so good tied up and gagged for me, so, so pretty" he says.

My breath hitches at his words and I feel sick to my stomach. Tears start their way down my cheeks as I try to hold my composure.

"Now, this is what's going to happen Louis. I'm finally going to get you while your awake, I'm going to fuck you Louis, fuck you good and when I'm finished with you, I'm going to leave you to die, you are going to pay for what you did to me Louis, I'm not going to let you get away with putting me away for four years. Even if I go back to jail, at least I'll know I got my own back, that I ruined your life in return" Mr Charles spits at me.

I try to make a run for the door, but he grabs me and brings me back to him, whispering in my ear.

"Not so fast sweetheart, I'm going to ruin you...again" he tells me.

Again? I don't have time to think about his words though and I can't help the sob that escapes me as he pushes me to the ground and gets on top of me. He doesn't get very far before we are interrupted.

"Boss" someone yells.

Mr Charles stills above me, and I can see the anger on his face for being interrupted.

"What?" He screams.

He turns back around and continues his assault in my body.

"They know where we are, you might want to come see this" the guy says.

Mr Charles is up off me so quickly and I feel like I can breathe again. He is out the door in a flash and locks it behind him. Is it true they know where I'm being held? I need to get out though before Mr Charles just kills me anyway, so I'm found dead rather than alive. I manage to pull myself off the ground and over to the window. It's a struggle with my hands tied to lift the window but I manage to do it. I haul myself up, but it takes me three goes because of the pain, but I manage to make it out the window. I stand up and nearly pass out, thank God I don't. I take a look at my surroundings; I am literally in the middle of nowhere. The house looks like a cabin and around the cabin is cleared of all trees, but about 500 meters away I see trees and bush that starts. If I can make it into the bush out of sight I can try and find the road and get help. I take a few deep breaths as I try to prepare my body for what's sure to be an epic sprint. I hear voices inside the basement and turn around to see a very angry Mr Charles and the two beefy guys. They spot me and they turn around to run through the house to chase after me. It's now or never, I have to run. I bolt as fast as I can, my adrenalin is pumping and I'm running so fast, my legs are aching and so is my chest.

"STOP LOUIS" I hear Mr Charles screams at me from behind.


I can't stop though, I'm nearly at the trees.

Suddenly I hear a siren and a gun go off, I turn around and stumble. I see Mr Charles holding a gun in the air aiming towards the sky. I turn back around and I'm at the trees. I run and keep running, further into the forest until I can't see the tree line anymore. I stop running and I fall to the ground. I roll over on my back and try to regain my breath. I struggle as the only oxygen I'm getting is through my nose. I try to breath and calm down, but I can't. I can't pass out though, I need to find my way out of here. I can't move my body I'm too tired as I begin to relax, I can hear shouting, I can't open my eyes. I'm so scared Mr Charles has found me or one of his men, I let out a small whimper.

"He's over here" I hear someone yell. It sounds like Edward, but it can't be.

Suddenly there are warm hands on me, and I flinch.

"Louis, buddy it's me, it's Edward you're okay Shhhhh" he says.

I open my eyes slightly, relief washing through me. I can't talk because of the gag and the ties are really hurting my wrists.

"Just stay calm, Harry and Dan are coming bud, they will help you it's okay" Edward says.

He takes his jacket off and places it over me, trying to keep me warm.

"Louis" I hear Harry's voice yelling. I turn my head slightly as I see him running towards me. In his scrubs and medical kit in his hands

Oh my god Harry, Harry is alive, and he is okay, he is running towards me, and he is okay. A few tears leak out of my eyes when I see him. Thank God he is okay. He is running with a limp, and he must be sore, but he is okay. He reaches me at the same time as Daniel and I can see four police officers behind them radioing people. Daniel and Harry kneel down beside me in the dirt.

"Baby, thank god Louis" is the first thing Harry says to me.

He reaches down and places a kiss on my forehead, tears in his eyes.

"Louis, I'm going to cut the ties around your wrists okay bud" Daniel says to me.

He reaches in his medical kit and pulls out some scissors and cuts my wrists free. My wrists are rubbed raw, but it feels so good to be out of the restraints. I reach up towards the gag in my mouth to try and pull it out, but it still won't budge.

Daniel then reaches up to the gag on my face.

"Let me get this off hey, just stay still" he reassures me as he cuts it off.

The relief I feel, is immediate and I cough and take in deep breaths getting the oxygen back into my lungs.

"Breathe Louis, deep breaths" Harry says.

"Louis, I know you are hurt and I'm sorry, but Harry and I need to check you over and check that your kidney is okay" Daniel says.

I just nod in response. Daniel lifts Edwards's jacket off me and lifts my shirt up. It's cold and it hurts but I don't care, I'm so glad Harry is okay that's all I can think about.

"Lou, baby. I know you don't like this, but I need to put it on to help you breathe" Harry says holding up the oxygen mask in front of my face.

I nod my head at Harry. He smiles at me as he puts the mask on my face.

"Haz, it's bad we need to get him into hospital straight away" Dan says.

