Part 3
When I come down for breakfast the next morning, it's quiet. As I enter the kitchen the boys stop eating and watch me. I grab a water bottle from the fridge, and I turn to exit the kitchen, hoping to leave without a confrontation, but again luck is not on my side.
"Louis" Scott says
I sigh
"Yeah?" I ask, not turning around, keeping my back to the boys.
"Listen, we're sorry about last night ok kid, we are just worried" Edward says.
I close my eyes and try and hold back my tears. If it wouldn't make my situation worse, I would tell them everything, but I can't. I take a deep breath needing to get out of the room before I break.
"I promise there is nothing to worry about, Stan and I were just mucking around wrestling and his grip must have been too tight" I say, the lie easily leaving my mouth after practicing it over and over last night.
"Ok Louis, we believe you, we do it's just. The thought of someone hurting you just got us worried and upset" Andy says.
"I know" I say quietly.
"Please promise us you will tell us if you need our help, or if someone is hurting you. It's our job to protect you Lou and you need to trust us to do that." Edward tells me carefully.
These boys mean so much to me and it literally destroys me that I can't confide in them. I may be being selfish but it's safer for me to keep them in the dark about the abuse.
"I-I will, I do, I will" I stumble out as I walk quickly out of the kitchen leaving silence in my wake. If I stay any longer, I will break down.
I grab my bag by the stairs, and I head out the front to wait for Harry to pick us up. Drew comes out 5 minutes later, just as Harry pulls up. I jump in the back seat quickly to avoid another conversation with Drew.
"Morning guys" Harry says.
"Morning Haz" Drew says back, getting into the front seat
"I've got footy practice this arvo, so I won't be riding home with you guys" he then says and Harry smiles.
"No worries D, Louis and I have a study date anyway" Harry says looking at me in the rear-view mirror. I smile back at him.
"Cool, hey did you catch the game last night" Drew asks, sending Harry and him on a football gossip session. I drown them out as I try to concentrate on the day ahead.
We pull up at school and I can see Stan waiting for me at the front entrance as we all get out of the car.
"See you Lou, have a great day" Drew says.
"Don't forget to meet me at your locker after lunch Lou and I'll walk you to Biology ok" Harry says seriously.
I'm thankful he remembered, and I smile at him.
"Ok I will, thanks, Harry" I say looking down at my shoes to keep from blushing.
They both smile at me before they turn around and head to their group of friends on the grass. Again they are both greeted with high fives, hugs and fist pumps. Everyone in the school always watches them in awe. The group is like no other, they rule the school but aren't jerks about it, they are all really nice guys and are great friends. I wish I had friends like that. I have Stan but we aren't that close. I sigh and turn around not wanting to be caught staring again.
I make my way over towards the entrance where Stan is waiting for me, Stan is tall with red hair, he has been my friend since we started high school. He only knows a little about the bullying though, I haven't told him about anything physical. Stan is one of those people who is liked by everyone, he is on the junior football team with Joey and Luke, so he hangs with them a lot of the time, they give him flack about hanging with me, but he just shrugs it off and tells them where to go. We sometimes eat lunch together in the courtyard, but he also has football commitments, so he sits with the team four days a week. Stan is also gay and has guys falling at his feet and he isn't modest about it either. He is very outspoken and loud it's a wonder we click really, we are total opposites.
"Hey Stan, are you feeling better?" I ask as I walk closer to him.
"Hi Lou, I'm much better, sorry I wasn't here yesterday" he says.
"It's fine don't worry, I'm just glad you are ok" I say as we walk into the halls.
We pass Joey and his group, and I can see them smirking at me. They greet Stan like he is their best friend, and he returns the greeting eagerly. Then Mikey turns towards me and greets me acting like we're best friends, I can see right through him though, it's all for show he is so fake.
"Hey Louis mate, good to see ya" he smirks.
I smile uneasily and keep walking, knowing they are all laughing at me behind my back. Joey and his group won't do anything physical when Stan is around, they wouldn't risk Stan finding out about what they do to me.
The day goes fast and before I know it, it's7th period and Harry is waiting by my locker for me, to walk me to class.
"Hey babe ready to go?" he says when he sees me approaching, I blush at the nickname.
"Yeah, yep" I say shyly.
As we walk down the hallway everyone stares at Harry. Seniors aren't usually seen on the junior's level, so Harry is a novelty. Every girl and guy's jaws drop open when they see him, I don't blame them he is a walking god. Harry doesn't seem to notice though and just keeps talking to me. We make it to biology and Harry promises to meet me to walk me to his car after class. We say our goodbyes at the door of the classroom, and I can see Mr Charles eying us irritably.
