Part 23


I wake up the day of the campaign a little nervous and shaky. I'm really excited to start the shoot today, but I'm still a little on edge about what happened driving home the other day. After we got back to Harry's safely and I went to bed, my dreams were filled with nightmares. I haven't been sleeping properly and it's starting to show, just what I need when I've got the biggest campaign of my life to pull off.

Scott was onto the police straight away, but the police said the licence plate of the car that hit us showed up as stolen, so there are no leads on who the driver was. I'm still going with Mr Charles though. Harry has been on the phone a lot with the boys and has even taken some time off work just to be with me. I'm grateful as I really don't feel comfortable being alone right now. With Harry's support I haven't slipped with my eating, I'm still eating what I need to, to keep healthy and to keep the boys happy. I've finally reached 1kg above the recommended healthy weight for my height and Kimberly Is now helping me to deal with staying there. There are days when I feel like I just need to get below that healthy weight mark, but Harry is always there reassuring me and telling me I'm gorgeous and amazing and that really gets me through.

I dress casually after my shower knowing perfectly well that I'll be styled and primped when I get to the shoot. I choose my skinny jeans and a red sweater and my red vans. I walk tiredly into the kitchen and find Harry making breakfast at the stove in nothing but his boxers. I stop and take his gorgeous body in, his slim hips and broad shoulders, his tattoos, and the way the muscles in his back constrict as he works around the kitchen. He catches sight of me staring and smirks.

"Good morning baby" he says, knowing perfectly well the effect he has on me.

I shake my head, bringing me back to my senses.

"Morning" I smile.

"Are you okay this morning? You were tossing and turning all night again" Harry says sympathetically.

He walks over and takes me in his arms bringing me closer to his chest and planting a soft kiss on my mouth. He pulls back looking at me with concern.

"Sorry Haz, I didn't mean to keep you up, just nervous about today and stuff" I say shyly.

"Don't say sorry Louis, I was just worried about you. Don't worry about today either, you will smash it Lou, I promise. Since I have the day off too, I was hoping you would be okay with me coming too, I would love to see you in action...I understand if you're not comfortable..." Harry starts.

I relax at his words, Harry coming along would be perfect. I've been worrying so much about him and something happening to him. It scares me so much. At least he will be with me now. I'm a little nervous about him seeing me on set but I know Harry would be nothing but supportive.

"I'd love you to" I smile at him, interrupting his rambling.

His face nearly splits in two with the huge grin he gives me in return.

We sit down to breakfast, just eggs and a piece of toast but this morning I really don't feel like eating much. My stomach is in knots and not just from nerves about today. My nightmares have been pretty vivid and I'm worried about the letters. Someone is out to scare me and possible hurt me and hurting Harry would be a really good way to do that to me. I sigh as I play with the eggs on my plate. I can see Harry looking at me and he reaches out to place his hand over mine. The warmth that spreads through me Immediately calms my nerves.

"I'm really sorry Lou. I know you're nervous, but I really need you to eat" Harry tells me sympathetically as he rubs circles over my knuckles with his thumb.

"I know, I'm trying Haz" I say quietly, smiling slightly.

"That's all I ask baby" he tells me, and he leans in and kisses me on the nose.

"How about we eat together hey? Put some eggs on your fork and we will eat at the same pace" Harry says.

Harry is so amazing, and his patients means the world to me, true to his words he doesn't force me, and puts up with eating cold eggs because I took a little too long to eat them. His smile never faulted though, and I end up finishing most of my eggs.

"Well done, Lou, I know that was a bit of a challenge this morning, but you did it, I'm so proud" Harry States beaming.

"Thanks Harry, I love you so much" I say getting a little overwhelmed as I fall into his arms against his chest. I can't help the sniffle that escapes.

"Hey, hey, hey beautiful. Why are you crying" Harry asks as he strokes my hair and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm sorry Harry, I just don't know what I would ever do without you, and I'm so scared something will happen to you, I don't want anything to happen to you" I say. My lack of sleep getting to me as my vivid dreams start replaying in my head.

"Louis, I promise everything will be okay, I will be fine I promise you" Harry tells me with such conviction.

He pulls me back to look into my eyes and smiles.

"I promise" he repeats.

I smile and nod my head at him as I wipe my few tears I let escape on my sleeves. Harry kisses me and smiles.

"Now, as much as I want to wrap you in my arms all day I can't, I have to go get ready so I can watch my boyfriend be amazing!!" Harry grins, I laugh at him.

Harry goes to get dressed, while I brush my teeth. When he walks out in his tight, tight black jeans and a long sleeve white sweater with his tan boots, my mouth nearly drops to the floor. Who is the model here? I think to myself. Harry is just gorgeous.

We leave the apartment and head downstairs to the lobby to meet Alberto. When we get to the lobby, He is there but also two other burly looking guys. When I see Alberto, I smile and give him a big hug.

"Al, I've missed you" I tell him smiling.

"Louis, kid, I've missed you too, good to see you" he says returning my hug just as enthusiastically.

I feel so small in his huge arms we must look quite funny. I turn around towards Harry eager to introduce them.

"Al, this is Harry, my boyfriend" I say as Harry and Alberto shake hands.

