Morrigan: ok, to start, this is the main village gate, it's one of the entrances of this village, it's where we leave and enter the village, it's fairly well protected, and built.
Alex: Wow, way to state the obvious Morgan.
Morgan give Alex, a serious stare.
Morgan: you have something to say to me, Alex!
Alex: I just said it.
Celia: you're so immature Alex.
Alex just rolled his eyes.
Rita: why you need a gate and wall around the village.
Celia: Because sometimes, we have a few threats to our village.
Rita: what kind of threats, exactly?
Morgan: Mostly wild animals.
Rita: like wolves and bears?
Alex: Even wild boars and mountain lions.
Rita: that's why you three were armed, to be prepared for anything that attacked you three.
Celia: That's correct.
Morgan: we usually don't encounter any thing to dangerous, we usually scout the land, gather materials, hunt animals for food and belts, and keeping everyone safe, we been doing it, since we were little, our families had train us, to be prepared for everything, even combat situations.
Alex: Yeah, we even came across a saber-tooth tiger.
Rita: wait, what?
Alex: Yeah, very crazy!
Celia: we barely survive from it, it was out of control, that monster was attacking anyone one sight.
Morrigan: we called it, blood fang, for always having blood on it's massive large front fangs, golden eyes that stackes and hunt his pry, black on white fur, battle scars, razor-sharp teeth and claws, and it's very large.
Celia: we were hunting some deers, when we were about to put it down, that monster came and attacked us, it was horrible.
Morrigan: we did our best to fight it off, but blood fang had killed three young hunters, me, Celia and Alex were his next targets, we had to use fire to push it back, while trying to escape and stay alive.
Rita: Wow.
Alex: that monster almost got Celia, she got claw on her left arm, usually blood fang is strong enough to tear anything apart, but luckily she only got scratch instead, but it was a nasty claw marks, on her left arm, and it had to be stitche up, it took a long time to heal too.
Celia had shown rita, her three claw mark scars in her right arm, and rita was shocked to see the scars.
Celia: i also nearly bleed to death too, if it wasn't for Morgan and Alex, I had a near death experience, and I really hope we won't come cross paths with blood fang again.
Morgan: that was over a year ago, and since then, that beast had not Appeared again, we don't know what happened or where blood fang had went, but I hope it's long gone, and even dead.
Rita: Wow, sorry to hear this guys.
Morrigan: do you have fearsome beasts, in your realm?
Rita thought for a moment.
Rita: well, there's lot's of dangerous animals, in my side of the world, wolves, bears, pumas, lions, tigers, sharks, snakes, spiders, Scorpions, and a lot more, pretty much like here, but much bigger.
Alex: Wow, you're one to talk.
Morrigan: we're not so different, from both realms, in fact, we're basically the same?
Rita just smiled.
Celia: is your realm just like ours, like trees, mountains, large landscapes, and much more?
Rita: well, sort of?
Morrigan: what you mean, does your realm have any nature Environment, like forests?
Rita: we do, but most of my world is city's world wade, most of our nature lands is lacking, because of people building staff and even replacing it with Civilize places, it does have beautiful places, but not as much as here, unfortunately.
The tiny people shared disappointed looks.
Rita: this realm is amazing, it's full a natural nature, and it's so peaceful here too.
Alex: Wait until you see other spots in our village.
Morrigan: i think we talked enough, we need to finish our tour, there's still a lot to cover.
With that, they moved on.
Celia: this is one of the main plazas, we light a fire in the middle, dance around it, speak together of many things, drink and eat together, hearing stories and more.
Rita: that's pretty interesting, in fact, we do something like that in my realm too, me and my family actually did one too, we love to do family trips together.
Morrigan: do you and your family, have done the dance of the stars too?
Rita: what's that?
Celia: it's were we dance and song to the gods, the stars, the land, the animals, we bless what we have, our lands, people, family, children and much more.
Alex: we come together for meetings too, the chieftains and elders had often speaks, we speak together and have a night to pass down, and sing sagas to remember.
Morrigan: we often spend time together, and bring everything for everyone here, and spend a night together, to sing, dance, and bless the stars, lands, water, air and more, for everything we have, and to pass down for our children, and children's children, for the future.
Rita was a little impressed.
Celia: what about you, do you sing and dance to the stars, land, gods and more?
Rita: well, not like that exactly, we sing and dance, and we have one God, in ancient times, humans had many gods beliefs, but many of them believe in one God, instead of many.
Alex: what is your God's name?
Rita: we just call him God, there's other names, but he is mostly just called God.
Morrigan: what about the lands, stars and much more?
Rita: some people do care about the Environments, and even respect it greatly, but not everyone, my family is a mix of care, and not so much.
Morgan: I see. let's move on, shall we?
Celia: this is the training grounds, this is where we train and practice on combat, survival training, learning to use weapons and more.
Morrigan: we often train here and in the lands, we use play together in places like this, since we were children, and often do some sparing matches too.
Alex: and of course, Morrigan usually wins against me, and Celia even laughed at me!
Celia: you made the stupid bet, remember!
Morrigan: alright you two, that's enough, that's in the past, we need to think and worry about now, instead of back then.
Alex: you're to serious Morrigan, you need to lighting up some more.
Morrigan: like how?
Celia: well, maybe be more fun, cheerful, and not always thinking about work and stuff.
Morrigan: it's easier said then done, plus someone has to take responsibilities, same goes to you two.
Rita just rolled her eyes at them.
Morrigan: is something up, rita?
Rita: Oh, nothing.
Morrigan: next place to visit, is the healing hut, it's not far from here.
with that, they went their way.
Celia: this is pretty much where everyone gets heal from whatever happens, like me with blood fang.
Morrigan: this hut and everyone inside it, had saved many people that were sick or close to death, even Celia's life was saved here, the healers inside, are true saviors here.
They opened the doors, and Rita was able to crouch down and just peek inside. Her head was just a little bigger than the door.
Alex: what's up doc, any new patients here.
Celia: alex, show some respect!
Reyand: it's fine Celia, and no, it's mostly just manner cases.
Reyand bacora, is a middle age man, with black short hair and with some white, he has a two day old beard, light blue eyes, wearing a white on red healing robes.
he and most of the healers, are responsible to save as many lives as possible, when he was finished with his checkbook, he spoke to the three young warriors.
Reyand: Celia, let me look at your arm.
Celia: Okay.
Reyand: the wound is long healed now, but the scars will always remain.
Celia: i know, it will always be a remainder of that day, and that beast.
Morrigan: what matters is you're alive and well, and your family will not lose a child in their lives.
Celia: i know, but blood fang had nearly claimed my life, and I'm worried that monster will return, and finish what it started?
Morrigan: that won't happen, nor will it claimed your life, we will be prepared, and we will Defeat it, and end that savage beast, once and for all.
Then Reyand noticed Rita peeking in through the door.
Alex: and before you ask, there's a giant lady outside, and long story short, she's from the realm of giants.
Reyand: that is supposed to be just a legend, and now it's very much true, what is her business here?
Morrigan: she means no harm, she's the mother of the other giant child, from before, her name is rita, she's a nice person, and is here from the cave of giants.
Celia: we were giving her a tour to the village, so had promise to be very careful, of where she is stepping on.
Reyand: .........I see.
Morrigan: we are telling you the truth, go outside and see for yourself.
Reyand: Hey, I already see her! There's nothing to prove now!
Celia: then introduced yourself to here.
Rayand: Alright, I will.
With that, he made his way outside of the hut.
Morrigan: rita, this is reyand, he's one of the many healers here.
Alex: and a pain in the butt, sometimes.
Celia: ALEX!
