It's Actually Kind of Funny- Chapter 10


Whoa. DOUBLE DIGITS BABY >~>. Anyways, I got an unexpected stomach flu last night, I was vomiting all night. And, I felt COMPLETELY fine through most of the day until around 8:00pm. From then through the rest of the night, I was vomiting. But, since I got to stay home today, I guess I get to write Chapter 10 of It's Actually Kind of Funny!! 
-Warning: This chapter will most likely be complete shit; due to the fact that I'm vomiting all over the place and I have minor writer's block- 

Next Morning- Day 2 at The Priory Hospital in Altrincham 

*Jason's POV* (ANOTHER POV. whatislife.) 

Things have been different here. Ever since Dan came, things have been different. Something just hit me to leave the room I was locking myself up in when Dan came. Thank God I decided to leave it, then I wouldn’t have met Luke. If it weren’t for Dan, for making something change inside me in order for me to get the nerve to leave the room, I wouldn’t have met Luke.

Then there’s Phil, he actually came to breakfast yesterday morning. He hasn’t been seen once in the cafeteria since he got to this hospital. All of the other patients and I see him participating in all of the activities, looking like nothing’s wrong, but never see him in the cafeteria.

Everyone’s been acting a lot happier than usual. Dan is changing everyone in here, without doing anything. Cat hasn’t even tried to hit on any of the patients or staff once. Charlie has been more open and less paranoid about everything. Before, he would only talk to Cat and Phil without having a breakdown, but since Dan got here, he managed to have a full on conversation with Luke and I. Everyone’s getting better because of Dan, and he doesn’t even know.

I got up from my bed and decided to get early breakfast. See, normally I would have not gotten up until past noon, but lately I’ve been getting up earlier than everyone else here. I looked over to Dan’s bed and saw him on his side, facing the wall with his back towards my direction. He was still asleep and I decided not to wake him since I assumed he wasn’t a morning person. I walked out the room and lightly closed the door behind me, making sure not to wake Dan. He’s changed this place so much without even knowing, the least he could do is get some sleep.

*Dan’s POV* (Phew. Back to normal.)

My eyes slowly focused as I woke up to me hugging a pillow. My eyes centered onto the white wall in front of my face. I rolled onto my other side and observed the small dorm, the bed on the other side already empty.


I frowned when I realized everything wasn’t just a dream. I had chronic depression and I tried to commit suicide yesterday morning. I ended up in a psychiatric hospital because of this. I shut out the guy I was most likely in love with since the 8th grade and I dumped my best friend. I was a depressed 15-year-old teenage boy in a mental hospital for a whole week with absolutely no friends.

But, then it hit me and a smile wiped across my face, knocking away my frown. I didn’t lose all my friends; I just replaced the crappy friends with new ones that wouldn’t make me feel like shit. I wasn’t in love with PJ, I never was, I was just too desperate for love to realize that he was taken and I had no chance with him. In fact, I really didn’t need to have someone by my side in order for me to be happy. It was what I did for myself that made me happy.

I was always pleasing others instead of myself without even knowing. I realized that the only reason I actually wanted to get into my high school was to make my parents happy. To be honest, my mom didn’t give a shit about what school I got into; she only wanted me to get a good education. Even my dad didn’t care, he just wants me to be a lawyer, but I’m not even going to follow that; I was going to become an artist.

I don’t know what’s going on with me but I’m changing. The man in my stomach has disappeared, or at least stopped trying to fight against me. I actually had an amazing sleep last night and I was filling my life with new and better people. Fuck pleasing others, I’ll still hard to make others happy, but I was going to stop putting other people ahead of myself.


I hopped out of my bed, joy overlapping my morning grogginess. I slipped on a white pajama shirt over my bare torso. I usually slept shirtless or naked, but since there was another person sharing the room with me I had to go with the shirtless option. I walked out the door with a small smile on my face, just so I didn’t look crazy, and shut the door behind me.

I headed towards the cafeteria but stopped halfway there right before I passed Phil’s room. The door was open and I assumed I was welcome to walk in, but still knocked on the wall just incase. I heard a muffled groan from what sounded like Phil and decided that meant I was allowed into the room.

I walked into the room only to see Phil under a pile of sheets, his head in his pillow. I kicked the side of his bed playfully, “Wake up man!” Phil swatted his hand at me and giggled into his pillow. He obviously wasn’t a morning person, just like me. “I’m getting up, calm down mom!” Phil laughed at my random happiness.

