Chapter 24

I've seen perfect photoshoots, stunning poses and sparkling covers but there's no better picture of my boys than the one I posted in the media up there. It's officially my favourite (except for the fact that Yixing is absent)

It's 1st July today so I decided to drop a little surprise character in there. Enjoy the chapter!


"So, does he?" I looked down at Yumi who was currently digging in her book bag. It was recess time and we had come up to our--well, actually her dormitory, and I had just relayed every strange or flirty encounter with Chanyeol that has happened in the last three weeks of school.

"Who?" She asked distractedly.

I rolled my eyes. "Chanyeol. Don't you think he's acting weird?" 

She was lying on the floor now, flat on her stomach, peering under her bed for her Geography textbook. "I'm getting this odd feeling of déjà vu..."

I rummaged in the bookshelf too, shifting books here and there to look for the damn book. "That's because we've had a conversation like this the same time last year too. Or several ones like this."

Yumi got up on her heels again and continued her search in her suitcase, sighing. "I don't know, Mirae."

"But, do you think it's normal?" I insisted.

She gazed up, her brows shooting up. "You mean when Chanyeol joked about sleeping with you? And you didn't find that strange?"

"Well, that's what I'm saying!!" I exclaimed indignantly, feeling frustrated all of a sudden at her innocent blame. "I feel like he's traveled back in time to three years ago."

"I don't know." She repeated, shooting me a dubious look over her shoulder. "He did kiss you."

Whipping around, I scowled deeply at her back. "Yumi! I thought we were going to pretend it never happened! And I believe it was you who said this type of stuff happens 'all the time' at parties--"

"First of all, I never suggested forgetting it." my friend chuckled so lightly like it was a normal matter that comes up every day in our conversation. "And, I said the other stuff because I was afraid you might have heart failure otherwise."

"Great." I abandoned the book search sinking into her bed. "So, you think he might have actually meant to... you know, kiss me?"

"Maybe." She shrugged. "We can't say for sure if he doesn't remember. But if the flirting bothers you, ask him to stop."

"It doesn't bother me like it used to," I mumbled in my mouth but she heard it clear anyway. Yumi raised a skeptical brow, rising up from her place to face me squarely.

"So..." She started slowly. "You're saying... you like it?"

"What? No, I--"

"Hah, found it!" Yumi snatched her book off from the window seat beside Eunmi's bed. "I forgot I had lent her." Then she added seriously, "Just be careful."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That if Chanyeol actually had meant--"

"You're afraid I'll 'lead him on' or something stupid like that?" I snorted, leaning against the wall.

"You're dating Jinyoung." She simply stated, placing her recently recovered book in her bag.

"Thanks for reminding me." I retorted sarcastically. "Hold on, you're not afraid of Chanyeol's sake, are you? Are you worried that I might... what? Fall in love with him? Honestly Yumi." I slung my bag on my shoulder as we reached for the door. "We've had this conversation so many times! I don't think I can ever fancy Chanyeol, I love Jinyoung, so--" We both stopped dead in our tracks, just short of the door staring at each other.

"You do?" Yumi asked finally, after a long, awkward silence.

I bit my lip nervously. I have to admit, my feelings for Jinyoung have only grown deeper and stronger over the past few months. My heart still flutters the same way when he looks at me, the connection is there when we talk. Though the feeling isn't new, I know that what we have is special, at least that's what I think. "Uh...I don't know. I guess I must, right? I mean...if- if I said it so naturally, then it must mean something--"

"Mirae." Yumi interrupted with an amused smile arching on her lips. She looked happy with my confession.

"Oh my god, it really is big, right?!" My eyes widened in apprehension, noticing her giddy reaction. "What...I don't get it! I mean, is it possible that I'm not in love with him?" 

How am I supposed to know if it's love? There isn't an exact definition, is there? Which I can look up from any encyclopedia in the library? It's just a game of emotions, you can't pinpoint boundaries when it's love or when it's not. I felt a seed of helplessness and uneasiness settle inside me.

"Mirae." She spoke more consistently this time and we slowly descended down the stairs. "Just don't jump to conclusions, okay?" 

"I know I'm rambling." I paused. "Have you said it? To Andrew, I mean?"


"There you go." I motioned my hand in her direction, feeling a mountain of confusion drop over me. "You guys have been dating for over two years and you don't feel it. How can I say that I'm in love? It's only been six months."

