Part 18

Louis POV

The English class before lunch is the only class I don't have with Harry. As I sit down in the back of the room and take out my books, I can't help but think everyone is staring at me. Suddenly David, Joey's older brother walks into the classroom. His eyes find mine and he smirks, he walks over to me, and I freeze. Shit.

"You're in my seat faggot" he spits at me.

I cringe at the word. David is a lot bigger than Joey but dumb as batshit. I sigh as I go to move so as not to cause a seen. Before I can though, Cameron walks over to us.

"Did you just call Louis a faggot David?" Cameron asks.

The class all stop what they are doing and go silent, turning around in their seats to watch the encounter.

"So, what if I did Cam, he is in my fucking seat" David scoffs.

Again, I go to just move and avoid the confrontation.

"Don't move Lou, you don't have to move bud" Cameron says looking at me and holding his hand out telling me to stop.

"I don't mind, I didn't know it was his seat" I say back shyly.

"It's not, David here is just being a jerk" Cameron says, turning his attention back to David.

"At least I'm not a fag who is sitting in someone else's seat" David says raising his voice.

"Are you sure David? You may want to rethink that sentence after what I saw you and Adam long doing after the football game last week" Cameron smiles and the whole class laughs.

"You might also want to talk to your little brother, about the talk we all had with him this morning. I'm going to let you off with a warning this time. I suggest you leave and fast" Cameron says.

David picks up his books humiliated and walks to another seat. Cameron turns to wink at me and sits down beside me.

"Thank you" I say smiling shyly.

"Anytime Lou" Cameron replies grinning at me.

The teacher walks in and the lesson starts. It turns out Cameron and I have a lot in common and I find myself laughing and talking with him easily. He seems to react the same way; he actually asks me to hang out with him after school next week and I really feel like I've made a proper friend.

When the bell rings for lunch, I head out with Cameron. I'm not sure if I should sit with Harry and Drew or I should try and find my own group to sit with. I don't want to become annoying; I really don't want them to feel like I'm intruding on their friends, and they have to look after and baby me all the time. I decide I should head to the bathroom and spend the lunch hour on my own, that way I won't have to eat either.

"I'm just going to go the bathroom" I tell Cameron.

"Ok sure, I'll let Harry know" he responds. I smile at him as we walk in different directions.

I enter the bathroom on the senior level and when I walk in, I see Stan leaning against the wall smoking. He is surprised to see me.

"Umm hey there Lou" he says trying to dispose of his cigarette.

I smile uncomfortably at him and stand there awkwardly. I don't know if we are friends or what, he was such a jerk to me, but he never hurt me physically.

"Listen Lou, I'm really sorry for being such a dick, you have to believe me, I didn't know Joey was hurting you. If I had I would have stopped it, Lou. I'm so sorry" he says looking at me with such remorse.

I don't know whether to believe him or not but there is no point in holding a grudge against him and he did just apologise to me. He was always a good friend to me until recently and I should give him the benefit of the doubt. He really had no idea about the physical bullying.

"It's ok Stan, I forgive you" I say smiling slightly, he lets out a breath of relief.

"Thanks Lou" he says, and an awkward silence settles between us.

"So, what's it like being a senior?" he asks.

"Um yeah it's good, different, but I really like it" I say smiling.

"That's really great! I heard you and Harry are a thing now too" he says smirking.

A thing? I guess it looks like we are just a thing to other people but to me, Harry is everything. He means the world to me, and I really hope Harry doesn't see our relationship as just a thing.

"Yeah, we are, I'm really happy" I say back.

"That's fantastic Lou I'm so happy for you, you deserve it. Maybe you can set me up with one of his hot friends" Stan says and we both laugh.

Just then Harry barges into the restroom. He looks at us worriedly.

"Is everything ok here?" He asks, looking between us.

"Yeah Haz, we were just catching up" I say reassuring him. He nods and Stan goes to leave.

"Well, I'll catch ya round Lou, let's hang out soon" Stan says as he leaves the bathroom.

I just nod in response. When the door shuts behind Stan, Harry turns to me.

"Are you ok, I don't like him" Harry tells me, I roll my eyes at him.

"Everything is fine, he apologised to me for being a dick. Stan has been my only friend since primary school Harry, and he has never physically hurt me" I say back getting a little agitated.

