Part 2

Anna has always been a kind person. Even when her older brother broke her favourite mug, she forgave him. Even if he accused her of tattle telling their mother later and pinched her because he was being punished by his mother. Well she kind of did tell on him. But that's entirely another thing.

When Tylor walked in with that smug grin along with Aaron behind him she wished to be anywhere but there.

"It's like he's everywhere." She complained turning her head to Jade who had a permanent grin on her face while her fingers were inhumanly gliding across her phone keypad.

"Anna fancy seeing you here" Tylor smirked, walking towards her seat.

"No shit Sherlock. It's language lecture idiot. Of course I'll be here."

"You flatter me." He grinned.

"God you're so annoying. Can you just go already?" Anna huffed while clutching her pencil tighter in her hand. She was sure she was going to break it in half.

"Wow did I leave the mighty queen without a comeback?" Tylor smirked.

"Tylor leave her alone." Aaron shifted beside him and gave Anna a easy smile.

"Ah. Anyways I just came here to tell you that Princi wants to talk to us. So be in his cabin after class." Tylor said with a clenched  jaw and fisted his hand.

Aaron was like his brother and all but it annoyed him that he always defended Anna like it was always his fault. Not only that but Anna gets this stupid look in her eyes at she sees Aaron and it annoys him so much. He's sure that she has this embarrassing crush on him. It's so visible. He hates it when they both share secrets smiles. It makes him feel something. Something ugly.

"Huh?" Anna questions averting her eyes from Aaron. She just can't focus on anything when he's here.

"Did you even hear a word I said?!" Tylor exclaimed furious that her eyes did not even glance at him once.

"No I have a habit of tuning out when you are speaking. Sorry." Anna smirked in triumph.

"Oh did you say something? Because all I heard was blah blah blah..." Tylor growled.

"Cut it out guys. Tylor you need to go to your French class." Aaron warned. Tylor mumbled something incoherent under his breath and walked out of the class. It was difficult to hold back his temper.

"No seriously what he did he say?" Anna asked turning towards Aaron.

Aaron chuckled and Anna observed the way his eyes crinkled and his deep rumble vibrated in her ear and she felt a smile lit on her lips. He was such a perfect specimen. Even his laugh was perfect. Not too loud or annoying.

"I'm sorry but are you serious?" Aaron asked composing himself but he still had dimples digging in his cheeks.

"I was distracted" Anna lamely supplied.

Jade who was listening to all this coughed and muttered a silent, 'Pathetic' under her breath.

"Principal wants to meet you and Tylor to discuss something. I guess something to do with some event." Aaron informed while sitting in the empty seat in front of her.

"Oh. Oh are you taking Sanskrit as well?" Anna asked excited.

She hoped that he would. She already had two classes with him and those were not enough. She would happy if he was taking Sanskrit. At lest she would have something to look forward to. It would be nice.

"Umm... Yeah. Actually German proved to be quite difficult." He gave her a embarrassed smile.

As if that was to be embarrassed about. Well she knew German was difficult so she took Italian last year and now opted to  Sanskrit.

"Hey it's nothing to be embarrassed about. I tried to take German as well but failed. It's difficult." Anna assured him.

"You don't say" Aaron agreed.

"Suprahabatam. We'll begin our class now."

The rest of the class bowed down and mumbled their greetings in Sanskrit and she reluctantly followed.

Oh God she thought. What did she sign up for? Hope it was worth it.

"So how were your classes? Please say they were bad cause mine sucked. The break spoiled me so bad." Violet mumbled aggressively spreading the sauce on her bun. The other thing which was going to add to the bad day. The bland canteen burger. It was so dreadful and flavourless that she wanted to avoid eating it but she did not bring lunch today.

"I know right. I literally dozed off in my third lecture. Mrs. Kent knows how to lure students to sleep." Jade complained while biting in to her peanut butter sandwich.

"Umm...I can't complain. I had first two lectures with Aaron. It was fun." Anna mumbled happily while drinking orange juice. She was so happy in spite of the nasty argument with Tylor. She had to go meet Principal yet. Something she was dreading to do.

"Jesus you two. Just ask him out already. You both are so disgusting tho. Flirting all the time." Violet made a face while chewing her burger. It was gross.

Anna laughed.

"No seriously Anna. Violet is right. You should do something about it. It's been like two years since you are obsessed with him." Jade remarked.

Aaron and Anna would actually make a cute couple. They were great together and Anna deserves someone like him.

"Definitely not obsessed. And besides its been only one year of my singlehood. Let me enjoy it." Anna sighed.

She did not want to even think about it. Dylan was a sweet guy alright but his sudden change irked her. They went out for few dates when he suddenly said he couldn't continue doing it. It was strange and it made her feel sad for days.

"Ugh being single is so annoying at times. I want a boyfriend so that we can go on adventures together." Violet mumbled and let out a painful sigh.

It feels like she has been single since forever. It was only six months ago that she broke up with a long time boyfriend because they didn't feel that spark anymore and it was mutual but now she felt like shit. Noah was adventurous and did all the crazy stuff with her before turning into a hyper study oriented nerd.

"You would if you don't turn down all the guys that ask you out." Anna said flicking her arm.

Violet teased her by showing her tongue.

"Very mature."

"Did you go to Principal?" Jade asked turning to Anna. She had not seen Anna since last two lectures.

"Nah I'll go after this break. Tylor had sports club meeting so we had to postpone. He's such a diva" Anna scratched her nose. She was so over Tylor doing these things on purpose. He loves to annoy her.

