Part 13


"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Zach grabs my arm as I try to leave their drug room at the club.

"I'm feeling really sick Zach I need to go, please" I say as I struggle in his grip.

"So, you can crawl back to Harry? No fucking way" Zach tells me as he drags me closer towards him.

"Please Zach I can't take another hit, I can't handle anymore" I tell him.

His grip on my upper arm tightens.

"Like fuck you can't Louis" Zach starts.

He is interrupted by Noah and Nathan walking into the room.

"Zach we can hear you screaming from outside, what the fuck is going on?" Noah asks concerned.

They both walk in and shut the door behind them.

"Nothing, Louis' just being a fucking brat" Zach screams.

He shoves me backwards and I hit my back on the wall behind me hard, causing me to wince.

"What the fuck Zach?" Nathan yells.

Nathan comes over and grabs onto my arms to steady me.

"Are you okay Louis? What happened to your eye babe?" He asks concerned.

"I'm what happened to his fucking eye Nathan" Zach yells.

"Jesus" Nathan responds, but his eyes don't leave my face as he studies the damage.

He reaches out and touches the bruise forming on my eye and I flinch.

"Sorry" he apologises.


"Louis won't take a hit Nath, can you believe that? says he is feeling too sick" Zach laughs out.

Noah walks over and takes one look at me, before turning back to Zach.

"He does look fucking sick Zach" he says.

"Bullshit it's all an act, now get the fuck over here and take this hit Louis before I do something I will regret" Zach yells.

He is actually going crazy; I have no doubt he would do something terrible to me. I look towards Nathan and Noah pleadingly, but they look at me helplessly.

"Just go Louis" Noah whispers out.

Fuck, even they don't want to get on his bad side, they must know what he is like. I do as I'm told and walk over to the table and Zach pushes my head down harshly while I take the hit.

"Next time do it the fucking first time you are asked, or it will be a lot worse for you" Zach tells me.

The hit, like I thought, doesn't agree with my body and I spend the next four hours in the club bathroom puking my guts up, alone.

Zach comes looking for me a few hours later and I've managed to curl myself up in a ball against the bathroom wall, I'm shaking horribly I feel so cold but I'm sweating buckets. I just want Harry so badly.

"Ohhh Louis babe, are you ok?" Zach asks when he finds me.

I know he is sober and coherent now from the tone of his voice.

"Yeah, can I please go home now Zach, I really don't feel well" I say timidly.

"Of course, babe, why didn't you say something earlier?" He asks.

I don't even bother responding, he was clearly too fucked up to remember anything.

He helps me stand up and leads me out the back of the club to a waiting cab. Surprisingly he gets into the cab with me. When we get to my flat he walks me inside and helps me change into my sweats and a T-shirt, much to my protests, I really don't want him touching me.

"Fuck Louis, your fucking tiny" he laughs out.

I feel like crying, I feel like shit and Zach is laughing at me. I hate him right now.

"You can leave now; I'm just going to go to bed" I reply not mentioning his comment.

"Is it okay if I crash here?" He asks.

Shit, I really don't feel comfortable with him crashing here, but I agree anyway for fear of getting hurt.

"Um sure, I will take the couch" I say hesitantly.

I just want to sleep I'm so exhausted, I don't really care where.

"No Louis, we can share the bed" he says angrily.

I really don't want to anger him anymore, so I agree. We settle down for bed and I move all the way over as far as I can to the edge of the bed. I fall into an uneasy sleep.

Throughout the night, I get up three times to vomit and I can feel I have a temperature. My back is aching so badly. Zach sleeps the whole night through apart from the few times he tells me to shut up for being so loud. I just want him gone and I want Harry so badly. I contemplate sneaking to Harry's apartment, but I think better of it, I don't want Harry getting hurt because of me. If Zach found out he would go ape shit.

I decide there is no point in going back to sleep when I finally finish throwing up at 6am. I head to the couch with a blanket and turn on the TV. I eventually convince myself to get up and go and get some tea as that usually helps me feel better and gives my body something to function off.

When I'm finished and I walk back out to the couch, tea in my hands. I see Zach sitting down, he is eying me and I can't read the look he is giving me.

