Part 17

Louis POV

I wake up completely content and well rested, I haven't had a nightmare free sleep in at least a year. My head is resting on Harry's chest and his breathing is so soothing, I don't want to move, he is warm and comfortable, and I feel at home. As I stir awake, I hear Harry's husky morning voice in my ear.

"Good morning beautiful" he says causing me to blush.

I look up towards him resting on my elbow. He is leaning against the headboard shirtless and looking completely perfect. His hair is messy, and he is just so sexy in the morning.

"Morning" I say shyly.

"You are so gorgeous when you sleep" Harry tells me as he reaches over and strokes my fringe off my forehead.

"You were watching me sleep?" I ask embarrassed and Harry laughs.

"You are so adorable in the morning" he coos at me.

"Have you seen yourself in the morning?" I question. Making Harry laugh.

"I love waking up next to you Lou" Harry says sincerely.

"I haven't slept that well in at least a year Harry, I almost always have nightmares, but not with you" I smile at him.

"Never with me" he says back and leans in to cup my cheek and kiss me.

It's short and sweet but even in the morning, Harry tastes amazing. We pull back and smile at each other.

"Come on let's get you up and showered and some breakfast into you" Harry says.

I freeze at the thought of breakfast but that's the least of my problems right now. I remember last night's events and the plan that is supposedly happening today. I can feel the colour drain from my face.

"It's ok, Lou, trust us please" Harry says, knowing straight away what I was thinking.

I nod my head and head towards the shower lost in my thoughts. I remember I didn't get to throw up my food last night but for some reason I'm not that bothered. I try to focus on other thoughts as I wash myself. Remembering Harry and my night last night, I loved every minute of being with Harry and I can't wait to feel him again.

When I walk back into my room after my shower dressed in my uniform, I find it empty. I walk downstairs to find Harry and the boys. When I walk into the kitchen, I can't help but laugh. Edward, Scott, and Andy are all dressed in black skinny jeans and black button up shirts, looking very much like security detail. We say our good mornings and Harry waltzes over to me already dressed like a god in his uniform and kisses me on the lips. The boys all yell playful "Woo woos" and wolf whistle at us. We both break away smiling.

"Why are you all dressed in black?" I ask the boys amused.

"It's all part of the effect Lou, ok" Scott says smiling. I just shake my head at them.

"What are you planning to do?" I ask curiously.

"Don't you worry Lou, we have it sorted ok, just trust us" Andy reassures me, I can't help but feel nervous though.

"Are we ready to go guys?" Edward asks.

"Wait, you are all taking me to school?" I ask surprised.

"Yep, all part of the plan Kid. We will take my car " Scott says.

"So, Lou, where do Joey and his group usually hang out before school in the morning?" Edward asks.

"Um well they usually wait for me at the entrance to the school on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays but on Tuesday's and Thursday's they smoke around the back of the school gym because they have football practise early. They usually don't harass me until after school on those days" I say uneasily.

"Ok, that's perfect, so today they will be behind the gym then?" Andy confirms and I nod.

Harry whips out his phone and messages someone. I'm starting to get really uneasy.

"Let's go then" Scott says.

We all get into Scott's car. Scott and Andy in the front, while I sit between Harry and Edward. Drew in the very back. Sensing my nervousness, Harry rests his hand on my knee and draws small circles with his thumb. It calms me down a little bit, but as we get closer to school, I start to panic.

My hands start shaking and my palms become sweaty. I'm so scared. Just imagining what Joey will do to me if he and the group get a hold of me after this. What they will do to me when I'm alone with them in biology, has my insides churning. I try and bring myself back from panicking, but I can't.

"Scott stop the car please, I'm going to be sick" I say hurriedly.

Scott pulls over on the side of the road next to a vacant field and I leap over Edward to get out of the car. I open the door and am instantly on my knees in the grass, emptying what little is in my stomach. I hear the boys get out behind me and I feel Harry's hand on my back rubbing up and down.

