Special Chapter! Halloween Scares!
A group sat in a dimly lit room late at night in a tall office building talking about a plan. Most were tired, others were somehow still energetic. They sat around a long wooden table as they all threw things out there, some much dumber than others.
A man with Green hair bounded into the room closely followed by a man with white and red hair who didn't share his enthusiasm.
"Happy Halloween everyone!" The green haired man exclaimed as he started chasing people around the room with a knife. They of course ran around the table at full speed from the crazy man behind them.
"Midoriya." The other man said. The shorter one stopped to look at him. "You're getting distracted." He said to him plainly without blinking. The shorter male blinked at him then smiled as he put away his knife.
"I know Todoroki. I'm just having some fun." He said as he sauntered over to the man in the door way.
"So. What are we doing tonight? Chaos? Destruction? Scares? Trick or Treating? Blowing things up? Speaking of which where's Bakugo?" Midoriya asked in rapid succession not letting anyone else talk.
"He said something about scaring children." A woman with pink skin said as she waved her hand about. "Sounded fun to me. I think I might join him."
"Ooo. Scaring children. How?" He asked as he walked closer to the woman.
"He dressed up like something and is sitting on his house doorstep not moving so when children get close he can scare the living daylights out of them." Mina said as she got stars in her eyes.
"He's the only one who can do that since he has a good public image along with Kirishima." Momo said from the other side of the table.
"Ooo ooo ooo!!! What if we made a haunted fort in our old warehouse that's owned by Bakugo's company that's never used. We get to scare teenagers and made money in the process!!!" Mina cheered as she stood up from her seat. Midoriya snapped and pointed at her.
"Nice Mina!! This will be great! We of course can't attack them, but this will be the scariest fort they will ever had been." Midoriya said with a wicked grin and laugh. "Let's goo!!"
They all filled out of the room, into the hall, to the elevators, down to the parking garage, into vehicles, and drove off.
"Someone should tell Bakugo and Kirishima what we're up to. They'd love to be apart of it." A brown haired woman said as she drove her car load to their destination.
"I will I will!!" A voice said seemingly out of nowhere. After a few seconds the deed was done.
Blasty McSplodeykill
Sounds interesting
Fine we're coming
Don't touch anything
till we're there you hear!!!!
"They're coming!!" Hagakure cheered as she turned off her phone. "He doesn't want us to touch anything though."
Soon the car stopped and a few more arrived. They all filled out and towards the dark looming building before them. Midoriya got the door open and they all walked in as he flipped the switch. The lights came on and they saw what was in there. Weapons and gauntlets filled the room. Dust and ash from explosions was on the floor and walls. Chains hung from the ceiling high above them. Staircases and hallways lead to different places throughout the warehouse.
After they all took a look around they heard the door open behind them. Bakugo and Kirishima walked in. Each looking horrifying. Bakugo looked like a zombie. His skin had a greenish tint and fake wounds and blood covered his body. His normal spiky hair was matted and dirty. He wore casual clothes that were dirty, ripped, and covered in fake blood. Using makeup, he had big bags under his eyes, and prominent cheekbones. He was missing a shoe and was wearing a dirty old looking tennis shoe on the other. Kirishima looked like a werewolf. He had fake ears sticking out. Fur that was probably glued to him along with fangs and claws that looked way to real. Furry legs and arms with a torn shirt and pants. With a tail hanging out the back.
That's one way to scare children.
"Sooo... they're ready to scare teens. Let's get started shall we. While we get started someone can make and print flyers then hang them up around town. Now let's get going. We'll put..." As Midoriya handed out jobs and the plan of action Bakugo and Kirishima walked the rest of the way in and looked around to make sure nothing was out of place.
After about an hour everything was ready to go. Flyers had been put up. The route for the teens was prepared. Everyone was in costume and position. The scares were in place and teens were coming.
When they first walked in they couldn't see anything. They stumbled forward blindly. Then a flash of light and they saw a man in front of them. Flashes of light kept going as the man walked closer, holding a knife. He seemed normal. He was wearing an oxford shirt, black dress pants and shoes, a black vest, a green tie to match his hair and eyes, and black leather fingerless gloves. It was the look on his face, the smile he wore like he was ready to kill them that was terrifying. They all screamed and after a flash of light he disappeared. He appeared to their left and the teens would run forward. And his laughter would follow them. After turning left down the passageway provided they came into a larger more open room. It was filled with weapons and chains as they walked the path provided. Suddenly people appeared from behind the tables. A woman with brown hair who looked like a dead soldier, a hulking man with brown hair who was holding swords dressed like a special ops, and a giant bird creature appeared behind them. As the teens ran forward the people from that room chased them across the room until they went into the hallway and to the right.
