Part 5
Harry's POV
I watch as Louis gets out of my car and heads inside, he still has my jersey on, and I can't get over how adorable he is. I know Louis has liked me for a while, Drew and the boys have told me. I feel a pull towards Louis and I'm not sure why. I feel very protective of him but it's more than a brotherly protection. Lately I have been thinking about him constantly and when I see his sad eyes, I just want to hug him and hold him in my arms and never let him go.
When my mum got a job in America and my older sister and I had to pack up our lives and move for two years, Louis was only 14 and although he was adorable and little back then. When I saw him for the first time after I got back, I nearly choked, he is just stunning. He is one of the most gorgeous looking guys I've ever seen. His tanned skin makes his beautiful blue eyes pop, and his small frame fits perfectly snuggled in my side.
I have noticed though lately he is getting smaller, and Drew has mentioned he is a little worried about it. Scott and Andy think he isn't eating enough, and I just really hope it isn't on purpose. I know something is going on at school with Louis, but he won't open up to me, I really need him to trust me and tell me what's happening. The thought of someone hurting him or bullying him makes me sick, he doesn't deserve any of that. Drew and I know he doesn't have many friends, but we just assumed it was because he preferred to have his head in a book and wasn't too concerned, I think it may go deeper than that though and I'm not even convinced Stan is a good guy, I would never tell Louis that though.
This thing with Mr Charles seems to be bothering Louis as well, he seems stressed out about the class, I've noticed how anxious he gets when I'm walking him to Biology. He seems to play with his hands a lot and his breathing gets heavy, I'm not sure he even entirely realizes he is doing it. I try to take his mind off things and just keep talking to him, I just hate seeing him like that.
I'm glad I can help him and tutor him every afternoon. Not that he needs it or anything, I swear he would be one of the tops in the class. I will do everything I can to help him bring his grade up though and spending most afternoons with him after school is pretty awesome too. When he relaxes, Louis is actually very funny and I love seeing him like that, especially when he smiles. He has the most gorgeous smile that just lights up the room. Drew and I have promised the boys we will keep an eye on him at school and although we are two years ahead, I know a lot of people in the school and with their help I'm determined to find out what is going on with Louis and fix it. This adorable guy is doing something to me, and I can't help but want to be around him and maybe even see where things go.
Louis POV
Over the next few weeks, I've completely managed to cut out eating breakfast and lunch and am only eating half my dinner at home. I haven't gotten to the point of throwing up my food yet, but the taunting and name calling hasn't stopped, so I think I will soon need to do more in order to lose more weight. I've dropped about 6kg, and I've started calorie counting. I don't know what else I need to do besides throw up to make the name calling stop.
Harry and I have become quite close, he is still tutoring me in biology which often just turns into us talking and laughing together. I'm starting to really fall for Harry, but I know we will never be more than friends.
On Monday during lunch, I'm busy cramming in the boy's bathroom for my biology exam next period. If I pass this, I won't have to endure private study sessions with Mr Charles. I've got my books spread out on the floor when I hear someone enter. I look up and come face to face with Ashton and Kyle.
"Well, well, look at what we have here" Kyle smirks.
I quickly cram my books back in my bag and stand up, they have me trapped against the toilet wall both of them blocking my exit, I start to panic.
"Sooo this is where you go at lunch times, no wonder we can never find you.... You're hiding" Ashton smirks at me.
I don't respond, my heart is pounding in my ears. I need to get out of here, maybe they will just let me through. I go to push past them to get to the door, but Ashton grabs my upper arm.
"Not so fast" he says seductively, he sounds really creepy.
"Now that we've found you all alone, we're going to have some fun" Kyle says mockingly.
My backpack is thrown to the floor and Ashton shoves me into the toilet wall against the urinals. My back hits the urinal so hard I can feel the bruises already. I try to shove past them again, but Ashton throws me to the floor and kicks me hard in the side, I actually scream out it hurts so badly. Kyle grabs my hair and pulls my head up, so I'm face to face with him.
"Shut the fuck up" he spits in my face.
I whimper, and Ashton throws a few punches and kicks to my stomach and ribs. The hits are hard, and I can feel the bruises already. Suddenly we hear voices outside the toilet, they sound really close.
"Shit someone's coming, let's go" Ashton says panicked.
"Tell anyone about this and we'll kill you, understand" Kyle says to me looking me straight in the eyes, he kicks me again in the side before he leaves.
They run out of the bathroom, and I stand up just as two guys walk in, nearly getting knocked over by Kyle and Ashton.