I'm grateful that Harry is looking out for me, but I can't help but feel like a child.

"Ok I'm sorry Lou, I'm just worried about you" he says sincerely.

"I know and I'm so thankful that you care, but please don't treat me like I'm made of glass Harry. I can't stand it." I say back.

"You're right, I'm sorry Lou. I just want you to know I'm here" he says.

"I know Harry. I love you" I say looking him in the eyes.

"I love you to baby, so much. Come on let's get going to lunch" he says smiling.

He takes my hand and leads me out of the bathroom towards the cafeteria. Of course, everyone's eyes are on us when we enter. I see Joey and his group sitting at a table in the middle of the lunchroom, they look at us but turn away quickly, completely ignoring Harry and I. Thank god! I see Stan sitting with them, but he looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

As we sit down at Harry's table with everyone, I'm greeted by the group. I smile and turn my attention to Harry.

"Haz, I'm not sure it's the best idea that I sit with you guys" I say shyly.

"What do you mean Lou? Why wouldn't you sit with me?" Harry asks a little offended.

"Do you feel obligated to sit with me?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"Louis, I need you to do one thing for me please" Harry says, reaching out to grab my chin, he lifts it slightly so I'm looking into his eyes.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Be quiet. I love you. You mean everything to me and I want to spend as much time as I can with you alright....I kind of thought you felt the same way" Harry says

"Haz believe me I do; I really do. I just don't want everyone else including Drew, to start resenting me, they might not want me around all the time" I say.

"Honestly Lou, it's fine I promise. We want you here ok" he smiles, and I smile back. He leans in and kisses me on the lips, and I melt. He pulls away smiling at me and turns to his lunch.

"Where is your lunch, Lou?" Drew asks me from across the table. Shit, this is why I never eat in the cafeteria and why I was hoping I could escape to the bathroom for most lunch sessions.

"Um, I haven't got any yet" I say shyly.

"Here, you can share mine it's alright" Drew says and hands me one of his two trays.

It's piled to the brim with crisps, a coke, lasagne, and a pizza as well as a small salad.

"Thanks" I say back smiling, but inside I'm freaking out.

What the hell am I going to do? I look at the food with a frown on my face, trying to decide what I'm going to eat. Harry is looking at me, but I can't look at him for fear of what I may see. I quickly take the salad off the tray and open it and begin to eat slowly. I'm not really listening to the table conversation, too caught up in actually keeping the salad down. Harry has his hand around my waist while he is eating his sandwich and lasagne that's on his tray. He is rubbing is thumb slowly up and down my side underneath my shirt and I'm trying to concentrate on the action, so I don't panic. It's soothing and I find I've eaten most of the salad by the time the warning bell sounds. We get up and I tell Harry I need to go to the bathroom before class. He insists on coming with me, but I tell him I'm fine and that I will meet him in class. He kisses me on the lips, and I head to the bathroom. I've got three minutes before I'm late to class so I make quick work of emptying my stomach. When it's done, I feel so much better. I race through the hallways and make it to science just in time, finding my seat next to Harry. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead as I sit down. I smile back feeling happier than I have in a very long time.

That afternoon Harry drives us home and after I convince Harry it's completely ok, that he isn't abandoning me. He and Drew go to play FIFA together in Drew's room. I decide to head to my room wanting to start studying and finishing my homework. The workload for the senior school is a lot more than I'm used to. I'm just finishing up my algebra homework when Edward, Scott and Andy walk into my room. They come over and sit on the bed across from me.

"So, kiddo how was your day?" Edward asks and I smile at him.

"It was awesome Edward. I have six classes with Harry and the teachers are all really nice and the work is easy" I say excitedly.

"That's amazing Lou. We are really proud of you, you know that" Andy says. I look down and blush shyly.

"Did Joey and his group come near you at all?" Scott asks carefully.

I look towards them and bite my lip as I shake my head no.

"They ignored me at lunch, and I didn't see them all day. Besides Harry won't leave me alone to even go the bathroom by myself, they wouldn't have the chance to do anything" I laugh.

"Good, I'm glad" Scott says.

