Part 19


"Louis!!" Scott yells for me from the kitchen.

"What, Scott" I say as I round the kitchen and sit on a bar stool across from Scott.

I'm dressed in my skinny jeans and a black sweater with my black vans. It's been a week since I left hospital and have been living with the boys, it's been going pretty well, and the boys have kept their word about respecting me and my limits and have been really great and encouraging. Scott has agreed to let Dan come and take me to a football game tonight and it will my first public appearance since I was admitted to hospital. To say I'm nervous is an understatement.

"Listen I just had a call from your manager, He just wanted to tell me that he has made it public that you are going to be at the game tonight" Scott says carefully, trying to gauge my reaction.

"What!!! Why??? Scott, I'm, I'm not ready for that.... I don't want to deal with the paps and fans and cameras in my face just yet" I say panicking,

"I told him that, but he thinks this is good for your career. You have been out a while now and people are worried, they want to know you're okay and will be going back to work" Scott tells me.

"I know, I get it.... but I don't want to be hounded Scott" I say quietly.

"I know and he agreed with me, that we need to hire you a security guard for when you go to things like this" Scott says.

That could be a good idea, at least having someone to push the photographers out of the way would help.

"Okay yeah.... I guess that's good" I say.

"We need to talk about you heading back to work as well, I know now is not a good time but soon yeah?" Scott says seriously.

"I don't want to do any campaigns that Zach is involved with Scott, I will have to pull out of my contracts with H&K and if 'London now' still wants me, but I doubt they do anymore, so it doesn't matter anyway. I just can't be around him" I say.

"I understand completely, but we will talk about this later, a lot has happened since you have been sick, I will have to fill you in" Scott says smiling.

"Fill me in?" I ask sceptically.

Scott just smirks at me. I really have no idea what's been going on, I haven't been on Twitter or watched any news channels and I certainly haven't seen any magazines lately.

The doorbell then rings interrupting out conversation.

"That will be Alberto" Scott says.

"Alberto?" I ask.

"Yep, your new security guard. Come I'll introduce you" he tells me.

I follow him out to the entryway just as Greta is opening the front door, a huge beefy security guy walks in the room. He is taller than me with black hair and he is really intimidating. That is until he smiles at me.

"Hey, Alberto, how are you mate?" Scott says shaking his hand.

"Scott! good to see you again" Alberto smiles out.

He then turns towards me and smiles.

"And you must be Louis! It's really nice to meet you" he says, and Immediately I love him.

He is professional I can tell, but underneath, he seems like a big teddy bear. He gives off a very comforting and safe vibe. I smile towards him and shake his outstretched hand.

"It's nice to meet you too" I reply.

"Let's head into the Lounge room so we can talk some things through" Scott says as we follow him back down the hallway.

When we enter the lounge, we all sit down in the sofas.

"So, Louis, Alberto has been hired by me and the boys label, he doesn't work for your manager, he works for us. With that in mind, he has signed completely binding and flawless legal declarations and confidentiality agreements" Scott starts.

"Ummm why does he need to do that?" I ask shyly.

"To protect you Louis" Alberto pipes in.

"It means anything that happens while you are with him or anything he hears, is strictly confidential and cannot be publicised" Scott says.

"Okayyyyyy" I say, still not sure where this is going.

"What we are trying to say Louis, is that Alberto knows everything about you. What's happened in your past and the reasons you were in hospital" Scott clarifies.

"Oh" I say.

I'm a little scared that he will tell the press all about me. Even though what happened in high school with Mr Charles was made public when it happened, it's never been dug up and I'd like to keep it that way.

"Louis, you and I will be working closely together, and I'd like you to be able to trust me. It goes hand in hand with keeping you safe" Alberto says.

"Okay, just.... please don't tell anyone anything, I really don't think I could handle that" I say looking at my lap.

"You have my word Louis, it's all in my contract, but I'd like to verbally confirm that I'm here to protect you and would never break a confidentiality agreement" Alberto says.

