It's a Promise

Age 14:

"Hey, Haru-chan?" Makoto's somewhat serious voice directed my attention away from the crashing waves of the ocean towards him. "Could I ask you something?"

"You already asked me one." Haru pointed out, turning his head away from Makoto to attempt to hide a pout. "And lay off the -chan.'

"Right, sorry, sorry." Makoto chuckled softly, but then regained his serious voice from before. "What do you think will happen to us when we're older?"

"I don't know. Why are you asking me this?"

"I'm not sure. Mom just told me a little while back about all the joys of growing up. She told me about growing up and meeting amazing new friends along the way, and also at some point meeting that one special someone. The person you'll grow up to love, and possibly start a family with someday."

"I don't see why you're worried. You're Makoto. Everyone loves you, so I don't why you're worried about any of that." Makoto laughed at this, and muttered a soft 'You're right'. But Haru noticed how the way Makoto's laugh didn't have it's usual friendly aura, instead it was more laced with uncertainty. Or the way his eyes didn't shut naturally, more as if he was forcing them to shut and follow the dance of the laughter. "Makoto. Why Are you so worried?"

"'s just...what if we get separated while growing up?" Makoto blurted out, tears prickling at the corner of his eyes as he strains to look Haruka in the eye. "Mom told me that even though life is filled with many joys, it's also filled with sadness. She said as you grow up, many people you find dear in your life leave as you grow older. She said that's what happened to her and her best friend in junior high. What if that happens to us, Haru-chan?!"

"It won't Makoto. I promise. I don't want to leave you, and I'm sure you don't want to leave me either."

"I don't want to leave you either, Haru.. But that's also what Mom's worried about."

"What? Why on Earth would your mom be worried about her son's best friend not leaving his side?" Haru asked, not trying to raise his voice, but failing in the end. He doesn't want to be mad at Mrs. Tachibana, but why was she worried over this? Isn't he like her third son, after Makoto himself and Ren?

"It's not that she doesn't like you Haru! You know she loves you very much, and you're like a son to her!'s just every parent-teacher conference, the teacher always tells her how inseparable we are. How we barely hang out with other kids because we have each other, and how they're scared to try and invite us to stuff because of the bond we have. She's scared I won't make other friends outside of you in the future."

"That..." Haru trailed off, not knowing how to finish his sentence. How was he supposed to know if any of that stuff was going to be true or not in the future? The only thing that he knew determine your future was the actions you took and the decisions you made. And in no way shape or form was he going to take an action or make a decision that left Makoto out of his life.

"I know it's silly." Makoto cut in before Haru could even think of more words to finish his sentence. "But I've just been worried about it. I don't want to disappoint my parents, but I also don't want to be without you, Haru."

"I got an idea Makoto." Haru said suddenly, his eyes widening with a new type of determination Makoto is pretty sure he hasn't seen before. "I know just how to test your Mom's theory!"

"I'm not sure if it was a theory, I think it was more of a concern..." Makoto trailed of seeing how intense Haru's glare was, and Makoto took that as a cue to not try and correct him. So he decided to change the topic back to Haru's earlier statement. "So...what are you thinking of doing, Haru?"

"Makoto, I think if you and me don't find someone else we want to marry or possibly already married too by the time we're 25, I think you and me should get married instead."

"Wha-?!" Makoto stuttered and stopped walking to stare at Haru with pure and utter shock on his face. "Wh-What makes you S-Say that?!"

"Makoto, calm down. You're mom's worried about us not meeting other people, right? So if we have that set date in mind, we'll be sure to find at least someone we love more than anything before we have to marry each other. Right?"

Makoto stared at Haru wide eyed, his mind slowly processing the idea Haru just laid out to him. It was a crazy idea if none, but when he actually thought about it, Haru was right in a way. If he thought that he had to find someone before he had to marry his best friend, he would socialize outside of Haru and find another person he would grow to love.

Maybe it wasn't that bad an idea.

"You're right in a way, Haru-chan." Makoto said happily, nodding his head. "Let's make it a promise then. If we don't love anyone by the time we're 25, we'll get married."

"Right." Haru said, a small smile playing at his lips as he reached his hand out to meet Makoto's. "And lay off the chan."

Age 17:

As usual, swim practice went by in a breeze today. Haru also as usual, decided to swim a few extra laps as Rei, Nagisa, and Makoto went to go change. Haru enjoyed the rare silence and serenity of the water when he was alone.

