Chapter 2 Causing Chaos

He and Kirishima climbed into the unassuming car with a brown haired girl at the wheel.
The redhead glanced at his sadistic looking boss who looked ready to blow things up now that he was in his costume. His costume had various sharp things in places so he could stab people, including spikes on his knee pads. He looked like a human grenade with a mask that covered his eyes.

He clutched his knees tightly as the brown haired girl drove them out of the parking garage and into the streets. Anticipating the rush of adrenaline that was soon to come. After awhile she pulled into another parking garage and he and Kirishima walked out.
"What's this rampage for?" The girl asked Kirishima before she drove away.

He leaned forward and whispered behind his hand.
"He just wanted to cause some chaos but it will be beneficial for us because it will help use up the cities funds and give us more info on the pros, not to mention it should help him blow off steam." The girl nodded and the temperamental blonde yelled at his friend to hurry up.

Waving goodbye to the cheery girl he followed after Bakugo. They scaled a building and from there jumped roof tops until they were towards the heart of the city. Bakugo perched at the edge of a particular tall building as he watched the people below. He was leaning on his knee to watch the people below.

"Look at those simple minded idiots. They have no idea what's about to happen." He said to his companion with a devilish smirk on his handsome features as he watched his victims wander aimlessly below.
I've missed this.
"No sir. They won't know what hit them." His companion said from behind him. Turning around the blonde spoke.
"Shall we?" He asked gesturing to the edge.

"Yes sir. I'll have you back before midnight." The redhead replied as he walked forward out of the darkness into the light the streets provided.
"Good. Now. Let's begin." The blonde said as he turned around. Without warning he jumped off the building. The redhead jumped after him. Wind whistled in their ears as they sailed towards the pavement below. People looked out their windows as they watched two blurs race past. The blonde increased his speed with his quirk and angled himself to where he was flying head first towards the pavement. Just as he was about to reach street light level he suddenly jerked upwards and put his hands in front of him to let off a huge explosion that ruined most of the street that stopped his decent in the process. Landing on his feet in the cracked and ruined street the blonde looked around. Dust and fires were everywhere. Lights flickered and rubble was falling from destroyed buildings. He rolled his neck and it gave a sickening crack.
It's good to be back.

The other half of the street that wasn't ruined suddenly was, as his companion smacked the pavement, creating a huge crater. The whole street shook as the man stood up unharmed with a sadistic look to his masked face as he walked out of the crater. Most of the buildings were wrecked by now from the explosion and mini earthquake that transpired and the street would take weeks to fix. People were running in all directions, trying to get away from the villains that appeared out of nowhere. Bakugo, laughing like a maniac, chased after them while blowing up buildings.
Run! Run! Run like the rats you are!

Kirishima meanwhile was destroying the foundations to make them easier for Bakugo to destroy, and periodically hurting a civilian. Booms, crashes, rumbles, and cracks reverberated through the street at civilians attempted to escape the horror they were witnessing. Fire, smoke, and dust was everywhere as they ran around blindly, tripping on unforeseen rubble. Laughing filled their ears. Laughs of a mad man. They desperately tried to escape, but no one has ever escaped Ground Zero.

As Kirishima walked into a building an explosion went up behind him as his boots crunched on broken glass. He saw people peeking out from behind their hiding spots. Even though they couldn't see his face he gave a smile, but it wasn't a good one. The people coward before him.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." He said to them. But his distorted voice and eyes said otherwise. "That's his job." He said pointing over his shoulder before he punched the ground so hard he shook the whole building, which cracked the foundations. He quickly hardened his body as an explosion shook and destroyed most of the building. Rubble and debris fell around him as he stood as a building collapsed on top of him.

Walking out of the rubble with dust going up around him, he approached his best friend.
"What the fuck were you doing in there idiot?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" The man yelled as he punched his head repeatedly.
"Ouch! Stop it man! It was nothing just some rubble!" He said as he tried to block the blonde.

"Just rubble my ass! That was a whole fucking building shit-face!" He yelled at him as his hands sparked. The redhead smiled at him, and the blonde relaxed a bit but an irk was on his forehead.
"Are we almost done here?" He asked as he looked around. Satisfied with their work.

"Yeah. The pros should be here any second. We can beat some of their asses then leave. Shouldn't be too much trouble." He said smiling at him. He smiled right back. They gave each other a fist bump.
"Just like in high school." Kirishima said as they made their way towards the sirens. Bakugo smiled his wicked grin.

"Just like high school indeed." He said in a bone chilling voice as they walked out of the dust, and fire filled street so they could see the police officers and heroes milling about before them.
They all froze and turned their attention towards the villains who appeared out of nowhere.

"Freeze! Put your hands above your head!" One police officer said. Bakugo sighed.
"They're always so dull. Why can't they ever be fucking fun?! Amuse me you fucks!" He shouted at them. Getting into his fighting stance as the heroes and cops all tensed at the same time. There's no way two villains could take down this many pros, but then again they destroyed a whole city street in about 3 minutes.

Bakugo took a step forward. A pro used their quirk to try to incapacitate Bakugo, and him. Thinking it had worked they all relaxed. Until they heard Bakugo laughing.
"You think your weak ass quirk will hold me?" He said as he looked them dead in the eye with murder written all over his face. "Then you're dead wrong. Red Riot, lets get this over with an go home. They're boring me." He said as his hands started to glow before the whole street was lit up with an explosion.

Back at a different building a man slowly drank some water as he watched the news.
"Just in! Two villains that have yet to be identified have blown up an entire city street! Several civilians, police officers, and pro heroes are gravely injured or have been killed. Reports say that it was probably the elusive duo villains who go by the name Red Riot and Ground Zero, who have only been seen once. They're motives are unclear! But all they've done is cause destruction. Why are they doing this? At-" The man turned the TV off.

"Dear me. Those two causing trouble again. But I guess it benefits us so I'm not complaining. They have yet to figure out who they are yet, so I guess they're careful about that. It seems they're doing ok though. I'll have to pay them a visit tomorrow." He said as he stood up. His green eyes glaring out from behind his black and green hair. His unhinged mentality putting everyone in the room on edge.
"I'll come with you sir." Someone said from behind him. Turning around he made eye contact with one blue eye, and one grey eye. Both cold as ice.

"Sure Todoroki. You may do as you wish. Just don't piss off Bakugo, we don't need another building destroyed again. We're lucky we have Kirishima to keep his temper under control." The younger male replied. "For now I'm going to bed. Good night everyone." He called in a sing song voice.

A.N. 1435 words! I'll make chapters longer soon! I'm having a hard time coming up with chapters but I know how this book will go down! I hope you liked it! Tell me if you have any suggestions!

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