"Okay, well if Scott and the boys trust you then, I guess I can try too" I smile.

"Thank you, Louis," Alberto smiles back.

"Wanna play some FIFA? We still have like an hour before Dan gets here and we have to leave" I ask Alberto.

"Ummm, I don't think that's very professional, I'll just watch and make sure you are safe" Alberto says uncomfortably. I laugh a real laugh.

"Safe playing FIFA?? If you're going to be my bodyguard, you can at least have some fun" I say as I throw a controller at him that he only just catches.

Alberto looks towards Scott for a silent confirmation.

"Look I have no issue with it at all, as long as Louis is looked after I don't have a problem. You two do need to get to know each other better too, you will be spending a lot of time together I predict" Scott smiles.

"See even the big scary boss has okayed it, now pick your team and prepare to be ass whipped" I say smiling.

Alberto smiles back at me and comes to sit next to me on the couch. For the next hour Alberto and I play the Xbox and the game is pretty tight. Alberto is actually good. We laugh together and I actually take a liking to him. Trusting him doesn't seem like it will be an issue.

"You didn't tell me you were actually good Al" I say giving him a nickname already.

"Al?" He questions laughing.

"Yeah Al, I like it" I smile cheekily at him.

He rolls his eyes at me

"You Louis Tomlinson, I can tell, are going to be a challenge to look after" he says.

I just smile a cheeky smile at him.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I say.

Alberto laughs and we go back to playing.

When the doorbell rings again, I jump up excitedly.

"That's Dan, you will love him Al" I say as I leave the room and a laughing Al behind.

I reach the front door and open it hurriedly. I see Dan standing in the doorway smiling, when has jeans and a grey jumper and beanie on. He looks quite hot to be honest.

"Dan" I say smiling as I lunge for him, and he hugs me back tightly.

"How are you Lou, I've missed you" he says.

We pull back smiling.

"You look really good Louis" he says genuinely.

I can't help but blush.

I show Dan in and towards the Lounge room where Scott and Al are waiting. After introductions are done and Scott explains what's going to happen tonight, we get ready to go.

"Here I was thinking we were just going to watch a game of football" Dan smiles out.

"I'm sorry Dan, if you don't want to go anymore I-I understand" I say feeling guilty this has turned into a huge event.

"Oh Louis, I didn't mean it like that. I'm excited to be going, I would have dressed a bit nicer if I'd known we would be photographed is all" he smiles.

I smile back.

"Now come on let's get out of here" he says.

We head outside to the car that's waiting for us that Scott organised, Alberto is driving, and Daniel and I sit in the back seat. There is a privacy screen between Alberto and Dan and me. When we are settled Daniel turns to me.

"So, how's your first week at home been?" He asks kindly.

"Yeah, good actually, the boys have been really good and respecting my choices which is nice" I say.

"And how's your eating going?" He continues.

"Fine, I have my food box back and Its not overwhelming me, I know I've done it before, and I can do it again" I say.

Dan nods at me.

"And Kimberly?" He asks.

I sigh. My relationship with Kimberly is still rough. I haven't forgiven her fully; I feel like she betrayed me the most in all this and I'm still reluctant to talk and fully open up to her.

"Fine" I say as I turn to look out the window"

"Sorry Lou, I shouldn't have brought all this up, we are hanging out and we should be enjoying it, I'm sorry" Daniel says.

I turn back towards him and smile.

"It's fine, please don't apologise I don't mind talking about this stuff with you" I say.

"Well good, I should hope not" he laughs.

"So... How's Harry?" I ask shyly.

Daniel laughs loudly

"Lover boy is good Lou; upset he can't see you every day though. He misses you like crazy; said he will be down next Wednesday" he tells me.

I smile.

"I'm jealous here Louis, tonight we are hanging out" Daniel laughs and I shove his shoulder and laugh too.