"Hey man watch where you're going" one of them says
"Sorry man" Ashton replies and runs off.
I recognize the two guys as two of Harry and Drew's friends, Ed, and I'm not sure who the other one is. Ed is tall and muscly with brown hair and blue eyes, while the other guy is medium height blond hair to his ears and brown eyes, both are quite good looking. They stop surprised and look at me warily when they see me.
"Sssorry I - I was just leaving" I croak out.
I bend down to grab my bag and wince and grab the wall as a shooting pain goes through my body and I try and catch my breath.
"Hey, are you ok bud?" the blonde asks.
"Ummm yeah, I'm ok" I say back shyly, trying to stand up properly.
"Hey, you're Drew's little brother, aren't you?" Ed says.
"Oh yeah the one at the game with Harry" the blonde States.
"Yeah... I'm Louis" I say trying to breathe.
"Are you sure you're, ok? Those......those guys didn't hurt you, did they?" Blondie asks and if I'm not mistaken, he sounds pissed.
I look at them worriedly. The last thing I need is them to tell Harry and Drew about this.
"No!" I nearly yell.
"Ummm, I mean no....... I-I-I fell over and hit my side is all, I'm fine" I say trying to smile.
They look at each other like they don't believe me.
I hear the warning bell and start to slowly make my way out of the bathroom.
"Ok, we'll see you round Lou" Ed says.
"Yeah, I guess" I smile at Ed and Blondie.
I walk out of the bathroom. They must think I'm so weird, I'm such an idiot, can I be anymore awkward. No wonder no one likes me. I've probably just embarrassed Drew and he will get flak from his friends for having me as a brother.
I sigh and make my way straight to biology instead of meeting Harry, otherwise we will both be late, I just really hope I pass this test.
As I enter the classroom, Joey and his friends are all laughing at me, obviously knowing what I've just endured in the bathroom. I try to suck up the pain and not show weakness as I sit down, and the exams are passed around.
I try to get through the exam as best I can, having things thrown at my head and names whispered to me throughout the whole thing makes it hard though, not to mention my side is killing me and so is my back. I feel like passing out, but I can't risk that. I can't concentrate and Mr Charles keeps sending me creepy looks.
By the end of the lesson, I think I've done enough to pass. As I'm leaving the classroom Mr Charles stops me placing his hand on my back, I wince but he doesn't seem to notice. He then leans down to whisper into my ear.
"I hope you pass Louis, for your sake" he says, and I shudder.
I make a beeline for the door, my side throbbing. I just want to go home, get some ice on my bruises, and go to bed. I exit the classroom and find Harry leaning against the hallway wall waiting for me, he looks really angry, I hope I haven't done anything to make him upset. Knowing my luck though, I always ruin things. He sees me and is off the wall so fast coming towards me, he grabs my shoulders and looks me over.
"Did they touch you, what the bloody hell did they do to you?" he says angrily, and I flinch at his tone.
"I don't know what you're talking about Harry" I say.
Shit Ed must have told Harry, I really hope Drew doesn't know. I don't want to deal with this right now. I turn to walk away wincing as I do, the pain in my left side is getting worse I just want to lie down.
"I'm not going to fall for that again Louis. Ed said he and Cameron saw two guys, they don't know who. Running out of the toilet and they found you inside in pain and hunched over" he says.
"Yeah, I fell over I told them that" I say back picking up my speed and trying to get away from Harry.
"That's bullshit Louis" Harry yells.
We're in the car park now, people everywhere and a few stop when Harry raises his voice to watch our encounter. I keep walking away from him as tears prick my eyes at the way Harry is speaking to me, I understand he is angry but why is it my fault.
Suddenly Harry reaches out and grabs my upper arm where Ashton grabbed earlier, trying to make me stop, I can't help but cry out at the pain. I stop though and drop my backpack on the ground. I turn around to look at him slightly afraid. Harry is stunned at my reaction.
"I'm sorry Lou, I didn't mean to hurt you" he says changing his tone to gentle.
I'm actually a little scared of Harry right now, he was so angry at me two seconds ago. He steps forward and I step backwards instinctively, he raises his hands in the air as surrender.
"Baby, I'm not going to hurt you" he says sincerely looking into my eyes.
Baby? I'm not his baby. He doesn't even like me and after this encounter he probably won't ever want to speak to me again. My breathing is getting heavy, and my pain is worse. I don't want to be here anymore. I need to get away from everything, the questions, and the pitiful stares. On instinct I turn, and I bolt out of the car park, I push through the pain and sprint as fast as I can in the direction of home.