"Um morning " I say quietly, trying to judge his mood.

"Morning, so you slept on the couch after I told you not too huh?" He asks me angrily.

"Um no, I just came out then I swear, I've been sick all night I couldn't sleep" I say defensively.

Zach is up out of the chair Immediately.

"I know you are lying Louis" he tells me.

"I'm, I'm not lying Zach I swear" I yell out.

Before I'm prepared, he lunges at me and I drop my tea and it spills to the floor, some landing on Zach's foot.

"For fuck sakes Louis!" He shouts.

I'm feeling so drained and tired I'm not quick enough to move when he goes to hit me again. He slaps me across the face, and I fall to the ground my ribs hitting the coffee table. Zach is then on his knees in front of me.

"Louis, I'm so sorry babe, I didn't mean to hit you I'm so sorry" Zach says, his voice breaking.

He reaches out to me but I back away from him. Before he can say anything more Harry's voice and loud knocking can be heard through my door.

"Louis open up NOW" He yells.

My breathing is heavy as I look back at Zach. He is looking at me with such hatred. I need to run as fast as I can to the door and into the safety of Harry's arms. I scramble to my feet and make a run to the door. Zach must have read my mind though and he gets up just as quickly to chase me. He tackles me to the floor before I get anywhere near the door. Before I can yell for Harry, Zach covers my mouth so I can't scream out. He has pinned me on the ground.

"You better tell him to fuck off Louis or I will hurt you, do you understand. I will hurt you badly" Zach whisper yells at me.

Tears well in my eyes as I slowly nod my head at him. He releases me hesitantly, ready to pounce if I yell. I lie on the floor panting trying to get my breath back, Zach is watching my every move carefully. I shakily stand up from the ground.

"Louis open the fucking door or I'll kick it in" Harry yells worriedly.

"Get rid of him Louis....for good, or ill fuck him up too" Zach warns again.

The thought of something happening to Harry makes me physically sick, I can't let that happen. I walk slowly to the door and open it slightly peeking out from behind it, careful not to show my bruised eye.

"What's up Haz?" I say trying to sound happy.

"Don't give me what's up Haz!!!! I heard yelling and banging, I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he says to me.

"I'm, I'm fine Haz" I say quietly looking anywhere but in his eyes.

"I don't believe you, is HE still inside?" Harry asks angrily.

I wince at his tone, and I don't respond.

"You look really sick Louis; I just want to help please let me in" Harry begs.

"It's best if you leave Harry and that you stay away, please don't come back" I say, my eyes welling with tears again.

"What?" He asks hurt written all over his face.

"You heard me I-I-I don't need your help, please just leave me be. I don't love you anymore, I need you to go. I'm with Zach now" I say

"I know what you are doing Louis and I won't let it happen" Harry whispers to me so only I can hear.

I can't hear anymore from him I need to get back into Zach before he comes and hurts Harry. I begin to close the door.

"See you Haz" I say back sniffling as the door shuts completely.

The look on Harry's face breaks my heart he looked so hurt. I hate myself.

"Good Job babe, you did good" Zach says to me as I enter the lounge room trying to hold myself together.

I'm trying not to break down and cry, I was so mean to Harry he is going to hate me now.

"I'm going to take off I've got shit to do, I'll call you tonight, we are going out again I've got potential clients for you to meet, and you better not fuck it up for me Louis "he says evilly.

Fuck I don't want to go out tonight. I just need to sleep, I actually think I need to go to the doctors, my side just won't let up. I nod towards Zach, and he pulls me in for a kiss before he is out the door and slamming it shut behind him.

What the hell am I going to do, what have I gotten myself into. I'm so fucked. I lie back down on the couch and completely sob. I never want to see Zach again. I can feel myself sweating but I'm so, so cold. I pull the blanket around me and just sob my eyes out.

Three hours later and I still I can't get comfortable, and I just feel like shit, I'm contemplating going to get Harry, but he will hate me now after I made him leave. My phone beeps next to me on the table and I see it's a message from Zach.