When we pull up to the stadium, it's completely packed and swamped with paparazzi and fans. As I look out the window my face pales as Alberto puts the privacy screen down

"Shit" I say under my breath, but Alberto and Dan hear me.

"Don't worry Louis, trust me to get you past them quickly and safely okay" Al tells me.

"Yeah" I whisper.

"Dan are you okay with this?" Alberto asks him.

"Um yeah, yeah of course, I just want Louis to be okay" he says,

"Well, that's my job" Alberto says winking at me. I can't help but smile.

We pull up and everything happens so quickly. I'm ushered out by Alberto, and we wait for Dan to get out of the car. Then we are swamped.

"Louis, how are you feeling?"


"Louis, is it true you nearly died?"

I'm yelled at from all different directions, Alberto grabs me by the arm and the waist and makes sure Daniel is following and is okay. Alberto manages to guide us unharmed through the mob and towards the back exit to the stadium. When we make it safely inside, I relax.

"Wow, that was bloody intense" Daniel says.

"Yeah" I say breathlessly.

"Thanks Al" I smile.

"No worries, I actually didn't think they would be that insane Louis, I'm glad I was here" he says.

We head down the corridor and are greeted by important club members and managers. We are led to a corporate box with all the boring people inside. It's quite and I don't like it, I want to be down in the stands feeling the atmosphere of the game. I turn towards Dan.

"Do you want to sit in here, it looks so boring, I was kind of hoping to sit in the stands. Would you mind?" I ask shyly.

"Not at all Lou, I agree, this kind of looks like it's exciting for my grandparents" Dan says jokingly.

I laugh and whisper to Al that we want to sit in the stands. He goes off to find some people to talk to while Dan and I head to the bar to get a drink and Dan a hotdog. I stick to coke and so does Dan, as he has to drive home later tonight. I offered for him to stay with us, but he has to get back for work. I'm disappointed we can't spend more time together. Dan gets his hot dog and digs in. He looks like he is enjoying it and I envy him in a way.

"Want some Lou?" He asks around a mouthful of food.

"Ummm no" I say shaking my head.

I can't eat that I just can't.

"Are you sure?" Daniel smiles.

He brings the hotdog towards my face laughing at me.

"Okay maybe just one bite" I whisper.

"Go for it" Daniel says.

I smile and take a small bite if hotdog and it tastes incredible.

"Wow that is so good" I say with my mouth full causing Daniel to then laugh at me,

"See I told you" he says smirking.

He then looks at me in the eyes and for some reason we both stop and stare at each other. Dan then reaches out and thumbs some sauce off my cheek. Suddenly he starts leaning in and for some reason I feel okay about it. Our faces are close together and our lips are only a few centimetres away from each other, we are seriously about to touch...... when Alberto comes in and interrupts us, causing us to pull away from each other quickly.

"Okay boys your stand seats are ready" he says.

We smile and follow him out in relatively comfortable silence. We were just about to kiss!! Holy shit, what about Harry, why didn't I pull away? I feel so confused right now. I really don't know what to say or do. We finally arrive at our seats and when we sit down Dan turns to me.

"Louis! I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that" he says regretfully.

I can't help but feel rejected, he thinks it was a mistake. I can't help the feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me I'm not good enough. I'm trying though, I'm trying so hard to be normal and eat properly. I know he probably thinks I'm too much of a freak to even find attractive.

"Its fine, really, don't worry about it" I say, trying my hardest not to show how upset I am.

It's not like I like Dan, actually I have never thought about him in that way until now. I don't have feelings for him, do I?

"Are you okay Lou? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have put you in that position" Daniel says clearly upset.

"It's fine Dan really, stop stressing out, let's just enjoy the game" I smile out.

Dan returns my smile enthusiastically and we start talking again, acting like nothing was even about to happen between us. The tension dies down and we enjoy the game. I get asked for a few autographs and pictures throughout the game and I can see people taking photos of me and Dan the whole time. I need to check Twitter when I get home. Dan and I laugh and cheer and have an amazing time together. His rejection sitting in the back of my mind.