I suddenly start coughing and I need to lean to my side, I reach for the mask over my face and pull it down as I start coughing up blood.

"It's okay Louis" Dan tells me as I finish coughing.

He places the mask back on my face.

"We can't get the bed down here. We need to carry him back to the ambulance" Dan says.

Harry doesn't hesitate, he picks me up bridal style and starts walking back to the ambulance and the police. It takes a little while; I didn't realise how far I had actually run.

We see the tree line and I can see the police and ambulance and the flashing lights. When we clear the trees, I can see Mr Charles and his two men on the ground handcuffed. I cling to Harry with all my might. Mr Charles just smirks at me, and I lean in closer to Harry.

I can hear Mr Charles yelling things at me, cruel and rude things about how it felt to wreck me and have his cock inside me. I try to remember back; I remember at the apartments and his fingers, but I can't remember if he actually raped me. What if he did it while I was unconscious and passed out. Shit, I have no idea if he has raped me. I feel violated though and the cruel things he is yelling make me feel so disgusting and I cling to Harry. My breathing picking up, I can't breathe all I can think of is Mr Charles on top of me, his breath, his smell. I can't take it anymore. I can't breathe I need to breathe. I pull the mask off my face and try to, wriggle out of Harry arms, my body betraying me though. Harry's grip on me is tight.

"Calm down Louis, just keep your eyes on me buddy, don't look at him and don't listen to him just focus on me" Dan tries to tell me as he walks next to Harry and I.

I'm so scared that I was actually raped, and I don't even know about it. Daniel cups my face trying to get me to focus but I can't. He tries to put the mask back on my face, I still can't breathe. We make it to the ambulance and Daniel gets in first followed by Harry carrying me.

"We will meet you guys at the hospital" Harry turns to tell the boys.

They all nod and rush to their car to meet us there.

"Okay Louis, I'm going to put you on the bed baby" Harry tells me.

I shake my head no though and I cling to his scrub shirt tightly.

"It's okay Haz just get on the bed with him if it's going to calm him down" Dan says.

Harry nods and gets on the bed; he moves me so I'm between his legs and lying back on his chest.

"Just relax Louis it's okay" he tells me.

"Harry, I'm scared... I don't know if what he said is true. I don't know if he touched me or r-r-r-aped me" I say as I start to freak out again.

"Shhhhhhhh Lou, calm down, we will check you over when we get to the hospital you will be okay" Harry reassures me.

Daniel gets the blankets ready and puts them over us on the bed. I'm shivering and shaking even in Harry's arms and the blankets are welcomed warmth.

"Shhhhhh, I've got you Lou" Harry keeps telling me.

"We will look after you Louis. We promise" Dan tells me.

I lean onto Harry and calm myself down. Dan keeps checking my obs the whole way there and looks a little worried but each time I catch his eye he smiles; it doesn't reach his eyes though.

"I don't want anyone else when we get there, please can you......I don't want anyone else to please" I rasp out against Harry's chest.

"It's okay Lou, we promise we won't let anyone else touch you, just Daniel and I okay" Harry says,

I nod

"Louis, when we get there, I need you to let go of Harry, so he can help me take care of you. Can you do that for us Louis, I promise you we won't leave your side for a second" Dan says.

"O-okay" I say shakily.

"Good boy Louis" Dan says.

When we pull up to the hospital we are wheeled in, and I'm transferred into a bigger bed in the emergency department. Harry gets off the bed and I whimper but he is next to me in a second holding my hand.

"I'm here Lou" he smiles.

The two nurses I recognise as Molly and Kate are called over by Daniel and they are by my side in a second.

"Hi there Louis, just relax we will take care of you" Molly tells me.

Things are being yelled around me just like last time and Harry and Daniel set up different drips and tests. Blood is drawn and my heart rate monitored and blood pressure as well.

"Okay Louis, we are going to get you into a gown okay" Daniel tells me.

As my jeans are pulled down Dan seems to stop.

"Haz" he says worriedly.

Harry leaves my side and is next to Dan in a second.

"Fuck, that fucking son of a bitch" Harry yells.

The room goes quiet.

"Just step out for a second Haz you're scaring Louis" Dan says.

I lift my head to see what's going on. I can see blood all over my jeans.

Harry leaves the room, and I can't help but panic.

"Haz" I rasp out.

"It's okay bud, just relax he will be back in a minute" Dan tells me.

I try to get off the bed.

"Louis, I need you to lie down buddy" Dan says.

He is at my side in a second holding onto my arms. I look him straight in the eyes,

"He raped me didn't he" I choke out.

Tears make their way down my face. Dan's eyes become watery, and he doesn't need to say the words for me to know. I break down then.

"Harry hates me, he thinks I'm disgusting" I say as Dan wraps his arms around me and I sob into his chest.

"No Lou, never buddy, never, he loves you" Daniel tells me.

Suddenly I'm having another coughing fit and I can't breathe. I start coughing up blood again and Dan rolls me onto my side.

Again, medical stuff is thrown around me and all I can think about is Harry and how he will never ever want me again. I've been raped, my kidney is killing me and Harry has left..... I can't breathe.....

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