Part 15

Harry's POV

The theatre is prepped for surgery, and I rush into the room next door to scrub up and prepare. I can see Louis lying on the operating table getting prepped and it breaks my heart. I have to pull myself together and deal with this. I need to save Louis life. I can do this. My emotions are on edge as I approach his lifeless body on the table.

"He is ready Dr Styles" the anaesthetist tell me.

Daniel is prepped as well to assist me and I'm thankful he is here to help me.

"You've got this Harry, let's do this" Daniel says.

We share a knowing look and I take a deep breath and I begin.

The surgery lasts for four hours. I successfully fix Louis collapsed lung, thank God. I'm absolutely exhausted by the time I finish, and my adrenalin is coming down. I'm glad my shift is over now, so I can rest and be with Louis.

Louis is taken up to the intensive care ward and as much as I don't want to leave his side, I have to go and tell the boys what's happened. They must be worried sick.

I walk out into the waiting room and I see Drew asleep against Edward who is leaning against the wall also asleep. Scott is tapping away on his phone while Andy has his head in his hands. I clear my throat as I walk into the room.

"Haz!" Scott shouts as he looks up at me.

His voice wakes Drew and Edward and they are all up on their feet quickly.

"What's going on Haz, is he okay? You've been ages" Drew worries.

I look at their pleading faces and I feel so guilty, I should have seen this coming I should have taken more notice. I rub my hands over my face tiredly.

"Listen guys you need to all sit down" I tell them.

There is a lot to go over, and they need to be sitting, it's a little overwhelming.

"Why Harry, please don't tell me he didn't make it Harry!" Scott asks tears in his eyes.

"He is okay at the moment Scotty, just sit down so I can explain" I say gently.

We all sit down in the chairs and the boys wait for me to begin. I don't know where to start, so I just delve in.

"So, we assume Louis was beaten up by Zach, his bruised eye and abdomen suggest he was punched and kicked quite hard. As a result, he broke two ribs. One of the ribs punctured his lung and we had to take him to surgery. I managed to fix the puncture, but it took me a while and Louis flatlined.... his body is just so weak right now, but we got him back. Before we took him to theatre he had a seizure, but we are confident it was a result of the allergic reaction he had to the drug he was given, and it was a one off. We did a scan and there were no signs of any bleeding or anything on his brain" I say.

"Fuck Harry, thank god" Scott says.

"You saved his life Haz" Edward tells me.

They look so thankful towards me, but I haven't even got to the worst part yet. I haven't even started.

"Unfortunately, that's not all though" I say sympathetically, and I watch their faces fall.

"What do you mean?" Andy asks. I sigh.

"I don't think any of us really understood how bad his eating habits had become. Louis is severely underweight and malnourished; his BMI is 13 and that's below what we would normally allow before we admit a patient into hospital to be treated for anorexia. As a result of being so underweight his body started shutting down and his kidney became severely infected. Louis said before he passed out, that he had been suffering a pain in his side for two weeks. That was his kidney... When we examined his side, we found a huge purple looking bruise which means it was left for too long and he now has blood poisoning, he has also developed a chest infection because his immune system is just so low" I say.

"Fuck, what?" Edward yells.

"Holy shit" Andy whispers looking down at his lap about to break.

"What does that mean Harry, is he going to be okay?" Drew asks absolutely broken.

I can't look at them in the eyes, how do I tell them I don't know, I don't know if Louis will be okay. I take a shaky breath trying my best to hold it together.

"We have started him on very potent antibiotics, and they will hopefully work, but only time will tell.... Louis is very sick and has no reserves in his body to help him fight this, his temperature is still worryingly high, we can't seem to control it either. We have also had to place a feeding tube in his nose so he receives nutrients, he is in intensive care and will be there for some time" I finish.

The looks on the boy's faces is just too much; they have tears streaming down their faces. I try my hardest not to, but I break at the sight.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm so sorry" I say.

I place my head in my hands and let my tears fall. We somehow all migrate to each other and lean on each other for support.

"He will make it guys; I know he will" Edward whispers out.

"This is not your fault Haz, don't blame yourself" Scott tells me.

After a while when our tears have somewhat subsided, Andy turns to me.

"Can we see him?" He asks quietly.

"Yeah, of course, my shift is over, so I was going to head up there and stay with him" I tell them.

"Thank you, Harry, for everything" Scott tells me sincerely.

"Always Scott, you know I will do everything to keep Louis safe, I love him to death" I say back.

We all share a hug and pull ourselves together as best as we can, before we head towards Louis room.

When we get outside the door I stop and turn to the boys.

"Before we go in just be prepared, it will be quite confronting. He is attached to a lot of machines, but they are all necessary to keep him alive right now okay" I tell them.

I get a silent understanding in return.

We walk into the room and Louis is lying completely still on the bed. He looks tiny and so pale. He is covered in a blanket to keep him warm. There are monitors and tubes everywhere, he has a nasal tube in his nose that's feeding him, as well as oxygen tubes in his nose to help him breathe.

We walk closer to the bed and the boys get comfortable in the chairs surrounding. I walk over and look down on my precious boy, he means everything to me, and I want him back, I want him to open his eyes and look at me, yell at me, I don't care, but I need him to wake up. I reach out and swipe a piece of hair off his forehead and I card my fingers through his feathery hair. I then lean down and place a kiss to his overly warm forehead.

