Part 2

Being 17 sucks, being 17 and bullied at school sucks even more, being 17 and having parents who are so rich and famous they don't give a shit about you sucks worst of all. That's my life in a nutshell, my name is Louis Tomlinson. I'm openly gay, 17, Tan, medium height but everything about me is small and petite. I have blue eyes and brown hair, a lot of people outside school call me good looking but I completely disagree.

I have four older brothers who without, I wouldn't know what to do. They literally mean everything to me. We all live together in a Grand Manor in London; Scott is the oldest he is 24 then there is Andy who is 22 and Drew who is 19. Our parents split up when I was 4 and our mum left, we never see her anymore. I get a substitute card with a cheque every Birthday and Christmas, I haven't spoken to her since my 6th birthday though and I don't remember her at all. Our dad Mark is a famous Hollywood actor, he remarried seven years ago to our new mum Trisha, she has a son called Edward who is now our stepbrother, he is also 22.

I love them all to death and we are all really close. Our parents are never around, always across the country filming this or that holidaying here and there, as a result, I've been raised by my brothers. Legally Drew and I still need a guardian, Scott and Andy decided to take on that role, wanting to keep us close together and not wanting Drew and I to be raised by nanny's and maids or worse, left to our own devices, at least until I finish school.

Our house is huge, what you would typically expect from a filthy rich celebrity. Personally, I hate it, even with 5 boys in the house it's so quiet and lonely. We have housekeepers and maids who make sure everything is cleaned and washed. The boys think it's great and absolutely love not having to do their own washing, but that's because they are slobs and never clean up after themselves.

Scott is tall has brown hair with big brown puppy dog eyes, he is a soft teddy bear but is the daddy of the house, always making sure we are eating properly, and our schoolwork is done. He has a Fiancé' Sammy and she is the best; she is the closest thing to a mother I have. She attends university 3 hours away though, so she isn't around as much.

Andy is Tall brown hair and blue eyes. He is an organizational freak and loves having things in order and routine. He is funny and loud, he's single but has his eye on a few girls he is a bit of a player.

Edward is chill so laid back and doesn't take life too seriously, he is gorgeous and looks like a top model even at his worst, he is engaged to his girlfriend Amy, and they are really happy.

All three of them love music and started their own record label and production studio. They are really successful and are getting to be quite big in America as well.

Then there is Drew. Drew and I are very close I tell him everything (well most things) he is short but taller than me, Drew is the party animal of the bunch. He has blonde hair, blue eyes and can eat like a horse. He is always happy and just goes with life, he is literally my best friend, he likes to get into mischief a lot and pull lots of pranks. I'm never on the receiving end though thankfully, Scott is constantly getting phone calls from school telling him Drew is in trouble. His latest prank was pouring blue die into the sprinkler system at school, Drew turned on the sprinklers at the school assembly when the whole school was seated outside on the grass, genius if you ask me, but he nearly got expelled so he has had to tone his pranks down a lot. Drew is finishing his A levels and will be leaving me alone at school next year which I hate him for, he has been with his girlfriend Vanessa for 2 years, she is great for him, and they fit together so well.

The boys all seem to have an endless number of friends and our house is the entertainment house, they constantly have people over, I don't mind at all; I get along with them. I tend to keep to myself though, reading alone in my room and just keeping out of the way. The kids at school don't like me at all and I only have one friend, so the last thing I need is the boy's friends to start hating on me and thinking of me as annoying. It is fun though to watch them being silly idiots, especially when they have a few drinks. I'm constantly treated like a little kid though and I'm known as the 'little brother'. The boys have made it very clear to anyone who comes into the house not to mess with me, I wish it was the same at school.

Drew's best friend Harry, Harry Styles who is 20 is the exception, I get along with Harry really well. He is the sweetest, nicest guy, He is also Bi and not to mention is the hottest thing to walk the planet! I may have a slight crush on him. Ok slight may be putting it lightly. I actually have a major crush on him. I think the boys know but I've never actually admitted it to anyone. Harry moved back to London last year from America, his mum was filming a movie over there, he was gone for two years, and Drew really missed him. I thought he was cute before he left but seeing him when he got back, he literally took my breath away. Since moving back Harry has had to repeat his A levels so he can graduate here in London. Harry and Drew are the most popular guys at school, always surrounded by girls and guys, you would think that would automatically make me popular too, but no. I'm the total opposite and school is hell for me.