Morrigan: please introduce yourself to rita.
Reyand: Hello Rita.
Rita: hey reyand, are you the doctor here?
Reyand: I'm am a healer, yes, and I had been one for many years, since I was a young man, I'm the one that saved Celia's live, from blood fang.
Morrigan: the others inside, is herinna, another healer, she's also very skillful, xoraco is the Apprentice of this hut, and many more.
Rita: very interesting.
Celia: do you have healers in your village?
Rita: We call them doctors.
Alex: doctors?
Rita: yeah.
Morrigan: I'm curious, what is your home village like?
Celia: I'm very curious about it too, how do you giants live your lives, sleep, hunt, gathering materials and more?
Alex: and do giants live in mountain, underground, and even in the sky?
Rita: Uhhh.....
Alex: do you mate in the forest, like the animals too?
Morrigan: Alex, that's not something you say to people!
Alex: Sorry.
Rita: well, that's something I Proffer not to say, plus is really weird to talk about stuff like that.
Morrigan: we understand, we won't speak about something like that again.
Celia: also, do you give birth in the forest or village, and do a blessing of birth?
Rita: wait, what now?
Alex: Traditionally, when children are born in this lands, they are blessed by the shaman, that pry and do a Ceremony, by singing and sometimes dance, to have the spirits watch over them, and be protected from all that wish to harm them, like evil beings and creatures.
Rita: I suppose, some human cultures do something like that, but not mine exactly, where I from, we go to hospitals, much like the healing huts, and the doctors, which is our healers, do the rest of the work, while woman like me, give birth to them.
Morrigan: just like the healers here, they do have done their best, for the women here, they even had saved many children too, I was one of them.
Rita: you were, what happened exactly?
Morrigan: in birth, I was sick and almost die from when my mother had just given birth to me, the healers tried their best to save me, just as I was about to die, they had given me the elixir of special plants and potions, from the wise teachers of our village.
Celia: they saved Morgan in the very last minute, and many more after him, Morgan had managed to live his life, from being a child, to becoming a man, his parents were so happy to have him, in their lives.
Alex: we met together, when we were younger, and trained to be guardians, warriors and scouts, and since then, we become sworn brothers and sister.
Rita: that's amazing, you have very interesting cultures and ways, and even bonding friendships too.
Reyand smiled.
Alex: we should visit the place that saved Morgan's life, right this way, and be careful where you're stepping on, ok?
Rita: I know alex, I'll be careful, oh, and it's nice meeting you reyand, and all of the healers too.
Reyand: same here, if you need to have your wounds treated, don't hesitate to come here, we'll do what we can for you and everyone here.
Rita: thank you for the kind offer, and I hope you all will live a long and great life too.
With that, they left.
Morrigan: this place, is where the great Inventors, teachers, and even the most wise of our people, spend their time here, it's a large and well built stone structure, that had been crafted by hand, and well made.
Celia: it's many things here, a school, a library, university, work shop place, and so much more.
Alex: we often come here, to learn and hear the wise men and women here, to see new great things, like inventions, special made potions, new books and scrolls, pretty much everything in general too.
Morrigan: do you have something like this too, in the realm of giants?
Rita: Kinda, not like this, but pretty close, in fact, this structure is amazing looking too, it Kinda looks like something from ancient times, like Greek and Roman Architect.
Celia: Is that so?
Alex: what's a greek and roman architect?
Rita: well, the romans and greeks are from ancient Europe, that were a great empire, from their times, they are pretty well known in my world's history, for what they did and invented, even building a lot of importance things too, like stone and Granite materials, to build Monuments, tall large buildings, roads and a lot more.
Morrigan: your race, it must be very advanced, comparing to ours, do you live in a village, that is made of stone?
Rita: well, I live in a town, it's called royal woods, and most of it, is stone with glass, wood, bricks that was made with cement, same with stone and granite too.
Alex: Nice.
Celia: what's cement?
Rita: it's something we use to build stuff, like Concrete, that is use to pretty much make everything we have there, like the buildings i told you three about.
Morrigan: did your ancient people, had invented it too, this cement?
Rita: the romans had invented it, it's still very much use to this very day, well, my world's day.
Mrogan: Wow Rita, you sure have a lot to say about your world.
Rita: well, you guys kinda asked, but I don't mind explaining everything I can, plus, we're not so different, from each other.
Celia: Right, shall we move on?
Morrigan: next should be, the gardens.
Rita: Oh, I can't wait to see that.
Celia: it's both mine and Morgan's favorite place, you'll love what it's there, and what we had grown, from the lands that offered for our village.
Morgan: you seem very excited to see the great gardens.
Rita: I do, it's one of my favorite things to do, I also have a beautiful garden too.
Celia: Is that so?
Alex: what's the matter Celia, you jealous.
Celia: shut up alex.
Morrigan: ok you two, let's give rita the tour of the gardens now, ready rita.
Rita: Sure.
Celia this is the great gardens, it has pretty much everything, including a green house, much like the farm Fields, we grow food, medicine, and much more, even decorated plants, for ceremonies, pretty big huh, well, to us anyway?
Morrigan: is this like yours, back in the realm of giants?
Rita: not quite, but it's very impressive and well done here, the plants here are beautiful, they're colorful and well taken care of.
Celia: thank you rita, Me and many others here, had worked hard here, this blue rose is my favorite work of art, and I token care of it.
Rita: Are we able to see what's inside the green house?
Morrigan: I'm not sure, can you look inside, without destroying it?
Rita: Sure.
Alex: pretty cool huh.
Rita: it is, you have beautiful plants, inside the green house, there's lots of different kinds of plants.
Morrigan: for everything that we need, some of them had been there, for a very long time.
Celia: when I was little, me and my parents, had planted a few seeds for the trees, roses, and had took care of them, to be the way they are.
Rita: that's amazing, I'm happy that you all care about nature so much, and even both the plants and trees.
Morrigan: it's a pity that you tower the green house, you had peek at it, from where you are currently at, you would have loved to enter inside as well.
Rita: it's ok Morrigan, I can't get inside of the green house, but I can still see how beautiful inside is, and all of your hard works too.
Celia: do you plant seeds as well, in your realm?
Rita: I do, I grown a lot of plants, me and my husband always take care of our garden, I also love to watch TV shows of gardening too.
Alex: what's a TV show?
Rita: it's a other thing we invented for entertainment, it's a square box that shows Channels, which is a motion pictures, that are broadcast by either, Atlanta, cable, Satellite or streaming.
All three of the tiny people, were very confused of what Rita had said to them, rita understood how they will react, and simply rub the back of her neck, rita had spoken again, in hopes of helping all three of the warriors, to understand what she had tried to explain to them.
Rita: it's a thing in my world, we like to spend time with, and many other stuff too, with is a long and complicated thing to explain everything at once, and clearly too.
Alex: I see.
Morrigan: you don't seem, very impressed of rita's tale, do you alex?
Celia: which, is how it's not possible, you're not impressed of her realm?
Alex: I am, this TV show thing is just getting me confused.
Rita: it's hard to explain it, it's something that people in my world, like to spend time and pretty much everyone in general.
Alex: Right.......
Morrigan: there's the Staples, Barricks, armory, children playgrounds, the baths, Dueling ring, the artist and bard College, the temple of the Star gods, the chieftains hut, and much more.
Celia: i hope you like our village, and everyone here too?
Alex: also, besides us, there are other tribes too, and other great clans too, from across the land.
Morrigan: there are many lands, and we are all part of it, like any other living beings here.
Rita: I must say guys, this is quite a nice village.
Alex: what is your village like, the town of royal woods, of which you spoke of?