It starts pissing down freezing cold rain on my way home, I'm soaked and absolutely freezing.
My teeth are chattering and I'm shaking like a leaf when I enter the front door of our house an hour later. I hear yelling coming from the lounge room. I slam the front door and walk towards the stairs that lead to my bedroom. Unfortunately, I have to pass the lounge room to get to the stairs. I enter the room to five boys screaming at each other. I stop in my tracks dripping water on the floor, looking at the scene I've obviously caused. They all stop yelling and look at me, I see them sigh in relief that I'm home.
"Where the bloody hell have you been?" Scott yells at me stepping closer to me, again I step back.
"Scott" Edward warns.
"We have been worried sick bud, Harry said you just ran off" Drew says carefully.
"I'm fine, I just wanted to walk ok" I say getting angry.
"NO, ITS NOT OK YOUNG MAN" Scott screams at me.
Tears fall down my face, Scott has never yelled at me. I'm such a disappointment, my own brothers hate me. Everyone is right I'm a worthless piece of trash.
"Scott cut it out" Edward says.
"Louis what's going on with you? You're so quiet lately, you don't talk to us anymore, you're coming home upset, you're not eating. Don't think we haven't noticed, please just talk to us Kid" Edward says pleading with me.
Five sets of eyes are on me, and I can feel my interior walls breaking but I can't break. Kyle's words swim through my mind 'tell anyone and we will kill you'
After the pain they inflicted on me today I have no doubt they would.
"No Edward I'm fine" I say, and I run for the stairs.
"You either talk to us or your grounded Louis" Scott yells. I stop halfway up the stairs and turn around.
"You're going to ground me, Scott?" I ask in incredulously "If you haven't noticed I don't go anywhere I have no friends" I yell at him.
"Well, whose fault is that huh? when you act like this, no one wants to be around you" Scott yells back angrily.
"For fucks sake Scott" Edward yells at Scott.
"No, he is right Edward. Who the fuck would want to be around me? Why the fuck would anyone care about me" I yell.
"How the fuck can you say that Louis, I gave up my life to be here for you, to look after you, to make sure you're happy and healthy and this is how you repay me" Scott says.
I can see Harry's sharp intake of breath and the rest of the boys shake their heads, Scott realizes what he just said and tries to back track.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that Lou, I'm just upset you won't talk to us" Scott says trying to calm down his tone.
I knew he would eventually resent me and it's only a matter of time before the rest of the boys do too. My chest feels tight, Joey and his group are right, I'm nothing, I'm not important or good enough for anyone to stick around. Scott hates me now, I don't know what I'm supposed to do but I feel humiliated and guilty, so, so guilty.
"I hate you' I say looking Scott strait in the eyes as I run upstairs to my bedroom.
I run straight upstairs, blocking out the boys calling after me. I head for the shower and strip down, fighting my tears. I look towards the mirror and look at my body, I'm definitely thinner, my ribs are sticking out, why can't other people see that? Why do they still call me fat? There is a huge purple bruise forming along my rib bones on my left-hand side of my torso, it looks horrible. I turn around and across my back is another bruise but not as bad. On my right shoulder are the finger marks where Ashton grabbed me, I look awful. I can't look at myself anymore, so I quickly get into the shower.
Suck it up Louis, you're causing too much pain for everyone else they don't need your shit. I let myself shed a few tears but wipe them away quickly, I'm not weak, I can deal with this. I turn the shower off and go to get changed. I change into a pair of navy sweats with a long-sleeve white jumper. I lie down on my bed and take out my laptop, I bring up my Facebook and I see that I've got 4 new messages. I open them and my heart starts beating really fast and my palms get sweaty. All four of them are messages from 'anonymous' the first says.
'You think just because you have a bodyguard now you will be protected? You're a worthless piece of trash and you need to kill yourself'
The next one just tells me how ugly I am
"Harry is only friends with you as a joke, how could someone so hot like someone who looks like you? How can you come from a family of beautiful people; your brothers are drop dead gorgeous, but you are the ugly duckling, you're so fat and gross I can't stand to look at you. just kill yourself already. If you tell anyone about these messages I will hurt you and beat you until you're a bloody mess on the floor.....hopefully you will die"
Tears begin to stream down my face. These messages come from all different accounts, they could be from anyone, the other two messages say pretty much the same stuff.
