Part 24


The next morning, I wake to an empty bed. I can hear the boy's downstairs though; they are really noisy. I get up and put my sweats on and a white T-shirt and head down the stairs. I try to tame my bed hair as I go. I walk out to the pool area where all the boys are setting up for Drew's party. Their whole group is here helping as well, I must have slept a while. I see Harry play wrestling with Ed as everyone else is busing themselves.

"Morning Lou!" Andy greets me as he carries a box of soft drinks out past me.

Harry's head shoots up at the sound of my name and smiles so brightly at me.

"Morning Andy" I smile at him.

Harry waltzes over to me and places a kiss on my lips.

"Morning princess" Harry grins cheekily at me.

"Good morning" I reply yawning as I do.

"Oh my god Louis, you are the cutest thing ever in the morning" I hear Cameron coo at me. I blush in response.

"It's the hair, he looks like a cute little bed head bunny" Harry says. Smiling at me.

"Hazzzzzz don't call me a bunny I'm a very manly bear" I tell him pouting.

"Ohhhhhhh he even pouts Haz, he is adorable, I want one" Jeremy comes over and joins in.

"Uhhhhh" I say, turning around and leaving the pool area embarrassed.

I hear the boys laughing but I know they are being anything but horrible. They constantly call me cute and adorable. I don't mind it, but I wish I was hot and tall and muscly like Harry.

I walk up to my room for a shower, I wash my hair and change into my jeans and a green and yellow baseball T-shirt. I head back down the stairs and start helping the boys set up for the party.

At seven o'clock Harry and I go upstairs to get dressed. I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear. Harry picks out some black skinny jeans and a tight blue and white striped shirt. He picks out my blue, black and white Adidas shoes and takes me to the bathroom where he does my hair in a feathery, messy fringe across my head. When he has finished, I look into the mirror and I'm actually happy with what I see.

Harry of course looks like a god in his black skinny jeans and boots with a white T-shirt and blazer over the top. I can't help but stare at him.

"Like what you see hey Lou?" Harry smirks at me.

I smile at him and lick my lips.

"Maybe" I smile.

Harry chuckles and walks over to me; he grabs me by the waist and hugs me to him.

"You are so hot Lou; I could take you right here right now, but we have to get downstairs" Harry says kissing me fiercely.

"Okay" I reply, caught up in the kiss.

"Remember, I'll be with you all night ok. If it gets too much just let me know and we will come up here ok" Harry tells me seriously.

"It's ok Haz, I want you to have fun" I say back.

"I will baby, I'm with you" he smiles

We head down the stairs to the thumping bass of the music and bodies everywhere. The party is being held in the lounge room and outside near the pool. The lights are low inside and there is a DJ and smoke machine in the back of the room. People are already drunk and dancing, grinding on each other, there are people everywhere. We walk to the kitchen to get a drink and find Drew, Cameron, Jeremy, Edward, and Stan in the corner laughing and drinking. Their eyes travel to us and they all smile greeting Harry with the usual hugs and fist pumps.

"Fuck Lou, you look majorly hot tonight" Stan tells me. I blush in response.

"Yeah, Lou you look smashing, as always" Jeremy tells me.

Harry slides his hand around my waist.

"He's mine boys, sorry to disappoint" Harry smirks.

"Yeah, yeah we know, you're worse than Drew is" Cameron jokes, Harry just pokes his tongue out at him.

Stan comes up next to me and hands me a drink.

"Here you go Lou, try this" Stan says.

I look into the cup and see its some red-looking drink. I look towards Harry a little worried, I've never drunk before.

"It's ok Lou, you can have a drink or two. I'm not drinking tonight" he says smiling at me.

"Your limit is two drinks Louis, no more ok" Drew tells me firmly.

"Yeah, ok" I say.

I take a sip of the drink and it tastes really funny, like cherry but really strong. I scrunch my nose up at the taste causing everyone to laugh.

"You're so bloody cute Lou" Cameron says.

The night goes on and Harry never leaves my side. It takes me about an hour to finish the first drink and I'm feeling a little lightheaded. Harry and I dance a little and snog for a while in the corner of the lounge room. True to Harry's word he has stuck to soft drink all night. We head outside and find the group by the bonfire; Drew has his guitar in his hand. We sit down and I sit in Harry's lap, listening to them talk and laugh. After a while I tell Harry I need to go get a drink of water, he agrees and says he is going to go to the toilet while I do. We walk towards the kitchen and part ways, Harry heading to the downstairs bathroom. When I walk in, I see Stan in the kitchen with a guy I've never met.

"Hey Lou, are you enjoying the party?" Stan asks me.