When it's time to leave, Alberto escorts us back through the stands and I can see people looking and whispering things about me. I automatically think the worst and I feel so self-conscious. We are led through the hallways where we get to meet the team and I'm asked to take photos with some of the players. It's fun and they are all lovely and Dan is completely eating it up and loving every second of it. He gets his jersey signed by the players and the smile on his face doesn't fade once. I'm glad this could make him happy, it's nice to see him smile.

When we step outside together, there is another mass of people, more than when we arrived. Some of the security for the stadium is asked to come and help us get back to our car.

"Okay Dan I'm going to escort you first okay, because once Louis is in the car it will be swarmed and there will be no way I can leave him or get you back through safely" Alberto tells us.

"Okay" I agree.

I'm left with the stadium security while Al leads Daniel back to the car. I'm surrounded and no one can get to me, I feel safe. I can hear a lot of questions being yelled at me, but I completely ignore them. Al is back in record time, and he grabs my arm and my waist and begins to lead me through the swarm.

Halfway back to the car I hear a really familiar voice yelling at me, I can make it out over the crowd. The voice is telling me how I'm ugly and fat and should never have made it as a model and how disgusting I am. All I can hear are his words, I frantically look around to try and find his face, but I can't see him. Is it all in my head? I swear it was him. I'm breathing heavily by the time I get safely inside the car next to Dan and he notices straight away that something is wrong.

"Are you okay Lou? Look at me, what happened?" He asks concerned as he grabs my face.

"Um I' I'm fine, it was just loud and overwhelming, just thought I heard someone I knew is all" I say quietly.

"Your shaking Louis" Dan says as he sits closer to me and wraps his arms around me.

I fall in his embrace and I breath in his smell. It is so different to Harry, but Dan smells amazing too. I look towards his face, and he is staring at me again. His eyes keep going to my lips and my breath hitches as he leans in again but this time we aren't interrupted, and his lips connect with mine.

I don't respond at first, I'm too stunned, but my instincts take over and I kiss him back. He feels warm and soft, and, in that moment, I forget about everything. Dan brings his hand up to cup my cheek and the kiss deepens. He slips his tongue easily into my mouth and we kiss heatedly. I bring my hands to his chest and grab at his shirt, wanting more. We both break away panting like crazy.

"Ughhh" the sound slips from my mouth shamelessly.

We look into each other's eyes and lean in again going back to snogging each other completely lost in our own world, breathless but neither of us pulls back. Dan pulls me onto his lap, and I straddle him. He moans when our crutches touch and it sends something through me. I need to stop; I can't do this. But Dan is here, and he feels so nice and tastes like cherry coke and I really like it. We start grinding on each other moaning into each other's mouths, we keep going and going trying to get enough friction, suddenly Dan pulls back.

"Louis" Daniel says breathlessly. "I'm, I'm close" he says as I grind down harder.

He kisses me again and I can feel the coil in my stomach.

"Me too" I whisper out as I pull back to look at him.

I bite my lip and Daniel comes then and there in his pants, looking me in the eyes. I grind on him as he rides out his orgasm, moaning and whispering my name.

"Dan" I whisper as my orgasm hits me.

Daniel holds me by the waist and guides me as I rock back and forth panting breathlessly. As we come down from our highs, we sit there staring at each other regaining our breaths. We don't move and we don't say anything, we just stare at each other the whole way home.

When we pull up at home and we say our goodbyes they are quick and a little uncomfortable. After saying goodbye to Alberto, I head straight to my bedroom and into the ensuite for a shower. I quickly clean myself up and my head is spinning. What did I just do? The guilt I feel is insane and I can't help the few tears I shed as I crawl into bed. That night my sleep is filled with nightmares and for some reason after so many years of Mr Charles......

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