Part 14
Louis POV
When I enter the back seat of the cab, I try to catch my breath as best I can, but I don't seem to be able too. That run really took it out of me, I'm completely exhausted. I had to do it though, who knows what Zach would do to me if I don't show up tonight, the boys just don't understand. I know something is not quite right with me and I know I'm getting sick or something, I know it's worse than the flu but definitely not something worth missing this meeting with Zach over though, he would literally kill me. My breathing finally evens out enough for me to calm down, the cab driver is looking back at me in his rear-view mirror clearly concerned.
"You okay kid?" He asks me.
"Yeah, ssssorry just late, I'm just running late" I say back.
He nods his head and goes back to driving. I feel so sick, the pain in my right side is really starting to hurt badly. It's gone from a constant dull ache to a really sharp pain. I try to push it aside and get ready to face Zach, he is going to be so pissed that I'm late. I'm actually scared to face him.
When the cab pulls up to the club, I pay the driver and head inside as security usher me in. I'm about half an hour late. I walk up to the VIP area and spot Zach standing against the back wall drinking and laughing with three men I've never met. He sees me and glares at me before faking a smile and ushering me over.
"Louis!! here he is boys, the man of the hour" Zach proclaims happily.
I smile the best I can and fall straight into work mode, trying to forget my pain and nervousness that I feel around Zach.
"Louis, I would like you to meet James, Greg and Andrew from 'London Now' " Zach introduces us.
'London Now' shit these guys are serious fashion royalty and I'm standing in front of them looking like shit. Zach wasn't kidding when he said he had important clients for me to meet. The club lights are really low though, so I'm hoping it hides a lot of my flaws and my bruised eye.
"It's so nice to meet you Louis, we have heard so much about you" Andrew says shaking my hand.
"Your latest campaign with H&K has been very, very impressive. We are hoping to get you in to work on our next campaign with us, what do you say?" James says smiling at me.
"Oh my gosh, that would be amazing, I would be honoured. Thank you so much" I say back smiling.
"Of course, we told Zach here if he got us the famous Louis Tomlinson for our campaign we would use him as photographer, so I guess it's a win, win" Gary laughs out.
Oh, so that's why Zach needed me, to get his million dollar pay check. Fucking asshole. I smile back at Gary, and we have a few drinks together. I make sure to stick to water and I don't even finish one by the time they are all on their fourth. These guys are really nice and down to earth, and it would be so amazing to work with them.
Eventually they decide to call it a night. We exchange numbers and business cards and arrange a meeting for one months' time to go over the finer details of the contract. To say I'm stoked is an understatement, this is amazingly huge for me. Even if Zach did use me to benefit him.
When the men have left the club Zach instantly rounds on me.
"What the fuck Louis?" Zach yells in the middle of the club at me. Some people around us stop to stare.
"What?" I ask "I got you the deal didn't I, you should be fucking thanking me" I say sassily to him.
"Thanking you!! You turn up looking like utter shit with a bruised up fucking face Louis, you could have fucked it up badly" he shouts.
"Well, who's fault is that huh Zach?" I yell back at him.
Noah comes over and whispers something to Zach. He looks around at a few people staring at the scene, he then grabs me by the arm roughly and drags me into the back room. Once we get inside and the door is shut, he turns on me. He pushes me hard against the wall, he then proceeds to punch me in the face and then attacks my stomach, landing a few hard punches.
"Zach, stop please you are hurting me" I beg him.
"Well, I hope it teaches you a lesson" he snarls at me.
I'm then pushed harshly to the floor, and he gives me three swift kicks to the ribs. The last one hitting me straight in my aching lower back and I can't help but scream out. Fuck that hurt and my pain intensifies. I roll over to the side trying to make the pain ease, it doesn't work though. Zach bends down and grabs my hair and brings my face up to meet his.
"Don't fucking mess with me Louis" he spits in my face.
He lets me go and I'm panting hard, I make myself get up off the ground slowly, I can hardly stand or breathe. Each breath I take is extremely painful, something is wrong.