"Yeah, I'm just getting a drink of water" I say shyly. The guy Stan is with is eyeing me up and down.

"Oh, I'll get it for you, this is Jake by the way" he says, and I wave at the guy shyly.

Stan hands me my water and I sit down at the bar stool and sip on my water. I actually have a big headache. Harry is taking a while to come back from the bathroom. I'm starting to feel a little lightheaded and funny. I take another big gulp of water, but it makes it worse.

"Are you ok Lou?" Stan is at my side asking.

"Um yeah I feel really strange" I say, my head is foggy.

"It's just the alcohol Lou, come on let's go outside to get some air" he says and begins leading me outside.

"I just want to wait for Harry" I say.

"It's ok, he can come outside when he is done" Stan smiles.

He grabs my arm harshly and him and Jake lead me towards the door. We walk out the front and into the driveway. There is a black BMW still running near the gate, I'm led over to the car, and I feel so weird like I'm floating, and I know what's going on but I can't move properly. When we get closer to the car, I seem to realise what's happening and I try to push through the fog. I can't get in that car. I start to walk in the opposite direction, but I'm grabbed by Jake.

"Let me go I need to go back" is all I manage to say.

He just laughs at me and picks me up against his side and carries me the rest of the way to the car. I'm struggling in his arms. Stan is over at the car and has opened the passenger door waiting for us. I start to struggle as best I can. Stan must have put something in my drink.

"HARRY!!" I scream.

We reach the car and I'm put into the passenger seat and the door is shut. I try to open it but it's locked. I tun around and come face to face with Joey. In the back seat are Stan, Mikey, Ashton, and Luke crammed in together.

"Just sit back and relax Lou, let the drug work. You're ours now" Joey smirks at me and continues to drive.

"No!! No!!" I yell trying desperately to open the door. I'm not passed jumping out of a moving car.

"Oh yes Louis, we have so many things planned for you" Ashton says from the backseat.

Tears are streaming down my face, as I look towards Joey.

"Where are you taking me" I choke out. My body is becoming more pliant, and I feel so, so tired, I fall back in my seat.

"To Mr Charles Louis, so he can finish what he started" Joey says evilly to me.

My heart rate picks up and I can't breathe. I'm dead literally dead. I'm trying not to panic but the drug is becoming so much stronger. Tears are streaming down my face and all I can do is look out the window and watch the city go by and listen to the rude jokes and laughter from the car. Harry, I just want Harry, but he doesn't even know I'm gone, he can't save me.

I notice the car is going really fast and I move my head to the side and see Joey is going about 120k an hour. Suddenly I see headlights in front of us and I hear screaming and yelling. Joey swerves the car off the road. I can feel myself being thrown around; I can hear the yells of the cool group as the car skids across the road. Eventually we stop rolling and we land the right way up in a ditch. The car is silent, and I can't move at all.

Harry's POV

I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, I expect to see Louis inside, but he isn't there. I try not to freak out, every time I leave Louis alone something bad seems to happen. I turn to leave the kitchen when I see Cameron leading a very uncooperative David into the room.

"Have you seen Louis Cam?" I ask worriedly. "I left him in the kitchen while I went to the toilet, and he was gone when I came out" I stress.

"David here has something to tell you Haz" Cameron says to me. His face has concern written all over it.

"Tell him David, tell him now, what you told me" Cameron yells at David.

"I'm so sorry Harry, I had no clue what they were planning, that they would take it this far" David tells me nervously.

"What David, tell me know! where the fuck is Louis, if Joey has done something so help me God" I say, about to kill someone.

"I didn't know Haz I swear. They got Stan to drug Louis, to put something in his drink. Then they took him to Joey's car with the rest of the guys. They.....they are planning to take him to Mr Charles. Apparently, they have been working on a plan together, to get too Louis. I'm so sorry Harry" David says, and I can see the sincerity in his words.

"Where does he live. Tell me now" I scream at David. I can't believe this is happening. Fuck Louis must be so scared right now.

"The Apartments in Eastwood. Unit 3" David tells me.

"Come on Cam let's go" I say "David make yourself fucking useful and go tell Scott and Andy what's going on" I yell.

We make it out to my car, and we drive off, thank fuck I didn't have anything to drink.

"Don't worry Haz, we will find him ok" Cam tries to reassure me.

"What kind of car does Joey have?" I ask.

"David said it's a black BMW" Cameron replies.

We are driving for about five minutes before Cameron, and I see a black car in a ditch up ahead. I know before I see that it's a BMW, that it's Joey's. My heart stops and is in my chest, I can't breathe, please, please, please let Louis be ok please.

