Part 21
Louis POV
The next two weeks the boys keep me home from school, I'm thankful just to try and have a break and get my head around everything. The boys have also taken the week off work as well, Drew and Harry are still at school and have been bringing my work home for me. Even though I'm grateful not to have to go to school, the week is long and painful. Scott and the boys of course went straight into research mode, finding ways to help me with my eating habits. They have been wonderfully supportive and it's going to take a while but each time I'm able to keep my food down, I feel like I'm going to be ok. The boys don't push me or pressure me to eat.
The amount of food they put on my plate is portioned so as not to overwhelm me. I'm told what I must eat at every meal and if I get through that, they encourage me to eat a little more. Most times I'm able to eat and keep the food down but sometimes I can't, and I end up throwing everything up. The boys are never angry though, they continue to reassure me in what a great job I'm doing.
Harry has been amazing like always and like the boys, he never gets angry or upset at me. I truly don't know what I would do without him. He still treats me normally, like his boyfriend and tells me I'm beautiful and snogs me senseless. Having Harry tell me I'm everything he has ever wanted and show me that he isn't disgusted by my body, helps me so much.
It's the following weekend when Harry and I are lying on my bed talking that our relationship changes for good. Harry is lying on his back with me by his side, my head in his neck. He is lazily stroking his fingers up and down my side under my shirt.
"Lou, I just want you to know how proud I am of you" he tells me.
"Thank you, Harry, I couldn't have gotten this far without you" I tell him looking into his beautiful green eyes. He truly is amazingly gorgeous.
Harry leans his head down and his lips meet mine and like usual I ignite under his touch. He brings his hand up to cup my face and deepens the kiss. I melt into his side and bring my hands to run through his curly hair. Harry brings me closer to him and we start grinding on each other. Whimpers are heard throughout the room and the sexual tension becomes intense. Harry goes to lift up my shirt, but I flinch stopping him.
"Louis you are beautiful, I want to see you, all of you. Please let me show you how beautiful you are" Harry says.
My breathing is heavy and I'm breathless, the sincerity in Harry's eyes overwhelming. I slowly nod my head and Harry smiles. As he lifts my shirt off, I can't help the small tears that build up in my eyes.
"Don't cry baby, I love you, you are so, so gorgeous Lou" Harry says as he starts kissing up and down my body.
He returns to my lips but before he kisses me, he smiles.
"You're perfect" he says.
We attach our lips together again and Harry swipes his tongue over my bottom lip, I grant him entrance instantly and our tongues begin their sinful dance together. I can feel myself getting hard in my pants and can feel Harry's hard on rubbing against me. I'm so turned on. I reach down to cup Harry's length in my hands, and I start massaging him through his jeans, earning a delicious moan from Harry.
"Fuck Lou" he says.
I make quick work of taking his pants down and before I know it, we are both fully naked together for the first time ever.
"You are so hot Lou Ughhh" Harry moans.
He is on top of me, and we are breathlessly grinding desperately on each other, wanting friction and to feel each other, We can't seem to get enough of one another. Harry is all muscle and tattoos and endless beauty; he makes my mouth water at the sight of him. I look into his eyes.
"Harry please" I say coming undone beneath him.
I need him but I can't find the words, I'm too turned on and desperate.
"Please what baby, what do you need?" Harry's deep sexy voice radiates through me, straight to my cock.
"You I need you please.... Make love to me Harry I'm ready, I need you" I say on the verge of tears from how turned on I am.
Harry stares at me for what feels like forever before he breaks the silence.
"Yeah, of course Lou, I want you so bad Louis" he says.
Harry reaches into the bedside table and pulls out a full bottle of lube. I look at him like he is crazy.
"I stashed it there a few weeks ago" he smirks at me.
"A bit presumptuous of you Mr Styles" I say smiling.
"Ughhh that really turns me on when you call me that" Harry says snogging me heavily again.
Harry then does something I've never even thought of before, he moves down my body kissing and licking me as he goes. He stops at my thighs and pushes them apart. He then kisses them slowly up and down before he spreads my legs further apart. I think he is about to take my length in his mouth but to my surprise, he bends his head further and licks a stripe over my hole. I can't help but gasp at the feeling.
"Hhharry" I moan
"You taste so good baby" he says as he continues to lick over my hole over and over, causing me to moan filthily.
I've never experienced a feeling like this before, I feel like I'm floating and all I can see, and feel is Harry. Absolutely nothing else matters.
"Harry ughhhh fuck.... Ugh" I moan.
Harry then slowly inserts his finger inside me, never giving up his assault with his tongue, he is slowly pumping in and out, torturing me. He soon adds another finger scissoring me open. He hits my prostate head on, and I practically come then and there.