"The length of the relationship doesn't matter." She stated wisely.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Do you not believe it?"

I shook my head quickly. "No, I think that it's the most beautiful feeling in the world, I'm not sure if--"

Yumi showed me the 'eyes' before I could chicken out again. "You should tell Jinyoung."

I wrinkled my nose. "But--"

"Mirae." She warned.

I sighed. "Fine, I will."


But I didn't. It's not something that comes up in your daily conversation. So even though Jinyoung and I went on dates, or walks whenever we were free, we even studied in the library several times, but I couldn't bring myself to say that. How weird it is to confess something like this. Jinyoung and I have never discussed topics like these which led to more uneasiness to develop in me. What if he feels awkward because he obviously doesn't feel like that? Not that was sure how I felt.

One Friday evening, I exited from the Arithmetic classroom only to find a booming crowd in the main lobby. I rolled my eyes, marching in the direction hoping it wasn't one of Baekhyun's pranks again, I would hate to give him detention. Intending to disperse the crowd, I neared it but when I noticed a large number of people, I knew I wouldn't be able to it without Chanyeol's cooperation. Also, what didn't help was that I was unable to see what was even going on. Almost 20 to 30 people were circling someone and I could hear strong music playing. All the spectators were staring in awe, most of them were cheering, clapping. I stood on my tiptoes and requested the kids to give me some space but I got no positive response.

Cursing my short height under my breath, I began bouncing on my feet slightly while wishing inwardly that nobody would spot me. Because if they did, it would definitely go viral: How the Head Girl hopped like a hare. But I did get noticed. Just as I was in the middle of springing my feet up, a voice reached my ears. 

"Yah, Mirae! Is that you?" I looked around wildly but couldn't nail down the source of this voice in the ocean of people. The voice sounded familiar and quite joyous.

"I'm here, look on your left!"

I looked on my left but didn't find anyone calling me, or looking in my direction.

"Left is the other side, idiot!"

My eyes widened in embarrassment. Very smooth. 18 years and you still don't know left or right. I whipped my head in the opposite direction. On a high chair, about two feet high stood a short boy waving both of his hands wildly over his head like a maniac, smiling brightly. I looked closely. Ah, Jongdae.

I grinned and walked closer to him. "What are you doing up there?" I called.

"Us midgets need something to stand on to see what's happening in the world." He explained. "Wanna join. I can see you're struggling too." Before hearing my reply he bent down and offered a hand. I looked around reflecting over his offer. I reluctantly took his hand and he pulled me, helping me up. I stumbled as soon as we straightened because apparently the chair didn't have much space to hold both of us but we managed somehow.

My insecurities and discomfort washed away as soon as my eyes met the scene in front of me. I gasped in astonishment. Sehun and his Chinese buddy, Yixing were holding a whole show. A small music player was pounding with powerful music beat, and the two boys were dancing so skillfully to it that I was forced to question if they had any bones in their body, their moves were so flexible, cutting through the air that everyone was left in awe. I spotted a third boy standing close to them who was beatboxing which added to the musical symphony.

Jongdae laughed at my dropped jaw. "Incredible, aren't they?"

"They're bloody awesome! Where did they learn it? Is that what you Arts students do in Music class?!" I exclaimed.

"More or less, yeah. The two guys who are dancing are Sehun and Yixing, they always stand best in dance classes. The other one is Kyungsoo. He's a tough competition for me in vocal training."

I mouthed a 'wow'. I made a note to my mind to praise Sehun in person. He was doing so good, and most of all he looked happy with all the attention he was getting, something he had always craved for. In the far end of the crowd, I noticed the trio and they seemed to be enjoying and dancing to their performance too. When Jongdae screamed out to them suddenly, I winced, almost slapping my forehead. The last thing I wanted is to gain their attention. And true enough, the minute Chanyeol saw me standing beside Jongdae, humped over a poor chair, he nudged his friends and they too exploded in laughter. I groaned. Soon enough, they had their cell phones out and capturing our pictures while Jongdae instantly posed beside me.

After a while, they got distracted when the spectators burst into applause and whistled my ears out. The three performers bowed. The crowd dispersed after some time and I ran towards Sehun. I bowed to his friends. They bowed back.

"This is Kyungsoo. Our classmate."

