Part 23

Louis POV

Two Months Later

"Happy Birthday Dear Drew, Happy Birthday to you!!" They boys and I all sing song.

We are gathered at the dining table for Drew's 20th birthday. We have just finished eating dinner and are about to have the birthday cake Andy made. The boys are all sitting at the table while I stand next to Harry's chair. After the singing has finished and Andy has grabbed a big piece of cake and mushed it into Drew's face. Scott goes to cut the rest of it up for everyone to eat. I put my hands on Harry's shoulder and slink down to sit in Harry's lap. He grabs me tightly and squeezes his arms around me.

Over the last two months I've come a long way with my eating disorder. For the last six weeks I've been seeing a therapist, her name is Kimberly, and she is amazing. I honestly don't know how I managed without her. The boys and Harry, along with my weekly therapy sessions have helped me immensely. I've now just moved on from my food box and am making my own choices with food. I've had a few bad days, but they are few and far between now. I've put on a few kg's but nothing major, I'm still technically underweight but Kimberly and I are still in discussion about what we both think is acceptable weight gain. What matters though, is I'm eating and am much healthier.

Harry and I are stronger than ever, attached at the hip. We have planned out our move to London and I cannot wait to start a life with Harry. We are still waiting on our acceptance letters from Oxford but with graduation only three months away we are expected to have them in the next two weeks.

School has actually been okay as well. I'm still quite anxious and get stressed out and still feel like I'm looking over my shoulder all the time, just waiting for Joey and his group to attack me. They haven't made contact with me again though and don't even look at me anymore.

Kimberly has also helped me with my anxiety and stressing out. She has taught me some really helpful techniques to help me when I feel like I'm losing control and about to freak out. The boys have also made it, so I'm never left alone at school or afterwards. Even if I go to the grocery store, I'm always with one of them. I'm thankful for that though, I really don't know what I would do if I ran into Joey and his group by myself.

Mr Charles has not spoken to me either. I catch him looking at me sometimes in the hallways and licking his lips, he winks at me a lot, but he has never approaches me. He makes me sick to my stomach when I catch him staring but I can't do anything about it, so I've learnt how to deal with my feelings about it all. My nightmares have started to drop off, I still have them but not every night which is a big relief for me.

Harry wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him as I sit down. He is so warm and comfortable.

"Are you going to have some cake Lou?" He asks me and I shake my head no.

"No thanks Haz" I say kissing him on the lips.

"Well, you can have a bite of mine if you like" he says as he puts a mouthful of chocolate cake in his mouth and smirks at me.

He puts some more cake on his fork and holds it to my mouth. I laugh at him and take the bite off the fork. Harry smiles and kisses me again before going back to his cake.

"So, Drew, is everything all ready for your big party on Saturday night?" Andy asks Drew.

"Yeah, I've just got to get a few more bottles of alcohol and finish the playlist for the DJ" Drew says.

Drew is having a huge party on Saturday night for his birthday. The boys and him have invited so many people and it makes me nervous. They all know how uneasy I am at having so many people over and have been really supportive. They have let me know that I don't have to stick around if I'm uncomfortable, I can take off to my room at any point.

Harry has promised to stick with me the whole night too. I feel a little guilty and have told him he doesn't have to, but he insists. We will see though; I've never been drunk before and Harry and Drew get drunk all the time. Once Harry has a few drinks he will hopefully be having too much fun to worry about me.

Harry has also been teaching me how to drive. I can go for my permit tomorrow, and it's been the best thing in the world for me to have something to concentrate on and to focus my time on. I'm doing pretty well, and Harry of course is a great teacher. Even when Harry took me out to the fields in London and he clearly told me to break but I accidental accelerated and we almost hit a tree, He just took it all in his stride and laughed it off. Never once raising his voice or getting even slightly upset at me about anything.

"Louis and I can go get the alcohol now if you like. I know Lou wants to practise driving a bit more for his test tomorrow" Harry says.

"Good idea Haz" Scott says.

"Here is the list" Drew says handing the list to Harry.

"Geeze Drew, you said a few bottles of alcohol, not the whole store" I laugh out.

"You can never have too much alcohol Lou" Drew smirks at me, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Alright we will be back soon, let's go Lou" Harry says as he throws me his keys and I follow him out the door.