It's not that he minded when everyone else was in the pool, but they liked to splash around and screech loudly. Which was usually Nagisa. While when Haru's by himself, there's not excessive splashing or loud noises. Most likely because Nagisa's not around.

Haru sighed and slowly started swimming back to the other side of the pool. He didn't know why, but for most of practice he felt more on edge with the bubbly breaststroke swimmer. Nagisa usually hangs all over Rei, begging for his attention. But for some reason, today Nagisa seemed to be all over Makoto. Not his best friend, but Haru's best friend.

Haru really should not be upset over this, but he is. Every time Nagisa pulled a stunt to get Makoto's attention, or literally jump on his back just to ask him a question, Haru personally wanted to pick him off of Makoto and set him away from him. Far away from him.

Haru was too busy swimming his lap, with his thoughts clouding his mind that he didn't hear anyone approach the swimming pool.

"Uka-senpai! Haruka-Senpai!" Haru snapped out of his thoughts, and stood up in the pool to see an already changed Rei standing at the edge of the pool smiling at him. "Good to see you noticed! I was worried you were too immersed in the water that your ears might get clogged!"

"What do you want, Rei?" Haru asked calmly as he swam over to the edge to see Rei more clearly.

"Ah, I just thought I'd tell you I was heading out! Gou-kun wasn't in there, so I'm guessing she already left. I just thought I should tell someone before I left."

"Ok, thanks Rei." Haru's eyes widened when he realized that Rei was missing something very important. An important noisy blonde. "Wait, Rei!"

"What is it, Haruka-Senpai?" Rei asked as he walked back over to Haru.

"Where's Nagisa? Isn't he always with you?" Haru raised an eyebrow as Rei laughed genuinely at Haru's question.

"Haruka-Senpai, I assure you Nagisa-kun is fine. He's just a bit slower than usual today. Come to think of it, Makoto-Senpai seemed a bit slower too. But I think he said something about his swimsuit? Anyway, is that all, Haruka-Senpai?"

"Y-Yeah..." Haru said as he eyed the locker room from the corner off his eye. "See you tomorrow, Rei."

"Goodbye, Haruka-Senpai!"

Haru watched as Rei made his leave, and then turned to stare at the locker room. Haru wasn't sure, but after hearing what Rei said, Haru had an unsettling feeling in his stomach. So Haru climbed out of the pool, and made his way to the locker room. He quietly entered the room, and upon his first step into the room, he was bombarded by the loud noise of Nagisa.

"Ooh, Mako-chan! You did great on your times today! You improved by a whole two seconds! That's the best out of all of us today!"

"Thanks, Nagisa. That means a lot to me." Haru could tell by the light chuckle and lightness of Makoto's words that he was embarrassed by Nagisa's compliment, and his face was probably a light shade of red.

"No problem, Mako-chan! It's only natural to speak the obvious!"

Haru sighed and was about to leave the locker room and go back to the pool. Why was he so worried in the first place? This is the innocent and excited Nagisa, and the easily flustered and oblivious Makoto. Why in the world did he think something would go wrong. He was right about to leave when he heard it.

"Ne, Ne, Mako-chan! You know what else is obvious?"

"What, Nagisa?" Makoto laughs as he opens a locker, expecting it to be another one of Nagisa's crazy antics.

"How great you looked in your new swimsuit! Seriously Mako-chan, it showed off your legs and left nothing to the imagination!"

Haru stopped in his tracks and glared back into the locker room. Both Makoto and Nagisa didn't know he was listening to their conversation, and Haru was glad for that. If Nagisa knew he was here, Haru's darn sure he wouldn't have had the guts to say that.

"N-Nagisa! Wh-What do you mean by that?!" Makoto stuttered out, and Haru was sure his face was beet red by now, possibly even redder. Nagisa giggled, and it took all Haru had not to rush in there and now.

"Mako-chan, you're face is all red! You're so cute!"

"N-Nagisa!" Makoto squeaked, which caused Nagisa to laugh even harder than he did the first time.

"But you're cute all the time, Mako-chan! But I can't forget that you're also naturally good looking, and have an amazing personality! So what's not to like about you, Mako-chan?"

"Nagisa, I don't understand what you're trying to say..."

At this moment, Haru decided to peek into the locker room to take in the scene. When the room came into view, he saw Nagisa pulling Makoto down by his tie, whispering something in his ear that made Makoto's already red face burst into redder flames. Then, Nagisa slowly moved their faces closer together, as if he was trying to go in for a kiss. Haru couldn't take this anymore, so he decided this was better than ever to go in and ruin Nagisa's "moment".