Rita thought of how to say this.
Rita: well, royal woods is not quite a like this, we have schools, and lots of houses, and a lot of similar things too.
Morgan: Not bad.
Celia: what now Morgan?
Morgan: is suppose, we could see the chieftains now, or do something else, in the mean time?
Rita: Isn't there anything else you want to show me?
Celia: well, besides our village, there's same nice places out side too.
Morrigan: what you think rita, you like to see what these lands offer?
Rita: Sure.
Alex: what about the chieftains, should we see them first, or do some spending time.
Celia: Let's just keep showing her, the next spot, at the village.
Morrigan: usually it can some time to reach them, even on horse back, but I believe we can reach it quickly, if we let rita carry us.
Alex: you want to let the giant woman, carry us there?
Celia: I'm actually pretty curious about it, i like to try that too.
Alex: you don't mind rita?
Rita: not at all, I'll carry you three, here, get on my hand.
Morgan, Celia and Alex had move and stepped on Rita's hand.
Rita had stood up and listened to where she was told to go at.
Celia: ok Rita, go north west of here.
Rita had done as told, still being careful to where she stepped at.
Morrigan: now take a turn over there, where there is the large tree, right over there, just move past it and keep moving forward.
Rita: Okay okay, lay off the directions.
Celia: if you what to try to go there, without directions, go right head.
Alex: plus it's easy to get lost, if you're not well aware of your surroundings, especially in night.
Rita: Okay fine, just ease off the multi directions at once, ok.
Some time later, rita with the three tiny people, had arrived to where she was told to go at.
Morrigan: where's here, what you think of this place?
Celia: this clearing land, with the the tall waterfall, the large trees, plants, cave inside of that waterfall, moonlight in the night, river streams and more, is ours favorite place to visit, when we are free.
Alex: we knew this place, in a pretty good long time, since we were little, what you think of our spot, pretty peaceful here, huh?
They had arrived to where Morgan, Celia and alex had spoken about, the land that they all arrived to, is known as silver falling, the lands is calm and peaceful, with a great river Bank, a massive and tall waterfall, trees that reaches in great heights, green grass that is soft, colorful flowers and plants, calm winds.
Silver falling is known for it's beauty and calm lands, rita was amazed of the landscape, everything beyond it's reaches.
Rita: wow.
Morrigan: it's nice, isn't it.
Rita: Beyond nice, it's amazing here.
Celia: feel free to look around here.
With that, they started walking along the rock path leading behind the waterfall.
Alex: ready rita?
Rita: I gauss?
Morrigan: do you have places like this, in your realm too?
Rita: We might, but not always this big.
Celia: what you mean?
Rita: For one thing, i've hardly ever seen a waterfall this big.
Alex: what you mean, you don't have waterfalls as big as this?
Rita: we do, but I never seen one like this before, the waterfalls where I'm from, is not as big as this, not as small either, but not as big as this one.
Morrigan: what's the biggest waterfall from your realm, I'm very curious.
Rita: I'm sorry guys, but I don't know, there's lots of very big waterfalls in my world, I unfortunately don't know their names, or where they're from either, there's some in America that are pretty big, but either then that, I don't really know.
Then they moved down the path, soon they were now behind the waterfall.
Rita: this waterfalls is really amazing, and pretty too.
Alex: Yeah, and don't ever forget it!
Celia: ALEX!
Alex: What?
Morrigan: be nice to rita, she done nothing wrong here.
Alex: I was just agreeing with how nice the waterfall is.
Rita: alex is right, this whole place is amazing, I never seen a place this beautiful before, not even the parks or any forest in my home town, comes close to this place.
Morgan: Well, I guess our world is just that special.
Celia: hey Morgan, what should we do now, since rita has to speak with the chieftains, do we still have time?
Morgan: Don't worry, we've still got a little bit more time, before heading back to the village.
Just then, they saw a cave at the back wall. It looked big enough for a regular sized person to crawl through.
Alex: we used to play inside of that cave, just like everywhere else.
Morrigan: indeed, we haven't been here in a long time, I wonder how it is now?
Celia: do you think the drawings we did here, are still in place?
Morrigan: only one way to find out.
Rita: You guys are wanting to go inside, aren't you?
Celia: it won't take very long, why?
Rita: Would you guys mind me taking a look inside first?
Morrigan: are you able to fit inside of the cave?
Alex: did you said something about being stuck before?
Rita: Well I just really want to see what's inside.
Celia: just stay close to us, and don't force yourself to deep, if you can't move any more, don't push yourself in, ok.
Rita: Okay.
So Rita crawled in first. But as expected, she got stuck at her hips.
Rita: seriously!
Celia: I told you not to go in to deep!
Rita: i don't know what happened, i swear, i didn't go any deeper then this?
Morrigan: can you free yourself?
Rita: I'll try, I don't think I'm that stuck, I hope?
Alex: just remain calm and do your best, you can do it.
Rita: I think, I need some help here, to get out of this mess, if you guys don't mind?
Morgan: let's try this, me, alex and Celia will try to push you though the cave, you need to push forward, and eventually you'll be free.
Rita: ok, I'll try, I definitely won't do this again, after I'm free.
Alex: how should we push her in?
Celia: she's not that stuck, a bit of hard work will do it.
Morgan: if Rita is stuck deeply, them we need to use something to free her.
Alex: like what, some ropes and horses?
Celia: let's just try pushing her, and see if we can free her by ourselves.
Morgan: ok, it's better then nothing, alright, push with everything you two have, and rita, keep pushing forward.
Rita: I am, I think I'm a bit lose now?
As the three young warriors had pushed, rita had struggled for some time, and she told herself, of why she has large hips, and hoped that it won't not happen again.
As they pushed, Rita started moving forward very slowly.
Rita: i think it's working, I'm moving a little bit now.
Celia: that's good, keep pushing forward.
Morgan: you can do this, don't give up.
Alex: you know rita: you have some big hips.
Rita: i know, and I definitely do some Exercises, after this, me and my husband did that a while back ago.
Morgan: you mean training, right?
Rita: yes, I thought, I was in a much better shape, gauss not?
Celia: I believe with enough training, you'll be in a greater shape, and it can help you with these caves.
Rita: I think you're right Celia, I me and my husband, and hopefully my kids too, will go though some Exercises again, but not like last time.
Alex: what happened last time?
Rita: it's a long and pretty onward story, it started when Clyde's two fathers, Harold and Howard, were doing some exercises, clyde is my son's best friend, lincoln was worried about me and husband health and well being.
Morgan: Wow.
As rita was explaining everything to the three young warriors, they were amazed and felt bad for both rita and her family.
Alex: Then what?
Rita: we chased a ice-cream truck, and well, not exercising like before.
Alex: Uhhh.....
Rita: Before you ask, ice-cream is a sweet food, a truck is a vehicle, that we use to move around places, and yes, we have horses too.
Celia: ok?
Alex: is this ice-cream, any good?
Rita: Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Celia: what's it like, and what does this ice-cream look like?
Morgan: and the horses in your realm too, and the vehicle you speak about too?
Rita: well, for ice-cream, there's different types and flavors, like Sunday ice-cream, me and my family always love to have ice-cream together, we sometimes go to Auntie Pam's Parlor, to spend time together there, and eat their ice cream.
Alex: does it have meat in this ice cream?
Rita: Absolutely not, no one puts meat in ice-cream.
Alex: Oh, sorry.
Morgan: i think you're almost free now?
Rita was almost completely free, from being stuck at the cave introduce, when she was halfway through the cave's introduce, she responded back to the three tiny people.
Rita: almost there, I think, I can free myself now?