"You better be at the club tonight by 9 or else Louis"

Fuck I really don't think I can even move let alone get to the club. I need to sleep now so as I can pull my shit together and get there by 9. I won't be able to withstand another punch from Zach. I hope he doesn't make me take another hit my body just can't handle anything else.

I try to forget about the club and my pain and focus on my breathing and falling asleep, I'm finally nodding off when suddenly, I hear voices outside my apartment. I recognise them Immediately and panic.

The Boys- fuck!!

They begin banging on my door loudly, Harry must have called them. I can't really blame him, but I can't answer the door, I really don't want to deal with this shit. I don't need a lecture on what a fuck up I am and how I'm ruining my life, I just want to be left the fuck alone. If I pretend, I'm not home then maybe they will go away.

"Louis William, open this door right now" Edward yells.

"We know you are inside Louis, so don't pretend you can't hear us" Drew says.

"We will sit outside your door until you come out Louis" Scott says, matter if fact.

I'm so angry, I'm not answering the door. I don't want to face them and their disappointed faces. I have to go to the club tonight or Zach will do something to me that I don't even want to think about. I can't go home with the boys either, I just can't deal with them right now.

I walk, trying to keep my balance over to the door and slide my side table in front of it. I lock the dead bolts so if they try to pick the locks, they can't get in. I settle down on the couch and ignore the pounding on the door, hopefully they will give up soon. I try to block them out and I sob myself to sleep again hoping I'll feel better when I wake up.

Harry's POV

Louis shuts the door in my face, and I can't help but feel like he has just stomped on my heart. Something is up with him and that Zach guy. Louis told me they weren't together, and I believe him, I don't trust Zach. The way Louis was hiding half his face through the door also makes me think something has happened. If Zach so much as laid a finger on Louis, he will have me to deal with. I decide it's definitely time to call Scott. Louis looks sick as anything and something tells me it's not just the drugs that's causing it, he literally looks half dead. I pull out my phone and hesitantly dial Scott. Louis is going to be so upset at me, but his health and life are more important to me.

"Heya Haz" Scott greets me

"Hey Scott" I greet back solemnly

"What's up mate? You sound upset" he says.

I can hear Edward and Andy in the background. I take a big breath contemplating my options, but I have no choice I have to tell him. Louis life is at risk.

"It's Louis, Scott listen. I'm pretty sure he has got himself caught up with the wrong crowd and he is being forced into a relationship with this older guy, like much, much older. He has been taking drugs but has promised me he has stopped; I know he isn't eating again and I'm just so worried. He walked into work yesterday and looked like he was about to fall over, he looked so sick and this morning he told me to leave and not come back after I heard him arguing with that Fucking asshole he has been hanging out with" I rush out a bit frantic.

It feels so good to tell Scott this stuff and hopefully he will know what to do, I can't let Louis live like this anymore.

"Okay listen to me Haz, I'm going to make some arrangements at work and the boys, and I will be there in a few hours. Is he in any immediate danger Harry? Do we need to call the police?" Scott asks anxiously.

"No, I don't think so, I'm not at work until tonight so I will keep a watch in his place until you get here" I say.

As I'm speaking, I hear Louis front door open and shut and I stick my head discreetly out my door to see Zach leaving. At least I know Louis is alone now.

"Zach just left Scott, so Louis is alone" I say.

"Okay, we will be there as soon as we can H, thanks for calling us mate" Scott says.

We say our goodbyes and hang up.

I sigh, I don't know if I should even go over to Louis place and check on him, he clearly told me he wanted nothing to do with me. I hesitate before my worry gets the better of me, I just need to make sure he is okay.

I walk to his door and I'm about to knock when I hear sobbing thorough the door. Louis is crying. I decide to leave him alone for a little while, at least I know he is alive and okay.

Three hours go by and finally Scott and the boys arrive. They come inside my apartment first before confronting Louis. We all sit in my Lounge room. It's good to see them all again, I just wish it was under better circumstances.

"Okay Haz, let's have it, we want to know everything" Scott says.

I sigh. I don't know where to start. I figure with this Zach fuckhead is best.

"Well, this guy he has been hanging with and has been papped leaving the club with, his name is Zach he is like 36 and has been supplying Louis drugs" I start.

