Part 9
Louis POV
The boys and Harry end up in the pool all day, drinking and eating. I grab a book and sit by the pool in my grey sweats and black T-Shirt and watch them. I don't eat anything, but they don't seem to notice much to my relief. None of them mention the events of yesterday and I'm so thankful for that. They are all being silly jumping from the top of the waterfall and having shoulder wrestling competitions. I haven't smiled and laughed so much in a while, they are really funny and I'm glad they are around to take my mind off things.
The house phone starts ringing, and Drew gets out to answer it, he comes back into the pool area with the phone to his ear.
"Scott" he yells.
Scott swims over from the waterfall in the pool to talk to Drew.
"What's up who is it?" he asks.
Drew throws me a sideways glance.
"It's um the police, they need to talk to Louis guardian" he says.
"Oh! yeah ok" Scott says jumping out of the pool.
He grabs a towel and heads inside. I try not to think about what they could want but I'm scared. What if they blame me? What if Mr Charles walks free?
"Hey, it's ok Lou" Drew says.
Bringing me out of my thoughts and sitting next to me on the pool chair.
"We won't let anything happen to you ok, you don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with" he says rubbing my arm.
I nod and give a weak smile I start absentmindedly rubbing my wrists.
"Hey, hey, you're ok" he says grabbing my hands.
The other boys must have noticed something was going on and they quickly get out of the pool and come over. Harry sits next to me on my chair.
"Are you ok what's happened?" he asks.
"Scott is on the phone to the police" Drew says.
Everyone goes quiet. Scott comes out tapping the phone against his hands.
"What did they want?" I ask, he sits down and sighs.
"They want you to come down to the station and give a statement of what happened" Scott looks me in the eyes.
My heart starts beating a million miles a minute.
"No! Why? No, I don't want to, I can't Scott, please" I beg him.
"Shhhhh it's ok alright, but I'm afraid we can't get you out if this. If you don't make a statement he walks free.
Tears prick my eyes. I feel comforting hands on me as the boys discuss this around me, I'm not paying attention.
"I know Drew but legally he has too" I hear Scott say.
"I've said I want all of us in the room and they have okay' d it" Scott adds.
"That Prick won't be anywhere near the station, will he?" Andy asks.
"No, no of course not " Scott answers
"When do I have to?" I choke out.
"This afternoon" Scott sighs, "But we will be there the whole time with you ok" he says.
I nod and stand up and go to my room. I feel physically Ill. I go straight to my bathroom and lock the door. I stand in front of the mirror, the bruises on my cheek and throat are really prominent. I look sickly and pale like I haven't slept in days. I just want this feeling of worthlessness and shame to stop. All of a sudden, I can feel him on me again, I just need to be clean, and I want the bruises to go away, I want the pain to go away. I turn the shower on hot and climb in, I don't bother to get undressed. I grab the loofa and start scrubbing my body so hard trying to get rid of the feeling of him. I feel so disgusting, I start crying and just keep scrubbing my body as hard as I can but it's not enough. I throw the loofa away and slide down the wall of the shower and I just blank out staring at the wall. I don't know how much time passes or what's actually happening because I come back to reality with Harry in front of me cupping my face.
"Louis come back to me bud" he says.
I'm focusing more and I move my head to look him in the eyes.
"There's those beautiful eyes, good boy" he says gently "let's get you out of this cold shower hey" Harry adds.
Cold shower how long have I been in here for?
Harry helps me up and grabs me a towel and starts drying me off. He grabs a pair of black skinny jeans and a light blue t-shirt and some boxers, he puts them on the sink.
"Are you ok to get changed, or do you need some help?" Harry asks.
I look up into his eyes, his expression is nothing but concerned.
"I can go get Sammy or one of the boys if you're not comfortable with me" he says.
"I-I'll be fine I can change" I whisper out.
I don't want Harry seeing my bruised fat body. He kisses me on my forehead and goes to leave the bathroom.
"I'll be waiting right outside ok" he says as he leaves, and I nod.
What the hell happened? I just completely blanked out in the shower. I quickly get dressed and walk into my bedroom, my jeans are baggy on me, and I can't help but be thankful, my diet must be working.
"Come sit" Harry says to me.
He is sitting on my bed patting the spot next to him. I walk over and sit down.
"What happened in there?" he says warmly "you were gone for an hour, I thought I would let you have some space and when I came to find you, I could hear the shower and I was calling your name, but you weren't answering. I picked the lock and came in. Do you remember any of that?" Harry asks. I don't remember a thing at all.
"I don't know, I don't remember Harry, the last thing I remember was trying to scrub his touch off me, I could feel him, but it wasn't working, and I was crying and that's all I remember. I'm so sorry, I'm a freak Harry, I'm so sorry I know I'm disgusting I'm sorry" I ramble out.
