Turning Tables
"U-uh.." Grillby's mind blanked as he tried to search for words, each excuse he could come up with slipping from his grasp like sand through his fingers. His body was stiff, beads of sweat dripped along his temples before disappating from the heat as he stared at the tall skeleton in front of him him, the innocence level too much to bare.
"I was just wondering because he hasn't been home and I was becoming worried that he fell asleep in Hotlands and was shipped into the CORE." Grillby nodded slowly, his smile strained, his jaw clenched so tight that he began to worry that his teeth might shatter.
"N-no, haven't seen him, Papyrus.." Grillby chanced a glance downwards to meet Sans' wide eyes below him, unable to block out the fact that the skeleton's mouth was right in front of his apron. Crouched in front of him on hands and knees, leaning forward so they could make eye contact.
"Or maybe he wandered into the capitol. He might be sleeping in a guard's armor!" Grillby jumped when Papyrus threw his fist down on the counter, shaking glass mugs that tinked and clanked as they shook on the shelves next to the taps Grillby worked with.
"If he is, oh boy, oh boy! I'll have his skull for that! I want to sleep in the armor!" Papyrus belted out his trademark laugh, lightening up the overall mood of the bar. Grillby chuckled with so much apprehension he was shocked that not even Papyrus could sense it.
"That would be.. him.." Grillby fidgeted his feet, the hand that was placed on the counter with its fingers wringing the dirty cloth was pointing at the floor by his side in Sans' view.
Sans understood that he was meant to stay under there and made himself a little more comfortable silently, ready to take a nap if it was needed.
"Or maybe.. YOU'RE HIDING HIM FROM ME!" Grillby almost cleared his bowels at the comment, visibly trembling under the goofy skeleton's uncharacteristically cold stare.
"I'm just kidding, mister Grillby sir! Sans would be too lazy to come all this way to hide. Maybe to sleep on the counter." Papyrus smiled warmly again and turned around, leaning backwards on the counter, sitting next to Sans' usual stool.
When Grillby nearly "relieved himself", he hadn't notice that his hips had pushed forward, his stomach hitting the counter's edge. It was only until a soft vibration trickled over his crotch did he realize what had happened.
"Uh.. Grillbz.." Sans muttered into the warm confines of the apron, knowing damn well what was beneath it. In fact, he could feel it.
"Your 'erectly' against my face." Grillby was sure his flames had never been hotter than in that moment, his hand melting a shape of itself into the marble counter top. The flames that were his face flickered bright red, his glasses fogging from the sudden wave of heat.
Papyrus tilted his head back a little, watching with a perplexed smile a monster who seemed to be babbling to themselves across the diner.
"ANYWAYS, I just got back from training with Undyne today and I saw that when I got home Sans wasn't on the couch and the imprint of his body on our cushions looked like it hadn't been used recently, and even his socks were still in his drawer when I checked his room from the last time I picked them up and he hadn't fed his rock so I did, also noticing that there was a tiny bit of dust that had collected on the cap of the sprinkle container, because I've gotten good at seeing things like that because Undyne says being a Royal Guard also means being a detective because they have to stop fights and deal with crime scenes and stuff so she was saying if something got stolen say from the Snowed Inn then we would have to look for clues so that's what I was doing at home and I was even more surprised to find the bottle of ketchup Sans had left in the fridge, STILL IN THE FRIDGE and right away that seems like something he would do but I think he was too lazy even to get up and drink the rest of it because he really likes ketchup but I really don't know why he drinks it I personally don't like it myself I like spaghetti and Sans seems to like ketchup more than spaghetti but that's his preference and that's totally okay with me because I prefer spaghetti over the ketchup because sometimes I wonder if he actually gets drunk on it because he drinks it and gets all loopy and dopey looking afterwards or maybe he drinks some kinda alcohol before he drinks it or during drinking it or something because that really confuses me which probably isn't good considering I'm training to be in the Royal Guard like I said before and I need to be smart like Alphys who is really smart I mean she created Mettaton and Mettaton is my idle other than Undyne but she's more of a best friend and mentor where Mettaton is really cool and nice looking and also maybe smart I mean he has a LOT of shows he literally has a show on every TV channel you know MTV Mettaton Television is probably what it is and he has the most followed profile on the UnderNet I followed him my username is CoolSkeleton95 in case if you were wondering make sure you capitalize the c in cool and s in skeleton I was getting what I've heard is called trolled by another person on there they kept sending me terrible puns and typing in a silly font that for some reason reminds me of my brother.." Papyrus turned to face forward again, continue to ramble on, his voice eventually becoming background noise as Grillby tried to calm the flicker of energy in his soul.
