Marry Me?

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Now, let's start with the chapter.

Writer's pov

Finally things have been at peace.
Nimmi insisted Atharva to forgive Naina.
He was earlier hesitant but when she told him that pratik has feelings for Naina, he agreed.

He was surprised how she got to know when he had not a slightest of ideas.

Nimmi spoke - Even a blind can sense his feelings for her!

The way he yearned that she should be heard said it all Atharva.

Does she know? - Atharva asked referring naina

Nimmi sighed and nodded her head in negative.
But we must help Pratik....i could feel his pain...the pain he has been suppressing in his heart...the pain when the person you love, loves Someone else. - added nimmi

Arey, what can we do?
If he has feelings for her then why didn't he say about it all these years? - Atharva frowned

But I am glad you found out! - he added

Nimmi mocked - You are so unromantic Mr. Singhania!

Atharva smirked and asked - Am I??

Yes, you are! - she teased

He held her by her waist and asked again - Should I show you how much of a romantic I am?

Alarmed by his advance, nimmi tried to push him away....but he been to tickle her.

She giggled - Atharva leave me..... Stop... Please.... My stomach hurts...please... Ahahahha.... Hhhaa....

First you say that I am the most romantic person you know! - he didn't leave her

O... Ok... Ok... Fina... You are the most romantic person I know..! - she cracked up in her laughter

Atharva just adored her laughing carefree face.

Go out on a date with me nimmi! - atharva asked adorably looking in her eyes

Are you trying to be romantic mister? - she asked cockily

I am just trying to pamper my lady! - he winked

Nimmi giggled and said - i would love that!

Infact, Why don't you start pamper me right this moment? - nimmi wiggked her eyebrows like a baby

How so? - Atharva asked

I am hungry! - she pouted

Atharva bowed in front of her like a professional and spoke - Right at your service ma'am!

At has been 5 days and nimmi's head bandage is removed and she is feeling no pain.

And today is the day, Atharva is taking her on a date.

She is quite nervous...but a good nervous....because she knew Atharva will take care of her.

It's evening time and atharva is all ready to woo his ladylove.

He has planned so much for tonight.

Atharva has never been good with expressing words.....the lack of his parental shelter had made him a quite person. He did have his loving grandparents and uncle and aunt and the crazy siblings but he was never emotional strong. He didn't want anyone to know his weak side so he had built walls all around him.
But nimmi has managed to knock on those walls and successfully entered his Heart.

And tonight, he had decided to open his fragile heart to her as he knows the she is righteous owner.

He was nervous... Pondering over how to start...but he was sure he wanted to make her his with all shades of his personality...he didn't want to hide himself anymore... Atleast not to Nimmi.

He admitted that nimmi was arranged for him now things have changed.....He had to admit, He loved Her!

With every fibre of his body and he could not wait any longer to make her, his!

All of Her for All of His!

And this time he wanted to do things right way!

The clicking sound of sandals brought Atharva back to his surrounding...and when he looked up at his nimmi...his heart skipped a beat....and then began to run a marathon.

Nimmi looked ravishing in her blck and golden sequins dress.

She put her hands on her waist and raised eyebrows for his approval but atharva was at loss of words.

It was then he had realised that his woman was a nymph yet a deadly seductress.
Her dress covered almost every flesh of hers yet he found it revealing.
He was sure, her sexiness was undeniable and she as an owner of a beautiful face with a beautiful heart...would blow his mind.

Atharva cleared his head and walked towards her and whispered near her earlobe -

You Are Ravishing Love!

Nimmi parted her lips at his close proximity but closed her eyes, her nose flared welcoming his soothing manly cologne. She wanted to compliment Atharva but she was at the loss of words.

The silence between the two was heart melting....but their heavy breathing and thumping of their hearts could be heard....and that did magical things to both.

Spell bound, Atharva kissed all over her face....moved on to grazing her swan like neck with his nose....nimmi was a panting mess with his gentle fondling....his caressing at her weak points....joining their foreheads, he let out a deep sigh.

Let's leave before I change my mind Love! - atharva spoke hoarsly with all his will power put together

He opened the door of his car for her and made her sit like a gentleman and came to his side to ignite the engine.