Before long, her hips came free and Rita was inside the cave now.
Rita: I'm free guys, thank you three, for helping me out.
Morgan: glad we were able to help you out, rita.
Celia: but are you able to get later, when we leave the cave?
Alex: good question?
Rita: good question indeed?
But then the tiny people just shrugged it off, then they went inside next.
Rita: I have a question, do you remember about the cave, i told you three about.
Morgan: we do, the cave of the giants?
Alex: why you ask about it?
Rita: is there a way to go back and forth, without being stuck all the time?
Celia: that's a interesting question, maybe the elders, Chetan
Rita: I have a question, do you remember about the cave, i told you three about.
Morgan: we do, the cave of the giants?
Alex: why you ask about it?
Rita: is there a way to go back and forth, without being stuck all the time?
Celia: that's a interesting question, maybe the elders, Chieftains or someone might know about it?
Rita: I know it's not a problem with lily, and possibly my younger children, but me and possibly my husband, might get stuck again, in places like that and this?
Morgan: Wait, do you plan to bring others here, from the realm of giants?
Rita: What!? No!
Celia: i don't know if the chieftains will approve of that, but you need to speak with them anyway, perhaps they'll consider it?
Morgan: let's focus on this first, then see the chieftains later.
With that, they went inside the cave with Rita.
The inside of the cave, has many lights sources from about the cave, the crystals within the cave, had glowed with several different colors, blue, red, yellow, purple, green and more.
The beams from the light sources above the cave, reflected on the crystals, causing both light and beauty within the cave.
everyone inside of the cave, had stared at awe, of the beautiful glows from within the crystals, and the lights within the cave, as well.
Morgan: those crystals are truly beautiful, especially in this hour.
Celia: I used to play with the light beams on them, to make shadows figures with my hands, and with different colors.
Rita: Wow.
Alex: do you have places like this.
Rita: Well, one time, we saw a place like this at a campground trail.
Celia: what happened?
Rita: Well....
Celia: what's wrong?
Rita: we found an cave, full of treasure, in a camp that we visited at the time.
Morgan: treasure?
Rita: Yeah, lots of it.
Celia: what kind of treasure, like plants and Materials.
Rita: No, mostly gold.
Morgan: why gold?
Rita: It's just the best thing to be claimed as treasure.
Alex: we don't favor gold over other stuff.
Rita: huh?
Morgan: our people do not believe in Wealth, we work hard as a community, helping each other and survive together.
Celia: gold means nothing to our people, or any form of wealth.
Alex: And we never bother to look for any either.
Rita: that's amazing, your people are so lucky that you don't have the same problem as my people do.
Morgan: Really?
Celia: what do you mean by that, does your people work as a community too?
Rita: Some do.
Morgan: what do you mean, by the same problems?
everyone turned towards Morgan with a confused look.
Rita: my people, have many problems, like politics, self-interest, and a lot of issues in the human nature.
Alex: Wow, your ways of talking are very complaicated.
Rita: what you mean, exactly?
Alex: You're just saying such complicated words right now.
Morgan: but she's right, they are very serious things.
Celia: Morgan is right, these are serious things, that rita is speaking about.
Morgan: do you believe that the other giants, will bring harm to our lands, if they learn about this place.
Rita: it's possible, not everyone in my world, are as respectful and caring for everyone and everything, as me or my family.
Celia: besides you and your daughter, would someone else, might come to our ream, from yours?
Rita: I don't think so, or at least I hope not, especially the bad kind of people.
Alex: do you believe that your other family members, would find this realm as well?
Morgan: Alex, I think we get the point!
Celia: he has a point, two giants had already came here, there's more of them of where rita had come from, what if they discovered our realm as well?
Rita: they won't, not at the moment, for now a least.
Morgan: did you say about a small door, in your daughter's room?
Rita: I did, that's how I came here from.
Morgan: what does it look like, and how long as it been there?
Rita: It was a small orange-brown door, and I don't even know how long it's been there, I didn't even knew it was there to begin with?
Alex: did you say it was in your daughters room, how many children you have, exactly?
Celia: if I remember correctly, you said that, you have ten children, is that right?
Rita: eleven actually, born and raised.
Alex: the room that has this door, is shared by two of them, right?
Rita: Yes, Lily is one of my children, she's the first youngest of my children.
Celia: and the other one?
Rita: my second youngest daughter, lisa, she's very smart and dreams to be a great scientist.
Morgan: if both of them share the same room, why didn't the other one, had noticed this door as well?
Rita: I actually don't know, but it was hidden behind something.
Celia: by what?
Rita: Some boxes.
Alex: boxes?
Rita: You guys know what boxes are, right?
Morgan: what are they?
Celia: what do they do?
Rita had simply facepalmed herself, she began her explanation to the three tiny people, in hopes for all three of them, to understand well of boxes, and many other things as well.
Alex you mean like Creates a chests?
Rita: Uhh yeah, kinda.
Morgan: why did the others not notice the door?
Rita: Well Lily pushed them aside, so the boxes were actually blocking it.
Celia: you said it has some kind of lock?
Rita: Actually a combination keyboard.
Celia: a what?
Rita: I'm sure you don't want to know.
Morgan: is this the first time, that your daughter at use the door, in your realm?
Rita: You mean Lily?
Alex: how many times has she visited our realm?
Rita; I actually don't know, don't you guys know?
Celia: she had came to our village, about three days ago.
Rita: Oh.
Morgan: how did she know to open the door?
Rita: She presse one-two-three-four-five on the keypad.
Alex: why was it that simple, and where did it come from?
Celia: Where do you think, the giant baby named lily, is currently at now?
Rita: Lilly is back at in my world, she is staying at a pretty fancy hotel, with the rest of my family, back at my world, but the door in both Lisa and lily's room, I have no clue where that came from?
Morgan: I see.
Celia: how are you able to give birth to eleven children, and not get torn in two?
Rita: I, i don't really know, I was already use to it, when I give birth to both luan and lynn Jr. But after Lily came, I don't think i can give birth anymore, since eleven times of giving birth to my children, my body probably can't handle it anymore.
Just as rita had finished her sentence, they all took another look at the inside of the cave, then Alex had spoken to Morgan, Celia and rita.
Rita, Celia and Morgan had looked towards the cascade.
Celia: It's beautiful.
Alex: Come on, i've seen better.
Celia: like what!?
Alex: Like a horse's butt.
Celia had struck the back of Alex's head, causing him to lose his balance.
Alex: Ow!
Morgan: that's what you get Alex, for being a fool!
Alex: You're one to talk.
Morgan had given Alex, a serious and stern expression.
Alex was then left with no choice but to surrender.
Rita: Morgan, don't be so hard on Alex, he was just playing around.
Morgan: alex is known to be a troubled maker at times.
Rita: what you mean, Morgan?
Celia: he sometimes do stupid things, and we end up undoing and paying the price of it!
Rita: like what?
Celia: cleaning the stables for the horse, carrying heavy things back and forth, undoing all of Alex mess, and even do community service!
Rita: Oh.
Morgan: we do care for him, but sometimes he's irresponsible and immature a lot of times, unfortunately.
Alex stuck his tongue out behind his back.
Celia: just like that, he's such a man-child and fool, half of the time!
Rita had simply rolled her eyes.
Celia: rita, is your children are well behind and good?
Rita: Partially.
Alex: what you mean?
Rita: you know what, how about I explain this outside of the cave?
Morgan: are you sure, you wish to leave now.
Rita: Yeah, I think i've seen enough of this cave for now.
Alex: maybe next time, we can see more here.
Celia: Alright.
Morgan: let's head out from this cave.