"We are glad you and Harry are together Lou. We trust him to treat you like you deserve, but I know it's all new for you and if you need advice or help or want to ask us anything about sex or whatever" Andy says and I blush placing my head in my hands embarrassed.

"Oh god" I say.

"No don't be embarrassed, we are serious Lou. You're dating a guy three years older than you and it can be overwhelming. We know Harry would never force you into anything but just...... We're here if you need us" Edward says.

"Thank you, guys, I um appreciate it a lot and I promise I will ask you if I um need umm help with anything" I say laughing slightly.

"Good, we hope you trust us Lou" Andy says. They get up off the bed and Edward ruffles my hair.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour ok" he says, and I smile telling them I will be down soon.

When they leave, I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. As awkward as that conversation was, I am grateful they are around if I have any questions. I am new to this whole sex thing and as much as I want to give my virginity to Harry, I'm really scared and nervous about the whole thing. I don't want Harry to see me naked my stomach is still pudgy and what if he laughs at me. My thoughts are interrupted when Harry walks into my room without knocking and closes the door behind him.

"Hey, I could have been wanking or something Haz, you could have knocked" I say sassily. He freezes.

"Oh my god Lou I nearly jizzed in my underwear, the thought of you touching yourself is so hot" Harry says adjusting himself in his pants.

I laugh out loud and shake my head at him. He walks over and sits next to me on the bed.

"What are you doing?" He asks me.

"Just finished my homework, you guys have a lot more work than I'm used too" I say back.

"Let me know if you need help ok, if it gets too much" he says.

"I will I promise. I'm fine though" I smile.

"Are you um staying for dinner and um.... are you going to stay the night again...with me? " I ask Harry shyly, looking at him through my long eyelashes.

Harry reaches out and cups my face swiping his thumb over my cheek.

"I wish I could baby but I have to go home tonight. I'm sorry" Harry says. I can't help the heavy feeling in my chest at his words.

"Oh ok, I understand" I say trying to hide my disappointment.

"Hey, I've got an hour before I have to leave though. We can do a lot in an hour" Harry says moving closer to me and capturing my lips, I have missed tasting Harry.

"Yeah?" I whisper

"Yeah" he says leaning in and kissing me again.

We settle back on my bed for a very heated snogging session. Harry moves his mouth like magic and kissing him makes my insides explode. I'm getting so turned on I can feel myself getting hard. I pull back embarrassed.

"Lou? What's wrong" Harry asks breathless.

"I-I-m sorry Harry I ughhhh" I say and look down towards my pants. Harry grins from ear to ear at me.

"Louis don't be embarrassed, I would hope that I'm turning you on" Harry says reassuring me.

He takes my hand and brings it towards his crotch and places my hand over the significantly large bulge in his pants.

"This is what you do to me Lou" he says as he guides my hand, rubbing it over his cock.

I gasp, my dick twitches in my pants at the way Harry feels underneath my fingers. I want to feel more of him. Suddenly I'm retracting my hand and undoing Harry's buttons on his pants. I slowly take them down until Harry is left in his boxers. I can see the outline of his cock in his tight black briefs, and he looks big, really big, my mouth waters at the sight. I begin rubbing Harry again and lean on top of him and start snogging him once again.

"Lou" Harry moans out.

I don't stop my movements, instead I pull Harry's boxers off and watch as his cock springs free. He is huge, hard, pink and leaking pre cum, he is everything I could have imagined. I moan at the sight of him and reach out and start stroking him. I go back to kissing him messily on the lips, he is coming undone completely at my touch.

"Harry, I want to taste you" I say looking into his eyes.

I don't know where my confidence is coming from, but I don't want it to stop.

"Oh god Lou, yeah, yeah baby, whatever you want" Harry rushes out.

I smirk at him and lean down; I don't hesitate as I take him all in my mouth. I begin to bob up and down on his huge cock. He tastes amazing and Harry is moaning filthily above me. I swirl my tongue around and control my gag reflexes as his cock hits the back of my throat.

"Fuck Lou, your mouth" Harry rasps out.

I try to take Harry completely in my mouth, but he is just too big, so I use my hand. Twisting up and down as I use my tongue to lick and suck his shaft. There is spit everywhere and I'm loving it. Harry is a mess underneath me, his eyes shut in pleasure as he screws up his face in ecstasy.