Would you like to play some music my Golden Girl? - atharva asked

Nimmi's heart fluttered at his endearment. She looked at his charming face and spoke - Let's see what do we have here.

She played with different CDs and then finally settled on some soft Bollywood song.

Where are we going? - she asked as the car seemed to run away from the city

Somewhere special love, you will know soon! - atharva flashed a smile

After another good thirty minutes, they reached their destination.

Atharva gently pulled Nimmi out and she squealed like a squirrel.

They were out side a humongous architectural beautifual Palace.

You brought me Here!
You know, it's been on my list! - nimmi hugged Atharva and chirpped

(Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna - Austria)

It's just the beginning My Golden girl! - Atharva winked

They walked hand in hand through the picturesque Palace Garden and entered a grand hall, where a vintage table was arranged for their Date.

God! Atharva, how did you manage to arrange this? - nimmi was awestruck to look the beautiful detailings

I have my ways Love! - atharva smiled

Well, I am impressed! - she commented

Atharva held out a chair for her and she sat there spell bound

A waiter came and placed a few covered dishes on the table and bowed.

Atharva mouthed him a thank you.

He gestured nimmi to open the dishes and she did.

Her mouth watered looking at the dishes.

Nope.. It was not some fancy International delicacy....but to her surprise it was her all time favorite, Pani-Puri!
(Indian street food)

She happily served them both but Atharva denied and just watched her.

How every time, her eyes widened when she gulped a pani-puri, or how she made a face when all the spiciness and tanginess hit her tastebuds.
How she gestured a "so good" with her fingers 👌, it was all so surreal yet so adorably real.

Atharva fell in love with his golden girl again!
He was delighted to see that she was surprisingly happy to have her favorite street snack in this foreign land.

His smile never leaving his lips and finally after many plee, Nimmi finally made him eat too.

After they finished their pani-puri treat, Atharva took Nimmi's hand and let her to the fountain......kneeling down he spoke -

Nimmi, I have never been a man of words. And I definitely wasn't looking for anything at lot when my family first introduced You in an Arranged Marriage.

He chuckled and spoke - You know I did not even look at your picture.
I just agreed as I had no reasons to say no.

But the first time I saw you, my heart had accepted that you are the one.

And then everytime, we met, I felt love when I looked into your eyes...I believed if I loose your sight I will be loosing my grip on my breathing.

And then, that misunderstanding separated us... Believe me...i tried to break up the engagement....but I just couldn't!

Then, it was Sumer who had called and assured me that my heart was not wrong about you.

And you came here, you apologized, not that you had to, because just one look from you and I was melting.

But once again, things stirred up and naina showed up.... And of course then that horrible accident.

When I saw you, laying in the pool of blood, my heart beats had stopped. I felt suffocated without you talking...or smiling....or looking after me.

I realised, I can not afford to loose you Nimmi!

I Love the idea of Loving you...and I Love the idea of arranging our marriage!

Will you my golden girl, marry me? - he asked sitting on his knees

Nimmi was too lost in his mesmerising words that she did not even realise, she had to answer.
Only hit tears were flowing from her beautiful eyes.

When atharva did not get any answers, he again spoke -

Hey, I know its romantic and all, but my knees would give up if I sit any longer love!

Marry me Nimmi! - he spoke ever so softly

I was always going to marry you Mr. Singhania! - nimmi wiping her tears, giggled at him

I guess I am stuck with you then! - he winked

She smacked her chest and they laughed.

Atharva held her face and confessed -
I Love You Nimmi!

And I Love You Atharva! - she replied happily

His lips brushed her soft ones and she kissed him back as she wanted to be kissed. Nimmi felt the warmth of his skin and butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
Atharva blissfully tasted her delicate mouth not trying to win a battle but seeking a union with her closeness.

And they sealed their proposal with a kiss of Promise.
A Promise to cherish each other for the rest of their lives.

So How did you all find this chapter?

Only a few more chapters and then we will say our goodbyes to Atharva and Nimmi.

Share your thoughts and do not forget to Vote.

See you all soon.

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