"Now stick out your tongue" Zach says to me when I'm standing up leaning against the wall.
I just shake my head no, I can't take anymore drugs, I want to get back home, I want to get to Harry. I really need Harry right now; he is all I can think of.
"Listen to me babe, I just gave you a pretty good beating and you will be pretty sore for a while, this will help with the pain okay, I'm sorry Louis, but you really did deserve it" Zach says.
He walks towards me, but I flinch back. He grabs my face and forces my mouth open and puts the trip on my tongue. He grabs me by the arm, and I think he is about to hit me again when the door to the room barges open and Scott, Edward, Andy and Drew are standing in the doorway. I relax instantly knowing they won't let Zach hurt me.
"Get the fuck away from him you sick fuck" Edward yells.
Scott and Drew round on Zach and push him away from me. I fall towards the floor, but Andy catches me.
"Fuck Louis, what did he do to you?" He asks me, but I can't respond.
My chest is rattling as I breathe, and my side feels like there are 1000 knives stabbing me. I feel like I'm going to be sick and like my whole body is shutting down. I feel weak and cold and sweaty at the same time.
"Andy" I whisper out.
"It's ok kid I gotcha, you are okay" he reassures me.
I look over to see Scott, Drew, and Zach in a fist up, Scott and Drew definitely have the upper hand.
"Touch Louis again and I will kill you" Scott says as he lands another punch to his face.
"You are a sick asshole do you understand you will never approach Louis ever again do you understand?" Drew yells.
Zach whimpers out a Yes, I've never seen him so pliant.
Edward runs over and pulls Scott back off Zach
"He isn't worth it Scott, let's go, we need to get Louis to a hospital now" Edward tells Scott.
Scott snaps out of it and looks towards me. He rushes over to my side.
"Fuck Louis, are you okay. Let's go bud okay, we're going" he tells me.
"You ever come near Louis again we will fuck you up so badly, do you understand. No one messes with him; you are completely fucked; you will never ever work in this industry again" Drew yells at Zach.
Zach is on the floor trying to catch his breath, Scott and Drew placed a good few punches to his face. He glares at me, but I don't even flinch knowing he will never come near me again.
The boys turn to leave the club and I'm ushered out by Andy, he leads me down the stairs past Noah and Nathan who just look on shocked. We make it down the stairs and to the front of the club. We reach the door and see a lot of paps out the front.
"Can you walk out okay Louis, or do you need me to carry you bud?" Andy asks me.
If they carry me the paps will have a field day, but I'm so weak I don't know if I'll make it if I walk.
"I can walk, just please help me Andy" I rush out.
"Of course, Lou, just lean on me, I'll take care of everything" he says reassuringly.
I lean my weight on Andy and the rest of the boys flag me as best they can as we walk to the car. Flashes are going off everywhere and my name is being called from all different directions. We finally make it to the car without too much trouble and Andy hops in first. Drew then helps me climb in next to him. As soon as the doors shut, I fall against Andy's chest in the back seat. I'm really, really fucked up, something is definitely wrong. I'm trying hard to keep myself awake.
"Louis, bud, stay with us" Drew says from beside me as he rubs my back.
"Ahhhh, it hurts" I say as a sharp pain goes through my body.
"It's okay, we are going to the hospital Louis, just hang in there" Drew says.
"Did you take anything Louis? We need to know buddy, did Zach give you anything?" Andy asks me cupping my face so he can look into my eyes.
"Yeaaaaahh on my tongue" I manage to get out.
"Fuck Louis" Scott says from the front seat.
"I didn't want it he, he m-m-made me" I sob out.
"It's okay Louis you're not in trouble, we are just worried and need to know so we can tell the hospital" Andy says.
"H-h-Harry I w-w-waant H-h-h-array" I say trying to breath. Speaking is just so hard right now.
"We are taking you to Harry Louis, just hang in there for us okay" Edward says from the passenger seat.
"I-I-I-I-I ccaaaant breathe Z I-I-I-I- I can't Bbbbbbreathe" I try to say.
