Part 12
The campaign for H&K started two days ago and every time I walk out of my apartment, I come face to face with my picture on a billboard, it's a little uncomfortable. I'm also on the sides of buses and in shop fronts too. The photo though is definitely one of the best I've done, it's a black and white photo of me in my underwear, Zach is seriously a great photographer. I think I still look a little too fat, but the response so far has been amazing, Laura called me the day the campaign begun letting me know how amazingly it had started. My agent called me the same day with a lot of new offers pouring in, enough to keep me really busy and I'm really excited about it. The H&K campaign finishes in three months and I have signed another year with them as well as a men's perfume brand and a men's watch company.
When I told Harry he was so happy for me and wouldn't stop congratulating me and smiling. We went out for celebratory ice cream, and I actually ate a whole vanilla cone and kept it down. We haven't spoken anymore about the kiss, but nothing has changed between us and I'm so thankful.
I haven't spoken to Andy or the boys, I'm still not planning to go home at all, besides the fact that I'm too busy with work. There is no reason to go home, what are they going to do when I don't show up? Call and yell at me? I think I can deal with that. I haven't taken any drugs or been high for the last three days. I feel okay but there is still a pain in my back that won't go away. It's probably nothing though so I try to push it out of my mind.
I'm on my way to another photo shoot today for H&K, I have to have a few more pictures taken and then I have interview for a fashion magazine.
When I get to the shoot I'm prepped and dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt with a leather jacket over the top, my hair left flat across my forehead and my feet bare. I walk into the studio and see Zach immediately; he looks a bit tired and scruffy. We haven't spoken in a few days since the night at the club. I feel uneasy when I see him, but I smile at him when he looks towards me, he doesn't return it.
"Hey Louis, let's get started, you're late" he says shortly to me.
"Oh, um sorry wardrobe was running late" I say shyly.
"It's fine, just come on. I don't have all day" he replies.
Great, he is pissed about something, and I really feel self-conscious now. I hope it isn't something I have done, but I have a feeling it's probably because I left the club without telling him.
We start the shoot and I'm really tense. I can't seem to relax my side is aching. I can tell Zach is pissed off with how the shoot is going as well and that makes me even more nervous. Halfway through, Zach calls it quits.
"Louis get over here" he says curtly. Putting his camera down.
I walk shyly towards him, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get yelled at but instead Zach grabs my arm harshly and pulls me into the staff room, so we are alone.
"Listen, what the fuck is wrong with you out there? I thought you were better than this, you are fucking up Louis and I've had enough" He semi yells.
Okay I knew I wasn't giving my all, but I didn't think I was that bad. I feel like I've completely let Zach and Laura down.
"Um I don't......I don't understand... I'm sorry" I say, and I feel so insecure right now.
"Are you Louis? Are you really, because I don't think you are" Zach says.
I'm so confused right now; I have no idea what he is talking about. He is acting really strange and on edge.
"Ummm is everything okay? Are we even talking about the shoot right now?" I ask.
Zach sighs and rubs his eyes.
"No, we're not just talking about the shoot Louis, you lied to me, and I'm really upset about it. After everything I've done for you, I really thought you and I were going somewhere" Zach rants out.
"Zach, I'm really sorry but I have no idea what you are talking about" I say back, starting to get annoyed.
"I thought you told me that Harry was just your friend, that you just lived in the same building as him" Zach spits at me.
"Um he is, he, um he does" I say confused.
"Well why the fuck have you been all over magazines with him for the last two days huh? Why are the magazines saying you are both together? Why are they saying you and Harry have been going on dates Louis?" He asks angrily.
"Um I dunno, they will put anything in a magazine, we just had ice cream the other day together it was nothing, why are you getting upset about it?" I ask quietly.
I'm actually scared of Zach right now, I think he might be high, he is getting aggressive with me.
"Because you are mine Louis, I don't want you seeing Harry anymore do you understand" Zach tells me harshly.
"Zach, you and I aren't even together I..." I start but I get cut off with a slap to my face.
What the fuck? He just slapped me across the face. I'm frozen in complete shock.
"I'm sorry Louis, I didn't mean to" Zach starts as he reaches out for me. I flinch away from him.
"Don't touch me" I say.
"Louis, babe I'm sorry, I've just had a really bad few days and I thought you were with Harry. I don't like him Louis he isn't good for you" he says.
He sounds a little crazy right now and I'm not sure what to do, so I just go along with him.
"Okay yeah sure Zach I can do that" I say, and he sighs with relief.
He then pulls me in for a heated kiss and I'm too scared not to respond.
"I promise I will never hit you again, I'm so sorry. I was stupid and had a bad trip this morning and I get a little controlling and aggressive when I come down. I'm sorry Louis" he says.
He is looking at me in the eyes and I can see how sorry he is. I smile at him.
"It's fine Zach I promise, can we just get back to the shoot please" I say.
"Sure babe, would you like a hit before we do, just to loosen you up a little? You seemed a bit tense out there" he says.
His personality has done a complete twist. He is acting nice and loving towards me again. It's obviously just his come down making him like this. I really don't like this side of Zach and I promised myself and Harry I wouldn't take anymore drugs.
