chapter 10

Mui pov

Finally.. it's the end of the day.. oh-


I have.. I have to go to his..

I can't see yui. Uh.. it'll be okay, it's just one day. Nothing bad will happen to him.. right..?

I called his number he gave me..


Okay.. there's no going back now..

Hello..? Is this gyokko?

Ahh~ hello there~

Uh.. where do I go to get to yours..?

114 flowern street~ be there in ten.

Uh- what's the way to it..? Like is there a-

He.. hung up on me-

I'll just put it into Google maps, what was it.. 114 flowern street..? No- 144.. mkay..

It's only a 7 minute walk from my school.. hm.. I could prolly get to the hospital after, visit yui.. but it depends when he makes.. or really let's me Finnish, because visiting hours end at eight..

I started walking to his house..

"Flowern street.." I said outloud, I looked at all the houses while walking by. It didn't seem like a very good neighborhood.. well.. he didn't seem very-

He didn't seem like he'd be in a good one.. I'm just going to say that..

I found his house.. it looked.. not well taken care of- even my apartment is better than that.. and I'm 15..

I just brace myself and walk in.

"I- hello..?" I ask, it was.. quite a mess in the hallway-

"Hello~" I hear, basicly giving me a jumpscare. I look behind me, and he was there, he was just about to grab a portion of my hsir before I moved his hand away..

"Hey so uh.. what do I clean..?" I ask, he smiled. "Well, there's lots of things. But~ just do the kitchen first~" gyokko told me, grasping for my hair again and actually touching it this time. He started twirling it around his fingers as I dragged it out of his gross.. gross fingers..

"Ahh.. I want hair like yours- so pretty~" he tells me, making me a little uncomfortable

"Aha.. thank you.." I say, trying to avoid him. "Have you ever measured it?~" He asks, I shake my head. "Ah, you should~ it'd be very long~" he tells me, I smile and nod again, wanting him to stop talking about it..

"So, I'm going to find the kitchen.. and I'll clean it.." I tell him, slightly backing away. Not wanting to be near him

"I can guide you~" he says, walking up with me and wrapping one arm around my waist, making me ten times more uncomfortable.

"No.. I think it's okay aha.." I tell him, trying to get his arm off my waist. He clearly didn't like that and continued to hold my hips now.. "So.. the kitchens just on the left from here~" he tells me. I nod, and try to get away.

He finally let's me go and walks away. I look back at the kitchen I'm supposed to clean, there were alot.. ALOT of dirty plates, just kinda stacked up. "Does he not have a dishwasher..?" I ask myself, he didn't.. this was going to be very tedious

I grabbed a sponge and dishwashing liquid and started scrubbing them. My hair was really getting in the way, it'd slip off my shoulder and on the water, so the ends of my hair were wet..


I'm almost done..visiting hours are probably over so I can't see yui tonight.. I'm sure he's okay though.

I have 5 more bowls left and a few glasses..
And then I have to wipe the bench.. so only a little while-

I felt my hair being grabbed and looked behind me, "hello~" I hear. "Hi.." I reply, "your doing a wonderful job~" he says, putting his hands near my hips. I move a little to stop him touching me, he went for my hair again, he started to twirl it around his fingers. "How is your hair so silky?~" He asks, starting to braid it, I just closed my eyes and breathed while he played with my hair, stroking it top to bottom. "I-uh.. just genetics.." I tell him. "Ohh~ same person you got the teal ends from?~" He asks, I nod. "Ah~"

He took apart the braid and stroked it again, very slowly though..

"You along with your hair, very beautiful, your a very pretty young man~" he tells me, I just nod. Feeling even more uncomfterble. He moved his hands on my waist and pulled me a little closer to him. "Uh- please stop.." I tell him, he stops and I felt his aura slightly change..

"Sorry~" he says, putting his hands on my hair, he grabs my arm and slides his hand down it in a sexual way before taking my hairtye of my wrist..

He smiled at me, than stroked my hair.. he started braiding it again, he tied it off. "There~ all done~" he said, before putting it over my shoulder. "Thanks.." I replied. He stroked the top part of the hair, then adjusted my fringe, "very pretty~" he says again. I nod, "well~ you can stop there and continue next time~ see you~" he said, I nod and he puts his arm around my waist and guides me to the door. I walk out, "Bye gorgeous~" he says, I nod and walk out..

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