I settle into the driver's seat and adjust my mirrors and of course pull the seat in. Harry's legs are much longer than mine. We pull out of the driveway, and it takes no time to pull up to the liquor store. Harry and I get out and head inside. Legally I'm not allowed to be in the shop without Harry as I'm underage but as long as Harry is with me it's fine. We grab a trolly and walk to the back of the shop looking over the list. Harry grabs bottles off the shelf as we go and puts them in the cart. As we are nearing the third Isle, Harry turns to me after grabbing a bottle of blue looking stuff and putting it in the cart.

"That's it, we just have to get a few bags of ice and we are done" Harry says smiling at me.

"I can go get the ice; you go start checking out" I say.

"Are you sure Lou?" He replies.

"What? you don't think I'm big and strong enough to carry a few bags of ice Haz?" I joke.

"Well princess, I wouldn't want you to strain a muscle in that perfect little body of yours" Harry smirks back at me.

"Did you really just call me a princess Haz? Are you serious?" I ask acting upset.

"My princess!" Harry confirms kissing me on the head.

I shake my head at the gorgeous man who is smirking in front of me and start to head towards the ice.

"Well Sir Styles, your princess will prove you wrong, I'll be back with 20 bags of ice" I say poking my tongue out at him. Harry just chuckles at me.

As I turn and waltz down the back of the shop. I hear Harry wolf whistle at me, and I can't help the blush of embarrassment that creeps on my face. I love him so much.

As I reach the freezer at the end of the Isle and open the fridge, I'm left frozen in my spot.

"Hello, Louis, so nice to see you again, looking as beautiful as ever" the voice that's haunted my thoughts for months announces.

I don't turn around or answer I'm too petrified. I try to think of some of the techniques Kimberly taught me in case I'm ever put in this situation. Focus on my breathing, he can't come near you or touch you. We are in public, just walk away. I tell myself breathing in and out. I turn around slowly, ready to walk away and I come face to face with the asshole Mr Charles. He looks so smug and is smirking viciously at me.

"You can't come near me, it's against the law, all I have to do is scream and everyone will come running" I say trying to make my voice sound confident.

"Is that any way to greet me after so long Lou?" He says.

"Don't call me that, I'm not scared of you. I won't let you hurt me again" I say.

I shakily turn around and grab three bags of ice from the freezer. He can't touch you, you're ok, just keep going, he can't hurt you. I tell myself. I turn around to leave, but he puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me. I nearly scream at the contact; his touch is like poison on my skin. The flashbacks start and I try to contain them. Just get to Harry, just get to Harry.

"I'll be seeing you really soon sweetheart, don't you worry" He whispers into my ear and walks off.

It takes me a few seconds of deep breathing to regain my composure and head back to Harry. He is still scanning the bottles at the self-serve checkout. I walk over and place the ice in the cart.

"Ohhh three bags princess, well done" Harry says teasing me.

I smile as best I can and poke my tongue out at him. He kisses me on the head and goes back to scanning. When we are done and Harry has loaded up the car, we get ready to drive home.

"Haz, could you um drive home?" I ask sceptically.

"Sure baby" he says.

We get into the car and buckle up. In the safety of Harry's car, I start to shake.

"Are you ok Lou? What's happened?" Harry asks.

He turns in his seat and looks towards me.

"Um I saw......when I was getting ice, Mr Charles was there" I say shakily.

"What Lou? What the fuck? did he talk to you or come near you?" Harry asks clearly angry.

"Yeah he... He was right behind me, and he spoke to me and put his hand on my shoulder he told me he would see me soon.... whatever that means" I tell Harry.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"I don't know, I had a flashback, but it didn't last long. I snapped myself out of it" I say back.

"Should I call Kimberly?" Harry asks.

I look towards him and into his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah I.....yes please" I say.

I tune out as Harry calls Kimberly and sets up an appointment for me tomorrow afternoon after school. That's the first time I've spoken to Mr Charles since the incident, his voice makes my insides go cold. I'm trying to repress the flashbacks, but I can still hear his voice in my head.

We get home and we bring the alcohol inside and the boys begin putting it all away.