"Sans.." Grillby uttered just loud enough for the skeleton below the counter to hear, the name pronounced a bit harshly due to the fact that Grillby had said it through his teeth. Sans finally moved away from the bartender's waist, looking up at him with a grin, any innocence that was present in his expression befotr was now tarnished by the silent snicker written on the skeleton's mouth.
"What's up, Grillby? Other than that." Sans asked quiet enough for only his friend to hear as he gestured towards the bulge behind the black apron, earning a heated glare from the flame elemental. Sans couldn't protest that he was blushing, faint touches of blue lit up his cheek bones, as if an artist had applied paint with the gentle strokes of an air brush.
"Fix this. Now." Sans narrowed his eyes in questioning but they instantly widened in surprise as Grillby's free hand slipped behind the apron, his fingers moving behind the dark fabric. The movement tantalized the quirky monster, watching closely as Grillby worked with excellent skills of a bartender, easily undoing his pants.
"Just do this, okay? I know you wanted to before. Do it now."
"But Papyrus-"
"He doesn't know your here, and I can keep it cool. The bar is closing soon anyways. Get this problem fixed and I'll close shop and we can do whatever afterwards." Sans was still reluctant as he caught Grillby's eyes, expecting to see some form of cold dominance, something that would have made him feel weak and uncomfortable. But instead he found warm sympathy, honest caring and love with a twist of lust that drove him crazy.
Grillby was about to apologize for being so rude when Sans dove under the waist apron he wore, his boney fingers around the bartender's member without a second thought. Sans' face flushed bright blue as he immediately sucked at the tip, moaning softly at the burn of Grillby's skin, licking needily, whispering "we can do a quick one" between kisses.
Grillby nearly doubled over at the sudden intense pleasure, trying to quickly regain his compusure and push himself up with his arms still on the table, his flames red with blush. Papyrus spun back around in his chair and peered curiously at him, perplexed.
"Mr. Grillby sir is everything okay?" He asked curiously, narrowing his eye sockets and offering a hand to the bartender. Grillby forced himself up and tried to take on his usual calm compusure, waving away the mitten.
"J-just great.. I had a.. b-bit of a dizzy sp-spell is all.." He replied, admitting to himself that Sans was doing a much better job than he had expected, right down to the point where Grillby had to bite down a low groan.
"Are you sure? Perhaps I could come back behind the bar and lead you to your room? I, the great Papyrus, can take care of the bar for you, if needed!" Grillby set his jaw tightly, his muscles tensing under his clothes. His biceps stiffened, and Papyrus' eye sockets lightened.
"Grillby, are you challenging me to a flex off?" Grillby shivered intensely, the softest of whimpers escaping his throat as Sans hummed down below, slowly sucking at his member.
The skeleton was having the time of his life, a purr rumbling in his throat as the bartender's member slipped into it, the searing heat clashing against the icy touch of his tongue, stirred to life with his magic.
He had heard what Papyrus had said, and chuckled deeply at it, forcing vibrations on Grillby's shaft as the tip of his member slid towards the back of Sans' tongue.
"A-a flex o-off?" Grillby squeaked, his steady composure crumbling as Sans sucked harder to faze him. Papyrus nodded, a determined look on his face, his fist thudding against the counter for a second time, scaring awake a drunk guest across the way who murmured in protest before slumping back down in her hoodie, snoring away under a mess of hair held back in a sloppy ponytail.
"Of course! It is the perfect time! Or, better yet, being that we are in a bar, we could arm wrestle!!" Grillby stared blankly at the skeleton in front of him, his body numb with pleasure. He barely processed Papyrus' words, but when he did, he nearly thrusted his hips into Sans' face as he jolted back, waving his hands in front of him.
"N-n-naahh thaanks! I aa.. ah-appreciate the offer but uumm.. n-need.. tooohh close soon!" Grillby barely managed to get the sentence out with out moaning all over the words more than he already did, sensing Sans slide his mouth across his member and deep throat, the cold yet warm sensation that echoed onto his nerves driving him crazy.