"Makoto." Haru did his best to stay calm, and it worked. Instead of yelling, he more of hissed at the two. Both jumped and Nagisa released Makoto's tie and backed away from him.

"H-Haru-Chan!" Nagisa said excitedly, running over to hug him. Any sign that he might have just tried to kiss Makoto vanished, and he was his usual chirpy self. And Haru was not buying the act. "I thought you would be swimming longer! Was the pool getting cold or were you just done for the day?"

"I just didn't want to swim anymore." Haru said coldly, side glaring at Nagisa as he went to his locker and grabbed his stuff, only caring enough to pull his shirt on over his head. "Let's go, Makoto."

"W-Wait, Haru!" Makoto said as he struggled to stay on his feet as Haru dragged him out of the locker room. "Why did you do that? You can swim longer if you want!"

"It's fine." Haru said as he glanced back at Makoto, smiling softly. "Besides, isn't your mom making green curry tonight? We would want to show up early before it's all gone, right?"

"Oh! I forgot about that!" Makoto said happily while nodding his consent. "But couldn't you have told Nagisa that? It was kinda rude just barging in and dragging me out like that..."

"He'll figure it out himself." Haru said rather coldly, almost regretting his words as they came out. He just wanted Makoto away from Nagisa, and now he had a whole other problem to deal with at swim practice. Haru sighed to himself as he glanced back, seeing Nagisa at the door of the locker room, watching them both make their leave. Haru smiled to himself, as in a way he just beat Nagisa at one of his little games. "Nagisa's not stupid."

"W-What makes you say that?!"

"Nothing, Makoto. Let's just get back to your house, alright?"

Age 20:

Haru sighed to himself as he finished washing his hands, and looked at himself in the mirror of the boys restroom. Today, instead of relaxing in the quiet corners of his small apartment in Tokyo, or going to Makoto's apartment to hang out on their weekend break, he was at a local Tokyo cafe. But this time it wasn't Haru with just his university teammates or even just him and Makoto.

No, this time Rin was here. Rin Matsuoka was here with him.

It's not that Haru has any problems with Rin. No, Rin is one of his 'most dear and beloved friends', which was Rin's words earlier when describing the friendship between the three of them. If Haru told the truth, Rin was right. Rin is one of his most dear and beloved friends, but no way was he ever going to admit that.

And there was also the fact that Rin tends to be annoying at times. No, he tends to be very annoying at times. Which is one of the main reasons why Hau is in the restroom right now, trying to calm down. He was catching up with Rin, but of course Rin always has to mix in a couple of teasing comments in there. He always has too.

And that's why Haru had to leave. He loved Rin, he really did, but he just needs a break from him for just a few seconds. Haru sighed once more as the conversation decided to claim it's realm of terror and replay once again in Haru's head.


"It's been a while, huh?" Rin said as he slid in the seat across from both Makoto and Haru, grinning his famous shark toothed grin. "But I'm glad we were able to make this time to eat with each other! I really do miss hanging out with you guys."

"Aw, that's really sweet Rin!" Makoto mused as he smiled that one smile that blinded those who didn't know how to handle all the kindness and sincerity thrown at them. "It has felt weird though, not being able to hang out all the time like we used to. But I think me and Haru are getting used to it, right, Haru?"

"Yeah." Haru said, nodding once to show his approval as he went to take a drink of his glass of water. Rin stared at him disapprovingly from across the table, which cause Haru to raise an eyebrow in question at Rin's stare.

"Haru," Rin started, sighing in the process. "You just can't let Makoto do all the talking. I know that's how it was back in Iwatobi, but you can't do that here in Tokyo. You're finally becoming an independent person! It's just...weird."

"Rin." Haru said, getting the attention of said person. And it was the usual way Haru said Rin's name. His voice laced with annoyance at the latter. "I don't depend on Makoto as much. We go to different schools. It's just you're Rin, so I don't see a problem."

"Just Rin?!" Rin scoffed as he crossed his arms and stared at Haru, looking very offended at Haru's words. "Haru, you have known me for the majority of your life! I can't be 'just Rin', I should be one of your most dear and beloved friends Rin!"

"But Makoto's my most and dear beloved friend, Rin."

"Why you gotta hit me where it hurts?" Rin asked, clutching his heart as if he felt a great pain. Rin held that pose a little longer before breaking out into a fit of laughter. "Haru, I know that. But I can be at least one for your most dear and beloved friends, right?"