The guy looked damn scary but I relaxed when he smiled, he was cute. We did our greetings and I found out that he doesn't speak much but he's got this dominating intensity in his eyes, which blessed him with a superior aura. Then Yixing and Kyungsoo got busy with other 'fans' while I dragged Sehun to a corner. "That was one stunning performance!!! I had no idea you were so good at dancing, why didn't you ever show me!"

He laughed. "I'm glad you liked it."

I exclaimed. "I loved it!"

He blushed and, oh god, this little kid looks so cute when he's painted pink from head to toe. I hit his head lightly. "Phabo, you've become popular. Go and get yourself a girlfriend."

He rolled his eyes. "No thanks."

I scowled. "Fine. Shall I look for one myself?"

Sehun smirked. "I thought you were interested in guys."

My eyes widened, grimacing at me. "Hey, I was talking about you," I whined.

He chuckled, patting my head and messing up my hair but I didn't really care. "How were summers? Sorry I couldn't make it to your sister's party."

"That's okay. Yours?"

"As uneventful as ever."


I entered the library in an exceptionally good mood searching for my boyfriend because I haven't seen him all day and was starting to get concerned. I checked every nook and cranny in a matter of a few minutes. Frowning, I exited the library on my way to an unknown destination. I checked off all the possibles places on my fingers mentally where he could be. Common room. Check. Boys dorm. Check. Football pitch. Check.

I wandered in the halls without any particular aim for a good half hour before a sneaky suspicion intruded my mind. I smiled at my guess and briskly walked forward to the other end of the campus. I avoided running through the halls but I couldn't hold the bounce in my steps this time. As I set foot in the Arts department, creases appeared between my brows again. Now, where? I relied upon my wild guess again and walked towards the 'HALL OF FAME'. 

Pushing open the glass doors, I crossed the golden threshold and looked around in awe at the large room adorned with large portraits and signed posters of all respected alumni of Daegu High School. I realized this is the first time I came here. Slowing my pace, I read the information given beneath the photo of every alumni. Some of them were professional painters, High-Tech engineers, well-known surgeons, a few were idols or actors too. A couple of trophies, achieved by the students sat on high ledges, gleaming in their glory. One award that I did recognize was last year's Football Cup trophy, and various Quiz and Trivia medals. A sense of pride filled me up, but a hungry desire to be one of these legends took over it.

A smile jumped up on my lips as I spotted the broad back of my long lost boy. I sneaked up on him and screamed in his ears. Jinyoung yelled and leaped back, his face hunched in fright. Gosh, he must be really engaged. I held my hands up in surrender. "Woah, it's only me!"

Jinyoung placed his hand on his chest. "Oh, you scared the shit out of me."

I laughed and motioned my hands around the room. "What are you doing here?"

"Just wandering."

I cocked an eyebrow but didn't comment further. We walked around the room in silence. I was about to ask him to return before I noticed his eyes were stuck on a large framed photo. On the wall, was a photo of Seo Jang-hoon, a variety show host.  I stepped closer and recognized SHINHWA's leader Eric and TVXQ Yunho. It was a shot captured during his performance on stage and was smiling blindingly at the camera.

"I didn't know these people used to be students here," I mumbled.

He nodded. I glanced at Jinyoung. He seemed pretty quiet. I reached forward and held his hand to get his attention. "Are you okay?"

He looked up and I spotted the uneasiness in his eyes at once. He didn't answer for a few more minutes but the sadness in his eyes was heart-wrenching. There was no light in them, just a hollow, dark pit. His troubled expression was making me impatient and I opened my mouth again to strike a question but he beat me to it.

"Mirae, did you see that performance today? In the morning?"

I was startled by his question and was about to tell him off for changing the topic when it suddenly started making sense to me. Jinyoung was dismayed after seeing them do what he had always dreamt of. And then he ends up here, staring longingly at those people who used to be students here and ended up as an idol--another thing he would give anything to be.

"Yes. You did too?"

He sighed tiredly. "Yeah..." Then he turned faced the pictures again. "I can't do this anymore, Mirae."

I gulped with a wavering voice, I blurted, "What?" 

He shook his head. "Nothing."

"Look Jinyoung, I know you're upset. But..." I had no words. What do I tell him? Neither of us has a solution to his problem. My hand reached up to his forearm, I rubbed it gently. "Everything will turn out fine. If you want to--"

"Let's not talk about it?"