"I love you so much Louis" I whisper to him.

I then walk back over to the wall near the door and lean against it one leg bent at the knee resting against the wall, and we wait, we wait for Louis to wake up.


I can feel myself coming back to my senses, I can feel pain and it hurts badly, I can hear a beeping noise and the familiar sound of voices. I feel something tickling the back of my throat and it's so annoying. It feels like it's coming from my nose. I can hear the beeping getting louder and the pain is getting worse. Fuck it hurts. I whimper as I try to open my eyes.

"Louis?" I can hear, it sounds like Scott's voice.

"Harry, he is waking up" Edward says.

Harry, Harry is here, I miss Harry, I need Harry right now. I try to come back and open my eyes, but they feel like led, it's so hard but I keep trying.

"Louis, can you open your eyes for me baby" Harry's voice asks.

I want to do what Harry wants, but I can't get there.

"Come on Louis, you can do it kid" Edward says.

I slowly blink my eyes awake and I'm met with five sets of tearful eyes hovering over me.

"Welcome back Kid" Edward says, smiling slightly.

I feel a bit confused and in pain, my mind is foggy.

"Are you in pain Louis?" Harry asks.

I nod my head slowly as I try to sit up, maybe that will make the pain go away.

"Lie down Lou, we need you to stay lying down" Harry says to me.

He reaches out and puts his arm under my shoulders across my chest holding me up. I let him take all my weight.

"H-h-hurts" I breathe out.

"Okay, we will get you some pain relief, just relax" Harry says.

I suddenly get the overwhelming urge to vomit. I gag and Harry doesn't miss a beat, he grabs the vomit bag and I just vomit my guts up as I lean on Harry's arm for support. My breathing becoming erratic because of the amount of pain I'm in.

"Don't panic Lou, this is normal, just get it out and you will feel much better" Harry tells me as he rubs my back soothingly.

When I'm finished vomiting Harry lies me back down and I feel something really annoying in the back of my throat and my nose and I don't like it. I whimper I'm so uncomfortable. There are tubes and needles sticking out of me everywhere. I don't like it; my mind is foggy, and I panic a little. I reach for the tube in my nose and pull it out quickly, it's really long and gross and I cough as it comes out. I then pull the oxygen tubes out and throw them on the bed.

"Hey, hey, hey Louis calm down don't do that, you need to leave those in, they are helping you" Harry tries to tell me gently, but I don't want to bar of it.

I try to reach for the needles and drips in my arm to pull them out too, but Harry grabs my arms to stop me.

"Louis, calm down or I will have no choice but to tie your arms to the bed, you need to leave the tubes in to do their job and help you" Harry tells me.

"No, I don't need them, they hurt, everything hurts I need to leave" I say as I fight his grip off my hands.

"Louis, calm down, it's okay, I know it's overwhelming, but everything is here to help you" Harry tells me calmly.

"I don't care! It hurts, I don't want any of it, let me go" I say struggling as best as I can, my body is so sore.

"Scott, can you go get Dan please" Harry says to Scott as I fight against him, although I'm too weak to do anything but struggle.

Doctor Dan comes into the room, Scott trailing behind him. The other boys have moved away from my bed to give them some room.

"Hey Louis, what's going on buddy, just calm down hey, you are going to hurt yourself" Daniel says to me.

"No, I need to leave, I don't need to be here" I say frustratingly.

"Louis, buddy you are very sick and I'm afraid you will be here for a while, but Harry is here and so are your brothers, everything Is going to be okay" Daniel says,

"No get off me please, it hurts, get off" I yell.

Suddenly Harry pulls my arms to my side, and he ties one hand tightly to the bed and Doctor Dan ties my other one. The tears come then, how could Harry do this to me. My breathing is rattly and I'm finding it hard to catch my breath.

"Louis, you are finding it hard to breathe because you ripped out the oxygen tubes, I'm going to put them back in now so you can breathe properly" Dan says nicely, trying to relax me.

I shake my head no, if I can't move my hands, I will move my head.

"Please leave me alone, please" I beg.

Harry gently holds my head still while Daniel puts the tubes back in.

"Please get it off please...... I don't like it please" I beg.

They both ignore me as Harry gets a new feeding tube ready to go back in my nose.

"No!!! I don't want that in Harry... please don't, please" I cry.

"Louis, it's for your own good, I have to, you are going to be okay" Harry says.

Doctor Dan holds my head still while Harry feeds he tube down my nose, I gag and cough as it goes down. When it's done, I'm crying.

"Please get it out it hurts please" I beg looking at Harry in the eyes.

"I'm sorry Lou, but I can't" Harry says.

He then takes a thermometer from beside the bed and takes my temperature.

"Shit, it's still up Dan, 39.4"

"I think we need to change the antibiotics" Daniel tells Harry.

Antibiotics? temperature? What the hell is going on! I'm so confused and foggy, but I try to struggle against the ties still, I need to get my control back.

"First we need to calm him down, his body is stressing out and that's making it worse" Harry says.

Daniel gets something ready in a syringe and I eye it hatefully.

"Louis, this is going to relax you and send you back to sleep, your body needs to rest and recover" Daniel says.

He puts something in my drip, and I feel my whole body relax and I reluctantly stop struggling.

"That's it Louis go with it" Daniel says.

And suddenly I'm out cold again.

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