I stepped back and sat on Charlie’s bed, which was already empty, to give Phil room to sort himself out. Most of the patients were already in the cafeteria, I think Phil and I were the last one’s up.

Phil got up and all he had on was his Pokémon boxers. He scrawny, pale, body contrasting perfectly with his jet-black hair. He had scars all over his stomach but with a body like his, the scars were the last things to faze me. I looked down, noticing that I was staring at him, and turned as red as a tomato.

“Is my body that disgusting?” Phil laughed, noticing that I looked down from my unusually long gaze. I huffed and continued staring down at the ground until Phil’s body was covered. “No. Actually,” I looked up, my face deepening in red, “It’s quite amazing.”

Phil stared back into my eyes before turning a really dark shade of red and looking down at the ground. “Thanks, I guess,” Phil sighed awkwardly. He walked over to the exit of the room before turning his head towards me. I could’ve of sworn he winked at me suggestively before breaking our silence. “Are you coming? I could always use someone, beside Cat and Charlie, to talk to,” Phil gestured towards the exit. I smiled and nodded, happy that he was actually going to eat. Was it because I sort of accidentally complemented his amazing body?

I hopped up and walked right by his side as we entered into the cafeteria, getting looks of surprise from everyone. The looks all confused me, but I just shrugged it off like it was nothing and turned to Phil, who looked like he knew exactly why everybody was staring.

“You want to sit with Luke and Jason today, or do you just want to sit alone?” I asked, trying to make him as comfortable as possible. For some reason, ever since last night, I feel the need to protect Phil. He nodded towards Jason and Luke and I smiled, happy that he was willing to get to know people that weren’t Charlie and Cat.

Phil looked over at Cat and Charlie who just smiled at him and returned to their conversation, occasionally looking over at me. They were up to something, or they knew something, and it couldn’t have been any more obvious.

Louis brought over to us and shook his head at how late we were for breakfast. Phil just shrugged and I smirked at Louis who just laughed and went back to the other staff. My attention focused back onto the conversation Jason and Luke were having about how puberty sucks and how it changed them. “Puberty made me fat,” Phil jokingly grabbed what was actually there of his stomach. I placed my hands over his and looked him in the eye. “You’re not fat,” I stated almost too seriously.

Jason nudged my knee with his, causing me to lift my hands away from Phil’s and to break contact with his eyes to look into Jason’s. Jason just bounced his eyebrows at me suggestively and I rolled my eyes, making sure Phil didn’t notice. Phil was blushing and looking at his hands and I realized I caused him embarrassment from holding his hands.

What was I doing? I was showing all of this affection towards Phil and I didn’t even know if he had an attraction to guys. Even though it was pretty obvious he did, I couldn’t just act like this towards him. I might be developing a small crush on him but I have to control myself.

“Sorry,” I looked down at my tray of food, “You know, if I made you feel awkward or something.” His lips curled a little at the corners, knowing that I cared about him. “It’s okay,” he took a bite of his pancake.

We all finished our breakfast meals, having a conversation about everyone in the hospital and how they ended up here. I found out so much about everyone. Suddenly Jason said something that really caught my attention. “You know, it wasn’t always as ‘cheery’ as it is now,” I turned to look at him in interest. He nodded and continued on with what he was saying. “Yeah, before you came here, nobody seemed to be getting better, everyone was always down,” he looked me in the eye to see if I was realizing what he was saying, “But, now everybody seems to be getting slowly better and happier.”

I looked over at Phil and he nodded in agreement. “It’s true. Cat hasn’t hit on anybody yet,” he nodded in her direction, “She normally tries on at least four guys a day, and you were pretty much the only one yesterday.” My eyes widened and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was I actually changing the people in here, without even doing anything? “You know, yesterday morning was the first time I actually ate in the cafeteria. I don’t know why but I guess something just struck in me when I saw you for the first time,” Phil blushed. Why was all of this happening? I was just another worthless, teenage, bisexual boy. Right?

Was it okay? The ending kind of sucked but my writer’s block is getting the best of me. Don’t worry though, the next chapter should be less shit. Anyways, hope you enjoyed Chapter 10 of It’s Actually Kind of Funny! Leave me your feedback, as always >.>… LOVE TO ALL <333

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