Part 19
Harry's POV
I close Louis door and walk down the stairs to the lounge room; I hate leaving Louis. I feel empty without him, but my mum has been away for three weeks and is getting back tonight, she wants a family dinner, and I just can't get out of it. I walk into the Living room to say goodbye to the boys, but I only find Scott, he is on the phone. He smiles slightly at me, but the conversation looks important, so I don't interrupt him. I keep walking into the kitchen where the other boys are cooking like usual and I'm met with Andy and Edward huddled in a corner talking, they don't even notice me. Drew is eating from the fruit bowl and turns to smirk at me as I enter.
"Good afternoon then mate?" Drew teases me.
I smile widely at him.
"Fantastic D" I smirk.
"Yeah, I could tell, judging by the 'OH LOU BABY YEAH, coming from his room" Drew laughs.
I punch him in the arm, and we start to wrestle each other playfully.
"Hey! I can't help if your little brother is one of the best at giving..he..." I start knowing Drew hates when I talk about Louis like that.
"Don't even man, I'll fuck you up, I don't care if you're my best friend" Drew threatens.
"I'm just kidding Drew" I laugh, and we stop wrestling "Even though it's true" I add and run behind Andy laughing before he can punch me.
We are still play fighting when Scott walks into the room his face pale.
"What did they say Scott?" Edward asks panicked.
"What did who?" Drew asks as we stop fighting and turn serious at the sight of Scott.
"The police D, about Mr Charles" Scott responds.
He explains to us what the police told him and my heart stops and breaks for Louis. I don't know how he is going to react to this news. I can't stay to comfort him and find out either, I have to go. I make Scott promise to call me if he needs me to come back and to let me know how Louis is. I walk out of the door feeling defeated and like the worst boyfriend in the world. Louis is lying upstairs completely oblivious, and his world is about to be turned upside down again.
Louis POV
I wake up half an hour later, I put my sweatpants on and change my school shirt for a T-shirt and head downstairs. I walk into the dining room to the boys placing dinner out. It's really quiet and I can sense something is up. There is no usual bantering or laughing happening. I sit down in my chair as Drew puts my dinner in front of me, steak, and chips. I take a deep breath and start cutting up the steak into really small pieces. Edward is eying me suspiciously.
"Is something wrong?" I ask them all when I can't stand the silence anymore.
"Have I done something to upset you?" I add.
The boys shake their heads no
"No Lou definitely not, it's not you bud it's....." Scott starts.
"Well, we um, we had a phone call tonight, from...." Edward starts.
"From who Edward? What's wrong you're scaring me" I say.
I put my knife and fork down and concentrate on the boys.
"The police called Lou" Andy says.
"The police? Wha why?" I whisper.
I'm so confused why would the police be calling.
"Lou Buddy, I really don't know how to tell you this" Scott tells me as he puts his head in his hands clearly upset.
"Scott......please" I say. Scott takes a deep breath and continues.
"The police called to let us know that there won't be any charges being placed against Mr Charles, that he is walking free" Scott tells me carefully.
I look at Scott like he has gone insane. What the fuck is going on. Of course, something would come out of the woodwork when I've finally had one of the best days in forever. I can't seem to catch a break. I feel numb.
"Lou, did you hear us?" Edward asks.
I look towards him and nod
"Yeah" I whisper out.
"They said there wasn't enough evidence. He has a clean record, and your statement wasn't reliable" Andy says as calmly and warmly as possible.
"He....He got his job back Lou, teaching junior biology at London Elite" Edward tells me.
I lose all my strength to remain calm. I stand up and pick up my dinner plate and throw it hard against the dining room wall. My breathing is heavy. The boys don't stop me or move, they let me do what I need to do. I feel so out of control, like everything in my grasp is slipping. I kick my chair over and pull at my hair, no tears are coming I'm too angry. Edward stands up and tries to reach out to calm me down, but I flinch away.
"Don't touch me, please Edward don't touch me... Just please leave me alone" I yell.
I race out of the room. I run straight for my bathroom and lock myself inside. I look at myself in the mirror, I'm so disgusted in what I see. I can't seem to get a grip on my life. Everything seems to control me, and I can't stand it. I just want to feel like I'm in control of something.