"Lou I'm going to, I'm gunna come baby" Harry warns me, opening his eyes to meet mine.

I don't pull off though Instead I look him straight in the eyes as he comes loudly, spilling down my throat. I swallow every single drop of Harry and he tastes incredible. I pull off with a pop and smile shyly towards him. He is panting and sweating as he comes down from his high. He pulls me closer towards him and I snuggle into his side.

"Fuck Lou, are you sure you haven't done that before?" He asks and I can't help but giggle.

"No Harry never, I just...... I wanted to taste you; I don't know what came over me I just I-I-I " I stumble out slightly embarrassed.

"That was amazing Lou. I'm not kidding when I say that was the best head job I have ever had in my life" Harry says as he runs his hand through his hair. I smile at him.

We lie together in silence for a while until Harry catches his breath. I'm nearly lulled to sleep listening to Harry's breaths when he suddenly flips me over and hovers above me. He begins kissing me fiercely and I'm still a little hard, so I go with it. He starts kissing down my jaw and nibbles on my ear earning a gasp from me. His hot breath sends tingles throughout my body. Harry pulls back and makes quick work of pulling my school pants off, he leaves my top on and I'm grateful. He smiles at me as he caresses my body.

"Soo sexy Lou, I love your body, you're so beautiful" he tells me.

Harry leans in and kisses me and slowly moves his hands to the top of my boxers. He pushes inside and grabs my length in his hands and starts pumping. It feels so unbelievably good and little "agh, aghs" escape my lips. I buck up into Harry's hand and he smirks at me. He pulls down my boxers and my length spring back against my stomach. Harry gasps when he sees me.

"Jesus Lou" Harry States. I'm big, but not as big as Harry, but I've always known I was above average.

Harry makes quick work of taking me in his mouth. He feels amazing around my cock and I'm moaning like anything.

"That's it Lou, let me hear you" Harry says. He takes me in his mouth again, suddenly Harry is pushing his fingers inside my mouth.
"Suck" he tells me, and I eagerly do as I'm told, wanting to please Harry.

"Such a good boy" Harry says to me.

He pulls his fingers out of my mouth and places his index finger against my hole. He stays there teasing me for a minute until he pushes in slowly. I can't help but gasp at the burn. I try to pull away but Harry steadies me with his free hand on my hips.

"It's ok baby, I've got you, just relax" he soothes me.

I try to relax as Harry stops pumping my cock and moves upwards on the bed, so we are facing each other. I put my hands on his strong biceps and grab them tightly.

"Do you trust me, Lou?" He asks.

I look into his green eyes, and I nod my head knowing Harry would never force me or do anything that would hurt me. He smiles and leans down to kiss me. He starts slowly pumping his finger in and out of my hole and it starts to feel good. Before I know it, I'm panting and sweating and so turned on.

"I'm going to add another one ok" Harry tells me and I nod frantically, practically begging for more. Harry eases a second finger into me.

"So tight Lou, Jesus your tight" he says, and I whimper.

We go back to snogging and suddenly Harry presses on something inside me that nearly makes me shoot off the bed.

"Holy shit" I all but scream.

"There it is" Harry smirks at me

He continues to pump in and out brushing against my bundle of nerves. I'm completely lost in pleasure and begin to feel the familiar feeling in my stomach.

"Harry, Harry, Harry" I can't help but chant over and over. I go to touch my cock to get some friction, desperately needing more, but Harry stops me.

"Uh uh uh. No touching Lou. You can come from just my fingers baby; I know you can" he says.

The amount of pleasure I am feeling is amazing and I come loudly moaning Harry's name as I do. Harry holds me through my climax and when I'm left breathless panting on the bed, Harry kisses me and goes to get a washer to clean us both up. We then lie curled up together catching our breath before Harry breaks the silence.

"Your perfect Lou, I'm so lucky to have you" Harry says.

"I love you Harry" I reply.

"I love you more Lou" he tells me.

"I have to get going baby, I'll be here in the morning though ok" he tells me and I nod, disappointed he has to leave.

"I will text you tonight ok" he says as he kisses me goodbye.

I nod and watch as he winks at me and leaves to go home. I look to the clock, and I've got 20 minutes before dinner. I decide to shut my eyes for a few minutes, Harry consuming my mind.

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