"Harry I'm ready, I can't, I'm gunna..." I say trying to calm my breathing.
"Okay baby" he says gently.
I hear the lid on the lube click open and Harry coats himself up. He leans down over me and hovers above me. He eases the head of his cock inside me, and I gasp at the burn. Harry wraps his left arm underneath me and pulls himself closer to me.
"It's ok I've got you Lou, I'll go real slow baby" he says calming me.
He leans down and starts assaulting my mouth, licking and messily snogging me. It's heaven and takes my mind off the burn as Harry slowly enters me all the way. I feel so full and having Harry inside of me is one of the best feelings in the world. I feel like the world has stopped and it's just the two of us. I can feel the love radiating off Harry.
"I love you Louis" Harry tells me.
"I love you too Haz, so, so much" I choke out.
Harry starts to slowly move and soon the burn is replaced with an amazing feeling. Harry starts going faster and faster. He begins moaning heavily and I'm so turned on.
"Louis! Ughhh fuck you're tight, you're so fucking amazing Lou" Harry tells me.
"Harry.... I can't.... you feel so good, I'm not going to last" I say.
Suddenly Harry brushes against my prostate and I arch my back straight off the bed.
"Fuck" I yell.
"I love making you scream Louis, let me hear you Lou, tell me how good you feel"
"So good Harry, so, so good please don't stop" I practically scream.
Harry's pace quickens again, and he is pounding me now and I can't get enough.
"Come for me baby, like a good boy" Harry says.
His words go straight to my cock, and I reach out and stroke myself twice before I'm spurting all over Harry and my stomach.
"Fuck Louis, holy fucking shit" Harry yells as he comes undone above me.
Harry rides out his orgasm and flops down on top of me. It takes us a while to catch our breath. Harry leans up to look me in the eyes. We are both sweating and the sheen on Harry's forehead makes him look so sexy.
"Harry that was...." I start to say.
"Fucking amazing" Harry finishes.
We smile at each other, and Harry goes to pull out, me wincing as he does. Harry goes into the bathroom and runs us both a big warm bubble bath. We settle down in the warm water together, me in front of Harry, his arms tightly around me.
"You mean the world to me Louis" Harry says.
"You make me whole Haz, you are truly amazing"
"Hey, I've been thinking, next year when we both get into Oxford, cause I know we will. I want to move in together Louis, what do you say?" Harry says a little nervously.
"Haz I-I, of course Harry. I would love too; I don't know what to say" I say and I turn around to snog Harry senseless.
I'm so happy Harry is serious about our relationship. I feel so happy and floaty, I just gave my virginity to the most handsome, gorgeous sincere man whom I love to death. As young as I am I know Harry is not just a temporary relationship. Harry is my future and my home, and I want him forever.
On Monday morning I wake up from another nightmare, alone in my bed. Harry had to go home last night, and I can't sleep when he isn't around. I'm feeling myself slipping today already and I haven't even woken up properly. The dream was another bad one and it has left an uneasy feeling in my stomach that doesn't go away even after my shower. I get dressed in my uniform and I try not to think about the day ahead and being back at school again. Instead, I concentrate on trying to get my mind in a good place that allows me to eat and keep down breakfast. I haven't thrown up any food for that last three days and I'm so proud of myself. I may not be up to three meals a day or big portions yet but I'm getting there.
When I walk into the kitchen for breakfast and the boys getting ready, I see a box full of place cards in the middle of the table.
"Morning Lou, how did you sleep?" Edward asks when he sees me. I know I have dark circles under my eyes and look like I haven't slept at all.
"I had nightmares again, I'm nervous Ed, I don't want to go" I say nervously.
"I know buddy, but I promise you today will be ok" he says as he brings me in for a hug.
"Lou, I know it's your first day back and we don't want to overwhelm you, but we thought we would try something new for your meals today" Andy says grabbing me by the waist and leading me to the dining table.
He sits me down in the chair in front of the box.
"Ok, so this is your food box, we have researched a lot and have decided this is something we think you will like. We have put 100 foods that are low in fat but highly nutritious on cards labelled breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Your job Lou is to choose from three things at each meal of what you would like to eat" Andy says.
"You have been doing so well and this is the next step buddy, teaching yourself to take control again, deciding yourself what you want to eat" Scott says smiling at me.
I feel really overwhelmed at the trouble the boys have all gone too. I cannot believe they would do all this for me. I stand up out of the chair and fall into Scott's chest hugging him. He is a little taken aback but returns the hug tightly.
"What if I can't do it Scott, what if it's too much?" I ask.
"That's what we are here for Lou, to encourage you. You can do this; do you want to try?" Scott asks.
I pull back and nod my head.
"Ok so here you go Lou, pick three cards from the breakfast section" Drew says to me.