We all attend London's Elite Private School, full of snobby arrogant kids who come from incredibly wealthy families. I have no idea why I'm picked on. Usually, I'm pushed into lockers and walls, tripped up and called names. Lately though the abuse has gotten worse with after school beatings, and I've had to become really good at hiding and covering up bruises, so the boys won't find out. I'm constantly called fat and ugly, told to kill myself. I've never told anyone, it's the only thing I keep from Drew and the boys. It would just make things worse if they found out, the humiliation I feel is bad enough. I feel worthless fat and ugly, I don't need Drew and the rest of the boys feeling sorry for me. I wouldn't call myself fat, I'm smaller than all the boys at school and according to my BMI I'm a normal weight for a guy my age and height, so I just don't know why they call me all those horrible things. Lately I've started to skip meals, nothing too serious, I just want the name calling to stop. None of the boys have caught on yet though thankfully, I'm usually good at making excuses.

My alarm wakes me up at 7am for school, I groan and roll out of bed. I head to the shower and let the warm water wake me up completely, I didn't end up falling asleep until 5am this morning. I usually have trouble sleeping and when I do, I'm woken with nightmares, they are always the same the cool group at school tormenting me until I break.

I get dressed in my uniform, black slacks, a white button up with a tie, black shoes, and my black knitted jumper. I style my hair into a messy fringe, and I grab my black school bag and phone and head downstairs.

I can hear the boys being rowdy in the kitchen, as I'm halfway down the stairs I hear a laugh that gives me butterflies, it's Harry's. Harry practically lives at our house; he and Drew usually take turns in driving us to school but most of the time Harry is here anyway. He usually keeps clothes and a spare uniform in Drew's room. I don't understand why Harry gives me butterflies and these weird feelings. I've never felt like this about anyone, I always get nervous around him, my heart rate picks up and my palms become sweaty. He is just so gorgeous I forget to breathe when he is around.

I turn into the kitchen and Harry is standing by the island bench in the middle of the room. Edward, Scott, and Drew are sitting on the bar stools while Andy and Harry stand. All of them are eating some type of cereal. Harry looks like a god in his uniform, his tight black trousers and white button up shirt and tie making him look so sexy. His shirt is untucked, but he makes it look hot. His gorgeous chocolate brown curls are long and loose and his tattoos on his chest and arms can be seen under his shirt, he is so amazing.

The thing that makes him so incredibly beautiful though, is his green eyes, I could stare at them all day. The thing is he will never like me in that way, he has girls and guys falling all over him, I'm not good enough for him, I'm just Louis, Drew's annoying little brother who he likes to tease sometimes. I'm fat and ugly and worthless, Harry would never see anything in me, I frown at the thought.

I realize I'm staring a little too long at him and Harry smirks at me, I blush embarrassed.

"Morning babe, how did you sleep?" Drew greets me as he walks past ruffling my hair as he walks up to put his bowl in the sink.

I can't tell him I lay awake half the night trying not to panic about school today.

"Fine thanks D" I say heading to the fridge and getting out a bottle of water.

I head over to the island and the rest of the boys tell me good morning, I end up standing in between Andy and Harry, Andy's arm around my waist.

"What would you like to eat bud?" Scott asks, getting up from his stool and putting his bowl in the sink.

Shit what should I say? That I'll just grab something later or I'm not hungry or...... I realize I'm taking too long to answer, and the boys are looking at me expectantly.

"Ahhhh yeah ill just make myself some cereal I'll be fine" I say.

Scott seems happy with that as he Edward and Andy get up to head to work, we all say our goodbye's and they leave.

"I'm just going to go grab my backpack" Drew says "We're riding with Harry today Lou" he adds as he leaves the kitchen leaving Harry and I alone.

"So, are you going to get some cereal?" Harry asks looking at me expectantly.

"Oh, um nah I'm not really hungry, I'll get something later at school" I smile at Harry.

He looks at me worriedly, but I ignore it.

"You look really good today Lou" he says to me smiling his big, dimpled smile I love.

I look down and blush, I don't know why he would think I look good.

"Thanks" I say quietly.

It's never this awkward between us, we always talk like there is no tomorrow, I don't know why we aren't, maybe he doesn't want to be around me right now.

Drew walks back into the kitchen with his backpack and we leave for school. We get into Harry's black Range Rover me in the back while Drew and Harry talk music and football in the front. I've got my head resting on the window eyes shut trying to even out my breaths as we get closer to school, I'm worried about what my day holds, how many new bruises I will have by the end of today, how many times I will be called a fag or spat on.

I don't realize we have pulled into the car park until I hear Harry call my name, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Louis" I open my eyes "Are you ok? we're here" Harry says. The look he is giving me is like he is concerned about me, but I must be misreading him again.

