Part 4

When she thought she was going to restrain herself from killing Tylor she didn't think through huh. He's the most infuriating person in the entire world. She released long puffs of breath in order to control from screaming at him. Also she was glad that they were not sitting in his room. Imagine killing him there and running away. Wow! Tylor does bring out the worst in her.

"This is not necessary Tylor. It's not a strip club." She argued while clenching the pencil in her hand. It was on the brink of breaking into two.

Tylor looked amused at that. He waggled his eyebrows at her, like all the stupid arrogant people do. And like he is the president of them all.

"How do you know Anna? Huh? Are you a part time stripper or something?"

"Wouldn't you like that -" Okay what did she just say. Seriously better comebacks. She clicked her tongue.

"Just shut up. It's common knowledge. Now can you be a reasonable person and consider my option?"

Tylor smirks seeing her like that. She looks so disheveled and angry, like a smol kitten. It's amusing to see that. He would never say this loud but she looks kinda endearing.

"And what is your stupid option? Those dumb flowers and a book? They are teachers not your six grade birthday girls."

Anna looked offended at that. First of all Jade's sixth grade birthday was not bad at all. And besides giving rose and a book as a birthday gift is okay, right? Atleast Jade seemed to like it and she never complained about it. Tylor is stupid.

"Jade liked it okay?And it's so much more better than giving them silk robes with glitter gift packages. They are teachers. Like what are you thinking?" Anna shook her head, not even trying to conceal her disgust.

His brain is so disturbing at times. Like who hands out teachers silk robes with glitter packaging just so it could be "fun".

"Ever heard of out of the box thinking? That's what I am doing babe" Tylor snickered while adjusting himself into that sofa. He shifted feeling numb in his thighs from sitting on it for too long.

"I am not even going to argue you on that. It's just wastage of time." She huffed while collecting her notepad. Who even carries a notepad? Apparently she does.

"Aww babe" Tylor tutted while giving her a smirk and for the first time she actually observed him.

He looked so different than he always does. Like he was in his sweat pants unlike those skinny jeans he always has on and his nirvana band tee was tight on him showing off his muscles and his hair a mess which she noticed was such a good look on him. He looked like those models who does commercial in which they are filmed after waking up. Like they look perfect after waking up, while she looks like a disheveled potato. Jade's words swirled around her mind. He was handsome. Like effortlessly handsome. He was just sitting her, resting his back against the couch and shifting his legs.

No no. What is she thinking? This is Tylor, her enemy, her mortal rival. Her nemesis. See Jade always does this. Her words. This is why she shouldn't have talked with Jade. Violet would have been a better choice. Hell Rafael would do better even though half of the time they curse and bitch about each other.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Tylor asked, his voice... concerned? She just sighed.

"I could have been worse seeing that I am here with you but yeah. Also stop calling me babe. It's annoying."

Before he could reply he heard the ding sound of his phone. She rolled her eyes as he fumbled for his phone. Seriously such an idiot. Wow she sounded like those people who hate someone so much that even their sound of breathing annoys them.

"It's Princi. He said, I quote, "How's working working out for you? Haha I am hilarious. Laughing emojis." Tylor read with a stupid smile on his face. Anna groaned. Wow.

"Did he actually write Laughing emojis?" Anna asked with a chuckle.

"Actually he did. See" Tylor turned the phone towards her and she laughed.

"Of course he did. I pity Anthony. He has to hear his jokes everyday." Anna muttered after stifling her laugh. Like wow he just endure these jokes and force laugh. Imagine how tough that can be.

"You are on first name basis with Principal's husband? I - What a nerd!" Tylor laughed while tucking his phone back in his sweatpant. He didn't even care to know about Principal's name for the first month but then when he was selected as Secretary he had to take that effort.

"Yeah well you cannot relate Tylor. I even took him a pie for Thanksgiving last year and he loved it." Anna smirked proud of that. She loved knowing that Anthony was so much like her and they both geeked over Dylan O'Brein and solved sudoku puzzles on thanksgiving while Principal watched stupid football game. Seriously parade would have been her choice, if given. Sadly Principal was not at all festive.

"You took him a pie? Just when I thought this couldn't get hilarious. You surprise me everytime Miss Smith." Tylor laughed while clutching his stomach wiping the tears formed at the corner of his eyes. She rolled her eyes at his overacting. Seriously who does that?

"What can I say? I seem to have that element" She shrugged trying not to laugh at his stunned expression. Clearly he was not expecting that. Yeah take that Tylor!

"Yeah yeah. Can we get back to work? I am sure you are going to hand me the duty of picking flowers this time as well."Tylor said snidely while grabbing that stupid notepad from her. She mumbled a  quite 'hey' which has zero impact on him.

"Don't act like you hate it. Last time you seemed proud of your choices and didn't hesitate to take all the credit." She remarked with a snort. Everyone were praising him as if he climbed some mountain. People are so stupid praising him for picking right orchids. Why does it even matter? They are just some flowers.