"Whatever." Haru said, changing his attention back to the menu as Makoto took this chance to re-enter the conversation. He and Rin made light talk, and Haru wasn't sure why, but he found himself growing distanced from the conversation, so he decided to do what he does best and just listen to his two friends.

"Wow! Really Makoto? You got the fourth best score in your entire class! That's great!"

"Eh, not really. I think I more of just lucked out on that score. I could have done a better job, but--"

"Makoto, this was a semester exam we're talking about. Getting the 4th highest score on something like that is not just luck. That's really good, Makoto. I'm proud of you!

"Th-Thanks, Rin." Makoto said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck while his cheeks starting to get tinted with the lightest shade of red.

"Naw, that's cute Makoto." Rin teased as Haru felt Rin's leg move from his spot across the table to gently kick Makoto's leg. "But seriously, keep up the good work!"

"R-Right! Makoto said as he smiled brightly in Rin's direction, and Haru wasn't sure, but he could have sworn Rin's cheeks became tinted with the lightest shade of red. No, it couldn't be. He's just going crazy.

"Anyway, how about you, Rin?" Makoto started, changing the subject away from himself. "Didn't you have a tournament recently in Australia?"

"Actually, yeah I did." Rin said, smiling as he pointed to himself. "That's why I'm here. It ended a few days ago, so I thought it would be a good time as ever to visit everyone. I already saw my old Samezuka teammates, so I thought I'd come and see you two losers."

"That's mean, Rin!" Makoto whined at Rin's joke, which made Rin full out laugh.

"Sorry, Sorry. But it's true."

"Yeah, Rin. That's mean." Haru said, cutting into the conversation.

"Well, I guess if the one and only Haru-chan says that's mean, then I guess I should stop." Rin teases, which causes Haru to full on glare at him. He knows what he's doing. Stupid Rin.

"Don't add -chan to my name, Rin."

"Gotcha, Haru-Chan-San~"

"I'll be right back." Haru glared at Rin, putting his hands on the top of the table to boost himself up as he turned and walked towards the restroom.


Haru sighed once more as he opened the restroom door to head back to their table. Besides, it was only a lunch with Rin after not seeing him for who knows how long. The remainder of lunch couldn't be that bad, right? Besides, Makoto is sure to have sensed his distress by now, and will probably take over and do most of the talking.

But when the table came back into Haru's range of sight, he took a sharp gasp. There at the table, Rin had moved from his seat into the seat next to Makoto. From what Haru could see, Makoto's face was beet red from whatever Rin was telling him. But Haru could pretty much guess what was going on thanks to Rin's body language.

He was sitting close to Makoto, to the point where their thighs were touching. And in Haru's opinion, that was too close for comfort. Rin continued talking to Makoto, playing with his hair in the process. And the way Rin laid his head on his hand, most likely staring at Makoto intensely gave Haru the feeling that Rin was saying something among the lines of flirting.

Rin was a natural at flirting, so it didn't take Haru that long to learn the things. But watching as Makoto's already red face became even redder as whatever words Rin spoke, Haru didn't take that as a good sign. He remembered the incident with Nagisa a few years back, and did not want Rin to get as good a chance as Nagisa did because Haru was gone for too long.

So Haru narrowed his eyes and marched right on over to the table. When Haru approached the table, he cleared his throat to gain the attention of both Rin and Makoto. Makoto squeaked when he first saw Haru, while Rin jumped slightly, but turned around to face Haru, his eyes still filled with confidence and determination.

"Yo, Haru." Rin smirked as he turned his entire body around so he was facing him. "That was quite a while in the restroom. You alright?"

"I'm fine." Haru hissed as he attempted to pull Rin out of the seat. "But you're in my seat, so please move."

"But Haru," Rin started, pouting as he looked up at him. "You always get to sit by Makoto. Why can't I sit by him for a little bit?"

"Because I don't want you to sit by him. Move." Haru said, making sure that he emphasized the 'move', trying to get the point across that what he said was final.

"But Haru~" Rin whined as he didn't move from the spot, angering Haru even more. "Can't I just sit by him for a little bit?"

"Rin. I said. Move." Haru said, punctuating each word, trying to get Rin to understand. But Rin must of thought this was a game because he stood up so he could be at eye level with Haru.

"There, I moved. But how about you and me sit next to each other so we don't fight over him, yeah?"

"I don't want to sit by you." Haru says coldly as he pushes past Rin to pull Makoto out of his seat. "We'll be leaving now."

