Part 21


my phone has been ringing nonstop for the past 24 hours. Harry's number calling and calling and calling. I can't take it, I'm about to throw my phone across the room. I refuse to speak to him, how the fuck could he do this to me. He is an asshole, and I don't want to see him ever again. I think the words but deep down I know that's not true, I'm so jealous and upset.

I haven't let what's happened with Harry effect my eating habits, I refuse to let Harry control me and my emotions, I'm better than that. I've gotten through him leaving before and I can do it again. I'm going to get healthy for me and Harry will not bring me down. I've cried and cried and I'm sick of crying, I'm done. I need to move on from Harry and I will.

It's two days later when I walk into Scott's office where he is doing some work from home.

"Scott, I want to go back to work, I'm ready I need to do this" I say to him.

I look him in the eyes as I try to portray how serious I actually am about it. He looks at me and opens his mouth to say something, then he closes it again.

"I want to accept the contract with 'London Now' " I tell him.

"Alright Lou, I'm trusting you to be making the best decision for you okay. I just need to ask you, are you 100% sure?" He asks.

"Yeah Scott, this is what I want, I want to get back to work, something I know I'm good at and that I enjoy. I know I can do this" I say smiling slightly.

"Okay Louis, I trust you and if this works out, well, then you are definitely well on your way to getting your life and finances back. I'm really proud of you Lou" Scott says.

I haven't told the boys what Harry did or who he was with. It's not my place to make them angry at Harry.

"Thanks Scott" I say smiling.

"I'll call them and let them know you have accepted; the campaign starts in a month, so we will work out your schedule when I know what's going on" Scott reply's smiling at me.

I smile back at Scott and walk out of the office to go downstairs to the pool area and sit on the lounge chair in the sun. I still haven't spoken to Dan about anything, I don't really want to do it via text message, but I really have no choice. I take out my phone and try to think of something to say.

"I'm sorry I haven't replied to you, I'm not sure what to say" I type out.

I wait for a response but 10 minutes later and I still don't have one from Dan, but I get a message from Harry.

"Louis, it's not what it looked like. Please let me explain, do you honestly think I would throw you away like that?" It says.

I sigh, I don't know whether to respond or not. I still feel guilty about Dan though and I still think Harry deserves to know about it.

"No offence Harry but you've thrown me away before, why wouldn't you do it again?" I send back.

"Can we just talk Louis please, let me explain everything" he reply's seconds later.

"I turned up at your apartment to talk to you because I kissed Daniel and I felt so, so guilty about it and I couldn't stop thinking about how much you mean to me and how much I let you down. I thought you deserved to know. I was so confused, I still am confused but, we don't belong together Harry or this wouldn't be so complicated and hard" I write back.

I put my phone down and wait for a reply. It never comes. I sit beside the pool in the sun for a few hours just thinking about my life. I'm not mad at Harry, I have no right to be, I acted out because I was jealous, and I really only have myself to blame for that. Harry has been telling me for weeks that he wants me back and wants to make it work and I can't really blame him for moving on when I have rejected his advances twice. I thought that I was doing the right thing, that I was allowing myself to heal before committing to a relationship but I'm definitely second thinking that now. I shouldn't have put Harry in that position, that he felt like he needed to choose, and I wasn't even a guarantee. Regardless of the fact I hate David and I don't understand why Harry would go there; he must have had his reasons. They have history together and that must have been hard after two years to completely detach himself from. I'm sure Harry is just as confused; I should hear him out.... If he ever wants to speak to me after what happened between Daniel and me.

I'm so lost in my thoughts I don't notice Drew coming outside until he speaks.

"Ummm Lou?" He says, like he is worried he is interrupting me.

I turn to look at him.

"There is um someone here to see you babe" he says.

Dan steps out from behind him and smiles sheepishly.

"Hey kiddo" he says.

"Hey" I say back with a slight smile.

"You okay if I leave you two alone?" Drew asks, making sure I'm not uncomfortable,

"Yeah" I say nodding my head.

Dan walks over and sits down in front of me on the pool lounge, so we are facing each other.

"Are you okay?" Dan asks.

"Yeah, I guess" I reply, shrugging my shoulders.

"Do you mind if we talk?" Dan asks.

"Sure...I think we need to" I say smiling slightly.

Dan takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes.

"Lou, I want to apologise for what happened between us the other night. You must have been so confused" he says.

"I'm......yeah confused is a good word, I'm so sorry too, I just guess we got caught up in the moment" I say.

"Yeah....Lou, I really, really like you a lot but.... you belong with Harry and what we did was great, really great, but...." Dan rambles.

"It's okay Dan I understand, I liked it too... I like you, I do, but my heart is still with Harry and I'm sorry I was unfair to you, I didn't exactly pull away or anything" I say looking down shyly.

"Hey... Lou, no! You weren't unfair to me at all. We are both consenting adults and we got caught up in the moment and I really don't want this to affect our relationship. I really like hanging out with you and I want us to remain close, just.... platonically" he laughs slightly.

I'm so relieved that Daniel feels the same way as me. I was so worried he would want something more or even worse not want to be around me anymore, I don't know what I would have done if that was the case.