I pull over and Cameron knows as well, we race out of the car and over to the wreck. What I see sends my blood cold and I turn to vomit in the middle of the road while Cameron calls for help.

The car is completely totalled. The front windscreen has been smashed and Stan is lying across the bonnet of the car, and he is definitely dead. We see Joey about 10 meters from the car on the side of the road, he has blood all over him and his body Is bent the complete wrong way. He is definitely dead as well. I come to my senses when I hear whimpering from the front of the car. I race over hoping to God Louis is ok. I make it to the passenger door, and it opens. Louis has his head resting on his left shoulder looking straight at me.


His voice makes me cry; thank fuck he is ok. I can't help but be so overwhelmed at the fact he is alive.

"Hey baby, I'm here. Are you hurt, where are you hurt baby" I ask sniffling.

"I feel spacey Haz... But my leg hurts" Louis says.

"Ok baby, listen. Help is coming ok, but I want you to do me a favour, can you do that for me?" I ask him as I reach out and swipe his hair off his forehead.

"Yeah" he answers quietly.

"I don't want you to look to your right or straight ahead ok, don't look around just keep your eyes focused on me okay" I tell him.

I don't want him to see his friend dead on the windscreen or the others in the back seat, Mikey, Luke and Ashton, they are really badly hurt if not dead.

"Okay" he tells me.

Cameron comes running over then and leans down next to us.

"Help is coming Haz, oh Lou thank fuck for that, I'm so glad you're ok buddy are you okay?" Cameron asks clearly upset.

"Yeah I'm, I'm ok, I think" Louis responds.

"I'm going to check the others" Cameron says.

He moves to the backseat.

"Luke and Mikey have a pulse but not Ashton" Cameron says.

The look in Louis eyes when he said the words is pure fear. He goes to move his head to see.

"Louis, baby look at me, I said don't move your head ok, I don't want you to see" I tell him.

But it's too late Louis sees Stan on the windscreen. He turns to me as we hear the sirens approaching, the look in his eyes makes my heart break. Cameron is now back beside me.

"I'm going to be sick" Louis says and proceeds to vomit out the door and all over the road, he gets some on me, but I couldn't care less.

"It's ok Lou, I'm so sorry you had to see that Louis" Cameron tells him.

"Get me out of the car I need to get out of the car please......." He says starting to panic.

"Can you hear the sirens, Louis; we need to make sure you're ok to move before we get you out of the car baby okay. Just look at me and keep your eyes on me don't look anywhere else but at me" I tell him.

He relaxes a little and keeps eye contact with me. Cameron goes to call Scott and tell him what's happened. The ambulance arrives and is quick to make sure Louis is ok. They get him out of the car carefully, the same with Luke and Ashton. We are escorted via ambulance to the hospital and while Louis is in X-ray and getting checked over Cameron and I wait in the waiting room. Louis put up a fight when I wasn't allowed to go with him, but they wouldn't let me near him, and he was whisked away from me. I feel so lost without him, I need him in my arms, I need to make sure he is okay.

Scott and the boys come running into the waiting room, tears streaming down their face.

"He is ok, he is ok guys" I say to them as they rush in.

"Thank fuck Harry, Holy shit what happened" Scott asks crying his eyes out.

Cameron and I explain to them what happened and how we found Louis and the car, The police said everyone except Louis had been drinking and the car had beer bottles all over the floor. Louis is so lucky he is alive right now.

"Is he ok? How is he handling it all?" Edward asks.

"He is in shock, I tried to make it so he wouldn't see them dead, but he did and he is in shock. I don't know how he is going to deal with it" I tell them truthfully.

"I'm going to call Kimberly" Scott says and he stands up to do so.

The doctor then comes walking out.

"Louis Tomlinson?" He asks and we all stand up in front of him.

"Is he ok? I ask.

"He is ok, we found a date rape drug in his system, he has a broken leg and lots of cuts and bruises. There is no internal bleeding or concussion though. He is so very lucky he is alive, especially after we had to treat the other two boys. He is in shock and won't talk, he can go home but he needs to rest, and I suggest some therapy. What happened to him and what he saw was extremely traumatic for such a young boy" he tells us.

"Can we see him?" I ask.

"Of course, this way" the doctor says and leads us down the hall towards Louis room.

When we walk in, we see Louis curled up in a ball with a few blankets over him. His right leg in a cast sticking out the bottom. He is just staring at the wall. He looks over at us and when he looks, his eyes well with tears and he just loses it. I'm first to rush over and grab him in my arms and sit him in my lap carefully. He just sobs and sobs. We all just hold him tight and thank our lucky stars he is ok.

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