With that, the tiny people and rita had begone leaving the cave, Morgan, Celia and Alex had left the cave first, rita had followed behind, shortly after.
Alex: how much you guys want to bet, that rita will get stuck again.
As they looked back, Rita was once again having trouble getting her hips through the cave opening.
Celia: again!?
Alex: you know rita, you really have some big hips.
Morgan: can you free yourself this time?
Rita: I'll try.
After a few attempts of struggling, rita had eventually freed herself from the cave's entrance.
Rita: there we go.
Celia what now?
Morgan: let's go show her the next part of the village.
Celia: I think the chieftains wants to see rita now?
Rita: Oh, really?
Morgan: that's right, we need to see them, it's best we don't keep them waiting.
Rita, Morgan, Celia and Alex had all went back to the village together.
Morgan: i hope both the chieftains and elders, are not angry with us, for keeping them waiting for so long?
Celia: Don't worry, i'm sure it'll be fine.
Alex: we should go to them first, before doing something else, plus, we kinda messed around a bit, instead of meeting with them.
Morgan: Right, let's go.
Rita: where should I go?
Alex: Just follow us.
Rita had done as she was told, and follow the tiny people, to where the chieftains are awaiting for them, after a short period of time, they arrived to the chieftains hud.
Morgan: Well, here we are.
The hut of both valerian and eshira, is fairly large and rounded, with red and brown woods, white covers and banners with the blue tribal symbol, many flowers around it, and small steps in the front of the hut.
Rita: Wow.
Valerian: you three had token your time to simply come here!?
Alex: Hey, we were just showing the big lady here, a few beautiful places, that's all!
Eshira: we know, you can't resist to show her the beauty of our lands, and what it has to offer, I hope you are both well, and impressed of our ancestors home lands, miss rita.
Rita: I am, it's amazing here.
Eshira: I'm glad, but do you know why, you are summon here, miss rita.
Rita: You mean to this building?
Valerian: the realm of giants, the cave that you traveled from the other side, your child visiting here, and much more, we have much to speak about here.
Rita: uhh, okay.
Valerian: what is your business here.
Rita: Well I saw Lily disappear through a small door, so I decided to check it out. Now i'm here just to visit this world, before I head back to my own world again.
Valerian: is the child yours.
Rita: Yes, her name is lily, she's one of my childrens, back in my own world.
Valerian: How many times, has she came to our lands.
Rita: Actually, I don't know, I didn't even know a place like this, even existed, and how long Lily had known this place too.
Valerian: does anyone else from your realm, knows about this place, and all of the lands?
Rita: Do you remember a giant infant named Lily, the one i was talking about now?
Valerian: answer the question, does other giants, knows about our realm, yes or no!?
Rita: Just me and Lily, there's no one else that I'm am aware of, that might know this place too.
Valerian: where at the realm of giants, does the cave go.
Rita: Lisa and Lily's room, my two youngest daughters.
Valerian: if you return to your realm, would you keep our realm a secret, from the other giants.
Rita: Yes, I promise, I won't tell anyone else.
Valerian: do you know why, we do not want our realm and lands, to be known by your kind.
Rita: Why?
Valerian: there are stories, of your kind, not respecting any form's of nature, lands or animals.
Rita was token by surprised, when valerian had responded back to her, she understood well, of how people in her own world, mistreated many natures and animals, in her world.
Eshira had seen the concerned expression of Rita's face, she had spoken next and explain to Rita, in hopes of calming her worried heart.
Eshira: i know you and your daughter, do not wish to bring harm to us or our lands, but many of the realm of giants, are not as understanding or respectful, as you two are.
Rita: it's true unfortunately, many people in my world, are not as respectful or caring about places like this, as me or any of my whole family.
Valerian: Morgan, has she behave herself here.
Morgan: she did, rita is good and trustworthy, she will not bring harm to our people or lands.
Celia: Absolutely.
Eshira: she has proven to be both trustworthy, and respectful to our people and lands, I believe that she will not bring hard to our lands, what you do say, my love?
Valerian: I'm not completely convinced, but I will not judge her either, but there's a few things, she must sworn to keep first.
Rita: What's that?
Valerian: first, you must be very careful of where you go and step on, in our village, the people and lands around you, and respect it all well, including the animals and all of nature.
Rita: I think, I already know that, but I will, I promise.
Valerian: second, if you wish to return to our realm, you must sworn, to never tell anyone from your realm, about this place, it Must remain a secret.
Rita had crossed her fingers, on her right hand and responded back.
Rita: I promise, in all of my heart.
Valerian: now let's make something clear here, we are a peaceful people, but we will Defend ourselves, if something happens, do you understand.
Rita: I do, and I understand your reasons too, for protecting everything in this world.
Eshira: now, if you have questions, please feel free to ask whatever you wish.
Rita: Sure thing, thank you again.
Valerian: asked, and we will answer you.
Celia: Hey, I just had an idea.
Valerian: what is it, Celia.
Celia: How about we all try to make a dress for Rita, one that kinda resembles in our own world, as a gift and symbol for her?
Eshira: I believe it's a fine and honorable thing, what do you say, miss loud?
Rita: I don't know, what is the outfit about?
Celia: Well, we could just make you a dress, that's made clearly from our peoples fashion designers.
Rita: I don't understand, why make me a dress?
Morgan it shows how welcome you are to our world, and our people.
Rita: are you sure, it might take a long for you all, to make something like that, just for me?
Celia: Don't worry, we'll have as many of our designers as possible, to accomplish the task.
Valerian: and martials too.
Rita looked down at herself, and she saw that she was still wearing her pajamas. So she thought she could use a new outfit after all.
Rita: well, I could wear something else, this isn't the right outfit to wear, in a place like this.
Celia: Good, I'll tell and gather everyone for the task, it might take some time, but hopefully it won't take all day and night for it?
Valerian: Morgan, you and Alex, returned to your posts, Celia, you manage and take responsibility of the dress task, you all have your duties, now go.
Celia: You heard him people, let's get to work.
Eshira: you can come with me, miss loud.
Rita: Oh, okay.
Rita had followed behind Eshira, the chieftain had brought Rita to the great cerlia falls, when Eshira dismount from her horse, she spoke to Rita.
Eshira: we're here.
Rita: this is the waterfall, that Morgan, Alex and Celia had brought me to?
Eshira: not quite, this one is much larger, and more spacefull.
Rita: it's very beautiful here.
Eshira: it is, and this is were you will bath at.
Rita was token back, of what Eshira had told her, after regaining her senses, Rita had responded back to Eshira.
Rita: wait, what?
Eshira: you need to clean yourself, you do not look, nor smell well, this is one of the places, that will clean you greatly.
Rita had felt somewhat annoyed, when Eshira had spoken about rita smelled badly.
Rita at look at herself, and Realized that she was very Messy and smelled somewhat badly.
She felt embarrassed of her appearance and current odor, rita had remembered that she crawl though two cave tunnels, walk for some time, and pass though several nature areas.
Rita at look around her, then responded back to Eshira.
Rita: ok, first, it's getting old, saying i smell bad, second, if I have to a bath here, where to I place my clothes, and what should I dry myself with, and most importantly, no one will see me bathing here, Right?
Eshira: we are the only ones here, so no one will see you bathing here, those giant leafs, over there, will cover and dry you, the waterfall and streams, as well the water in general, is deep enough for you to sit down on, and let everything else clean you in every way, you wish to use here.
Rita: well, I suppose, I had crawl and pretty much walked all day, I definitely need to clean myself, but I don't know about this?