"Oh sorry, yeah, yeah I'm fine" I reply, I take a deep breath and hop out of the car.

"See you back here after school ok" Drew says, hugging me goodbye.

I smile and nod as Harry comes over, puts his arm around my waist and kisses my forehead. I literally melt.

"Have a good day kiddo" he says.

I blush and look at my feet.

"Thanks Harry you too" I say as he and Drew walk off.

I watch as Harry and Drew are greeted by their group, hugs and fist pumps all round. They all start talking and laughing together. I wish that was me, I wish I had friends and I was somewhat popular.

I sigh and take a deep breath before I look to my left. I see the cool group waiting by the entrance to the school they are staring daggers at me. Mikey, Luke, Ashton, Joey, and Kyle. They are the ones who make my life hell, I begin the walk to my locker avoiding their eyes. I've nearly got away without being harassed before first period but as I am taking my last book out of my locker it's slammed shut and I'm pushed up against it hard. I hear laughing behind me.

"Look what we have here" Luke says.

"You know I really don't know why you think you have a chance with Harry, he is completely hot and not to mention popular, he would never go for someone so worthless" Joey spits at me.

I don't want to turn around as tears sting my eyes, why can't they just leave me alone for one day.

"What, you have nothing to say you worthless fag?" Luke spits.

A crowd has gathered like always and I just want to get to class. I close my locker and turn around.

"Just leave me alone" I say looking into Luke's eyes.

He laughs in my face and Mikey comes up behind me and pulls my hair, gripping it so hard, causing my head to lean back.

He leans down to whispers into my ear.

"We will never ever leave you alone, we will make your life a living hell these next few years, why don't you just kill yourself and save us the trouble" Mikey says with so much hatred.

He lets my hair go and pushes me back into my locker, the back of my head hits the metal hard, I stumble but regain my balance quickly. Before they can do anything else I grab my books tightly to my chest and sprint off towards my first class. This is going to be a long day I think to myself.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I grab it out, my only friend Stan just text me saying he isn't coming today that he is sick, I sigh, can this day get any worse? I type back a get well soon message and head to home room.

The rest of the day goes really slow, I'm not touched at all which is a relief, I've avoided the cool group all day, the name calling hasn't stopped but I try to block it out. Last class biology sees me trying to block out the taunting words of the cool group when our teacher isn't paying attention. Thank God it's the only class I have with them.

The bell finally rings, and everyone starts piling out of the classroom. I'm gathering my books when the teacher Mr. Charles calls me to wait behind after class. I sigh but do as I'm asked.

When everyone has left, I grab my bag and walk to his desk at the front of the room.

"Louis, I've noticed you're falling behind in my class, is there any particular reason at all? I would hate to see you fail my class" he says placing his hand on my shoulder.

I'm uncomfortable around this guy. He always puts his hands on my shoulder or back and seems to look at me lustfully. He is a young teacher about 27, he would be good looking with his blonde hair and brown eyes if he didn't always look so shady. I'm usually a straight A student, having not too many friends I always have my head in a book. Biology is the only class though that I have with Joey and his friends, and I can't concentrate for the life of me I'm always worried about being spat on or pushed when Mr. Charles isn't looking. It's the only class I have without Stan as well. I didn't think I was failing it though.

"Um no not really sir I'm sorry " I say sheepishly.

He looks at me and smiles a sleazy smile.

"Well, I recommend a tutor. I'm free after school if you would like my help" he smirks.

Shit I'm so uncomfortable.

"Aghh thank you sir, but my brother Edward is good at biology, he can tutor me" I lie, and he sighs angrily.

"Ok you have one month to get your grades up, if they haven't improved, I'll be making mandatory study sessions with me after school" He says getting really irritated.

I internally groan.

"Yes sir" I say and turn around and head out of the classroom.

As I step into the hallway and shut the classroom door, I collide with a chest. I look up to see Ashton smirking down at me he grabs my arm and I wince at the pain. He is at least a head taller than me and way musclier, as are all the boys in the cool group. His grip on me is tight and painful.

"Owww Ashton you're hurting me, let me go" I say trying to get out of his grip but he just tightens his hold and I know it will bruise.

"Not so fast fag" he says.

Luke comes up behind me and slides his hands around my waist.

"Let's have some fun, shall we" Luke says in my ear.

I start to panic and try to get out of their hold.

"Let me go" I yell.