"It's okay bud we are nearly there, just relax Louis, just relax" Andy tells me.
We pull up to the hospital and I'm helped out of the car, I nearly fall over but Andy steadies me, he goes to pick me up in his arms, but I squirm and protest.
"No Andy it hurts please; I need to walk it hurts" I cry, and I can't help the few tears that escape my eyes.
"Okay bud, come on let's go, just take it easy" he says as we start walking inside
Scott and the boys have already run ahead to call for Harry and to fill him in.
When Andy and I enter the emergency waiting room. Mel ushers us behind the doors where we find the rest of the boys at the big desk with Harry and Doctor Dan listening intently to them talk, I can't make out what they are saying but I assume they are telling them everything they need to know.
I'm feeling really funny as I get closer to them and I feel like my whole body is turning off, like every part of my body is giving up.
Harry and Daniel are getting ready to run out of the hospital to bring me inside, before they both turn and see me. I look at Harry in the eyes and I try relay all my emotions and fear to him. He seems to understand and comes rushing for me.
"Lou" he says nervously. He can see and he knows this isn't good.
Andy lets go of my arm that he is leading me in with and I just stand there looking at Harry.
"Haz" I say weakly.
Before he reaches me though I'm falling, I can't stand up anymore, but of course I fall straight into Harry's arms, he catches me like always.
Suddenly there is a buzz of people around me. The nurses lead a very worried Scott and the boys back behind the doors to the waiting room, while Harry and Daniel call instructions around me.
"Get a gurney Kate" Harry yells to one of the nurses, he is holding me tightly and I feel safe with him.
"It's okay Louis stay with us" He says to me.
Kate and another nurse wheel a gurney over towards us and Harry lifts me up effortlessly and places me on the bed.
"We are going to look after you Louis" Daniel tells me.
My temperature is taken by one of the nurses as the bed is wheeled into a private assessment room.
All I can do is try to keep my eyes focused and open, it's quite a challenge but I need to stay awake.
"Temp is 40.1" The nurse Kate, tells Harry and Dan.
"That's too high we need to get that down and fast" Harry says to the room, voice full of authority.
The nurses respond to his instructions Immediately.
"I'mmmm Cold" I say weakly, as I start to shake.
"I know Louis, just bear with us while we assess you and we will get you really warm, really soon okay" Daniel tells me gently
A blood pressure monitor is put on my arm and my blood pressure and pulse are taken.
"Blood pressure is 70/55 and pulse is rapid" Kate says again.
"Harry, he is having an allergic reaction to the drug he was given" Daniel tells Harry as he sets up a drip in my arm and instructs the nurses on what medications to issue me.
"Yeah, but there is something else going on too Dan, I just know it. He has been sick for a good two weeks" Harry tells him.
I feel Daniel lean over me on the bed, he cups the side of my face before he is talking to me.
"Louis, buddy, can you look at me?" I hear him ask me gently. I try to focus my eyes and I get them to land on his.
"That's it good job buddy, now I need you to tell me where it hurts and what's going on. I promise you are not in any trouble; we really need to know what's going on so we can help you Louis okay" he says warmly to me.
I try to focus on my body and what hurts.
"I-I-I can't breathe properly it hurts, he kicked me, and it hurts. My side feels like I'm being stabbed, and it won't stop. My ribs hurt" I say as I try to catch my breath back.
"Okay great job Lou" Harry tells me.
"Louis, my name is Molly, I'm a nurse, I'm going to look after you, I'm just going to put this oxygen mask on your face okay" she tells me.
I begin to freak out at her words, I feel so weird, and I can't breathe, I don't want anything near my face, it hurts, and I feel too constricted.
"No, please... I don't want it on" I say as I try to push her hands away.
"Louis, it's going to help you breathe, just relax and trust us Lou" Harry says.
"No, it hurts please" I wheeze.
"His chest is rattling Dan; we need a scan" Harry says.
I'm still pushing the mask away from my face.
"Louis, I need you to just stay calm, I promise you the mask is going to help" Daniel says as he brushes my hair out of my eyes.