"I like hanging out with you too Dan and I really, really want to keep our friendship, you mean a lot to me" I reply.

"Phew, well I'm glad we cleared that up" he says laughing out relieved. I can't help but return the laugh.

"So, have um, have you... told Harry? Are you going too? Or..." Dan asks uncomfortably.

I sigh.

"Well, I actually went to tell him two days ago, I drove all the way to London with Andy...but when I got there, he answered the door in his underwear and his ex was inside, in his underwear too and I think they are back together. I did tell him by message though that you and me...." I trail off upset.

"What? Well Harry hasn't mentioned anyone, he would have told me. Are you sure they are together, together? " Daniel asks.

"Well, Harry said it wasn't what it looked like and of course I didn't give him the chance to explain. I just yelled at him and said I hated him and ran" I say sheepishly.

"Understandable, have you talked to him since?" Daniel asks.

"He has been calling nonstop, but I've been ignoring his calls, I messaged him today and told him about what happened between you and I but he hasn't responded, probably hates my guts"

"I'm sure that's not true Lou, I think you and Harry need to talk though" Daniel says.

"Yeah, I think you're right, but he obviously doesn't want to talk to me" I respond.

Drew then decides to come back outside, interrupting us.

"Um Lou?" He says again.

"Yeah D?" I ask confused.

"Um there is someone else here to see you" he says again but this time he sounds really sceptical to let them in.

I raise an eyebrow at him just as Harry comes through the doors, Andy, and Edward hot on his feet.

"Haz, I don't think this is a good time" Edward tries.

"Ed I just want to talk to him please" Harry responds.

He sees me on the lounge and Dan in front of me. He looks between us before he is storming over and grabbing Dan by the shirt and lifting it up in the air.

"You have no right to touch him" Harry growls at Dan.

"Harry!!" Edward yells.

Drew, Andy and Edward head straight for Harry to try and calm him down. I stand up completely stunned.

"Harry, let him go... Dan did nothing wrong" I say.

"Nothing wrong......he kissed you, Louis. He knows we should be together, but he went and did It anyway" Harry says heatedly.

"You can talk Haz, you just slept with your ex fucking boyfriend" Dan yells back at Harry.

"I'm here to explain that, we didn't sleep together, I would never do that to Louis" he says.

"And Louis would never hurt you intentionally Haz, it meant nothing, we got caught up in the moment and we both know it's not right and we aren't meant to be together. We both know you and Louis belong together" Dan says.

Harry is staring at Dan contemplating his words, he looks towards my eyes. I'm pleading with him to not do anything stupid. Harry slowly let's Dan go and turns fully towards me. His hair is falling loosely around his face, and he looks tired. He is in a blue hoodie and a pair of jeans, but he looks dishevelled and not his usually put together self. He looks so cute like this though and i take him in. I really do love Harry, so much, why can't we just get our shit together. It doesn't have to be this hard.

"I didn't sleep with him Lou, he turned up at my flat 15 minutes before you, I was in my boxers already and I thought he was the pizza guy too. He came in and told me he wanted me back and I laughed at him. I told him we were over, that I was sorry, but we couldn't be together. That I was in love with someone else. Then you knocked on the door and I thought it really was the pizza guy. When David saw it was you at the door, he got undressed on purpose just to spite you. He was being an asshole and I was in complete shock; I didn't know what to do. You were there and he was there, and I just froze up. I'm so sorry Louis, please, please believe me" Harry says, begging me with his eyes.

I can tell he is completely and utterly devastated about the situation. His eyes are begging me for forgiveness but there is nothing to forgive.

"I'm sorry Harry" I start.

He drops his head down in defeat.

"I'm sorry I didn't let you explain. I was so jealous, and I was confused and I'm so sorry. Please forgive me?" I ask him.

Harry looks up at me and rushes towards me, he swiftly cups my cheek and connects our lips together. The kiss is amazing and so emotional, I feel complete again just having his lips on mine. He pulls back breathlessly.

"Lou, I know you said you needed time, but please, we need each other. I don't want to do this dance anymore. I love you; I want you; I want us to be together...please Louis" he says with such sincerity in his voice.

We rest our foreheads against each other, and I sigh.

"Yes, Harry, yes, I want to be with you. I need you; I want you and I want to let myself love you completely...I'm so sorry" I whisper to him. Tears threaten to spill down my face.

"I love you baby. We can do this; I know we can. it's you and me Lou, always you and me" he says.

We share another kiss and can't help the smile that spreads across both our faces. I feel completely safe and at home and like all my worries have disappeared. I have been avoiding this for so long because I thought I needed to find myself and heal myself before I could be with Harry, but the truth is. I can do that with Harry by my side. I've been trying to keep myself at a distance for fear of being hurt again and being in Harry's arms and feeling the unsaid promises his arms and tender touches bring me. I know this is the right choice. I know I don't need Harry to get better, and I don't need him to bring me out from the dark, I'm doing that on my own, but I do need Harry as my lover and my soul mate. We belong together.

We pull apart and just stare at each other. We both turn around and realise we are now alone beside the pool and I'm grateful to share this moment with just Harry.

