chapter 29

I chomped through my tongue today, uh.. Yeah.. Not fun

Mui pov

I sat with genya, he was fluffing up my hair while I was laying my head on his lap, it was nice.. Really nice..

Genya and I had been getting super close, and I.. I loved it.. I loved him..

I had a feeling that.. Maybe he'd.. Confess soon.. Or.. Maybe not

I hope so.. We both know we like each other.. He's helped me through do much, I really hope we.. We will start dating.. I don't know if I'm ready though..

I love him.. I really do.. What if things don't turn out..? What if we aren't right for each other..

I love him though.. I wanna date him.. I do.. But.. Am I really ready for one..?

I hope so.. It's now or never.. Maybe.. Maybe it could work..?

"Hmm.. Mui are we gonna keep this short?" He asked, playing with my hair, I thought for a moment, "Maybe.. I'll keep it short for a while.. It's a lot less stress.." I said, "slot less brushing.. Washing.. Products.. Plus it's a lot lighter.." I added

Genya nodded, he rubbed my head "it's quite nice actually.. Suits you well, it feels nice too, nice and short, sure your long hair was adorable, it it really shows your face shape like this, it makes you look really pretty actually.." He said, I thanked him, flustered a little,

"Mhm.. Really pretty, you have a really nice face shape, and simple, light features.." He said, looking st my face, it made me feel happy..

"You're really nice too.. Nice looking aha.. Your scars compliment you really well.. The tree like a signature thing.. No one else has scars like yours.." I said, he smiled st me, it was a very genuine smile, "thank you mui.. I don't think I'm that attractive though" "you are.. You're really sweet looking.."

Genya tilted his head, and patted mine, "you're much prettier though, always will be, no matter what hair cut, or other things"

I smiled, "you too gen, you're pretty too, and don't deny it.."

Why were we being so.. I dont know.. There wasn't a way to explain it.. But him complimenting me, playing with my hair.. It gave me butterflies...


Genya pov

This is your chance genya.. He likes you back.. He does.. Come on.. You can do it.. I know you can..

It's so scary though.. Ahh.. What if he's not ready..? What if I fuck it all up..? I could ruin all his progress if he's uncomfortable..

Ahh.. Maybe you shouldn't..?

No no.. It's okay.. If he rejects me.. That's on me.. Not him..

How do I ask..?!

Hey mui.. We've been through slot together.. And I want to ask you something..

Nope.. No shot..

Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something for a very.. Very long time..

Nope, sounds like a marriage proposal..

Mui, it's okay if you don't feel the same.. But.. I've liked you for.. So long..

Aughhh... Come on genya, get yourself together!

It'll be alright.. Right..? What if I get in shits for it.. What if he hates me..?

Ahh.. It's okay.. Just.. Take him somewhere special.. The beach.. Watch the sunset, compliment him.. And then boom.. Done.. Say it..

But what if he hates me..


Why is this so scary..

Come on genya.. You can do this..

"Mui?" I let out, I heard a mumble, "want to go to the beach? I heard the sunset will be pretty tonight.." I asked, he tilted his head, "Ohhh, Mhm, I'll go get something warm on.." He said

I saw him go in my room, before coming out with another one of my band hoodies..

I sighed..

He's lucky he's adorable..

He came back out, and smiled st me, like nothing was wrong

"Nice hoodie" "Mm, it's my favorite" "it's mine" "I knowww" he said with a silly face

(Best way for me to describe that face is :3 but yeah, it'd be a cute little face)

I ruffled his hair, and we walked to the beach, it was starting to get to the sunset, we stopped st the dairy to get ice cream..

When at the beach, we sat down, and ate our ice creams, mui giggling, telling me jokes, and being adorable as always..

"Mhm, ah, the sunsets cool.. The colours are so pretty.."

"They really are.."

I wanted to say something cheesy, like:

So are you..

but.. Decided against it..

Once we had both finished our ice creams, I finally got the nerve..

"Hey mui.."


This is it.. This is your only chance..

"Ehm.. I had been keeping this.. Somewhat if a secret, but I think it was obvious.. I.. I like you.. I really do.. You're so pretty, so lovely.. So kind.. And I'm so happy I could get you through everything in your life.." I said

I watched muis eyes light up

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way.. I just.. Ah.. Needed to get that off of my chest.."

Mui smiled, "I.. I love you too.. I've liked you for a while.. I.." He said, his eyes filled up with tears, and he smiled..

"Genya.. I.. I love you.."

"I love you too.."

We both looked st each other happily..

"Muichiro.. Will you be my boyfriend..?"

"Y-Yes... Yes I will.."

. ......

(Story still continues btw-)

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