"Hey, hey it's ok, it's ok" Harry takes me in his arms "You're not a freak Lou, at all. You went through something that must have been horrible and so scary and your body's way of dealing with it is to blank it out" he says, "It's ok alright, we will get through this" he kisses my forehead "We have to leave now, no one is going to leave your side when we get there ok. This is the last time you will have to do this, and you can put it behind you and start moving on alright" Harry says looking into my eyes.
Moving on sounds so good to me right now, that's all I want. I slowly nod and smile at Harry. We walk out of the bedroom and down the stairs, The boys are all waiting.
"Ready to go?" Edward asks and I nod.
We head to the car and to the police station. I just want to get through this and go home.
When we get to the station, we are met by two police officers and led into an interview room. Edward sits beside me on my left. Drew is on my right and Harry, Andy, and Scott against the wall.
"Ok Louis, we are just going to ask you a few questions and all you need to do is answer them as best as you can ok"
I look at the officer, his name badge says Craig. He is a buff looking guy with black hair, but he seems friendly. I nod my head and his partner who looks about 40 with slightly grey hair and a beard turns the recorder on. Edward places his hand on my knee.
"Interview with Louis Tomlinson, starting at 17:34 officers present are Craig Grant and Jeremy Soul" officer Soul states.
"So, Louis the charges brought against Mr Christopher Charles are that of Indecent exposure and attempted Rape of a minor. It is our understanding that Mr Charles was your teacher is that correct?" officer Craig asks.
My palms are starting to sweat.
"Yes" I answer quietly.
"And what subject did he teach you?" he asks.
"Um biology" I say.
"Can you tell us what happened on Friday the 4th of October at 3:30 pm?" he asks.
I run my hands on my jeans and begin, my breathing a little heavy.
"Umm I was l-leaving his classroom to go home, and Harry usually meets me to walk me to the car" I start but I'm interrupted.
"Who is Harry and why does he meet you?" Officer Soul asks.
"Um Harry, Harry is my older brother's friend" I say timidly "And he meets me because I didn't like being alone with Mr Charles" I say.
"And why didn't you like being alone with him?" he asks.
"Um... um because he made me uncomfortable, he always tried to touch me and I, I didn't like it" I say quietly.
Officer grant brings his arms down and rests them together on the table
"Did you ever tell anyone you were uncomfortable?" he asks
I look to Scott, Harry, and Andy across the room.
"Um I told all my brother's and Harry, a week before it happened" I say looking at him, he looks at me in the eyes for a second.
"Why didn't you think it important to tell someone sooner, if he was making you so uncomfortable?" he asks.
I'm a bit taken aback by the question, was I in the wrong for not telling someone months ago? Was this my fault?
"Cause I just thought it was me I, I, I never thought anything would happen, that he would, that he would try and......." I'm interrupted by Edward.
"That's enough he is getting upset" he says.
"You're doing really well Lou" Drew says reassuring me.
"So, let's get back to what happened. You were leaving his classroom and..." officer Craig asks.
"And he um blocked my way and turned and closed the door" I say my breathing picking up again." He wouldn't let me leave" I say.
I swallow the lump in my throat.
"He... he grabbed my arm and told me he was going to ruin me"
I close my eyes trying to deal with the memory.
"I kicked him in the leg and tried to run but he... he grabbed me and pinned me to the floor, he tied my hands up and he kept touching me and saying things to me. I was screaming and begging him to stop but he didn't listen. He ripped my shirt and was touching me"
I feel like I can't breathe. I'm starting to panic; I can feel him again.
"He touched my body, and I was still screaming, he told me if I didn't shut up that he would slit my throat and watch me die while he fucked me. He pulled his thing out of his pants and tried to put it in my mouth, but I wouldn't let him. He started choking me and I couldn't breathe, he beat me, he hurt me"
My breaths start coming out in pants I can't breathe I can hear Edward at my side.
"Ok stop that's enough" Edward says sternly to the officers.
"It's ok Lou breathe, please breathe, shit" Drew panics beside me.
I can feel hands on me trying to calm me down I don't know who's they are, until I feel warm arms wrap around my waste and I instantly know its Harry. He lifts me up off the chair and turns me around, so my back is resting against his chest. I can vaguely feel the floor beneath me I assume we are sitting.
"Louis, listen to me it's me, it's Harry. I've got you your safe I'm right here. no one is going to hurt you ok" his deep voice relaxes me slightly.
"Please Louis breathe" he says panic clear in his voice.
I try but I can't
"Listen to my breaths in and out, really slow in and out. Can you follow my breathing in and out" Harry tries
I block everything out and focus on the rise and fall of Harry's chest. Slowly I start breathing evenly.
"Good boy, good boy, I've got you" Harry whispers to me.
I turn around in his arms and bury my face in his neck and cry.
"Don't make me say anymore please I c-c-can't I don't want to I want to go home please"
"Shhhhh it's ok Lou. Your done I promise" Scott says rubbing my back.
"Interview terminated at 17:57" officer Craig says.
Harry pulls me into his arms, and we are told we will hear from the police with what happens next. We head back to the car, and I fall asleep in Harry's warmth.
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