Eshira: as I said, there is no one else here, but us, and you must bath yourself, you can't not return as messy and smelly, as you are now, also, you will wear what my people are making for you, so it's wise to bath here, before wearing the gift of my people.
Rita had groaned at the hurtful words, that Eshira had spoken to her, but Rita had understood well and could not argue about that facts either.
Eshira had seen the changed expression of rita, she understood that her words had greatly bothered Rita, Eshira had responded back to bring peace to Rita, and explain in a proper manner.
Eshira: I did not meant to anger you, but it is true, of what I say.
Rita: it's alright, you're right about everything, and I could use a bath anyway, I'll go and clean myself now.
Eshira: before you do, I hope we can become friends, my husband does not fully trust you, but he is a good and wise man, as I'm a wise and kind woman.
Rita: we will, and your husband is right too, he has every reason to not trust me, but I'll respect his wishes, and Eventually earn his trust, over time, and I also would love to be friends with you too, Eshira.
Eshira had smiled from Rita's Kind words, and rita had also smiled as well, after rita had stood up from her current position, she went to the river stream.
Rita had place her right hand on the water, and felt cold from the touch, she had undressed herself, and place her clothes on a flat rock, placing her clothes in order.
Rita had token a deep breath, and place her right foot, on the water's surface first, she shiver from the cold, but remain still for a short period of time.
She place her other foot on the water's surface, and move forward down on the river stream, when she was in the deeper parts of the water, it reached on her stomach area, rita had token a seat on the water and washed herself.
Rita was not as cold in the water, since she was was in the water for some time, rita had continued to washing her hair and whole body, for some time as well.
When rita was finished washing herself, she went to the waterfall, and continued to wash herself, underneath the waterfall.
Rita: Wow, this feels so much better already, and this waterfall isn't so bad either.
Rita closed her eyes, and washed herself under the waterfall, enjoying it's stream of falling water.
Rita had enjoyed the waterfall greatly, after she left the waterfall stream, she laid down on the water's surface again, being relaxed by the stream of water, on her skin.
Rita: are you still there Eshira?
Eshira: yes, I'm still here, do you feel much better now.
Rita: I do now, this feels like the best shower-place i ever had, it's amazing here.
Eshira: all of these lands, are a gift, and life source, for all living things, we respect and grateful of everything, that we all have.
Rita: your people are so lucky, that you all live in such a peaceful and peaceful place, and respect what you all have too.
Eshira: I am grateful of your kind words, and your respect in these lands as well.
Rita had laid in the water, for some time, relaxing in every minute of the waterfall and river stream, she saw how beautiful it was the area around her, the sound of the waterfall and river stream, the wind on the trees and grass, rita was at peace.
As time past, rita was in deep thought, while staring at the sky, she wondered how her family were handling, she hoped her husband and children, were well and safe.
Rita had close her eyes, and laid her back down, being at peace, as well thinking about her love ones.
Eshira had approached to one of the closest edges, of where rita was, and spoke.
Eshira: you are thinking about your family, are you.
Rita: Yeah, how did you know?
Eshira: you are very thoughtful, and worried at same time, being a wife and mother to children, is one of the many common natures, of living beings, such as yourself and me, as a wife, myself, I know the feeling of being worried to love ones.
Rita: that's true, I do care about my family a lot, and worried for them all too, I hope they are all fine, in the fancy hotel where they are currently at now.
Eshira: I believe your love ones are fine and well, even in another realm, they will always love and care for you, as you love and care about them too.
Rita: that's Very true, thank you Eshira.
Eshira: you are very welcome, also, do you have places like this, in your realm as well?
Rita: there's lots of beautiful places in my world too, but I never seen them in person unfortunately.
Eshira: what is your family like.
Rita: well, it's a bit of a long story, and I think, it might take a little while to explain everything at once?
Eshira: if you wish to speak of it, I will listen to your long tale, i don't mind to hear about at all.
Rita had spent a few minutes, explaining everything to Eshira, about her whole family, when rita had finished with her explanation, Eshira had smiled and responded to rita.
Eshira: you love them dearly, and they love you greatly too.
Rita: I do, we love and care for each other, my family isn't perfect, but I'm more then happy to have them all, in my whole life.
Eshira: miss rita, may I ask you something.
Rita: Sure, what's on your mind, Eshira?
Eshira: was my husband to hard on you.
Rita: well, a little bit, but he has his reasons for it, and I don't really blame him for it either.
Eshira: he was only looking after everyone, he doesn't completely trust you.
Rita: I know, but he has the right to distrust me, he barely knows me, and he what's to keep everyone Safe, from anyone and anything.
Eshira: he will Eventually accept and trust you, just my husband some time, he will be more then happy, to have you in our realm, lands and village.
Rita: I hope so, he seems like a nice and respectful guy, and pretty serious too, not to mention Responsible.
Eshira: he is, but valerian has a good heart, and a strong will too, same as me, that's way we married together, because of the love we both share, and who we both are too.
Rita: that's really sweet, Eshira, you two are very lucky to have each other, me and my husband, lynn, are the same way too, I hope he and our children, are doing well and okay, at the hotel they are staying at right now?
Eshira: I know you promise to keep our realm a secret, but you cannot lie to your family forever.
Rita: I know, but I can't my promise to your husband either, plus I don't think it's the right time to bring others here yet, especially a large group at once, like my whole family.
Eshira: perhaps someday, your loves may be accepted in our realm as well, but until then, it must be only you and your youngest child.
Rita: I hope so too, but for right now, it should be only me and Lily, for the time being, if valerian is ok with it?
Eshira: I believe my husband, well tell you to bring, only those you trust greatly, and they must promise as well, to keep our realm a secret as well.
Rita: if I eventually bring the rest of my family here too, I'll make sure to have them all, promise and keep this place, a secret from everyone else, at my world too, I promise everything will be fine.
Eshira: I know, thank you again.
Rita smiled at Eshira, and returned to both clean and enjoy herself, at the river stream water.
some time has passed, and the sun was beginning to set itself, rita saw the beautiful color forms, from the sky above her, and the sound of the waterfall, as well the birds, from both flying and singing, from close and far away.
Rita felt very relaxed and was at peace, she was in the water for some time, rita had begun to feel a little cold now, she moved and left the waterfall and river stream.
Rita had went and took one of the giant leafs, from one of the many large trees, close to her.
rita had placed one of the giant leafs, around on her upper body and covered herself on it, she took another one for her hair as well.
The leafs were soft and comfortable, they absorbed the water very quickly, when rita had completely dried herself, she went and worn her under clothing back on, then looked at her pajamas.
Rita: hmmmm.
Eshira: is something wrong?
Rita: the clothes I been wearing before, is pretty dirty and Smelly now, but this is all I have with me, I can't clean them here, it would take forever for my pajamas to dry.
Eshira: there is no shame in rewearing your Clothing again, even in their current state.
Rita: I know, but I just finished cleaning myself, and I don't want to smell badly again,
Eshira started wondering if Rita would actually try going back into the village wearing her leaf robe.
Rita: I'll just wear my pajamas again, it's the only thing I have to wear here again, anyway.
Eshira: Wait Rita, I have a solution.
Rita: what do you have in mind, Eshira?
Eshira: How about you just wear your leaf robe, until you put on that dress that my people are currently working on?
Rita: I don't know, I'm wearing only a bra and underwear, this giant leaf thing, is basically a towel?
Eshira: Well, you can just keep it on until you put on that dress.
Rita: what about my clothes, I can't just leave it here?
Eshira: Then you can just carry it with you.
Rita: are you sure it's fine, I'm kinda wearing a giant leaf on me?
Eshira: It'll be fine, trust me.