"No, I shouldn't I'm working, I'm okay" I say.
"Come on Louis, I won't tell. I think you need it. You want to take a good photo, don't you?" Zach asks me, stepping closer and placing a piece of my hair behind my ear.
I don't want to ruin the campaign, but I don't want to take anything, the last few days the pain in my back on my right side has been getting worse and I've been so exhausted and run down. Today is the first day I feel somewhat okay, and I don't want to go backwards.
"I'm not sure Zach, I really don't want to take anything" I say.
"Bullshit Louis, I know you want it; you want to feel good don't you. You're fucking up out there louis and this will fix it" he tells me.
I trust Zach to tell me what I need to do to take good photos. He is the photographer after all, and I don't want to let Laura down. I'm so torn, his words really hitting me hard. I'm not good enough for this industry and if Zach goes against me, I'm done. I hesitate but give in.
"Yeah, I don't want to disappoint you" I say back.
"That's a good boy, come on let's give you a hit and get back to work, I guarantee it will make all the difference" Zach says.
He pulls out some white powder and a pill and he sets it up.
"It's not laced this time, is it?" I ask warily.
"No babe just the normal stuff I promise" Zach tells me.
We both snort it and take a pill; Zach pulls me in for another kiss and we get back to work.
To my surprise the shoot goes amazingly, I feel so confident, and the photos turn out better than anything I've ever done before.
"Louis, these are amazing" Laura tells me when she views some of the pictures from the screen on set.
"Thank you" I say.
"This campaign is going to be fabulous Louis; you have really out done everything that was expected. There will be some exciting times ahead for you my boy" Laura says as she pats me on the shoulder.
I smile widely at her; I can't help it. We finish up and I say goodbye to Zach. He tells me he will call me, and we will go to the club again, I don't really know if I want to see him outside work again. I'm definitely starting to rethink a few things and I refuse to go back to the place where I am scared to go out for fear of being abused. I won't go back there, I won't.
I walk out of the studio and call a cab to take me across town for my interview with a very respectable fashion magazine. I'm still feeling the effects of the drugs I'm on when I turn up, I feel like I could take on the world though and I answer every question honestly. When the interviewer asks if I'm single, I hesitate for a moment, I'm not sure where Harry and I stand we haven't spoken about anything and I'm not sure if I'm ready to trust him completely. I definitely don't want to be with Zach though that's for sure, so I reply confidently with a yes, that I am indeed single. I really don't consider what Zach and I have as a relationship; it was just a bit of fun. I just hope he isn't too mad when he reads the article, especially after he stated that I was his and needed to stay away from Harry, I'm hoping it was just the drugs talking.
The rest of the interview goes pretty well, and I say goodbye and shake everyone's hands before I leave.
I decide to walk home, it's only about a 20 minute walk from where I am, I think the fresh air will do me good and I sigh with relief when I suck in the cold air when I enter the street.
About five minutes into my walk, I receive a text from Harry. I'm starting to come down now and I really feel like I need another hit. I feel a bit lightheaded and dizzy and this pain in my side is coming back as my hit wares off.
'Hey Lou, can you come by the hospital after your interview? We can walk home together?' Harry asks in his text.
I'm actually only two blocks from the hospital and it's on my way home. The threats from Zach echo through my head though. I really don't know how serious he was about me not seeing Harry again. It's not like Zach and I are together though, I've made that perfectly clear a few times that I'm not Looking for anything, especially after the way he acted today. If he slapped me once, he would probably do it again and that scares me. High school just comes flashing back through my mind and Joey and Ashton, being hit and abused every day was hell and I can't get caught up in that again. Zach did say that it was the drugs he was on as to why he was angry, I doubt he actually really meant for me to stay away from Harry. He has probably already forgotten about what he said. I decide to text Harry back, I'm not feeling so great, and it would be good to walk home with Harry he always seems to make everything feel okay when he is around.
'Sure, I'm two blocks away see you shortly'
'Great, looking forward to it :)' Harry responds.
I'm feeling so drained and tired by the time I get to the hospital and even in the cold, I'm sweating a little. I push my sleeves of my navy sweatshirt up to my elbows as I walk up the hospital steps. When I walk into Emergency I'm greeted by the same receptionist as last time.
"Afternoon Louis, Harry is expecting you, just walk through" she smiles widely at me and opens the doors to let me pass.
"Thanks Mel" I say, she blushes at the fact I use her name.
I walk down the corridor and towards the same big desk in the centre of the room. I see Harry at the desk with Doctor Dan and a nurse, he is filling out paperwork. The nurse looks up towards me when she sees me approaching.
"Hi Louis, nice to see you again" she says politely.
I smile at her as best I can. I'm starting to get a headache; I probably look like shit and my back is aching. Harry looks up at the sound of my name.
"Hey Lou," Harry greets me. He looks at me warily.
"Hey Haz" I smile, coughing slightly.
Harry gets up and comes towards me concern written all over his face.
"Are you okay Louis?" He asks and he places his hand on my forehead.
"Shit Lou you're burning up" he says.