And just like that, I chose to close my mouth. Even though I was hoping that he'd share it with me, tell me everything that he's feeling, I think guys prefer some personal space instead of crying their heart out. It wasn't like I didn't know what was hurting him, but if he is okay being silent, then I can't change a thing. I'll be there with him when he needs me, whenever that time comes.

I did not further persuade him to leave and we left when he wanted to. Jinyoung didn't speak much the whole day, but knowing him for almost a year, I could sense it was killing him. The way his jaw clenched tightly and how his eyebrows furrowed made me worried sick by each second. But also knowing Jinyoung, I know he would think of a solution pretty soon.


And then there was the additional problem of Chanyeol and his....flirtatiousness; which hadn't stopped. Though (as promised) he didn't do it when Jinyoung was around and I was grateful for that. After a whole week of perplexity and indecision, I came up with something. I decided that I would ask Chanyeol for advice about my feelings for Jinyoung. One, to see his reaction, and secondly to get an opinion on 'love' from someone other than Yumi. Although Chanyeol doesn't look like someone to love anyone a sincere amount at this young age...but the guy still has more experience than I do. I have a feeling that I'm probably going to end up regretting the entire thing.

So before, I could think it over once more, I blurted it out on rounds on the fourth Thursday of the new term. "I think I'm in love with Jinyoung."

There was an abrupt pause in Chanyeol's pace, as he stared at me in surprise. Something odd twisted his face for a moment but it vanished before I could work it out, or judge even if it was there from the start. His eyes slowly trailed away from me as he gazed in distance, speechlessly, looking lost. I was left there, standing uncomfortably, trying to makeout his stunned silence. "Uh, good for you." He muttered finally, after recovering from the shock. "And for him too, I suppose."

"Right, well that's the thing..." I said as we started walking again, sighing in relief that he doesn't look so demented anymore. My cheeks were flushing despite my great efforts to control my easy blush. "I haven't told him yet."


"Because what if I'm not? In love with him, I mean."I retorted. "Look, I said it when I was talking to Yumi, without really thinking about it, so it must mean it is true but I don't want to go confessing until I'm sure--"

"Mirae, shut up," Chanyeol spoke through gritted teeth, though not unkindly but I glared at him nonetheless. "I don't know why the hell you're telling me this, but--"

"Because I want your advice."

That seemed to halt whatever he was going to say and he stopped walking again. "You do?" I nodded. He pointed at himself with his mouth hanging. "You. Want my advice. On. Relationships." Chanyeol uttered, still sounding disbelieved.

"Well, why not?"

He snorted in laughter. "Well, I can think of several reasons for that. One, I'm a guy. And two...well no that pretty much covers it up."

I couldn't help rolling my eyes and sighed impatiently, "Right so, since you're a guy, you are not into talking about feelings and stuff?" He nodded. "But it's not your feeling we're talking about--"

"Oh yeah." He cut me off with a tart nod of his head, a bitter smirk playing on his lips. "It doesn't matter to you if it's my feelings. I get it." He nodded again as if coming to a decision by himself. I looked at him quizically. What is happening to him? When I thought of telling Chanyeol in the first place, I expected him to be light-hearted about it. To tease me, to make fun of me. But this sour expression was telling me that he wasn't in the mood for any of that.

"I didn't mean-"

"Carry on," Chanyeol stated firmly.

I flinched at the tone. "Look, we've talked about my feelings before." I pointed out.

He quirked an eyebrow at me. "Not really. Unless you count all the negative ones you had for me over the years."

"Either way, that's not the point. Because I really wanted to ask you if I should tell him that?"

"Tell Jinyoung you love him?" He questioned.

I nodded. 

"I don't care."

I sighed. "Well of course you don't--- oh, never mind. I'll just stick to Yumi for this kind of stuff."

"Yes, please do."

We fell into silence again, while my heart hammered in my chest still a little put off by his obvious display of irritation. And (as predicted) I regretted bringing it up in the first place, but for completely different reasons. I would glance at him occasionally throughout the rounds but his jaw was clenched tight as he looked forward, ignoring my presence. I took in his features in detail as I stared at him. Shapely gleaming eyes enveloped by the black rectangle glasses. Jutted out cheekbones, a straight nose, and plump lips. Along with the dark hair, thin strands of which fell simply on his forehead. Sturdy physique and the toothpaste-commercial sort of smile. I smiled to myself as I realized that I, too, had become aware of his charms that I had always loved to ignore.