"Aww, but Grillby! You look strong! We can do a quick one!" Papyrus chanted as he threw his bony elbow onto the counter top, propping his arm up, ready to wrestle. Grillby despised the innocent use of the same words he had heard Sans say before, the smaller skeleton's use of them completely opposite.
With a low grunt blamed on annoyance, Grillby took Papyrus' hand and readied himself, his free just below the counter. Sans grinned and continued his devious act, blushing harder as he did. Papyrus laughed and tightened his grip, his eye sockets widening as Grillby returned the squeeze, much stronger than his own.
"Wow, Grillby, I didn't know you had such a good grip!"
"That's.. not.. the only.. thing.. I got.. a grip on.." Sans was pulling away to return to his gentle teasing when a flared up hand pressed against the back of his skull, letting out a surprised yelp muffled by Grillby's member as he was pushed back down onto it, nearly gagging as tears watered in his eyes.
"What el-" Papyrus didn't finish as Grillby set his shoulders and started to add force in the opposite direction that Papyrus' hand needed to go in order to win. The quirky skeleyon laughed happily and made a determined expression, trying his hardest.
"I.. will.. win!" He yelled as he knocked over his stool, standing and using all his body's force to try and push down the bartender's arm, who easily resisted, breathing heavily to hold in moans. Sans bit down slightly at the base of his shaft, startling Grillby who nearly lost the game.
"F-fu.. NOPE!" Grillby threw Papyrus' arm down and nearly launched the skeleton across the stools, jumping as wood clattered and the chairs fell to the floor loudly. Papyrus barely caught himself from hitting the counter, frozen in shock by the sudden change. Every other monster in the bar had stopped what they were doing to look in the direction of the ruckus, the soft chatter of conversations falling dead silent.
Grillby's eyes widened as his heart stopped, his social anxiety getting the best of him. An awkward smile lifted his lips as he cleared his throat nervously. Even Sans halted, unsure of what had happened and about to deliver a strong bite to Grillby's member if his brother had been hurt I any shape or form.
"I.. uh.. g-guess I win..." Grillby mumbled under his breath, bashfully fixing his glasses and averting his gaze from everyone elses'. Papyrus just stared at him in plain shock, not sure if he should feel upset about the defeat or excited about Grillby's excellent arm wrestling skills.
After a few heart-wrenching moments of silence, the restaurant occupants went back to what they were doing as if nothing happened, relieving the now on-edge bartender. Papyrus collected himself slowly, taking his seat once again at the counter, still staring at Grillby who began to feel uncomfortable under his gaze.
"S-sorry.." He managed, worried about the skeleton's reaction. Below them, Sans listened intently, seemingly oblvious of the member half down his throat.
"Sorry? Why?" Papyrus asked, a huge smile appearing on his face. "That was AWESOME."
Grillby blinked, at a loss for thoughts, let alone words.
"You are SO much better than me! And I'm incredibly good at everything!" Papyrus exclaimed, overjoyed that he got to experience such a great match of wrestling. Grillby once again blinked, still confused by the turn of events and how much nobody cared.
"Oh.." Is all he could get out, shaking his head to clear it before smoke would start puffing from his ears. He was about to tune back into what Papyrus had started to talk about when a sudden stir of pleasure reminded him of his.. other occupation.
A quick glance down revealed a very upset looking Sans, the spark of magic that flickered momentarily in one of his eye sockets solidifying Grillby's notion. He was in for it.
"Hey, he's not hurt-" The bartender gasped weakly in agony as Sans bit down hard, so much so that Grillby feared he would draw blood. Crying on the inside, he mouthed a sorrowful "why" to Sans, unable to understand what he had done to deserve such a punishment.
Instead of replying, probably because of the dick in his mouth, Sans gave his friend the middle finger, glaring at him as if to say "you know why".
"He's fine........" Grillby whimpered, trembling as the pain faded. Sans narrowed his eyes more, starting to add pressure again when Grillby froze, immediately begging him not to.
"Okay, I'm sorry! Please, don't do that again, you'll dust me..." When no further agony was embewed, Grillby shifted his feet and sighed softly in relief, remembering the task at hand that Sans had yet to complete.
"Now.. can you please.. finish that so I can close the store?" A few moments of silent staring passed until Sans rolled his eyes and took up soft sucking again, maintaining eye contact with the distraught bartender.