Rita: well, alright I gauss, wearing a giant leaf for a towel around me, wouldn't be bad I gauss, I really hope so!?
Rita had picked up her pajamas and followed behind with Eshira, and made their way back to the village, After some time of traveling, both rita and Eshira had returned to the village together.
Eshira had dismounted on her white horse, and walked to the central main plazza, within the village.
Rita: Okay, so now what?
Eshira: we visit and see how the dress is under going.
Rita had remain silent, Eshira had noticed the concerned expression of rita, Eshira had spoken to rita, with a calm, yet concerned tune in her voice.
Eshira: are you worried?
Rita: a little bit, on many things.
Eshira: you seem very concerned of many things, is something on your mind?
Rita: Well, i'm very concerned about everything, what if your people won't like me here, what if they think I'm a monster to them, I don't want to cause any problems with anyone here!?
Eshira: they won't see you as a monster, but they all need time as well, they all just met you, it takes time on many things, and for everyone as well.
Rita: I gauss, I hope everything will be alright, especially since I'm from another world, with people much bigger then everyone here?
Eshira: they'll will, just give them time, besides, it's only one day since you had Arrived here.
Rita: that's true, sorry for overreacting about it?
Eshira: It's fine, miss rita, there's is no shame of being concerned of many events at once, you simply have to remain calm, and not over think everything at once, either.
Rita: you're right, thanks for telling me this, Eshira.
Eshira: any time, my friend, we are here now, anyway.
Rita: so why are we here?
Eshira: Your dress should be finished by now.
Rita: so where is it now?
Eshira: Just inside this building.
Rita: wait, you guys made a giant dress, inside of that tiny building?
Rita: so, it's inside of that building, right?
Eshira: Yes, everyone is already inside, awaiting to present to you, the gift of my people,
Rita: I don't know if I can fit inside of that building, it's kinda small, comparing to me?
Eshira: it's actually pretty big on the inside, even you can fit inside, without much difficulty.
Rita had looked at the building, from high and low, as well around the building, and thought it was very well built.
Rita had tried to find a way to enter the inside of the building, Then she had saw large double doors, with a dark brown color.
Rita had thought that the main entrance of the building, was to small for her, she respond back to Eshira, with a concern tune in her voice.
Rita: are you sure I can fit inside of that building?
Eshira: You'll be fine, trust me.
Rita: I already got stuck today, two times, I really don't want to get stuck again?
Eshira: you won't get stuck, and even if you do, there's enough space to free yourself, if that happens.
Rita: can you guys, just bring the dress, outside of that building, instead of me, getting possibly stuck again.
Eshira: it will be difficult for my people to bring such large clothing outside of the building, also, it's disrespectful for them to bring all outside, after a long day of crafting it all, just for you.
Rita had understood very well, of the kindness that the tiny people had shown to her, as well the trust that they had shown her as well.
With no choice of the matter, rita had token a deep breath, and responded back to Eshira.
Rita: fine, I'll go inside of this building, but if I get stuck again, you guys are going to help me get unstuck!
Eshira smiled and responded back.
Eshira: we will, but I doubt that will happen, I'll go inside first, and await for you inside of the building.
Rita: this building is very impressive.
Eshira: it is, my people had built this building, long before me and my husband were born.
Rita: what is this building called?
Eshira: Lucis, named after a great hero and leader, from the times of old.
Rita: that's a really pretty name, what do you guys do inside of this building?
Eshira: Oh, it's where we usually have meetings with almost everyone in the village, speaking about community duties, a Refuge from raging storms, and more.
Rita: we have something like that in my realm, it's called a community center.
Eshira: Oh, really?
Rita: another one we have, is something called a city central.
Eshira: I see.
Rita: this whole village, is amazing, the people are really nice, the land here is also great too.
Eshira: thanks you miss rita, but now, let's go in and get your dress, we had spoken Enough for the time being, my husband and many others are awaiting for us.
Rita: I don't know Eshira, this building is pretty big, but i don't know, if I can fit inside?
Eshira: do not worry my friend, it will be fine, I give you my word.
Rita looked at the main door Entrance, she sighed in Defeat and proceed to enter inside of the building known as lucis.
Rita had followed behind Eshira, but was stuck for a third time in a row, being frustrated of being stuck again, she pushed forward and eventually free herself.
Rita: this is the third time that my hips got stuck, I'm definitely going to do some work outs, when I get the chance later.
Rita had stood herself back up into a standing position, and followed behind Eshira.
Rita: I can't believe, there enough space to stan up inside of this building, it's bigger inside of this building, comparing outside of this place?
Eshira: looks can be Deceiving, my friend, never judge only in appearances, there are many others things in this realm, that are more then they seem.
Rita: like the waterfall, trees and even the plants from earlier, when I was cleaning myself a little earlier before?
Eshira: yes, my world is not as small, as it seems, as well offering many things that we use to survive, especially for our children, and children's children, for the future of these lands.
Rita smiled and continued down the great hallway with Eshira, after a short period of walking, they she saw everyone inside in one of the many rooms, inside the building of Lucis.
There were many people inside of the room that rita and Eshira had entered inside together, the people inside of the room they were currently inside of, were clapping and cheering for Rita.
Rita: what's going on, why are you all cheering?
Morgan: Because we're all now happy to have you visiting our village, miss Rita.
Celia: and our lands too.
Alex: Totally.
Valerian: now then, do you know why, you are here, Miss Rita.
Rita: because of a dress, you all made, right?
Valerian: yes, and many more questions as well.
Eshira: yes, as well, welcoming you, in our realm, miss rita.
Rita: Oh, thanks you guys, for everything, and welcoming me too.
Valerian: we still have much to speak about, such as your child.
Rita: Lily?
Valerian: yes.
Rita: Okay, what questions you have now to ask about this time?
Valerian: now, remember about our realm, village and lands, remaining a secret from your people and entire realm.
Rita: I remember.
Valerian: my wife had told me, about your family, from your realm.
Rita: What!?
Valerian: is it true, that the door, from our realm, is found in your two daughter's room.
Rita: yes.
Feb 19Valerian: besides one of your daughters, who else, knows about this place?
Rita: No one else, but me and Lily, my youngest daughter.
Valerian: me and my wife, were speaking about your family, as of right now, only you and the youngest of your children, will know about our realm.
Alex: I think she already knows that Valerian.
Valerian: silence!
Alex: Hmph.
Valerian: as I was saying, only you and the young infant, will be the only ones, that will know about our realm.
Eshira: but later on, you may bring everyone else here, but only if they swrom to keep our realm, a secret, from those that wish to harm our realm, people and lands.
Rita: I will, and I promise my entire family members, will keep this place a secret too, when the time is right for them to come and visit this place too.
Valerian: but only, if they are trustworthy, and keep this place, a secret, it's the up most important thing, they must sworn to keep everything a secret, from your realm as well.
Alex started moving the fingers in his right hand up and down like a mouth.
Valerian and eshira had seen what Alex was doing behind their backs, both chieftains had given Alex, a Stern and serious expression on him.
Alex: what?
Valerian: farming duty, for a week!
Alex: Seriously!?
Eshira: two weeks!
Alex: Ugh.
Celia: you have yourself to blame for that, Alex!
Alex then just walked off as the conversation continued.
Morgan: chieftain valerian, can I ask you a request?
Valerian: Of course Morgan.
Morgan: I was wondering, if me, ceilia and Alex can be responsible for guiding and looking after rita, while she is in our realm, but only with your Permission.
Valerian: of course, you three are the perfect Candidates, that responsibility.
Celia: also, with both of your Permissions, can we see the realm of giants as well, to learn more about her realm?