I walk awkwardly too my desk noticing Joey and his group laughing at me as I sit down in my seat in front of them. I try to prepare myself for the torment I will receive from the group for the next 60 minutes. I take my books and pens out of my bag and place them on my desk.
As soon as Mr Charles has his back to the class to write on the board, I have paper bombs thrown at my head.
"Oi Fag, I see Harry had to walk you to class huh, I knew you were a baby but that's just pathetic" Mikey whispers and they all laugh. I try to ignore them as best as I can.
"Harry doesn't care about you at all you know, I heard him telling David yesterday how ugly and fat he thinks you are" Joey snickers.
My chest constricts at his words, and I just want to run out of the classroom, but I know that will cause more problems. I try to focus on my work and copy down the notes on the board.
As Mr Charles walks around the classroom to make sure we are all working, he stops at my desk and places his hand on my shoulder. I freeze at the contact; it makes me shiver in a very bad way.
"Remember if you need me Louis, I'm happy to help" he purrs in my ear.
I can hear Joey's group whispering behind my back and I hate it. I feel so uncomfortable I want to throw up. I just smile and slightly nod at Mr Charles as he keeps walking around the room. I sigh and get back my notes.
After class and another uncomfortable chat and warning from Mr Charles about bringing my grades up, I'm the last to walk out of the classroom. It's no surprise when I see Joey and his group waiting for me smiling wickedly at me. I look at them and swallow the lump in my throat. Before they can make a move though, Harry comes up behind me and places his arm around my waist.
"Ready to go Lou?" he asks.
Harry then looks from me to the group furrowing his eyebrows.
"Is everything alright here?" he asks glaring at Joey and his group. He then looks to me waiting for my answer.
"Yeah, let's go H" I say quietly.
His hold tightens around my waist, and he pulls me away from the group and out of the school building. We get to the car, and he opens the passenger door for me, and I climb in. When he gets in on his side, he turns to me.
"Listen Louis, I'm only trying to help by asking this ok, because I care about you and your safety........Is something going on with Joey and his group? Did one of them give you the bruise on your arm?" he asks genuinely concerned.
"How did you know about the bruise?" I ask panicking, then I realize that of course Drew told him "That was a stupid question, wasn't it?" I finish, looking down into my lap. Harry must think I'm an idiot.
"You can trust me ok; I can help you" Harry says so warmly to me.
I can feel the tears stinging my eyes again, Ahhhh your so pathetic, crying at the drop of a hat.
"I don't want to talk about it Harry, please, I -I promise I'm ok, Stan and I were just wrestling and it was a bit too rough it was nothing" I say upset.
Harry sighs clearly disappointed.
"Well, I'm here for you Louis. always, anytime day or night. You need me I'm there ok" he smiles at me looking me straight in my eyes.
I forget to breathe; his eyes are so beautiful. He reaches out and brushes a strand of my hair off my forehead. I flinch slightly and he creases his eyebrows but doesn't mention it.
"Ok let's go we have lots of studying to do" he says and smiles as we pull out of the parking lot.
I have butterflies in my stomach. I wish there was some way that Harry would feel the same way towards me that I do him, I know I'm not worth it though.
Our first study session goes well, Harry is a great tutor.
"Are you sure you're failing Louis?" Harry asks "You have picked this up really quickly"
I think the same thing I can't be failing that badly.
"I didn't think I was failing in the first place, but Mr Charles thinks differently" I say disbelieving.
I see Harry furrow his brows again, he does that a lot when it comes to me.
"That's strange if you ask me" but he doesn't say anything more.
We finish up and Harry stays for dinner. He sits next to me at the table, and I catch him looking at me a few times, sending butterflies straight to my stomach. I can also see Drew giving him weird looks that Harry just smiles back at, the other boys don't seem to notice.
"So how was your first study session?" Scott asks looking towards Harry and I.
"Fine" I say back quietly.
It was more than fine, Harry is so unbelievably hot and sitting next to him for an hour was amazing, he smells so nice, like cinnamon and vanilla.
"Louis is picking everything up really quickly I'm not even convinced he is failing" Harry says smiling.
"Ohhh so it's a ploy for attention hey Lou" Drew jokes and all the boys laugh; I look down at my food embarrassed.
I hope Harry doesn't think I'm deliberately failing so I can get him to tutor me, I didn't even know he was good at biology, and he was the one who offered to tutor me. I'm slightly panicking......Ahhhh he is probably going to end the study sessions now, thinking I'm a liar. I frown at my plate; I haven't eaten anything I've just been playing with my food.
"Louis stop playing with your food and eat it" Scott's dad voice scolds me.