After a beat of silence, I asked tentatively, "So how're things with... Ahn something... what was her name? Hyori?"

"Who?" Chanyeol's features morphed into a frown in confusion for a moment. I guess he didn't contact her after that? "Oh right, er- no 'things' to speak of, really."

"Moved on already, have you?" I raised my brows.

"Still judging me, I see?"

"Oh yes, most definitely," I muttered at which Chanyeol laughed. I instantly felt happy that his mood was brighter now. "But, of course, that wouldn't bother you."

"Well, it does bother me, sweetheart. But I'm very good at hiding my pain."

"Sure you are," I replied. He glanced sideways at me and I got the feeling that I was missing something. "What?"


I proceeded with the conversation. "So is this some final year resolution of yours? To make out with all the girls in high school?"

"Don't be absurd, Mirae, of course not." His serious expression changed into a grin. "Only the good looking ones."

I rolled my eyes. "Right. Have you made a list, then? Alphabetically perhaps? You know, since you're starting with that Ahn girl?"

He shot me a wicked grin. "Why, are you wondering when I'll get to you?"

I just looked at him, finding myself on the brink of telling him that he had already got to me last year. Thank god that conversation doesn't spring up between us, or else I would have never been able to look him in the eye.

Chanyeol sobered up at once when I didn't answer for a moment. He flushed up faintly, "You know that I'm joking, right?"

I realized I had been staring at him and quickly looked away. "Yes, sorry. I was just thinking about something else."

He pretended to be offended. "I'm talking about kissing you and you're thinking about something else?"

I grinned in apology. "Sorry, I'll make sure to give my full attention the next time it comes up."


We walked in silence for some more time, but this time it wasn't so tense. I realized he had skillfully dodged the question regarding that Hyori girl, but I decided to let it go. As I rummaged my brain for a new topic to keep him engaged, my curiosity kicked in. I commented randomly, "I heard tryouts have started for Daegu FC."

He frowned. "How?"


"How did you find out?"

I was taken aback for a moment because I can't tell him that I went to his room that night and saw that poster. I racked my brains for a feasible excuse. Stuttering, I quickly answered him, "Uh...Jinyoung told me."

He was still eyeing me suspiciously but nodded. "Okay."

"So...what's the procedure?"

"Why are you, of all people, so interested?" He questioned tersely.

"Just answer me, will you?"

He huffed loudly. "Daegu FC is a professional football club based in Daegu. Every year, young and fresh players add to their community clubs. This year, they're holding their annual tryouts to recruit new trainees too. It starts in the next two months." He answered.

I nodded. "Okay. So, what are these trainees training for?" 

"To play for the local team, of course." 

My eyes widened in disbelief. "Local team, as in those leagues that --"

"-- It means South Korea's professional football leagues, where the players are full-time professional players. If they are really good enough, they can even make it to the international matches." He completed proudly. The way he sounded so passionate about the whole thing, cleared many of my doubts.

I tried to hide away my surprise. "Like... there's a test for entering in that training?"

"Yes, I told you. Tryouts are at the end of November. If you fill out the form they test you on a given date.

It took more than a minute to process all the football-talk. "Right," I said slowly. The next question on the tip of my tongue was 'Are you planning on entering' but I realized that I wasn't ready to hear the answer. Because if I'm not wrong, his intense football craze was obviously going to lead him there. Which was too much for me to digest in one night.

"Now, my turn. Why the hell are you asking this?"

I looked down and hesitated before saying anything stupid. "I'm only curious," I replied innocently. 

He returned it with a 'who are you kidding' look. "Yeah, right."

"I'm serious!"

I glanced at my watch. It was 11:30 sharp and we had just finished rounds. Once we walked back, our legs giving up, we found the common room totally bare so he decided that we retreat to our beds too. His new room wasn't very far from mine but I was surprised when he didn't wander away, rather walked me to my door. I didn't comment.

As my fingers covered the doorknob to my door, he said seriously, "About Jinyoung... I mean I'll be first to admit that I'm no expert, yes shocking and all that, but don't make any move until you're completely sure of your feelings. For anyone, I'm not only talking about him."

I nodded slowly. "Okay."