"What kind of drugs?" Edward asks.

"Well, I'm pretty sure the first drug was just a trip, but Louis had a really bad reaction to that, and I'm scared if he has that again it will be a lot worse the second time. He told me he has also been taking cocaine. The last time he had it though, it was laced with something, and he turned up on my doorstep completely paranoid and fucked up. That was like two weeks ago and he swears he hasn't done anything since" I tell them.

"Do you believe him?" Scott asks me.

I sigh and rub my hands over my face.

"As much as I want to say yes, I have to say no, I don't believe him. I do believe he is taking it against his will though, I think Zach is forcing him" I say completely honest.

The boys nod and listen as I continue.

"I know Louis is eating some food because I make it for him. Eggs is all he will stomach, and he won't throw that up. But I'm only making him eat when I see him and sometimes that can be two days and I'm fairly certain all he has is tea in-between" I say worriedly.

I hear Drew gasp

"Shit" Andy says.

"I think he is actually really sick, and not just from the drugs and withdrawals. I think something is really wrong and not just the flu like he keeps telling me it is. He won't let me get anywhere near him to look at him though" I finish.

"So medically what could go wrong Haz, is he going to be, okay?" Drew asks frantically.

Drew has always been the most effected emotionally by Louis and he isn't holding it together that well right now.

"I don't want to scare you guys I-" I start but I'm cut off.

"Please Haz just tell us.... please" Andy whispers.

I sigh.

"Well, the side effects of such major drug use can be life threatening, he is out every night doing cocaine and that's just what we know about, he could be taking so much more. He is tiny, his frame is so small and the amount he may be taking could cause heart attack, respiratory failure, anxiety, increased panic attacks, it can lead to liver and kidney damage, malnutrition even more so than he has already. His eating disorder can cause seizures, dizziness, fainting, anaemia. It also causes heart problems and eventually his body will shut down. Combine the two together and it's a complete recipe for disaster" I say frantically.

There is silence while everyone takes in what I said.

"Jesus Christ I'm scared, I'm really scared" Edward says.

"Fuck, I knew he was bad but not this bad, he is going to kill himself" Scott says.

"My gut is telling me we need to act now, something bad happening is imminent" I say.

The boys just stare at me in shock.

"So, what's the plan then?" Drew asks.

"We confront him, have an intervention, I guess. If he won't get help, then we will make him. Andy and I will apply to have his affairs and everything taken over by us. Kimberly has already started the process; she is in complete agreement with us about this. We will take him back home and he can recover, before he is too far gone, before he kills himself" Scott says.

He discreetly wipes away the tears in his eyes.

"This is going to be hard guys; he is going to resist and fight us to the end and we have to be strong no matter what happens and no matter what he says" Andy tells us.

"We need to stick together and do this for Louis" Drew agrees.

I agree, as much as I hate this and I know what Louis is going to be like, this has to be done.

We head outside and Scott and Edward bang on Louis door. There is no answer, we expected that though. We do hear something being placed in front of the door and the locks being double clicked so we know Louis has locked himself inside. So, we wait, he has to come out eventually.

Four hours later and we decide on trying to trick him out. Andy and Edward walk off down the hallway behind the wall out of sight, while Scott me and Drew head inside my flat. If he thinks we have given up he may come out. We sit and we wait. I have to leave for work in an hour, so I really hope he comes out before then.


I wake up to my alarm at 8pm. I struggle to get up off the couch and nearly faint when I do. I steady myself and go to get ready for the club. If I don't go, I'm in deep shit. The knocking on my door seems to have eased up and I'm so thankful the boys got the message to leave me alone. I enter my room and slowly change into my black skinnies and my grey and white button up and my grey vans. I roll my sleeves up to my elbows and I style my hair in the bathroom mirror. I look like absolute shit; Zach is going to be pissed.

I walk out of the bathroom and grab my wallet, keys, and phone. I then walk to the door and slowly move the side table from in front of the door. I look out the peep hole and see the hallway is deserted. I need to be quick; I'll take the stairs if I have to. I slowly undo the deadbolts and open the door quietly. I slip out and turn to leave. I make it about three steps before I'm stopped by Harry's door opening and Scott's voice behind me.