I feel so worthless I want to throw something, I want to scream, it's all getting too much I just want it to end, I need to tell someone, but I can't. I pick up my laptop and throw it against the wall. I then pick up random things and start throwing them around, I pick up a glass from beside my bedside table and throw it at the window watching it smash. Tears are pouring down my face, I go over and pick up my laptop and see it's not even broken, and Facebook is still up. I go to throw it against the wall again when Edward, who must have heard me comes rushing in the room, the laptop barley misses his head, the rest of the boys are trailing behind him.
"Fuck" he says
I don't really acknowledge there are people in the room, I'm too upset, I grab my lamp from beside my bed and go to throw it at the wall, but warm hands are suddenly wrapping around mine from behind taking the lamp from me.
"Hey, hey, hey kiddo, that's enough" Edward says calmly in a soft voice "Come here" he says.
He wraps his arms around me, I grab onto him like my life depends on it and bury my face in his chest and sob, he whispers in my ear as he strokes my hair.
"Shhhhh it's alright Lou, it's ok, let it out, it's ok" he tells me.
I can't stop the tears from coming, it just hurts so much, I just let go. I move my head to the side and see the rest of the boys standing by the door, not really sure what to do. Andy picks up my laptop and says he will try and fix it. I couldn't care less if he could or not, I never want to see it again.
"We will leave you guys alone for a few minutes until he calms down" Scott tells Edward.
I can feel Edward nod. Edward moves us to the bed as the boy's exit the room, the look on Harry's face was like he wants to cry. I made him feel like that, I'm so fucking worthless. I cry for however long into Edward's chest apologizing and telling him I love him in my sobbing state. Eventually my tears slowly begin to stop.
"Tell me what's been going on Lou, I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong" Edward asks, nothing but love in his voice.
"I can't Edward, I can't tell you" I choke out.
"Yes, you can Louis" He replies.
"There is nothing wrong, I'm just tired and stressed about school" I sob.
He sighs and I can't take his disappointment much longer, everyone is always disappointed in me. We sit in silence, and I'm slowly being lulled to sleep by Edward's breathing and kind words and soon I'm completely off.
Edward's POV
I hear Louis breaths even out and I wait a few minutes before I move him into bed and wrap him up in blankets. As I lay him down his shirt rides up and I see a huge purple bruise. I lift his shirt up further to have a better look and I can't help but gasp at what I see. When did he get so skinny, his torso looks black and blue. I'm so angry, who did this too him. I storm out of Louis room and into Drew's room which is across the hall from Louis, where the boys are gathered. I walk in and see them all standing around, Drew trying to fix the computer.
"I've never seen him like that before he was so upset" Drew says.
They look up and see me enter the room.
"Where is he, what did he say Edward?' Harry asks worried.
I can see he really likes Louis and I'm so glad. I trust Harry like a brother, and I know he will protect Louis and treat him like he deserves.
"He said he is just stressed about school, that's all I could get out of him. He is fast asleep now" I say, they sigh.
"When I put him down in bed I-I saw bruises his whole torso is covered. It looks really painful; someone is hurting him guys" I say worriedly.
"Fuck" Harry says "I knew it" he finishes
"Look at this you guys" Andy says, his face pales as we walk over.
On the cracked laptop screen is Louis Facebook, open to two notes on the screen. When I read them, I want to vomit, why the hell would someone send that to such a wonderful kid. I want to punch whoever did this to Louis, we are all left speechless.
"How long has he been dealing with this?" Andy asks, nobody answers.
"It explains a hell of a lot" Drew says tears forming in his eyes, Harry hugs him tight.
"How did we not see this?" Scott says angrily.
"So, he is being bullied at school and not just emotionally but physically too?" Andy asks
"He obviously is being threatened and that's why he won't say anything, he thinks he will make it worse if he does." I say.
"What the fuck do we do?" Drew asks.
"I think we need to act like we don't know" Harry says looking at us.
"We don't need Louis more stressed out, we need to step up and keep him in our sights at all times" Harry says "We have no idea who is doing it, so we can't go to the school without names. If we can catch whoever it is, then maybe we can get them expelled and the police involved" he says.
"Good idea Haz" Scott says.
"I will just talk to the school tomorrow, I won't say what's happened, but just get them to keep their eyes out too" Andy says
We eventually all say our good nights and head to bed, hopefully we can sort this out. Louis means the world to me and the rest of the boys. We need to make sure he is safe and being taken care of. Our parents don't give a fuck about us, Louis has no one but us and I know I speak for all the boys when I say we will stop at nothing to make sure he is safe and happy.
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