"Are you ok Louis?" Scott asks when my horrid retching has stopped.

I shake my head no.

"I-I-I can't do this, I'm so scared, I can't do this... They are going to kill me, I can't breathe" I say panicking.

"Louis calm down kiddo" Edward tells me kneeling down beside me and cupping his hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"We have this under control ok. Nothing is going to happen to you, nothing" he says, his tone determined and promising.

"Just relax baby, just breathe for me, everything is ok" Harry tells me bringing me into his chest. I calm down slightly in his arms. Allowing his smell and heartbeat to relax me.

Harry helps me up and we get back into the car, I curl myself into Harry's side.

When we pull into the school, Scott drives the car around the back car park where no one ever parks. We see Joey and his group leaning up against the back wall of the gym smoking and laughing with each other. My grip on Harry tightens.

"Relax, you're ok" Harry says.

When we pull up, I see Joey and the group look towards the car confused.

"Stay here Louis" The boys say at the same time to me. Then they are all out of the car leaving me to watch on alone from the back seat. I'm thankful the windows are tinted.

I watch as Harry, Scott, Drew, Edward, and Andy walk up to Joey's group. They look tall and muscly and so so intimidating. I see the cool group cower a little but try to hold their own.

Then I see walking across the field, the rest of Harry and Drew's group. Cameron, Ed, Jeremy, Jake and Ryan. They walk over and stop behind Edward and the boys, they all tower over Joey's group and I can't help but think how pathetic the cool group all look right now. I can't hear what they are saying, and I see Joey and the group getting pissed and defensive. Scott steps forward when Joey tries to stand up to them and I can see how angry Joey is. I really hope this plan works because I don't want to be on the receiving end of Joeys anger. I stay quiet and listen on, watching the encounter from the window with my stomach in knots.

"You ever think of touching our brother again you will be in the deepest form of shit you have ever experienced. Do you understand?" Scott yells at them.

"We have never and will never touch Louis, we have never laid a finger on him" Ashton pipes up.

"Really? That's so funny, because when we saw Louis coming home with bruises, we put a tracking and recording device in Louis phone, he never knew about it, but it showed us a hell of a lot of stuff, and we have all the proof we need to fuck up your lives. We have witnesses and photos of the damage you guys have done to him. So, in conclusion you're fucked, do you understand?" Edward says roughly.

Shit did they really do that? I doubt it, I don't even know if there is such a device in existence.

"We will be watching you, all of you. One wrong move, one word or look towards Louis and we won't hesitate to make your life as miserable as you made his. We will go straight to the police with what we have, and they won't be as forgiving us" Scott says venomously.

"Louis has all of us on his side and none of us will hesitate to completely fuck up anyone who tries to mess with him. Even pathetic vial little shits like yourselves" Andy says.

Joey goes to say something but Harry steps forwards making him stop.

"We rule this school Joey, we own you and we can turn everyone against you. That football scholarship you were hoping for, you can kiss it goodbye if you don't do as we say. Louis and I are together now, and I promise you, I will not hesitate to kill any of you if you so much as look at him. I will protect him with everything I have and so will everyone behind me. Watch your back mate, it's over" Harry says, his voice loud and dominating sending butterflies straight to my stomach.

Before I know it Drew walks forward and punches Joey square in the nose.

"That's a little reminder of how serious we are. Touch Louis again and you will wish you were never born and that's a promise" he says evilly.

With that, the boys all turn around and stalk back to the car, leaving Joey and his friends to run off. I can't breathe. I can't believe that just happened, I leap out of the car and straight into Drew's arms. He hugs me back tightly.

"They won't be bothering you again babe" Drew says swiping his fingers through my hair.

"Thank you" I say quietly as Drew hugs me tightly

"Always Lou" he says.

We pull back from each other and the rest of the boys are smiling and patting each other on the back. Harry is beaming at me.

"Ok Let's go, we still have some stuff to take care of" Scott says ruffling my hair and pulling me back to the car.