"How was the drive, Lou?"

"Yeah fine, just um yeah" I say distracted.

"I made him an appointment with Kimberly tomorrow after school, he um...Mr Charles was at the liquor store" Harry tells Scott for me.

"What? Lou, are you ok?" The boys ask me.

"Yeah I'm, I'm fine" I say, smiling slightly.

Inside I'm trying to understand his words, see you soon? What did he mean by that? And why did he call me sweetheart that just makes it creepier. Harry and I make our way up to bed. We settle down and curl up together. We put on a movie to watch, and it helps with distracting my thoughts. eventually we fall asleep in each other's arms. I have two nightmares that night and wake up sweating and screaming.

The next day at school I'm tired, I haven't felt this exhausted in a while. I only got halfway through breakfast which had the boys worried but I insisted I was fine. During lunch I walk into the senior's bathroom, and I literally bump into Mr Charles again. Two days in a row can't be a coincidence, what is he even doing in the senior's bathroom?

"Well, hello again their Louis" he says.

I feel like I can't breathe, looking into his evil eyes. He smiles his seedy smile at me.

"You are looking so hot today Lou" he says to me.

"What do you want from me?" I ask him. Fear going through my body as I wait for his answer.

"What do I want from you sweetheart? I want to fuck you Louis and I want to make you scream. I will have you Louis and that's a promise" he says.

I shiver, I feel like I'm going to throw up I'm so disgusted. He leans down and places a kiss to my cheek and leaves the bathroom, I'm stood frozen on the spot.

As soon as the door clicks shut, I'm racing inside the toilet and emptying my stomach. I can't hold it in as I vomit my breakfast and lunch into the toilet. He isn't allowed to be near me and that's the second time in two days. Even if I tell Scott and he calls the police, it's my word against his. I try to calm myself down, I'm now disappointed in myself for vomiting all my food up.

I decide I need to see Kimberly now; I can't wait two hours. I pick myself up and head for the cafeteria to find Harry. The group is all sitting together talking excitedly about Drew's party tomorrow night. Harry like always senses me before he sees me. His body reacts to mine, and he spots me walking towards him.

"What's wrong baby" he asks as he stands up. I just fall into his arms.

"I've got you Lou, talk to me" he says, rubbing my back.

"Haz, I need to go, can we go please" I say quickly into his chest.

"Yeah Lou, sure let's get out of here" he says.

We tell the group we are leaving, and we head to Harry's car. When we are inside, I turn to Harry.

"Harry, I need to see Kimberly... please. I can't wait until later; I need to go now" I say trying to stay calm.

"Sure baby. I'm driving there right now okay. Just relax" Harry tells me.

He doesn't ask any more questions, just drives straight to Kimberley's office. The whole way there I'm a mess, my hands are clammy and I'm trying to control my breathing. When we pull up Harry guides me into the waiting room and speaks to the receptionist. I take a seat thinking I may faint if I don't sit down and begin to breath in and out, I put my head down, elbows resting on my thighs as my hands pull at my hair. Seconds later Kimberly is racing out of her office towards Harry and I. Kimberly has long brown hair and is late 20's she is really pretty and just gives off such a safe vibe.

"Louis, sweetie are you ok?" She asks kneeling on the floor at my level.

All I can do is shake my head no.

"Come on, let's go to my office honey" I get up off my chair and she leads me to her door. She turns towards Harry.

"Harry just stay close in case I need you" Kimberly says.

"Of course, you know I will" Harry replies.

Kimberly shuts the door and leads me to my usual spot on the lounge. She doesn't sit in her usual place across from me though. Instead, she sits next to me. leaving enough room between us to comfort me yet give me my space.

"Louis, remember to breathe honey, tell me what's going on" she says.

I just shake my head; I can't talk I just need to calm down.

"Louis just relax ok" she says.

I nod but I can't relax, I just explode and tell her everything over the last two days. What Mr Charles said to me yesterday and today, how I threw up my food, how I can still hear him and feel him and how I'm trying to suppress the flashbacks, but it isn't working. I start to panic again.

"Please make it stop Kimberly, I can feel him on me" I say rubbing my hands up and down my thighs, trying to catch my breath.

"Ok sweetie, let's try to calm down first yeah" she says, and I nod.