Anyways even she could have done it. She's sure he just went to the florist and asked his/her opinion. That's so easy.

"Yeah well that's because I actually worked hard for that flowers. I had to go out of the town to pick them. Glorioso are rare and they are not found in our town." He said still not looking at her. His attention solely focused on that notepad.

She gaped at him like a fish out of water. What? Glo? What? He knew the name of orchids now? Knowing him she would have called him out for his bluff but he really did surprise her. She thought he was lying when he said that he went to other town to get them and made her wait in school. She could now understand the bright smile on Mrs Delvinge's face. Of course that cheif guest would have been impressed.

Tylor squinted his eyes at her writing. Seriously how flawless can one write? His handwriting are like rat shit. Don't ask him how he knows that.

"Anyways what are looking at? It's just list of things we should buy." Anna changed the subject. She didn't want to talk about it. She hates knowing she's wrong. That is a ugly feeling.

Tylor scrachted at his nose and hell even he made it look attractive and twisted his mouth.

"I know that but major of these things are not available in our town. Like a good florist shop and I don't like to drive all way out."

Anna knew he was not saying that because he's lazy but because it was genuinely hard to go out of the town. Firstly because of the stupid traffic and also because of the long ride. It can be tiring.

"How about we try to pick something local from our town? I don't think teachers will mind." Anna shrugged. Tylor snorted and crossed his arms which made his muscles flex. And no she did not stare at that.

"Do you not know our teachers at all? Miss Ella actually wears gucci and brings expensive shit to school. Besides Princi told that we have to make them feel special. And you think local flowers are a way to go?

His tone irked her. She hated it when he talked to her like she was stupid. She just said because he was complaining about the long hours drive. So much for thinking about him. She should hand just let him suffer.

"You know what? Why don't you pick the flowers this time as well? You are definitely good at it and love to flaunt. Do it. Let me handle everything else." She patted his arm in a condescending manner and gave him a nod.

"Don't talk to me like I'm a fucking child. And Princi said we should work together." Tylor gritted, his voice hoarse and cold.

She didn't even bat her eyelashes at his change of his tone. She was used to this. They were always like this.

"Since when do you follow anything he says? Just get the damn flowers and I'll manage the rest." She huffed while snatching her notepad from him.

"So you can complain later on and take all the fucking credit. No thanks." He grunted.

She sighed. This was going nowhere. Suddenly her eyes fell on the huge clock hanging on wall above the television set. It was six in the evening. That was so fucking time wasted. They have been at this since two hours and not even decided anything. Just fucking great.

"How about this? We divide our tasks. We don't interfere in each other's task and do it ourselves and later on discuss about it." She proposed.

He thought about it for a while. She really hoped that he would accept and agree. She couldn't deal with him for a week. It's just too much Tylor. And this evening itself was enough to scar her.

"Yeah okay that sounds good. But how are we going to divide?" he asked interested for the first time since they have started talking.

Wow looks like he also didnt want to be there with her. Who cares?

Anna searched in her back pack for something and later on emerged with a cent. He looked at her with his eyebrows raised.

"Toss? Duh!"

Seriously heads and tails have solved so many problems she faced that they are literally important now. She picked the cent and tossed it in the air. The cent rolled and fell back on to the back of her hand. She flinched as the cold metal set on the back of her hand.

She looked at him as he looked fascinated and his eyes set on the coin.

"This time call something instead of staring. Okay?" She rolled her eyes and tossed the coin again.

"Fine" He muttered agitated. Seriously this was so childish.

"Heads" He called as the coin was tossed in the air.

"Tails it is." She opened her palm and grinned when it was tails.

"I won." She goaded. He just huffed and looked into the notepad to see what were the tasks. There was catering, flower arrangements, decorators, sound team, etc.

"Choose then."

"I choose you to pick the flower arrangements." She smirked.

"What? It doesn't work that way. Choose something for yourself." Tylor mumbled annoyed. If she was doing this he was not going to pick the flower arrangements.

"Apparently it does. Last minute touches. If we win we get to select for the loser. Powerful, right?" She chuckled while twisting the coin in her hand. She was so evil at times. She loved it.

"Absolutely rubbish."

"Okay fake british. But this is my game and you agreed. So roll with it."

"We didn't agree to this. You know that." He said with clenched teeth.

"Are you scared Tylor? Tsk Tsk I should have guessed."

"Oh you wanna play it that way. Fine. I'll do it. Toss for the second one." He smirked but she could see the unflattering expression behind that and she stifled a grin.

It was so easy to annoy him and manipulate. Like he's always agitated by her. Finally something she can do. And anyways this was payback because he loved to talk to her like she's an idiot.

"Heads" Tylor called, his voice confident. She rolled her eyes. This was her game. She'll win.

As soon as the coin returned back and she slid her palm away to look at the coin she turned pale. It was heads.

Tylor smirked.

This may be a bad plan.

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