Coming into the next room, it was a long hallway with knives stuck in the walls, and executioner blades hanging from the ceiling. Fake blood and guts was everywhere. A hand popped out next to the teens causing them to scream, more hands appeared and a man fell out of the wall behind them. He had a tail as he grabbed a knife from the wall. He looked at them from behind a mask. He took a step forward and they screamed and ran. Turning to the right they came into a room that looked like it was underground.
Stalactites and stalagmites were on the floor and ceiling with an Eerie green light coming from above. A woman who resembled a frog appeared. Her face completely covered with a limb missing. Another woman with pink skin and dark eyes appeared. Her clothing ripped as she limped towards them with dead eyes. Screaming they ran out and into the next room.
It was filled with doors and was better lit. The doors opened and slammed closed without rhyme or reason. Then a man stumbled out one of the doors ahead of them. His angry and loathing glare putting them on edge. His scar over his left eye not helping. A man came out from behind them. His white hair covering his eyes, his 6 arms spread out and started growing more and getting longer. Screaming they ran towards the angry man infront of them. They felt the room temperature drop as they passed, they both slowly paced after them.
They walked into the next room. It looked like a stage with various instruments. A woman was sitting on the stage in a rocker outfit. She looked up, her face was white and her eyes red. A man appeared behind her, his blonde hair going out to the sides, he cackled with electricity, and the lights flashed before going out. An emergency exit sign was before them, running that way the teens turned left and into another room.
This room was plain. With a table and some chairs in it. A woman with black hair was there. Her red dress was torn and she looked horrified. A very short man appeared out of nowhere and walked towards them, making groping motions with his hands, a very perverted look on his face. That was just disgusting, not even scary. Until someone else appeared. A cop who was bleeding out approached them with handcuffs. He was saying some random gibberish as he looked them in the eyes, his black hair hanging over his face. He suddenly dashed at them screaming something incomprehensible. They ran out took a right into the next room.
They could see the outside at the other end of the room. There was nothing in the room. Then a over head light flashed on, and they saw what looked to be a giant spider on his web on the ceiling. He looked down at them with 8 glowing red eyes. Then bugs crawled out of the cracks in the floor, the walls, the ceiling, even through the door towards them. They screamed and ran towards the only open exit at the other side.
Now out in the open they saw a graveyard. It was foggy with lights placed around to lead them. Tombstones stuck up around them. They heard a howl then a crack. They looked to the left to see a hand pop out of the ground followed by an arm, a second arm, a head, shoulders, chest, torso, hips, a leg, a second leg, then the zombie was free. His torn flesh and matted blonde hair, and ruby red eyes screamed zombie and death as they watched him shamble towards them. He let out a deafening howl as he quickened his pace. They started running towards the exit.
Up ahead they heard another howl. A werewolf appeared off to the left as he began running towards them on all fours. With a zombie and a werewolf chasing them the teens ran out of the graveyard thus ending the haunted house. They'd definitely be coming back next year.
After the night came to a close all of the adults got together back in the warehouse. They laughed joyously as they told each other the screams they caused and heard. Counting up the money they earned quite a lot.
"Let's do this next year! It's a good way to earn money without killing people, plus we get to scare teens." Midoriya said as he tucked his knife away into his back pocket.
"Hell yeah! Let's come up with better stuff next year, we had no time to plan this!(just like me with this chapter)" Bakugo protested as he washed out his hair so it would be soft again. Kirishima was removing his fur and other things as he listened quietly.
"I think this was a fairly good Halloween. Let's kill some people next year though!" Uraraka suggested.
"Not here idiot! When we're done obviously! If someone got killed here our cover could get blown!" Bakugo shouted as he let sparks go off in his hands as he tried to help Kirishima.
"Yeah yeah got it. Let's just go already." Uraraka said as she made her way towards the car. Everyone soon followed suit and Kirishima and Bakugo left in the car they came in.
1928 words! Happy Halloween everyone! Hoped you liked the special chapter! Make sure to brush your teeth! You don't need cavities!!!
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