"I just feel tired Haz, I'm fine" I tell him pushing his hand away.
"You really don't look fine; you look like you are about to pass out" he tells me.
"It's just been a long day is all" I say.
Harry doesn't buy it though and grabs a thermometer and puts it in my ear. I try to pull away, but he holds me in place until it beeps.
"Bloody hell Lou, your temperature is really high" Harry says showing the nurse the result.
"I'm fine Haz, stop fussing. I just need to sleep it off, it's probably just the flu" I say back.
"Can I check you out Louis please" Harry asks.
Shit, if he does any sort of test, he will know I took drugs, I can't let him look me over. I really have no clue if this is a result of the come down or the fact that I have a flu, it's come on so suddenly. An hour ago, I was feeling somewhat okay but then again, I was high. I can't risk Harry finding the drugs in my system though.
"No, no Haz I'm fine I promise" I say.
"Louis you really should let Harry check you over just to make sure, you really don't look well" the nurse says to me.
Harry looks me in the eyes assessing me. He brings me over towards and empty cubicle so only him and I can be heard.
"Louis, are you on a come down?" He whispers to me.
"No Harry I'm just tired, can we just go please" I say getting frustrated.
He looks like he doesn't believe me, but I can't be bothered arguing right now, I don't feel good.
"Sure Lou, let me get my stuff okay" he says.
I nod and wait while he gets his things. I feel like I could faint at any second. I need to put some sort of food in my system.
"Okay let's go" he tells me.
We say our goodbyes and we walk out of the hospital and start the walk home.
"Louis, can you please tell me the truth now, what drugs did you take?" Harry asks.
I knew I couldn't keep this from Harry, he looks at me again and then stops on the sidewalk. I stop as well and turn to face him, he reaches out and touches my face, he strokes his thumb over my cheek, right where Zach hit me.
"Louis, what happened to your cheek?" he asks.
"Um I just ran into the door this morning" I lie.
I know Harry doesn't believe me, but he doesn't push it and I'm thankful.
"I need to get home Harry, I'm really tired" I say.
He nods and we keep walking.
"When was the last time you ate?" He asks.
"Haz!!" I whine.
"I'm just asking Louis, so I can get you something to eat, you look like you are about to pass out again and I will call Scott this time" Harry says.
"Yeah, I feel like I need to eat, just some eggs or something" I tell Harry.
"Okay come on, I'll come back to yours and make you some eggs okay, you probably have the flu or something" he says.
We walk slowly back to the apartment and when we get inside, I quickly change into sweats and a T-shirt. I nestle on the couch and Harry brings me scrambled eggs. Harry makes the best food, and my scrambles eggs don't even compare to Harry's, I didn't realise I actually missed his cooking. I eat slowly, my stomach protesting the eggs at first, but that is probably because I haven't eaten since the last time Harry made me eggs and I'm not used to eating again.
I get through the eggs though and I begin to feel a little better.
"You can go Haz, you don't have to stay it's okay I promise, I'm fine" I say to Harry smiling slightly.
I don't want to burden him with whatever is wrong with me and if it is the flu, the last thing Harry needs is to get sick.
Before Harry can respond though there is a knock at the door. I try to get up slowly to go answer it.
"Stay there Lou, I'll get it" Harry says, placing a hand on my shoulder to keep me in place.
Normally I would protest but I really don't feel like it right now. As Harry goes to answer the door, I lean back on the couch I may actually be getting sick. I can feel myself relaxing until I hear a very angry voice boom into the apartment.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hear Zach's voice say from the doorway.
Holy fucking shit, no, please no, Zach can't be here.
"Um, what do you mean?" Harry asks defensively.
"I mean what are you doing in my boyfriend's flat?" Zach spits.
"Boyfriend?" Harry yells surprised.
Boyfriend? I'm not his boyfriend we aren't even together.
"Yeah, mate boyfriend" Zach says aggressively.
"Well Louis hasn't mentioned anything to me, and you are the last person I think Louis would want to date ..." Harry starts.
"What the fuck did you just say pretty boy" Zach threatens.
I get up off the couch and head to the door before anything happens between them. Zach sees me and glares and I know I'm in trouble. He looks like he is about to hit Harry.
"Um hey Zach" I say shyly.
"Hey, babe" he smiles and backs down from Harry.
"Look Louis is sick so I've just been making sure he is okay" Harry starts but is cut off.
"Well, I'm here now, you can go" Zach says his eyes not leaving mine.
Harry hesitates and looks toward me. I give him a slight nod.
"Okay, I'm right next door if you need me Louis" Harry says.
"We will be fine mate" Zach responds.
Harry leaves and I can tell it was really hard for him to go. As soon as the door closes, I'm actually scared. I want Harry to come back. Zach looks angry.
"I thought I told you to stay away from him Louis" he says icily.
"He's just a friend Zach, there is nothing going on between us" I say.
Suddenly Zach rounds on me and punches me in the stomach, I double over in pain, he then punches me straight in my face.
"That will teach you to go against me Louis" he says as I'm on the ground gasping for air.
"Get up and get dressed now, we are going to the club" he tells me.
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