Waking Up Next To A Stranger
"Aw, my head.." A soft groan in the dim light woke Grillby, the slowly flickering flames of his face brightning as he regained consouness. He reached for his fave slowly, running his eyes blearily and shifting underneath the sheets, sitting up.
"Are you okay, Sans?" Grillby asked, worry lining his voice as he turned to the skeleton who was grabbing his skull in pain. Sans looked up, his grimance turning into a look of confusion.
"Grillbz..?" He asked, his eyes searching the bartenders, puzzled. Grillby was about to ask what he meant when he remembered that Sans had been wasted the night before.
"Yes, Sans. You stayed the night here after you passed out last night. It was to late to take you home, so I brought you back here where you slept." Grillby avoided the part where Sans had asked for his best friend to lay beside him, worrying that he might be alarmed.
He didn't seem to care.
"Oh.." Hr mumbled, his eyes wide and staring at Grillby, till he slowly rested his head back down, his arms pulled up to either side of him. He smiled, and his eye lids drooped, sleeping threatening to overcomber him once again.
"Papyrus!" Sans suddenly shot up, calling out his brother's name loudly, fumbling his hands through his pockets in a panic.
"Wha-what is it?" Grillby asked, frowning, and fixed his glasses that had been knocked askew when he had fallen asleep. He watched as Sans ripped his phone from his jacket and stared at the screen as if he had seen a dead body.
"He's worried." Was all the skeleton said, and Grillby figured that Papyrus must be freaking out, speeding around the house and tossing his brother's sheets in an attempt to find Sans.
"Here, give me your phone." Sans made a facial expression that mimicked raising an eyebrow, and handed Grillby his cell, watching as the fire monster dialed a number and held it to his ear.
After 1 ring, the phone clicked and a very upset Papyrus began screaming at him.
"No, Papyrus, this is Grillby. Yes, I am aware that he is missing. No, I'm not worried. Because he's over here. He fell asleep in my bar after havintoo much to drink last night,"
Grillby gave Sans a side look, meet in his anxious eyes with a calm and reasurring smile. He didn't smile back.
"I am sorry that I did not contact you earlier. Yes, it had become too dark last night before I found him under the counter." Grillby turned away, though before he did he saw his friend flinch.
"Okay, I'll tell him. And, I think I'll keep him here today, so that he can pay back his tab.. I'll figure something out. Alright. Talk to you later." He hung up, and lowered hi head, sliding a hand across his face, pushing his glasses upward in the process.
"Uh.. Mind filling me in?" The sound of Sans' voice reminded him that Sans must have only heard his half of the conversation.
"He was worried that you had disappeared, and had been frantically ripping up the house looking for you. I told him you were here. He sounded relieved, but then demanded that you come home right away so he could chide you. I made an agreement to punish you by helping me with the bar today, and he agreed."
Grillby waited for a groan, or s whine, or even a sigh. He was a little surprised with Sans' response.
"Okay." That was it. Just a simple okay. He glanced over his shoulder at his best consumer and studied him closely, wondering if these were the effects of a hangover.
Sans seemed to be just fine, though a but groggy. He smile up to Grillby and stretched, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eye sockets.
Grillby was suddenly hit by a thought of how much Sans was actin like just a little kid, and he internally smiled, before wiping it from his brain in an instant.
"So, what're we doing today?" Sans asked, suddenly awake and so full of vigor that Grillby had to do a double take, blinking at him, and fixing his glasses.
"Well, it's Saturday, so the bar is close till 5, so we'll be washing dishes, bussing tables, and refilling the taps." Sans laughed under his breath, sighin in relief.
"Alright, doesn't seem too bad." He said, beginning to scoot to the edge of the cot where he was proceeding to stand up.
"You didn't let me finish." Grillby sated, and grinned at the way Sans paused mid standing to look at him in shock.
"We will sweep, mob, and shine the floors, clean the windows, and set the tables for happy hour." This time, he got his expected response, chuckling as the bewildered skeleton groaned and fell backwards onto the bed again, turning and wrapping his upper half in the sheets.
"Well, I'm going to sleep."
"No your not." Leaning over, he came close to Sans face, which was peeking from within the cocoon of sheets, facing away from him.
"After all, you were the drunk one in MY bar." He whispered, and pulled away, laughing, as Sans eyes went wide in embarrassment and a blush spread across his cheeks.
"Alright," He stated gruffly, sitting up and letting the blankets fall off around him.
"But first, what's for breakfast?"
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