I turned around to face him completely, leaning slightly against my door. I found a strange alienating look in his eyes. His facial muscles were controlled into a neutral expression. "But if you are damn sure that you--um, you know, well then a guy deserves to know if his girlfriend loves him."

He turned his back on me before I could respond and I was left staring at him until he slammed his door hard.


Three days later, when Chanyeol, with large beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, threw himself across the seat from mine in the library, it took me by surprise, and not because he was never in the library, but because he was too pissed off. His breathing was still slightly shaken. And when he immediately commanded, "Don't talk to me!" I was caught off guard, confused and a little affronted as well.

"That's a bit rude," I whispered. Chanyeol just glared at me. 

"Well, then why did you sit here, then, if you didn't want to talk?" I pressed.

"It's not--like, can you just, not be difficult for once?"

"Oh, like you're one to talk." I rolled my eyes.

"Mirae." He spat through clenched teeth.

I held my hands up in surrender and turned back to my Biology homework. But soon enough, my curiosity got the best of me so I grabbed a spare piece of parchment, and scribbled, "So, what are you really going here?" and slid it towards Chanyeol.

He read it, and I noticed the slight twitching of his lips though he tried his best to come off as disapproving. Snapping his fingers, he pointed at my pen and held out his hand as he hadn't brought anything with him. I threw my spare marker in his direction. Jotting down a reply, he pushed the paper back to me.

That still counts as talking, you know.

Hardly, I wrote back. Talking is audible. It involves the movement of mouth.

He snorted softly as I passed him the pen again. Dork.




Hey, don't even talk about anything related to 'ball'. I might explode. He passed me the paper again.

I chuckled lightly, my homework was completely abondoned. Why?

I just need to be around someone who doesn't even have a fleck of interest in foot---I can't even write the word, but you know what I mean.

Actually, I've discovered that I really enjoyed the sport, thanks to you.
I smiled sweetly at Chanyeol.

Mirae, you really don't want to provoke me right now.

But it's so much fun to annoy people.

Oh damn, that sounds so much like me.

You're right. It's scary. 


I shook my head, smiling slightly. I guess this is a better way of communicating, after all, we aren't allowed to talk in the library.

I've done plenty of things you aren't supposed to do in a library too.

Looking up at Chanyeol, I found him grinning mischievously. Please spare me the details of your make-out sessions, I wrote back. So, were they really that horrible?

Be more specific.

Football trials.

Since it was the start of football season again, he, as captain, had to hold trials again if any other fresh students were good enough to be part of the team. It was our school's rule that it's adequate for the coach and team captain to give students another chance to try their luck and talent. As our coach is on leave, Chanyeol was the sole judge too, which made him feel more burdened.

Chanyeol shot me a horrified look, impatiently snatching the pen back from my hand. Why. would. you. mention. THAT!!

I'll take that as a yes, then.

You're one word away from igniting my terrible wrath.

Before I could stop, a loud snort of laughter escaped me, earning a few annoyed glares from those studying in silence around us. Chanyeol clicked his tongue in disappointment.
What a terrible example you set for the student population, Head girl.

I rolled my eyes. Just then, Jinyoung entered the open area in the middle of the library where we were sitting. I smiled upon seeing him and Chanyeol twisted in his seat to see who I was looking at. Upon seeing his teammate, he turned back with a grimace. 

"Well, that's my cue." He was still unwilling to hang out around any football-related people, I realized. What a drama queen.

Jinyoung greeted him in a less cheerful manner and Chanyeol replied quietly before getting up and being concealed by the tall stacks of bookshelves.

Plopping down on a chair beside me, my boyfriend leaned in for a kiss. "Hi," I said softly. I glanced down at Chanyeol's and my recent written correspondence. My hand unconsciously reached out to cover it with a book.

Once Jinyoung and I left the quiet confines of the library, I asked promptly, "So, what happened? Were tryouts that bad?"

Hand in hand, we walked aimlessly towards the bell tower, though it was a pretty idiotic decision considering the fact that we had a class in only fifteen minutes. He sighed. "Well, nothing out of the ordinary, actually. A whole lot of pretty clueless idiots tried out too. Chanyeol always gets frustrated by them. They didn't even know about the rules, they were just fascinated by the game..."

"I knew he was being over-dramatic." I cut in, shaking my head.