"Going somewhere Lou?" He asks.

I turn around to see Scott, Drew and Harry staring back at me.

"Yeah, out" I say back weakly.

I turn around to leave, they can't stop me, I can run from here if I have to. As soon as I turn around though Edward and Andy are blocking my way.

"We don't think so kid" Edward says.

Scott, Drew, and Harry walk closer to me, as do Andy and Edward. My breathing picks up, I need to get to that club. I can't let them stop me.

"Please I just need to go, I have a meeting and I need to go" I say getting panicky.

They are all about three feet away from me, but I feel completely trapped and cornered. I feel really weak like I'm about to fall over. I sway a little on my feet and Harry walks quickly over to me, he cups my face and places a hand on my forehead.

"Fuck, he is still burning up" Harry says to the boys like I'm not even here.

They all share a look of pure concern.

"Get off me" I say, and I push Harry's hands away weakly.

"We can't let you leave Louis; we need to get you to a doctor" Edward says.

"Like fuck you can't. I'm leaving and you can't stop me" I say back heatedly.

I push past Harry and I try to dodge past Edward and Andy to leave.

"Not so fast Kid" Andy says, and he grabs me around the chest and holds me to him.

"Let me go Andy, I'm not coming with you, get off me" I yell.

"Louis you are sick, and we need to get you to a doctor before something bad happens, this is serious" Edward tells me.

"Bring him inside Andy, Harry can check him out better inside" Scott says.

"Fuck you Scott, I don't need Harry. I'm fine, there is nothing wrong with me" I yell.

I'm struggling so hard in Andy's grip, but I can't get loose.

"Stop it Louis, you are just making this harder on yourself" Drew says from beside me.

"No, let me go, fuck off I don't need you" I yell again.

"Shhhhh Lou, it's okay just relax" Andy says trying to calm me down.

Andy picks me up and holds me to his side as he brings me inside, I'm fighting him as best as I can. When we get back inside, he puts me down in the Lounge room. I try and catch my breath for a second before I dodge him, and I run for the door. I nearly make it, but Harry catches me this time.

"Hey, hey, hey, not so fast baby" he says.

"Please let me go Harry, please" I wheeze out breathless.

"Just calm down Lou and breathe, everything is okay" he says reassuringly to me, as he holds me in his arms against his chest.

"No Harry, you don't understand, if I don't get to the club...... Zach...." I tell him.

"Zach what Louis, will hit you again?" Scott says.

Shit I didn't cover up my bruised face.

"Louis, baby please.....there is something going on with you, you are sick and I need you to let me find out why, please" Harry pleads with me.

"No! Just let me go" I scream.

I thrash around in Harry's arms, needing to get free. He says something to Scott about going to get something to calm me down from his apartment. He hands me over to Scott and as he does, I manage to break free.

"Louis!" Scott yells.

I run towards my bedroom as fast as I can, and I close and lock the door just in time. I don't have time to catch my breath! I turn around to the window and run to open it. I manage to get it open; I jump out on the ledge and head straight for the fire escape. I run down the stairs quickly and when I reach the street, I hail a cab and book it to the club. I just hope Zach isn't angry that I'm a little late.

Harry's POV

"Fucking hell, just pick the lock" Andy says.

"Louis open the dam door now" Drew yells.

I manage to pick the lock to Louis bedroom in record time. The door swings open, and we are left with an empty room and an open window.

"Fuck" Scott says as he punches the wall beside him.

"Let's go" Edward says.

"Where?" Drew asks.

"The fucking club he always goes too, the one he is papped coming out of, Snitch, we will drag him back here kicking and screaming if we have to" Edward says.

"I have to get to work I can't miss another night guys." I say regretfully.

I really don't want to go to work but I have too, fuck I need to know Louis is okay though.

"Bring him in as soon as you find him okay, let me look at him properly at the hospital" I tell the boys.

"Yes, good idea Haz we will, we will keep you posted" Scott says.

We all leave the apartment and I watch as the boys head off to find Louis. I really hope they find him, and he is okay. I don't want anything to happen to him, but I have a really, really bad feeling.

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