"Tha-ah.. nk you.." Grillby shuddered slightly and went about watching the skeleton at work, enjoying the way Sans' expression slowly softened and turned into one of needy lust, sucking more urgently and stroking Grillby's member faster.
Grillby, pleased with the pace they were now going at, enjoyed the ride of growing pleasure, letting his head lean back again to look at his friend's brother, who had apparently left to talk to the dogs that sat at the round table and played cards, asking if they knew a smaller dog that has been stealing bones as of late.
The bartender smiled softly, his thoughts fading into the bliss shrouding his mind when he snapped back into reality as Papyrus suddenly came back, obviously annoyed by the results of his questioning.
"Dumb dogs.. they're all dumb. Probably conspiring to steal all of my attacks.. psh. They can have all the bones, I don't care. I'll just use spears like Undyne or something.. Hey, Mr. Grillby sir? You look awfully hot and bothered.. no pun intended." Grillby's expression changed a little but he played it off like nothing was up.
"D-do I?" He chuckled a little, huffing to stop his breath that was quickly becoming heavy again. Sans could hear Papyrus voice and took action to get payback on Grillby for his mistreatment of his brother.
"Yes, are you sick?" Papyrus forgot about his predicament with the dogs and became fully focused on Grillby who didn't like the attention that much, especially as he felt a sudden increase in pleasure.
"Wh-wh- wait, uh, yeeea-aaah... I'm not feeling well- mn!" He cut himself off as he fought away his climax, not okay with the idea of riding out an orgasm while Papyrus stared at him. Sans, on the other hand, was bent on making him.
"Oh no, are you going to be okay? You can tell me if you're actually sick, I can't contract illnesses." Papyrus was reaching out to place his gloved hand on Grillby's shoulder in a kind gesture but the bartender brushed him off, trying to hold back against another impending climax.
Sans sensed the struggle and tried harder, determined to get Grillby to lose his grip one way or another. This was going to be hilarious.
"I sh-sh-should be fine t-till the bar clo-oh-ses.. ah.." Grillby leaned forward a bit and feigned holding his stomach as if he was actually feeling ill. He tried his best to muster a saddened expression, selling Papyrus on the idea that he was about to throw up.
"Oh my Asgore, you really ARE that sick!" Papyrus pulled his hand back and nodded his head assertively, standing so abruptly that his stool sqeualed on the floor.
"Allow me to help you!" He declared and was about to help Grillby when the elemental lost it, biting his lip and dropping his head to hide the pure ecstasy written on his face as he have a tremble and surprise Sans with quite the mouthful, who almost choked on it but began to swallow eagerly, panting and licking up everything there was to savor.
Grillby almost passed out from the exertion, only furthering Papyrus' worries until he forced a groan, breathing heavily.
"You should.. clear the place... I need.. to recover.." He managed, thanking whoever was above and watching them that Papyrus was so gullable, the skeleton practically leaping into action with "Don't worry Mr. Grillby sir! You just get better, I'll take care of your customers and check in on you later!!! Get lots of rest and don't do anything drastic, and if you see my lazy brother than for the love of Mettaton tell him to come home! I'm upset with him!!" before ushering all of the monsters out of the restaurant in a slight ruckus that died down immediately as the front door slammed shut, the bell hung above it mingling lightly before it too fell silent.
Grillby was quite surprised by the sudden dead atmosphere of the bar but accepted it, letting himself lay limp on the counter, moaning softly into his arms. Sans pulled himself away from his plaything, just as content as his partner, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. He patted the front of Grillby's waist and crawled out from the area under the counter, studying the bartender as he stood.
"Damn, are you gonna be okay?" He asked nonchalantly as Grillby turned his head over to look at him, unable to react properly to him.
"Fuck... you.." He sighed and let his eyes fall closed, losing the strength to even hold himself up. Sans chuckled and nuzzled up to him, offering the support Grillby needed.
"I take it you liked it?" He grinned as the fire elemental murmured inintelligbly into his jacket, now pressing his face into his hood. The skeleton picked out something along the lines of "fuck you" and "so much cum". He was pleased by the answer and kissed Grillby's face softly, proud of himself for being able to do that. Especially without any sort of practice.
"Are you ready for bed then, hotstuff?" When he didn't hear a reply, Sans just smiled and teleported them out of the main dining room, taking care to turn off the lights in the process as his magic whisked them away together.
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