"I'm not hungry Scott, can I be excused, I'm just going to go to bed" I say avoiding his eyes.
"Are you feeling alright?" Andy asks concerned.
"Yes, I'm fine, I wish everyone would just stop worrying about me I can take care of myself" I say lashing out.
I stand up to go and take my plate to the kitchen, an awkward silence settles over the table.
"I'm sorry Andy I'm just tired" I say walking out.
I put my plate in the sink and hold on to the bench as I take a deep breath. I didn't mean to take my frustration out on Andy, I know he only means well. I turn around towards the door to leave when I spot Harry leaning casually beside the doorframe arms crossed and a warm smile on his face.
"Want to talk about anything?" he asks kindly.
"I'm not failing on purpose Harry" I say looking down at my shoes as I play awkwardly with my fingers.
Harry walks over and reaches out touching my chin and lifting it slightly so I'm looking in his eyes. His touch sends shivers down my spine, and I feel tingles all over. His green eyes meet mine and my breath gets caught in my throat. His eyes have nothing but kindness and warmth within them.
"I know that and so do the boys Louis; Drew was just teasing you and Andy is just worried about you"
"I know. I just, I just wish they wouldn't worry I-I-I-I don't need them to worry I can take care of myself" I say getting angry. My breathing becoming heavier, I can't appear weak I can handle everything.
"I don't think you have a choice, Lou; they love you to death, your their little brother and if they see you are upset or that someone is upsetting you, of course they are going to worry" Harry says gently.
"You don't understand Harry. I'm sick and tired of being a burden on them, they got stuck with me cause of our stupid parents, and they have no choice but to look after me. They don't need to worry about me as well" I say.
"Lou, that's completely untrue, even if your parents were around, you know they would be exactly the same. They love you and they will always worry about you. You are anything but a burden on them. Trust me, they wouldn't be here if they didn't want to be, there are plenty of people who could be hired to look after you. You know they would never want that for you" he says determined to get me to believe him.
I understand what Harry is saying and I know they love me I just hope they don't end up resenting me because they aren't out partying and doing things they should be doing at their age. I know Scott misses Sammy and if it wasn't for me, he would be living with her three hours away. Same with Edward, I know Amy wishes they could move out together. I sigh and look down at the ground.
"It's also their job as big brothers to tease you, so I can't help you there "Harry says winking at me.
I can't help but let out a tiny laugh.
"That's such a lovely sound" Harry says sincerely looking straight into my eyes.
I blush and smile back at him. We stare at each other before Harry looks away and claps his hands together.
"Now.... tomorrow afternoon after school for another study session ok. We will show Mr Charles that you're the top of the class in biology" Harry says smiling his dimpled smile at me.
"Thanks Harry" I say truthfully smiling like an idiot at him.
He leans down and places a small kiss on my cheek. The feeling is amazing, and I get Goosebumps all over.
"You're worth everything Louis, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise" he whispers in my ear.
Before I know what I'm doing I'm hugging Harry with all my might, his words mean so much to me. He hugs me back just and tightly; we stay like that for what feels like forever. I don't want him to let me go, he smells amazing. We are interrupted by Drew clearing his throat in the doorway.
"Sorry to interrupt, do you want to play some FIFA Haz?" he asks smirking at us.
"Sure D" Harry says as he releases me and turns to Drew in the doorway, Harry smiles then turns back to face me "I'll see you tomorrow ok" he tells me.
I nod my head and watch him walk out of the kitchen with Drew, I feel cold without Harry's arms around me. I sigh and head slowly up to my room. I walk in, strip down and get into my pyjamas, I slide into bed. I try to sleep but once again the words of the cool group and their torment goes through my head over and over. I need to pick up my game and get better at hiding things from the boys. I don't need them worrying about me, I couldn't handle it if they got sick of me and my shit and left me too. My own parents don't even love me enough to stick around, why would the boys want too. Especially if I told them about the bullying, they would think I'm an embarrassment and that I'm such a baby for not standing up for myself, even when it's five against one. The last and only time I ever tried standing up for myself against Joey and his group turned out pretty bad. I ended up pissing blood for a week and had two broken ribs. I told the boys the injury was from an awkward tackle in a class football game. They have seen how bad I am at football and were quick to fall for the lie.
I can't help but let my mind drift to Harry and his gorgeousness, I like him so much, but he will never feel the same and he most definitely will never find me attractive. He admitted to David that I'm too fat and he thinks I need to lose weight. I'm going to have to make sure I limit my calorie intake. I try to come up with a plan in my head and when I finally fall asleep at 2am I dream of green eyes.
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