"Lou? We all have to head to class now or we will be late, but we will see you soon ok. You don't have to worry anymore" Drew says to me and I can't help the smile.

Harry walks over and leans down to kiss me.

"I love you baby, see you soon ok" he says, and I nod kissing him goodbye.

We watch as they all walk off to class. Edward, Andy, and Scott turn towards me.

"Now stage two of the plan, we have an appointment with the principal" Edward says as we hop back into the car and head towards the office. I have no idea what stage two of the plan involves.

"Did you really put a tracking device in my phone?" I ask absentmindedly.

"You heard that? No, we didn't, but they don't need to know that do they" Andy says winking at me. I smile so brightly back at him.

When we pull up and start walking towards the office I'm being stared at by my classmates. Scott, Edward, and Andy flagging me as we walk. I catch a glimpse of Joey with a bandage across his nose. He looks at me with pure disgust but turns away quickly. I sigh with relief. We walk into the office and to the principal's room. We sit down and are greeted politely.

"Ok so Louis, your brothers and I have had a big discussion and I've spoken to Oxford university. We all agree with your grades being exceptional and your academic record flawless that you should continue the remaining school year as a senior at London Elite. Congratulations" the principal says smiling at me. I'm completely taken aback; I wasn't expecting this at all.

"Wha?" I ask gobsmacked.

"That's right Lou, you're taking advanced senior classes now. We looked into your acceptance for Oxford, and they agreed that you will be highly favourable for acceptance next year if you finish your senior year this year. They were really impressed with your academic record Lou" Edward says.

"Wow, oh my god, I don't know what to say" I stumble out.

My brothers have gone to so much trouble for me. This means I will be on the senior level of the school, having classes with the seniors. No more Joey and his group to endure during class. No more taunting and name calling from my classmates. Maybe I will have a few classes with Harry and Drew. I can't believe this. I'm so excited. I smile the biggest smile I have in weeks.

"Let's get you your schedule and we will take you to your first class" the principle tells me.

When everything is sorted it's time to say goodbye to the boys. I hug them so tightly and thank them a million times over.

"Have a great day kiddo, ok" Edward says.

"Knock em dead Lou" Andy tells me.

"Can't wait to hear everything when you get home" Scott says.

The principal walks me down the senior hallway to my first class- advanced algebra. He knocks on the classroom door and when it opens, we walk in. The class stops everything, and I'm immediately intimidated by the whole class of seniors. They are all two to three years older than me. When I look up towards the class though I'm not met with disgust, instead I'm met with smiles. My eyes then land on a familiar pair of green ones... Harry. I can't help but smile at him. He smiles his dazzling smile back at me and winks. I melt then and there.

"Ok class we have a new student with us for the rest of the year. This is Louis Tomlinson, and I would like you all to make him very welcome" the teacher, Mrs Joan's tells the class.

I hear a bunch of wolf whistles at me, and I feel so self-conscious. Then the whispers start, I can hear them all talking but I have no idea what they are saying, I try not to focus on it but my stomach starts to churn.

"Ok so who can I assign to Louis to keep him company and show him around the senior level?" Mrs Joan asks as the principal leaves the room. To my utter surprise half the class puts their hands up. I blush at the response and see Harry smirk at me from his seat.

"Actually miss, if you don't mind, Louis and I already know each other so I would love to show him around" Harry smiles and the class "Awes" at Harry.

The teacher agrees and I start to walk over to take a seat next to Harry. On my way I hear a few people talking about me.

"Oh my god he is just adorable and so little" a group of girl's coo at me.

"He is totally hot" I hear someone else say.

"Let's get him to model in the fashion show this year, he has a great ass"

I can't help but blush at the comments and quickly make my way to my seat. I sit down and look towards a smirking Harry. He can't keep the smile off his face, and I actually find that I can't either. I pull my books out and the lesson starts again.

"Are you ok?" He asks me

"Yeah" I say smiling back.

It turns out I have six out of seven classes with Harry and for the first time in ages I feel safe at school. Like things are finally going right in my life for once.

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