Fortunately, footsteps and teacher's voices are heard in the corridors. I'm pushed to the floor and kicked in the side by Ashton and the group runs off. I lay on the floor for a few seconds my side aching, I regulate my breathing and slowly hop up off the ground, I bend down to pick up my bag and wince as a sharp pain runs down my side, Ashton's favourite place to kick me is my ribs and I never get to fully heal before the next blow.

I suck it up and head to the car park trying to forget my encounter, my side throbbing with each step I take. I'm taking a little long to get back to the car, I just hope Drew and Harry aren't upset with me.

As I reach the car park, I see Harry standing by his car leaning against the bonnet talking to a handsome brown-haired senior, Drew is nowhere to be seen. The guy is all over Harry laughing at something he said, touching his leg, I'm a little jealous. He has an awesome body, really muscly and tall. I don't think I'll ever look like that, I'm just ugly, short and fat.

I sigh, disappointed in myself for not being good enough for Harry. I'm brought out of my thoughts once again by Harry's perfect voice.

"Hey Lou. Where have you been? I was about to send out a search party" Harry smiles his gorgeous, dimpled smile at me.

I feel really guilty I've made Harry wait for me and now he is probably late for something, he probably wants to go to his boyfriend's house and was just waiting to tell me. The guy he is with I recognize as Joey's brother David. He sends me daggers when Harry talks to me.

"Um I'm so so sorry H, Mr. Charles kept me after class, you didn't have to wait for me, I know you have things to do I-I-I-I can walk home, I'll be fine" I say rushed.

He smiles at me and gets up off the bonnet of the car.

"Don't be silly, Drew has gone to Ness's for a study session so it's just you and me" he says with a wink.

He goes to open the passenger door for me as he tells David he will see him tomorrow, much to David's annoyance. As David leaves, he makes sure to glare at me and eye me up and down. Harry doesn't seem to notice at all, but it makes me feel so insecure.

I hop in the car, not used to sitting up front as Drew always shotguns and Harry closes my door, he walks around to his side of the car and hops in.

"You don't have to drop me home H, I'm fine to walk. I'm sure you have better things to do, seriously" I say shyly.

Harry looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Of course I would drive you home. Can't have a gorgeous guy like yourself wandering the streets alone now can we" he smiles, and I blush.

He is probably just teasing me, there is no way he would find me attractive.

"So, what did Mr creepy Charles want?" he asks looking a little disgusted as he begins to drive us home.

I let out a loud sigh.

"I'm apparently failing his biology class and he told me I need a tutor, he said I have a month to get my grades up before I have to have private tutoring with him. I really don't want to do that, he always touches me in some way, like on my back or my arm and he looks at me like he wants to eat me, it's uncomfortable" I say quietly.

I look at Harry and he looks angry.

"I don't like him at all, I never have, what period do you have him?" Harry asks concerned.

"Seventh" I reply.

"Ok, from now on I don't want you alone with him. I'll walk you to class and pick you up after, I don't like it Lou" Harry says upset.

I can't believe Harry would do that for me, that he would actually care enough. I smile.

"Really? Thanks Harry" I say genuinely, he smiles at me as he turns to look at me.

"Of course Lou, I would do anything for you" he says.

"I'm also excellent at biology I can tutor you" he says proudly.

Oh my god, spending my afternoons with Harry would be amazing, but I'm sure he has better things to do then spend his afternoons with me, Drew's little Brother. When he can be with any girl or guy he wants.

"You would do that for me?" I ask incredulously.

"Absolutely! How bout we start tomorrow afternoon after school?" he says.

I can't keep the smile off my face and Harry seems to beam at me.

"Sure, thank you so much Harry" I say.

The rest of the car ride is spent chatting and when Harry drops me off, I get a kiss on the cheek and a promise to see him tomorrow.

I walk inside the house to the maids cleaning, none of the boys are home yet so I go straight to my room and shut the door. My bedroom is spotless like always, my king size bed is in the middle of the room, made neatly with navy blue sheets and pillows. Along the right-hand side of the room is a huge glass window with a window seat, I spend most of my time on the seat looking out the window or when I read.

Behind my bed there is a wall and behind it is my walk-in wardrobe, it's as big as my bedroom, with way too many clothes that I will never wear inside. As you walk through the wardrobe my oversized bathroom is attached, again it is much too big for one person, but I won't complain. I quickly walk into my wardrobe and change into my blue sweatpants and a white loose t shirt that I think is Andy's cause its way too big for me. I walk back to my bed and sit on top of it, sinking into the comfy mattress, I get out my homework and make a start.

Two hours later I'm finished, its 6 o'clock and I probably should go downstairs for dinner. I wonder if the boys will even notice me not being there and maybe I can skip dinner, maybe they are still at work. My thoughts are interrupted though by a knock at my door.