I can't help the tears that escape, I'm in so much pain and feel so weird. I reluctantly let Molly put the mask on me.
"Good boy Louis" she says.
"Louis we need to take a look at your side, so we are going to take off your shirt and jeans and get you in a hospital gown" Daniel tells me.
I panic and my breathing becomes erratic again. I don't want them to see my body. I try to get the oxygen mask off me so I can sit up, I know it's helping me, but I feel constricted, my hands are grabbed by Molly though.
"Shhhhh Louis, leave it on sweetheart, it needs to stay on to help you" she tells me.
"Settle down Louis, it's okay" Daniel tells me reassuringly
I relax a little at the warm and caring tone of their voices and Molly let's my hands go.
Harry rips my shirt open, and it's cut off me as heart rate monitors are placed on my chest and my jeans are taken down. I'm left just in my boxers, I'm too out of it and upset to care.
"Harry, what does he weigh, is there something I should know?" Daniel asks of Harry as he assesses my body.
"He has suffered anorexia for five years; he was in remission for the last four years until a few months ago" Harry says.
Daniel nods at him and tells one of the nurses something. Harry and him then both go back to looking over my side.
"We are just going to roll you over on your left side Louis okay we've got you" Harry tells me.
I'm rolled over slightly on my left side gently, but it hurts badly.
"Aghhhhhhh" I yell out.
"It's okay sweetheart" nurse Kate tells me as she strokes her hand across my forehead trying to calm me.
"Haz" Dan says in concern.
Harry leans over me to see what Daniel has found on my right side and I don't miss the look that they give each other, and it scares me.
"Lou, how long has your side been hurting?" Harry asks me.
"Like, like two weeks...... I dunno" I rush out through the pain
"Shit, it's fucking blood poisoning" Harry says.
I'm rolled back onto my back and Instructions are flown around the room in medical jargon that I don't understand. I'm put in a hospital gown and poked and prodded with things. Harry is telling me I'm okay and reassuring me with his words as much as he can. My breathing is getting more laboured though and even with the oxygen mask I'm struggling.
"Haz" I try.
"Yeah Lou, I'm here what are you feeling" Harry asks as he hovers over me and places his hand in my hair and cards his hand through.
"I just can't breathe, please help me Harry I just......" I trail off.
"Louis!!!!" Harry says frantically.
"Louis, open your eyes buddy" Daniel says shaking me slightly.
I can hear them, and I can vaguely see them, but I can't respond as I feel myself slipping.
"Louis don't do this, do not so this" I hear Harry's voice yell at me.
I want to tell him I'm okay, that I'm here and I can hear him, but I can't, my body won't work.
"He's vomiting" I can hear nurse Kate yell.
I can feel myself rolled over on my side and a suction tube is put in my mouth. I can feel my body heave and I know I'm spewing but I can't control it.
"It's okay Lou, just get it out" I hear Harry say.
He is still reassuring me and talking to me even though he doesn't even know if I can hear him, I can though, and his voice calms me.
"There is blood in his vomit" nurse Molly says.
"Harry, it's his lung too, it's a collapsed lung" Daniel says.
"Call for surgery, I'm going to do it, no one else is touching him" Harry yells.
Suddenly I can feel my body violently shaking.
"Fuck, he is convulsing" Harry says.
I can hear more instructions and I can feel my self-shaking, but I can't do anything about it. I want to make it stop, its hurting my side and my chest but I can't stop.
"It's okay Louis, hang in there" Doctor Dan tells me.
I suddenly feel like my airway is blocked and no air is getting through.
"He's choking" Daniel yells.
Another suction tube is then in my mouth suctioning, as my convulsing is thankfully coming to a stop.
I then hear more medical jargon and feel something else slip into my arm and It's forcing me to sleep, forcing me to leave Harry and for the first time, I find myself trying to fight it and come back to the light. I don't want to go, I want Harry, but I have no choice.
"Louis, I'm going to take care of you.... I promise" Harry's voice reassures me before I'm completely out.
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