"You both are so alike at times. He calls you diva as well." Violet laughed.

She's so tired to hear the same things they mutter each other. Very creative. Not. She can't believe her brother is best friend's with Tylor. She's glad that Anna doesn't have a problem with that. She has Tylor over at her house almost thrice a week and they always make fun of each other. Violet has a twin brother and she's so glad that he's not in the same school. But somehow Tylor and Victor managed to be best of friends.

"Eh he probably stole it from me." Anna mumbled.

"Hey Rafael is calling. Wait a sec"

Violet accepted the video call and that was that. They all talked to Rafael and if they laughed in his face for getting a sunburn it was their call. No one has to know.

"Okay finally you guys are here." The principal laughed as they both settled down in front of him.

"Did you enjoy your holidays guys?" He asked while sorting out his files on the desk.

"I sure did sir. Had a good break in Maysville. What about you Mr Brown?" Anna smiled pleasantly.

Tylor tried hard to control his snort. She was such a pleasant lady like in front of others. Hell she was pleasant with everyone except him.

"I had fun. My husband and I went to lake house along with our family. It was so fun!"

"So what's this meeting about Mr Brown?" Tylor asked bored. He was in no mood for chit chat. He wanted to get out as soon as possible.

"Straight to the point I see. Wow that's a word I never use often." Mr Brown laughed loudly. He loved to think he had sense of humour.

Anna laughed along with it.

"Okay anyways I called you guys to organise a Teachers Day on 5th September. We want the teachers of this school to feel appreciated. Can y'all work the magic? This is a very important event. I want them to feel that."

Anna bit her lip. Wow it was a cool thought. But she has to work so much for this. And worse with Tylor beside her. She can remember every single event they conducted last term and it was pulled out last minute kind of thing. She was surprised that he and Tylor did not get suspended yet.

"Umm... What? Teachers Day? Really? Don't they get enough salary?"

"Now now that's not the way you talk about your teachers, Tylor?!" Mr Brown reprimanded while shaking his head.

"What can you expect from Tylor Mr Brown?" Anna tutted.

"Oh God looks like you both haven't sorted your tension out yet. This is going to be fun! I'll mail you the notice and details. Now off you go." Mr Brown waves then off.

"Ugh fine. Thanks Mr Brown." Tylor stood up and with a huff slid on his bag he tightened his shoulder strap.

"Don't worry sir. Everything will be perfect. I'll get it sorted." Anna assured while standing up from her seat. She saw that Tylor was already near the door reading to barge out. She hoped he would go.

"We, Ms Anna. I expect you both to work on this." Mr Brown gave them both a stern look.

"Sure sir" She gritted her teeth. Ugh she couldn't believe that she has to work with him again.

"You may leave now and please try to work in the budget. I don't want the repeat episode of last time. Yeah?" He looked while narrowing his eyes at the both.

Anna nodded, embarrassed. She can't believe they crossed their budget by  hundred dollars. It was Tylor's fault by the way. He was the one messing around with the props of that Romeo and Juliet play. It was all him. They had to add extra hundred dollars and management was so angry at the principal and he yelled at both of them for that mistake. It was horrible.

"Sorry sir. We'll mail you everything. Have a good day Mr Brown."

He nodded and together they exited the cabin.

Anna released a breath she didn't realise she was holding. It was so excruciating to be there.

"Teachers Day? What a joke!"  Tylor snickered while messing his fingers in his dark brown hair. She shook her head finding the action desirable. No! She cannot be one of those who thinks Tylor is God. Nah.

"Everything is a joke to you. I am not surprised." Anna grinned and from the corner of her eyes she could see Aaron running towards the football court. She tried to avert her eyes as he laughed while running there.

Tylor followed the line of her vision and he controlled his anger. Seriously how embarrassing! Aaron and Anna. Definitely not meant to be.

"One of these days I may surprise you." Tylor grinned flashing her his pearly whites. Okay what? Was he seriously trying to flirt with her?

"Sure. In your dreams." She lamely responded.

"So how do you wanna do this?" He wriggled his eyebrows and strutted forward. She reluctantly followed him and his lips twitched a bit at that.

"Stop trying to make this sound dirty." Anna snarled.

"The title of your next blog post, huh?" Tylor laughed.

"You're not Jake."

"I am glad that you got the reference. Oh and believe me you're no Amy either."

"I don't aim to be. I am Rosa."

"Haha good joke!" Tylor laughed to which Anna swatted on his arm. He was so fucking infuriating.

"It's the truth buttface." She weakly retorted at the lack of curse words.

"Oh my God. You can't even curse without blushing. What a softie!" He teased and she steamed in anger.

Ugh. She hated it when people called her a softie. She's dangerous. Okay. Just because she likes to wear clothes two sizes large for her or loves vanilla ice cream more than anything it does not mean she's a softie.

"Fudge off. I am not a softie."

"Sure. Come to my house."

"Huh?" She asked confused.

"I mean after school we can discuss about that event in my house. Principal said that this is important one. That's why." Tyler offered pink on his cheeks. He didn't know why he did that.

Anna flustered at that. She never expected that. To him to be formal and invite her to his house.

"Sure. Yeah. Sure." She nervously murmured. She has never been to this house. Violet says it's a beautiful condo. She'll be the judge of that.

"Okay I'll text you the address. I'll just... I'll see you then."

With that he walked way and she stared at his retreating back wondering what just happened.


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All love

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