"Come In" I say.

Andy opens the door and walks in.

"Hey babe, just letting you know dinner is ready" he smiles at me.

"Thanks, I'm actually not really hungry" I say and hope he just shrugs it off.

No such luck.

"Are you ok Louis, you have been so quiet lately and not eating much, are you sick, is there something you want to talk about?" he asks as he comes and sits on my bed.

Shit he has noticed I'm not eating; they really don't miss a thing when it comes to me. I should be thankful they are around to take care of me, but I can't help but feel like I'm a burden, that I'm just something they all got stuck with because of our stupid parents.

"No, I'm fine I promise Andy, I'm just stressed about school" I lie, he smiles.

"Ok, well, if you need help with anything well.... I can't help you" he laughs, and it makes me smile.

"Don't worry Harry said he can help me after school" I say.

"Ohhh Harry huh" he smirks. I shove his arm.

"Shut up Andy" I say, and he laughs and picks me off the bed and places me up over his shoulder.

"Come on let's go get you some food" he says.

He runs with me downstairs easily, completely ignoring my protests and he places me in my seat at the table. This is actually my favourite time of day, no matter what is happening in our lives or how busy we all are, we always eat dinner together. Scott has made creamy chicken pasta and it smells delicious. I put a small amount on my plate and begin to eat. It tastes wonderful but I can't eat too much, I make a mental note to eat half. Soon the table conversation becomes loud and boisterous with everyone talking about how their days were, Edward talking about how they landed a new client and Drew about his chemistry exam.

"So, Drew how was studying with Ness this arvo?" I smirk teasingly at him.

The boys laugh and Drew blushes.

"Shhhhh little D is blushing" Scott says as we laugh.

"Ughhh guys stop it, I just hung out with her" Drew says back embarrassed.

"Woahhh just hung out huh D?" Andy laughs.

"Please stop, yes we just hung out.......and stuff" he smirks looking down at his plate.

All the boys laugh and wolf whistle making Drew blush more. I can't help but laugh too.

"What's this I hear about Harry tutoring you, Lou?" Drew asks when the teasing has died down.

"Oh, um yeah in biology, I'm falling a bit behind" I say tentatively. The boys look a little confused.

"Falling behind? But you love biology, you had all A's last term, what's happened?" Scott asks, turning back into parent mode.

"Nothing I just.... I'm just not understanding this unit, its fine Scott ok, nothing to worry about" I say trying to convince him, he sighs.

"Ok, I'll be checking in with your teacher" he says pointedly, I roll my eyes at him.

"Yes Scott" I say sarcastically causing Edward to snort and look at me.

He stops his movements, and his smile disappears as his eyes go to my upper arm.

"What The bloody hell happened to your arm?" he says, and he is up and out of his chair instantly, inspecting my arm.

"N-nothing n-n-nothing happened" I stutter.

Shit my sleeve must have ridden up, I didn't even notice it had bruised yet, I'm usually really good at hiding my bruises that the cool group give me.

"Louis, who did that to you?" Drew asks standing up and making his way to have a look himself.

"No one I-I-I just..." I try thinking of something to say.

"Don't even think you can lie kid; it is clearly the shape of a hand. I can see the finger marks" Edward says pointedly.

"Louis, if someone has hurt you, you need to tell us" Scott says seriously.

"I'll fucking kick their ass" Andy says.

"No one touches you Louis it's not ok, now who the fuck was it?" Drew says angrily.

I can feel the tears in my eyes, and I don't know what to do. I can't tell them the truth; I'll just get beat up worse. I love that they care but they don't need my shit, I can handle it myself, I've been handling it myself for over a year, I can't let them find out now.

"I'm fine" I say yanking my arm out of Edward's grip. "It's nothing I told you that, why can't you just leave me alone" I yell and run out of the dining room and up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

Before I reach the top, I stop as I hear them talking about me.

"Something's going on, we need to find out what, no one touches him" I hear Scott say.

"Drew can you and Harry just keep a closer eye on him at school?" Andy asks.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. It must be bad if he won't talk to us guys, especially me. Louis usually tells me everything" Drew says clearly upset.

I don't want to hear how I've disappointed them anymore; I run towards my room and close the door behind me, I put my pyjama pants and t-shirt on and settle down for bed, but I can't sleep as usual. The day's events rolling around my head and the stress of what tomorrow will bring keeping me awake. I pretend to be asleep when Drew and Edward come to check on me a few hours later. When they leave, I let the tears fall and after what feels like forever, I'm finally drifting off to sleep.

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