"Deep breaths, in and out. You are safe here, no one can hurt you, you are safe" Kimberly starts her meditation we usually do.

It helps me relax and gain control of my emotions, usually it works so well, but today it's not.

"I can't do it.... It's too much he is here, he is on me, I can feel him. He kissed my cheek today and he is still on me. Get him off me please" I cry.

"Louis, I'm going to get Harry ok; can I get him to come in?" She asks. I nod my head quickly.

She returns seconds later with Harry; he rushes to me instantly sitting behind me and pulling me to his chest. For a second, I'm so lost in my flashback, I flinch at his touch and struggle in his arms.

"It's me baby, it's me" Harry's voice tells me and I relax against him.

"Louis, I want you to listen to my voice, Mr Charles is not here, I promise. You are safe in Harry's arms. Just let your memory happen, do not be scared, it's just a memory, just let it pass and come back to us when it's over Lou" Kimberly says soothingly.

The flashback lasts at least five more minutes before I can feel myself become aware of my surroundings and focus on reality; my breathing begins to even out.

"That's it Lou, you're ok" Kimberly tells me

We sit in silence for a few minutes as I catch my breath, I snuggle back into Harry's embrace.

"Do you want to go through your flashback?" Kimberly asks.

"No" I say stubbornly.

"Louis" she says.

"I hate him, I don't want to remember him" I say.

"I know it's hard Louis, but it's all part of healing and recovering. He abused you and nearly raped you, it's only natural to have this type of reaction sweetie" she says.

"I have my driving test in an hour, and I can't even deal with this, I'm never going to pass" I say frustrated.

"Well, you need to open up to me Louis, tell me about the flashback, let's deal with it so you can move on and pass your test ok" she says.

"I will stay Lou okay; I'll be right here with you" Harry tells me.

I take a deep breath and begin to talk about my flashback. We talk for what seems like forever and Kimberly takes me through the usual motions and relaxing techniques to help me. Eventually I'm in somewhat of a good place and we finish the session.

"I will see you next week ok Lou, you did really well today" Kimberly tells me as we are leaving.

"Thank you" I smile out as Harry, and I leave the office.

Harry drives me over to my driving test and I can't help but be nervous.

"Lou, I'm so proud of you baby, you are going to smash this" he tells me.

I smile at him and give him a huge hug. He hands me his keys to his car, and we go to wait in line for my test. When it's time for my turn I can't help but sigh with relief when a middle-aged women comes out telling me she is my instructor. I begin to relax and feel so much more confident in taking the test. The last thing I needed was to be stuck in a car with a smelly middle-aged man by myself for half an hour. My test goes without a hitch, and I pass. Harry is so excited for me and spins me around in the carpark.

"I knew you could do it Louis" he tells me.

"Thanks, Haz, I couldn't have done it without you"

Harry lets me drive home and when we get in the door I'm met with the boys.

"How did you go Lou?" Edward asks.

"Well.......I totally smashed it" I smile so brightly at them.


"Way to go Lou"

"Well done kid I knew you could do it"

The boys all congratulate me with hugs and hair ruffles.

After dinner we all head to the theatre to watch some movies. Harry and I curl up together under a blanket on one of the couches. While the boys are all trying to pick a movie, Scott comes over to us on the couch.

"How was your session today, Lou?" He asks.

I just shrug in response.

"Kimberly called me afterwards, so I know what's happened. I want to call the cops on him Lou, it's twice he has been next to you, and she said he kissed you on the cheek?"

I can't help the tears that slip down my cheeks.

"The police just think I'm a liar Scott, it's my word against his, who do you think they will believe?" I ask.

"Oh Lou, it's not a case of who believes who, at least it will be on record that we made a complaint" he says.

"Scott's right Lou, it's the right thing to do" Harry says kissing my head.

I look towards Scott and sigh before I just nod my head. Scott smiles and rubs my arm.

"I will call them first thing in the morning" he says to me.

The movie starts and I snuggle down next to Harry. I end up falling asleep and as I do, I vaguely hear the boys talking about me but I'm too tired to care. Harry lifts me up and I snuggle down further as he carries me to bed. I'm out completely before we exit the theatre.

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