"Wait, what?!" Rin said exasperated as he followed Haru as he dragged Makoto out the door of the cafe. "But we haven't even ordered yet!"

"We all got water, so we don't have to pay anything." Haru replied back, turning his head to give Rin one of his signature glares, but he could also see the confusion written all over Makoto's face. Haru will explain to him maybe later, but not now.

As Haru walked away from a very angry Rin with a very confused Makoto, his mind was swarming with thoughts of his own.

How is he supposed to keep Makoto away from people interested in him for 5 more years?!


"Man, that was sure a long party..." Makoto groaned as he sat on the couch in him and Haru's shared apartment. "But it was still fun, I'm glad we got to see everyone. It has been a long time."

"Yeah." Haru agreed from the kitchen, cleaning up the remains of the mess from the party earlier. Today was November 19th, and it was the day of Makoto's birthday celebration of finally turning 25. All their friends had come up to Tokyo to celebrate yesterday, but today was the actual party date they had all agreed on.

And as usual, they all had made a mess. Which Haru would have to clean up.

"Hey, Haru," Makoto asked from the couch as Haru put the final dishes into the dishwasher. "Are we really 25 already?"

"Yeah, we are. We went over this yesterday and the day before." Haru said casually as he walked over, and sat next to Makoto on the couch, taking a break from his cleaning duties.

"I know, I know." Makoto chuckled softly, before turning his head to smile at Haru. "But it seems like just yesterday we were still in highschool. But we're not anymore, we're adults."

"Yeah," Haru agreed, remembering how nostalgic his times in highschool were. "But being an adult does have it's perks. We don't have to wake up early for school anymore."

"We still have to wake up early, Haru."

"Yes, but not for school."

"True, True." Makoto said, laughing.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Haru said suddenly, standing up and started walking towards his bedroom.

"I'll be right back, I got to go get something for you."

"Huh? Something for me?" Makoto stared at Haru incredulously as Haru walked out of the living room and into his room. He was barely gone a minute before he came back, hands behind his back. "Haru?"

"Don't worry Makoto, it's nothing bad." Haru smiled sincerely as he sat went to stand in front of Makoto. "It's just another birthday present I got for you."

"Another one?" Makoto asked, his eyes widening as he glanced up at Haru, who was still smiling at him like he was the best thing in the entire world. Makoto was sure that his cheeks were already starting to turn a crimson red. "But you already got me a present, Haru. One was enough!"

"Makoto, it took a lot of convincing even to let me get you one present. You kept on going on about 'how you being my friend is a good enough, so I don't need a present'."

"Yes, but-"

"Makoto." Haru's stern, yet gentle voice was enough to make Makoto stop what he was going to say, and just stare up at his best friend. "Please, just hear me out."

Makoto couldn't believe his own ears. Haru had just pleaded with him to let him give him this present, and Makoto figured out that whatever it was, Haru must have put a lot of time and thought into this gift. Makoto smiled softly at Haru and nodded his head, giving him his consent.

"Thank you." Haru said honestly as he slowly dropped down onto one knee, and took one of Makoto's hands in his own, one of his hands still hiding his present behind his back. "I've been stressing this idea for a while now, wondering if I should even do it. Part of me said I should, since it was a promise. But the other side said I shouldn't because it was just a childish promise that you probably have forgotten about."

"But as time went on, I realized I had to do this. Not only because I promised you, but because I realized I was falling in love with you. Makoto, I know this is sudden and you're probably going to say no, but will you please marry me?"

After Haru said those words, Makoto gasped as Haru revealed the item he hid behind his back to be a small box. As Haru opened the said box, inside was a ring. The ring had a beautiful gold band, with beautiful curved lines as decoration on the band. But the gem itself was the most beautiful, in Makoto's opinion. It was a light blue that shined radiantly in the light of the room.

"H-Haru..." Makoto barely choked out as his vision slowly started to become cloudy as his eyes started to tear up. "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!"

Haru's eyes widened in shock as Makoto leaned forward and gave Haru the tightest, yet most sincere hug. Haru hadn't expected Makoto to say yes, he honestly only expected him to laugh it off and tell him that it was just a stupid promise they made as children. They'd find the right one, eventually.

But here Makoto was, crying tears of joy as he hugged Haru, repeatedly chanting "Yes". Haru smiled to himself as he returned the hug, happier than he had ever been in his entire life.

It seemed the promise they made as children did lead them to the right person eventually. It just took them 11 years to figure out that the person they were looking for was right beside them all along.


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