Harry takes my hand, and we walk back into the house, everyone has disappeared. We walk upstairs to my room and Harry shuts the door behind him. I can't seem to control my emotions and I'm suddenly lunging at Harry pushing him against the door and pressing our lips together in a heated kiss. My hands make their way to Harry's curls, and I tug on them. He lets out a low moan and I can't help but whimper. Harry's hands are traveling all over my body in a desperate plea to touch. After so long we are both so desperate for each other. Harry reaches down and pulls at the hem of my shirt and lifts it hurriedly over my head. His hands are then all over my body again. I pull Harry's shirt off just as quickly and we are a tangled mess of hurried touches and sloppy kisses. Harry starts walking me backwards and I hit the bed and we fall down on top of the mattress. Our jeans are quickly taken off and we are left naked and panting.

"Harry" I pant out. I need his touches.

"Baby" he responds.

He cups my cheek and then brings two fingers towards my mouth.

"Suck" he says in his deep raspy voice that sends shivers all over.

I do as I'm told and suck, twirling my tongue around. Harry then pulls his fingers out of my mouth and makes his way towards my entrance. He kisses me breathless as he slides one finger inside me. I shudder at the contact.

"Ughhh" I moan out. Desperately wanting more.

"I love hearing you baby" hey whispers to me.

He slides another finger inside and I tense up a little, not used to the intrusion.

"Relax Lou, trust me, I've got you" he tells me.

I instantly relax at his words, and we go back to snogging each other senseless. I reach my hand Infront to grab Harry's hard leaking cock and I begin to pump him slowly.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh Lou, uhhhhhhh" Harry moans loudly.

"Fuck Harry please, I need you please" I say.

Harry pulls out his fingers and flips us over so I'm straddling him on top. He then helps me ease myself down on his length. I gasp at the feeling. I feel so full and satisfied and completely blissed. I begin to ride Harry as he guides my hips up and down. I lean forward so our foreheads are touching. I pick up my pace as Harry's moans get louder and louder. Our kisses become slow and sloppy, and we both are so close to our climaxes.

"Louis, I'm close, I can't hold it Lou" Harry all but screams.

"Ughhh Haz" I moan out.

"Louis look at me baby" Harry says.

I look towards him and his beautiful, gorgeous eyes that hold so much unsaid emotions,

"I love you, come for me Lou, like a good boy...come for me" he growls lowly.

I come undone on top of him and Harry comes beneath me, we both stare into each other's eyes, and we let go together. Holding each other.

I collapse on top of Harry, my head on his chest. Our heart rates going a million miles a minute as we try to control our breathing.

"I've missed you Haz" I say.

"I missed you so much Louis, you have no idea" Harry says.

Neither of us makes a move to get up and move and Harry starts carding his hands through my hair. I feel amazing and safe and so unbelievably happy right now I don't want to move.

Eventually though, Harry gets up and goes to get a washer to clean us both up.

"Do you have to leave Haz?" I ask shyly when we are both clean.

"No baby, I'm here" he smiles and kisses me again.

I smile back at him, a real genuine smile.

"You are amazing Lou, I promise you I won't let you down baby, you mean so much to me" he says cupping my cheek.

"And I promise you Haz, that I won't let you down either. I love you with all my heart and I'm willing to give you everything" I say.

We smile like complete idiots at each other before Harry's stomach growls loudly causing us both to laugh.

"Hungry?" I ask.

Harry laughs

"Yeah, I can make us some eggs if you like?" Harry smiles out.

"Yeah, that would be good" I reply with a smile.

We get dressed and head downstairs hand in hand. The boys must have left the house completely as they are nowhere to be seen. We enter the kitchen and Harry pulls some pans out and ingredients from the fridge to start cooking. I sit on the counter and swing my legs back and forth. Harry comes to stand between them, and we share a few kisses and smiles.

"You're are so beautiful Lou" Harry says.

I smile and reach out to swipe a piece of hair off his forehead and behind his ear. He kisses me again and goes back to cooking. There is a niggling question that I need to ask him, and I eventually work up the courage.

"So Haz, um can I ask what happened to David?" I ask avoiding Harry's eyes.

"He left to go back to LA, I told him we were over, and he left" Harry says.

I nod, that's all I need to know. I'm not going to ask any more questions about it I don't need to know the details. I watch Harry in the kitchen completely at home, he is so gorgeous, I'm so lucky to have him.

"Could you pass me that spatula Lou?" Harry asks, interrupting my thoughts.

I reach over to the utensil jar and take out the spatula, as I do I notice the mail sitting on the counter and a letter addressed to me. I pick it up, that's strange I don't ever get mail sent here.

Harry walks over to me and grabs the spatula.

"What's that?" He asks me.

"Don't know" I say confused.

I rip the letter open and unfold the note. What's inside makes my blood run cold and my breathing pick up.

"I'm out Louis, I know where you live, where you work, and your every move, I'm watching you and you are going to pay for what you did to me" it reads.

"What does it say Lou?" Harry asks panicked as he takes in my face.

I shakily hand him the note and watch his face fall.

"Shit" is all he says. What the fuck does this mean?

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