Now I'm going to have to face Mr Charles again every day, see that smug look on his face. I can't do it, he tried to rape me, he hurt me, and I thought I had put it passed me but it's all coming back like a freight train, and I can't control it.
I kneel down next to the toilet. This is the only thing that makes me feel normal and in control, the only thing that centres me besides Harry, but he isn't here. I stick my fingers down my throat and gag multiple times before I start to violently vomit and I don't stop, even when my stomach is empty. I just keep going.
I keep gagging and coughing and my throat is raw, and it hurts it's so painful, but I don't stop.
There is blood in the toilet, but I don't stop.
My knuckles are all bloody and my voice is going horse, my throat is so sore, but I don't stop.
I keep going and retching everything that's inside me into the toilet.
My eyes are going blurry, and I feel so lightheaded and dizzy. The tears are flowing down my face, and I feel like passing out.
When I'm too weak to keep going I lie down on the bathroom floor, coughing and sobbing horribly for what feels like forever. I can hear the boys knocking wildly on the door but I'm too weak to move, I vomit again on the floor, this time unintentionally. Soon enough my eyes shut, and I'm taken to the dark again.
Harry's POV
Trying to sit through dinner when I'm so worried about Louis is painful. Scott hasn't called me, and I just want to know he is ok. When I've finished cleaning up dinner, I tell my mum I have to leave. She doesn't question me, just kisses me on the cheek and tells me to be careful. I head upstairs and change into my sweats and a hoodie. I pack a bag with pyjamas and clothes and leave in a rush to get back to Louis. Scott calls me on my way over.
"What happened?" I ask fearfully.
"Haz, he lost it, completely lost it. It was bad" Scott says clearly upset.
"Is he ok. Where is he now?" I ask frantic.
"Locked himself in his bathroom, completely sobbing" Scott says.
"Ok just wait for me, I'll be there in 5" I say and hang up.
I pull up to the house and all but race inside. I run straight to Louis room where the boys are gathered. They are all spread throughout the room, the bathroom door still shut.
"Where is he?" I ask.
"Still inside, he won't answer, and we can't get in, it went quiet about 5 minutes ago" Scott panics.
"Ok find me a paper clip" I say, having done this before.
I knock on the bathroom door, hoping Louis will answer me.
"Lou?" I say. No response.
"Here Haz" Edward says handing me a paper clip.
I get to work and unclick the lock on the other side. I push the door open and race inside, my heart beating rapidly, scared of what I will find.
What I see sends my blood cold. Louis is laying on his back, looking lifeless on the bathroom floor. There is vomit everywhere and he is covered in it and what looks like blood.
"Fuck" I whisper.
The boys rush in behind me and gasp at the sight.
I race over to Louis instantly; I kneel down beside him and cup his cheeks and shake him trying to get him to wake up.
"Louis, can you hear me?"
"Louis, shit, oh my god" Drew says as tears sting his eyes.
"it's ok D, Harry's got him, he will be ok" Andy says hugging Drew to his side.
Scott drops down beside me at Louis head.
"Is he breathing?" He asks.
I check his pulse and sigh in relief when I feel it. I then check his chest and it's still rising slightly.
"Yeah, he's breathing" I say relieved.
"Why is there blood?" Drew asks panicking.
"It's ok Drew, it's just because he has vomited so much, it's ok" Andy says trying to calm Drew down.
"Louis bud, I need you to open your eyes for me" I say shaking him gently.
"Louis can you hear us buddy? Can you squeeze my hand?" Scott says.
He takes Louis hand and squeezes it hoping he will respond. We get nothing.
"Fuck, he is out cold" Andy says, his calm stance slipping.
"Louis, I need you to wake up now baby" I say, starting to panic a little.
"Come on Lou...please" Drew says, I can hear his voice breaking.
"Don't do this to us Lou" Andy yells.
"Come on kid" Edward says more to himself, willing Louis to wake up.
"Drew grab me a cold washer" I say, as I stroke Louis hair off his pale face.