I stick my hand in the box and pick three cards out. I turn them over and look at them. The first one says- an egg white omelette with cheese and tomatoes. The second says - scrambled eggs with two eggs and milk and the third one says- toast and jam. I Immediately discard the toast and jam, too many carbs. I look up at the boys and they are smiling at me.
"Good job Lou, now to choose from the eggs or omelette" Drew says.
"I um, I um" I say, trying to decide.
The omelette has cheese in it and that's so fattening but then the eggs have milk in them and that's fattening too.
"It's ok, take your time" Edward says sensing my uneasiness.
"I don't know, I'm scared to eat cheese and milk maybe...... I can I have the omelette without the cheese?" I ask feeling flustered.
"How about I put a little tiny bit of cheese in it ok, not as much as I usually would but enough to give you some, that's a good enough compromise?" Scott asks.
"Yeah ok, yeah" I say back calming down a little.
When breakfast is placed in front of me, my breathing picks up. I haven't been this bad all week, I think the stress of what today will bring, and the new eating arrangements have stressed me out. I find it easy to confide in the boys though.
"I'm really struggling today, and I don't want to disappoint you" I say shakily.
"Lou, we knew today was going to be hard for you and we aren't disappointed ok, all we ask is for you to try buddy, we know how much you want to do this" Andy says.
I smile back at him and pick up my fork, It takes me a good 20 minutes, but I finish half the omelette.
"Well done, Lou, you did so well Kid that was awesome" Edward says.
"Perfect Lou, you did it! Now you are ready to face today. You took the first step Lou, and we know you will be ok today" Scott says.
I smile and hug them all goodbye, proud of myself for what I achieved on such a stressful day.
Drew and I walk outside as Harry pulls into the driveway, we hop into the car, Drew letting me sit shotgun for once. Harry greets us warmly and puts a comforting hand over mine the whole way to school. When we pull up Harry parks the car, no one makes any move to exit though.
"I don't think I can do this" I panic.
"Yes, you can, you can Louis we are here with you, both of us" Drew tells me.
"What if he tries to talk to me, what if people laugh at me because he is back? Everyone is going to think I'm a liar and I made the whole thing up" I say shakily trying to breathe deeply.
"Everyone that counts knows the truth Louis and that's all that matters. He knows what he did as well, he knows the truth and if he comes within 500 meters of you, we call the cops. You won't be alone all day I promise" Harry says.
"I don't want him to win this I want to be stronger than him, I need to be stronger than this, I need to be in control" I say.
"And you are Louis, so much more than you think" Drew says.
I nod and take a deep breath. I reach for the door handle and hop out. Harry is by my side in a second hand entwined in mine.
As we walk to the front of the school, I see them. Mr Charles is standing at the front of the school being welcomed back by a group of students, Joey, and his group. They are laughing and I know it's about the whole situation. They catch a glimpse of us and the smirk on Mr Charles face is everything I thought it would be, it's evil and seedy and he looks so fucking smug.
He looks me up and down and licks his lips, Joey and his group are standing there with the smuggest looks on their faces and I want the ground to just swallow me up right now. Drew brings me out of my thoughts.
"Let's go a different way" he says but I stop him.
"No, it's, it's ok, I have to do this D, just please can you not leave my side, can you not leave me please" I ask.
"Babe Haz and I have got're ok, let's go" Drew says.
We make the walk towards the building; Harry is whispering encouraging words in my ear and that's what's keeping me going. We are getting closer and closer and I'm freaking out, but I keep walking. As we walk past the group I hear the comments, instantly knowing they are saying them loud enough for us to hear on purpose.
"We are so glad you're back Mr Charles, you are my favourite teacher" Kyle says.
"I'm so glad justice was served" Joey adds smugly.
"Yeah, I'm so glad the law knows right from wrong" Mikey laughs out.
Then he speaks, all smug and disgusting and I get shivers bad, bad shivers.
"Yes, it was a tough few months but I know karma will pay its visit, I'm not one to hold a grudge" he says calmly.
That fucking slime ball of an ass.
We keep walking and I can still hear his voice as it booms in my ears, and I panic. all I can hear is him telling me he is going to slit my throat and kill me and ruin me. I keep walking though, my legs just keep moving on their own accord. We make it past them and into the halls. Harry and Drew are quick to get me to the senior level and into the bathrooms where I break, sobbing and trying to catch my breath.
"Just breath, in and out, just breath, you did It baby I'm so, so proud of you" Harry tells me as he hugs me into his chest.
I breath in his smell and relax myself against him.
"That must have been so hard Louis, you did so good" Drew says rubbing my back.
As I calm down, I can't help the small smile that graces my lips.
"I did it" I say and the smiles I receive from Harry and Drew help me walk out of the bathroom ready to face my day.
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