"The infamous Harry huh, it's a pleasure to meet you" Alberto says smiling kindly towards Harry.

"Likewise," Harry returns the smile.

Alberto then turns to the other two guys he is with.

"Louis and Harry this is Preston and Patty; they will be helping me today seeing as the shoot is taking place outside and I need a few extra eyes" Alberto says.

We shake hands and they seem like really nice guys. It does make me more nervous though that I actually need more than one security guard. Harry seems pleased though and is quizzing them on credentials and procedures. I roll my eyes at him, and we walk off towards the car.

"Lou, I'm just going to grab my mail first" Harry says.

I nod my head and Patty stays behind with Harry while he walks to the mailboxes, while Alberto and Preston lead me to the black van parked out the front. When Harry gets in the car his face is a little pale.

"What's wrong Haz?" I ask concerned.

"Nothing Lou, it's fine" Harry responds trying to shrug it off.

"There was another letter wasn't there" I ask, my face paying and my breathing picking up.

All three security guards turn to look at Harry expectantly.

"Yeah" he says defeated, looking down.

"What did it say?" I ask.

Harry sighs. And takes out the note form his jacket and hands it to Alberto who has his hand out ready to take it.

Alberto passes it over to the other two guards their expressions blank.

"What does it say?" I ask more scared now.

"Louis, I don't think you should read it" Alberto says.

I'm getting really upset and angry.

"How did he even know where I was?" I ask panicking.

"Calm down baby it's okay" Harry tries, he grabs my hand, and it relaxes me.

"He's following me isn't he, he is probably watching me right now" I say. Trying not to get so worked up.

"Yes Louis, but we won't let him touch you. He won't get through us okay" Alberto States.

"How can you be so sure, what if he has a gun or what if he shoots you or Harry what if he shoots Harry?" I begin to panic; I can't do this.

"Louis, look at me, nothing is going to happen to me or Alberto or Patty or Preston. We are all okay and will be fine. I promise you, let's focus on getting to the shoot and you smashing it okay let us worry about everything else" Harry says looking into my eyes,

He is right I can't let this get too me so much today. I've got to pull it together for the shoot. I take a deep breath and nod my head, grip Harry's hand tighter and focus on my breathing as we start to drive. I've got to hold it together at least just for the shoot. I've got three guards around me, and Harry does too, he is safe too. I keep repeating to myself.

The shoot is taking place in the middle of town, they have closed down a few sections where we will be shooting, but there will mostly be crowds around. I'm used to doing these things in front of people but not in the middle of town and I really am nervous. When we pull up, I'm escorted to the trailers that have been set up for hair and makeup and then wardrobe. Harry accompanies me the whole time and everyone instantly falls in love with him, laughing and joking around. He is quite the charmer.

We get onset and I meet with the new photographer, thank God it's not Zach. Instead, she is a lovely young woman named Rou. She is bubbly and energetic, and I take a likening to her straight away. She makes me really comfortable and knows how intimidating it can be having all these people around watching me.

My first outfit is tight ripped jeans and a white singlet with no shoes on. My tattoos are on full display and Harry can't seem to take his eyes off me. He is getting a little possessive and jealous at the fact everyone is looking at me. There is a huge crowd of people behind barriers watching me and they feel the need to wolf whistle at me, Harry's head whips up towards the noise every time and the cute scowl on his face never waivers. I smile at him and send him a wink and he seem to relax. I get into position, and I see Alberto, Preston and Patty all standing close and scanning the crowd.

The shoot gets off to a great start and goes smoothly. Nothing out of the ordinary happens much to everyone's relief.

When I'm finished and changed back into my red sweater and vans and my black jeans, we all head back out towards the car.

"You were so amazing today baby; I can't even tell you how much" Harry says in awe of me.

I smile at him.

"Thanks Harry" I say.

"I mean it Lou, you smashed it. I can't wait to see the finished photos" Harry tells me excitedly.

I'm so glad he thought I did okay, I hope everyone else was as pleased with my work. We get back to the car and back to Harry's apartment. We say goodbye to Alberto and the other guards in the lobby and head towards the lifts. When we reach Harry's door his stomach growls and I laugh as he pushes the door open.

"We should get some dinner Haz" I say smiling.

Harry returns my smile but as we turn around and turn the light on in the apartment my breathing stops. The place is absolutely ruined and has been completely trashed. Couches have been turned upside down, everything has been thrown around the room.

"Lou, don't move baby, I want you to stay there okay" Harry turns to me and says.

"Harry?" I ask I'm actually scared out of my mind.

"It's okay Lou, I'm just going to grab the phone and call the police" he says to me.

He walks around the corner into the kitchen. Who could have done this? What if they are still inside? Suddenly I panic.

"Harry" I yell.

I get no answer.

"Harry" I try again and still get nothing.

I don't even think about anything but getting to Harry to make sure he is okay. I round the corner to the kitchen, and I freeze in my tracks....... Mr Charles is holding Harry at knife point. Harry's back is against Mr Charles chest as a knife is held to his throat. I feel a presence behind me and swing around to see two beefy guys smirking at me from across the hall.

"Well, hello My little Louis"

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