Drew is quick to grab the washer and hand it to me. I set to cleaning the blood and vomit from around Louis nose and mouth, as I do I notice his lips are tinged blue. I quickly roll him on his side, there must be something blocking his airway. I stick my fingers in his mouth to see if I can get whatever it is out. there is still some vomit in his mouth and as I get it out with my fingers Louis starts to cough, the vomit coming out as he does.
"There you go Lou, good boy baby, good job" I say.
I'm so fucking relieved he has responded to something. I roll Louis back onto his back, but he is limp again. I cup his cheeks and try to rouse him again.
"Come on Lou, time to come back to us now" I say.
Suddenly he starts to vomit and choke again.
"Shit" I panic.
I quickly roll him on his side again, he is still unconscious.
"You're ok Lou get it out" I say as I rub his back.
"Good boy Lou" Scott says stroking Louis head.
When he finishes vomiting and his body goes lax, the boys all breathe and begin to relax themselves. I clean the vomit off Louis face, which is just really blood and bile and we see his lips start to turn pink again.
"Thank fuck for that, good job Haz" Andy says.
"Jesus, I think I had a heart attack" Drew says.
"Should we call an ambulance?" Edward asks
"No, no, he is ok" I say.
"I think he just passed out from vomiting and crying, he exhausted his body. You guys know when Louis is stressed, he pukes, and with being as upset as he was, his body probably couldn't cope any further, so he passed out. He must have started vomiting in his sleep, we are really lucky we found him when we did" Scott says rationalising the situation.
"I will get him in the shower and into bed, he just needs to sleep" I say as I start to undress Louis.
Drew runs the shower while Andy finds some pyjamas.
"Do you need help Haz?" Scott asks me.
"I've got it Scotty; I'll take care of him" I say.
"I know, we will be outside ok" he says patting me on the back. I nod and slightly smile at him.
I pick Louis up off the floor and place him in the shower. I gently wash him, not caring that I'm getting soaked by the water, my focus is all Louis. I take the rest of his clothes off gently and I gasp when I see him completely naked. He is so thin. Thinner than the last time, I didn't think that was possible. His ribs are sticking out, he is tiny so so tiny. I can't help the tears in my eyes.
"I'm so sorry Lou, I'm here now, I'm here. I'm going to get you through this baby, I promise" I tell him even though I know he can't hear me.
Suddenly he starts to stir in my arms.
"Haz" Louis raps out his voice is barely audible; he won't have much of one tomorrow.
He must have really pushed his body and really broke down. He doesn't open his eyes or move; his body is too exhausted.
"It's me Lou" I say stroking his hair.
"Stay" he says to me and my heart breaks.
"I'll stay baby, always" I tell him before he is asleep again.
When I've washed him and dressed him and put him to bed. I walk out of the room to meet the boys just outside the door.
"Is he ok?" Edward asks
"Yeah, he is exhausted, he is still sleeping" I say " I'm going to stay with him" I tell them.
"Thanks, Haz" Andy says.
"Did he...... Do you think he threw up on purpose? I couldn't help but notice that he is so thin, too thin. I thought it was stress with everything he is dealing with but now, now I'm not sure" I say towards the boys.
"You think he may be anorexic?" Scott gasps.
"I'm not sure, but something doesn't add up, I don't know!! he is dealing with so much, I don't know. I-I-I'm just worried for him and now Mr Charles is back, and he has to find a way to deal with that. Maybe that's how he has been coping, I don't know, we can't accuse him, but I don't know what to do" I say as the tears slip down my face.
"It's ok Haz, we just have to trust him, and he will come to us again. We will keep an eye on him but ultimately, we need to be sure before we say anything. He is too fragile right now" Andy says.
I nod as he moves forward to hug me tightly. I accept the hug gratefully and break down in Andy's arms.
"Haz you are an amazing person and Louis is so lucky to have you, you just saved his fucking life Haz " he says as I cry into his chest.
"Please don't give up on him Haz, he needs you. We all need you" Scott says.
His words go straight to my heart. I will never give up on Louis.
"I'm not going anywhere Scott I promise" I sniffle out.
I finally stop crying and hug all the boy's goodnight and I head back into Louis room. I take another warm shower and dress in my pjs then settle down next to Louis. I pull his tiny body to my chest and breathe him in. I love this boy and I will hold him for however long he needs. I will get him through the darkness.
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