"That's not all," Jinyoung said. "Aside from the fact that it lasted for four hours, there was a bunch of on-lookers dissing Chanyeol for not testing out us old players too. They think every year we should go through a test, but he is confident that the makeup of the team is perfect as it is. So it got a bit disruptive, he ended up losing it at one point and cursed them off the pitch, screaming like crazy--" I winced--"which doesn't improve their image of him as a Head Boy, at all."

"But he doesn't care about that, does he?"

"It is hard for him to admit that not everyone worships the ground he walks on." Jinyoung grinned, causing me to laugh. More seriously, he added, "Despite everything, I know he's pretty stressed about it, you know, the pressure to produce a winning team and all. Though I don't worry much--he's a brilliant captain."

I contemplated this for a moment, the idea of Chanyeol being stressed out for something was way too strange. Leaning against the railing of the high tower, I teased my boyfriend instead, "When did you get this perceptive?"

"I guess it's just a by-product of dating you."

"Right." I winked. "Because I'm such a brilliant person."

"That has nothing to do with it."

"Well, thanks anyway." I kissed his cheeks. Our hands swung between the two of us idly and peacefully. Until I blurted the most stupid words of the century said in haste. At the wrongest timing, in the most awkward way.
And it all began when we accidentally overhead a prefect from my Geography class.

She was crying, or maybe wailing might be the correct word, over her nasty break up. Her hair was messed up and it stuck on her wet face which twisted while she hiccuped quite ungracefully. Her friend was up beside her, trying to comfort her friend. It is wrong to eavesdrop, but Jinyoung and I got drawn in it nonetheless.

"I can't believe it! He's such an ass." The girl's friend rubbed circles on her friend's back.

"No--" She broke out in sobs again--"I can't accept it!"

"Just admit it." Her friend rolled her eyes. "He cheated on you and you're still taking his side--"

"Don't talk bad about him!" The prefect shrieked. "I know, this is just a big joke."

Her friend scoffed. "Cut out the drama--"

"But I loved him, and he did too, he even said so!" She insisted indignantly.

"Look, I know it's a shock because you were so 'obviously in love' but it doesn't always have to work that way, okay?"

I felt a tug on my hand. Looking up, I noticed Jinyoung chuckling as he dragged me down the stairs, giving the girls the privacy they deserved. "What's so funny? I actually feel bad about her."

"Yeah, that guy is an asshole, no doubt, but.." He broke out into laughter again.


"Didn't you hear her? he sounded so foolish." He snorted. "Who believes in love, anyway."

My steps froze in the air and I faced him, more seriously this time. "Sorry?"

He lifted up his hand, directing it towards the top of the tower where we were minutes ago. "That girl...she thought that since her boyfriend loved her so much, he wouldn't hurt her but look at how she ended up."

"Is that what makes you think so?"

He shrugged. "No, that's not all. The whole concept is pretty stupid if you ask me."

My fists clenched into small balls of fire. I wanted to beat myself into pulp for even allowing myself to think that I'm might be in love with a person who doesn't believe in it. Jinyoung and I have never talked about love and such serious things in detail before, I always thought it was too early. And now that when I was contemplating on whether I should confess or not, that if I am actually in love with him or not, he claims he doesn't even think much of the whole thing in the first place. Maybe it was too soon to think about such matters? I still couldn't digest the fact, that someone as dreamy and perfect as Jinyoung could think so poorly of something I've always cherished.

"Hey, why so serious suddenly?" He asked, caressing my cheek.

"I didn't know you were such a love cynic," I replied quietly.

He laughed. "Well, aren't you too?"

I glared at him. "No."

He looked surprised for a moment. "Well, just think about it for a second. Isn't it ridiculous? Thinking that you're in love, especially at this age. Maybe when we're old or something but right now, it's time to build a career. It's burdensome--"

"Yes, but does it really have to mean that others are numb to this feeling too?" I demanded.

"Well, do you?" Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.

"Do I what?!"

"Do you think people can fall in love at this age?" He questioned.

"There's no harm in--"

"Oh, don't tell me, do you love me?"

"Maybe yes, but would you care--" I clapped my hand over my mouth. My eyes closed shut in embarrassment, trying to block out the image of his shocked eyes at my abrupt confession.


Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the impressive track Kyungsoo dropped today? And the fact that even Lay showed up to see him off? I'm crying.
Plus, how come Donald Trump has a signed EXO album and I don't?

P.S Welcome to the club, Mr. Trump. You're an Aeri now ;P

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