Valerian: You wish to go into the realm of giants?
Celia: I know it's risky and possibly dangerous, but we could learn more about the realm of giants, also, we were very curious, but only with both of your permissions?
Valerian: it's best not to go for now, but maybe when you three had enough training and many other tasks completed, then Perhaps me and Eshira will consider it.
Morgan: what about Rita's family, they might someday find or would be brought here?
Celia: We already went through that Morgan.
Valerian: in Time, but as of right now, is nothing to be concerned of.
Morgan: I understand, and thank you, chieftain valerian.
Eshira: now then, let us enjoy this meeting together, and welcome our new friend, in both our village, and realm.
everyone inside of the room, had cheered for Rita, welcoming her, in their realm, village and entire lands.
Eshira: one more thing, please accept our gift for you, and for your kindness.
Rita: is it the dress you all made for me, right?
Eshira: right this way.
Rita had started following behind Eshira, curious about of what the dress that the tiny people, had worked hard to craft for just her.
After a short walk down the hallway, rita had seen a beautiful and well made dress, inside of a another large room, rita at stared at awe, from what she had just witness in front of her.
Rita: Wow, is that the dress, you all made for me, it's amazing.
Eshira: my people had worked hard together, to carefully and Design it, for just you, miss rita, please accept the gift of my people.
The dress was a beautiful and well made crafted, it is a form-fitting dress, that is lavender color, with a light green around the chest, and silver button, lavender skirt that reaches her knees and yellow sandals with the Strappings on top and behind the sandals shoes.
Rita was both amazed and token back, of the dress that the tiny people, had made for her.
She had never seen such a beautiful and well made dress, Rita had both held and felt the fabric of the dress, it was very soft, yet strong, she was very impressed of the dress, and tiny people's skills of crafting as well.
Eshira had smiled at Rita's impress expression, she had spoken to rita, with a calm tune in her voice.
Eshira: judging by your expression, you seem quite impressive of the dress, and it's quality as well.
Rita: this dress is amazing, I can't believe you all made this, just for me.
Eshira: we are happy that you praise my people's craftsmanship, we had craft and built many things in our village, as well the lands in this realm, the dress is our gift to you, please treasure it well.
Rita: thank you all, I wish, I had something to give you all back, for this dress and all of your kindness.
Celia: there is No need to give us anything, you're the only gift we wanted.
Rita: what you mean, Celia?
Celia: You coming to our world was quite a surprise, that's all the gift we need.
Rita: I hope to show you all, my realm too, when it's possible?
Morgan: I hope so too, but not for a little while unfortunately, but I really hope so too, one day.
Rita: I'm going to try this dress out now, is there a place I can charge at?
Eshira: Oh, we do have a changing room in this building, is right over there, I'll show you, miss rita.
Rita: thank Eshira, for everything, I hope to someday repay you and your people.
Eshira: please miss rita, that is not necessary at all, we done it from our kindness, is more then enough for us all.
Rita: are you sure, I mean, you all went though quite a hassle, to make this whole dress, in less then a day, I can't imagine how tired your people are right now?
Eshira: do not fear nor worry about us all, we are use to working and building, as well training and traveling, my people and I, can endure many challenges, that are ahead of us all.
Rita: you all are quite something, and very impressive too.
Eshira: same to you and your people as well, now come, we have a place to visit later, when you are dressed and prepared.
Rita: where at exactly, and what is it?
Eshira: in the central plaza, and you will see later, now come with me, I'll show you were to charge at.
Eshira had lead Rita to a changing room, when they had arrive to their destination, rita had entered inside and removed the giant leaf that she was wearing before, and was changing into her newly made dress, from the tiny people.
When rita had finished changing clothes on, she exit the changing room, and revealed herself to everyone else, that were awaiting for rita, in a short period of time.
when she was in front of everyone else, she spoke with a shy expression on her face.
Rita: so, how do I look?
everyone inside of the changing room, had stared at Rita's newly made dress, in both awe and amazement at the same time, after a short time of silence, Celia was the first to break the silence, and responded back to rita.
Celia: it's amazing, more then I thought it would be.
Morgan: the tailors had once again, done a fantastic work, on what they had crafted.
Alex: not to mention, better looking too.
Rita: Aww, thanks you guys, this dress is both amazing, and really comfortable too.
Valerian: it's a gift from my people, Treasure it well.
Rita: Oh, I will Valerian.
Eshira: now then, let's gather to the central plaza, everyone else, should be there now.
Morgan: let's go now, and join up with the others.
Celia: rita, I have a question, do your people, gather around a great fireplace?
Rita: when we go on camping, yes, why you ask, Celia?
Alex: wait till you see it.
Rita: oh, ok.
Everyone inside of the building, had left and went to the center plaza.
The central plaza is a very large and crowded area, in the middle of the village, there was a great and large fireplace, that is dancing from it's great flame.
The People had gather around the central plaza, there was music, dancing, and praying to their gods.
Rita was amazed of what she had Witness, she had never seen such beauty before, nor the Ceremony, of the tiny people.
Rita: Wow.
Eshira: are you impressed.
Rita: very much, this place is amazing, the music, the fire, the dancing, everything.
Morgan: there should be plenty of room, for you too, rita.
Rita: Thanks again for having me here.
Alex: just be careful where you sit at, there's lots of people here.
Rita: I Got it, don't worry about it guys.
Celia: make yourself at home, and rest yourself.
Rita had started finding a place to sit down, when she found a proper place for herself, she token a seat and watch everything around her.
Morgan: I hope you like our realm, miss rita?
2Rita: I do Morgan, this whole place is amazing beyond words.
Morgan: i hope that someday, there will be peace, between our realms.
Alex: Is that really what we want, Morgan?
Ceilia: stop being a pain, Alex, and just enjoy the ceremony.
Alex: What, I was just asking if we really want giants to make piece with us.
Morgan: only time will tale, there's no point of worrying about everything at once now, we should just enjoy this night, and be at peace here.
Alex: Okay, if you say so, Morgan.
Ceilia: I have a question, when both chieftains had said about your family members, one day coming and seeing our realm, would that really happen?
Morgan: We don't know that yet Celia, but it's possible, later on.
Celia: if that happens, would they keep our realm a secret too, like rita?
Alex: I'm sure they would, how bad could it be?
Morgan: most of them are children, and possibly would love to see what our realm, has to offer, I believe is the right thing, to have them here too, when the time is right.
Celia: I hope you two are right, the infant was a bit Difficult to deal with?
Alex: could they be trusted?
Rita: Don't worry Alex, my kids can be trusted, they are all good and trustworthy, just give them all a chance.
Morgan: I do hope to someday meet them all, and learn more from all of you.
Rita smiled, then she relaxed while they all had their fun by the fire.
Celia was together with the other villagers, she and many other women, were dancing around the great fire.
Alex was playing with his flute, while Morgan was playing with the ocarina, both men were using different types of flutes, to create beautiful and calm music, for everyone to hear and be at peace with.
The center plaza was Crowded with many villagers, dancing, playing music and playing many games together, speaking to one of each other, and so much more.
Valerian and eshira, had held each other's hands together, watching their people, enjoying the ceremony, being at peace, and thanking their gods, for all they have together.
Rita was watching everything in front of her, she was blow away of their culture, music, craftsmanship, community, village, the lands and so much more.
She was at peace, being in another world, that was not as different as her own, and exploring a new world, that had a great many to offer, and experience as well.
Rita was also thinking about her family as well, hoping they all were well, and wondered what they would think or say, if they ever had discovered the world she was currently at, and hope they would keep the world of the tiny people, a secret as well.
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