On the last week of November, everyone in the company had been busy for the preparation of Seokjin and Soobin's birthday celebration. Since their birthdays are literally just a day apart, it became the usual to just celebrate it in one go and make everything grand.
And by grand, they mean g r a n d.
They either be celebrating it in the Choi's main mansion or at their private island, some year at a luxurious hotel, or even at another country. The list is basically endless.
Almost every business people are invited along with famous artists, since they obviously manage ones. And then the press would also be there and do their job and by the end of the night, everybody would know just how magnificent their party was.
For this year, it was rumored that the party will be held at Seokjin's new villa and the preparation has been going on for days now. And the country's already anticipating what they have up their sleeves for this year's celebration.
However, there is a certain someone who's about to lose his mind.
He kept thinking about it for a week now but he still got no idea what the fuck he should get Soobin.
His gift for Seokjin has been organized already so it's one problem off the list but just what on earth should he gift Soobin with?
The guy arranged a trip on a cruise ship for his birthday how could he top that? (yeah, they didn't got the chance to actually experience that but it's the thought that counts, okay?)
And so we have Yeonjun here, in his room, having a mental breakdown on his bed, in front of his cousin Taehyung who's just staring at him weirdly.
He trashed about on his bed, kicking the covers off and hitting the pillows while also groaning out of exhilaration. "WHY CAN'T I THINK OF ANYTHING? THIS IS DRIVING ME MAD!"
Taehyung threw his scarf at his face, causing the younger male to glare at him and roll again on his bed. "Can you stop? I don't get why it's such a big deal. You can just-I don't know, get him a car or something?"
Yeonjun groaned again. Taehyung sent him a creeped-out look from the couch he was sitting on. "I can't, I already bought Jin hyung that."
"The fuck? You never bought me one! And I'm your cousin!"
"You have loads of it, you don't need another one."
"I see how it is, traitor." The gray haired male threw a pillow at Yeonjun.
"Ow! Can you stop throwing things at m- hey! I said stop!"
"No." and Taehyung threw his socks at him.
Yeonjun screeches and moved his way off the bed to avoid the socks. "Ew! What the heck? That's disgusting, you stinky!"
"Who you calling stinky, huh? Buttface?" Taehyung grabbed his slipper and threatened to hurl it on his face.
"What? You're deaf now?"
And he flung it.
Yeonjun managed to dock on time thus, dodging the possible damage.
"I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me."
"Oh yeah? But I can call Bogum hyung and tell him about your cru-"
"Do it, I dare you. And you'll never see any mint chocolate flavored food on this planet ever again." Taehyung widened his eyes at Yeonjun in a cautioning manner, making the younger pout and lie down again on the bed.
Yeonjun sighed. He still has no idea what to get Soobin and the party's later today. If he showed up empty handed, he'll be doomed.
Just why is it so hard to think of something?
"Okay. I've had enough," he heard Taehyung said and he turned to watch the elder got up from the couch and slowly strides over to where he is. He then felt the bed shifted because of his cousin's weight. "why are you so stressed about it?"
Yeonjun faced Taehyung and hugged the male's waist, "Hyungggieee~ I don't know what to get him." He whined while Taehyung tried his best to get the whiny male off of him.
"I already suggested you tons of gifts but you don't want them."
"Because they're not enough!"
"What the fuck do you want to give him then? A star?"
That made Yeonjun let go of Taehyung and he hastily sat up to shake the male by his shoulders. "Can I really do that? Can I? Can I?"
In that moment, Taehyung thought that his cousin had really lost his mind. He silently prayed for his last remaining braincells to be saved.
"Junnie, honey," he called out, the younger male nodded his head as a sign he's listening. "are you nuts?"
"Of course you can't! You'll be burned before you even give him that! And how will you even get one, huh?"
Yeonjun got sulky again, the light coming from the window illuminating his sullen expression. "Maybe I should just give up and not get him anything." He looked up to Taehyung and tilted his head, his brows furrowing. "Do you think he'll believe me if I say I don't know it's his birthday?"
Taehyung could only facepalm and wish he could teleport.
At last, it's the night of the party.
Ladies are showing off their expensive stunning dresses of different colors while the gentlemen are there, sporting their dress-shirts and classy tux in front of each other.
Some of the media are already at the front gates of the venue, hoping to capture just a little glimpse of the event to be splashed on the news front page.
As expected, the villa didn't disappoint. It's one of the most beautiful places these people have ever attended to, with its huge front yard that could pass as a city park and its breathtaking mansion that looks like it came out of a fairytale's book since its structures resembles a castle.
Seokjin totally knows what he's doing when he decided to buy this land and renovate it.
Soobin's parents are inside the place, entertaining the guests as they shared stories and greetings. They welcomed each of their guests with open arms and thanked them for having the time to attend their sons' birthday.
I mean, who in their right mind would dare reject their invitation?
But anyways, as the moon continues to rise up and as the people slowly fill the venue, one of the birthday celebrants is still nowhere to be seen.
And a particular someone's starting to get worried as fuck because where on earth is he? He's even supposed to be there before him because hello? That's his birthday celebration?
Yeonjun excused himself from his friends and said he'll be out for a moment. Beomgyu offered to accompany him but he kindly refused, saying he won't be out for long. Taehyun told him not to do anything stupid and Kai just simply told him not to wander too far before dismissing him.
Once he's finally out of the mansion, the brown haired male went to the corner where not many people are gathered. Thankfully, he only had to bump and greet a few acquaintances before making his way out. And that brought him here now, at this cabin-like swing as he carefully sat down and fished out his phone to dial this person.
He doesn't have to wait that long since after two rings, the person already picked up.
"Is being late at your own party a habit of yours?" Yeonjun spoke, his eyes inspecting the crowd from afar, where the lights and all that sounds were coming from.
But the only sound he wants to hear at the moment is from the one on the other end of the line.
"Perhaps it is." He heard Soobin chuckled quietly, making his lips curled up a little.
"Are you on your way? There are loads of people already."
"I'm already here."
Yeonjun stood up upon hearing that, frowning as he paces forward to exit the cabin-like swing. "Where are you?"
"Behind you."
The male swiftly turned around when those words resonated and when he did, he immediately spotted that familiar bunny looking face, holding a phone close to his ear with a small smile on his lips.
Soobin raised his other arm and leisurely waved at Yeonjun. The moonlight hit him just right, giving Yeonjun the perfect opportunity to admire the male's appearance. He stood there, with his black turtle neck tucked beneath his dark coat and his hair fixed lazily with his bangs falling just above his eyes.
And Yeonjun knew it wasn't because of the winter air that his breath hitched.
Slowly, he walked towards the tall male and stopped just a foot away in front of him.
"Hi." He breathed out onto the phone.
"Hi." Soobin replied, talking on the phone too as if they weren't staring right into each other's eyes.
A second later, a grin broke out in each of their faces as they ended the call and put their phones away.
Soobin found the courage to take a few steps closer.
And just when he halted his steps, tiny drops of white started falling from the sky as if they were scripted and the both of them were actors in a cheesy romance drama.
The occurrence made their grins even wider and Yeonjun let out a giggle as he shakes his head, "What is this cliché coincidence?"
"I don't know," Soobin shrugged. "Want to make it even more cliché?"
"How?" Yeonjun furrowed his brows, his head tilting a little to the side while he stares up at the raven haired male.
"With this."
He was taken aback when Soobin held his chin with his fingers and tilted his head upwards as the taller male leaned down to give him a chaste kiss on his lips. It took him by surprise that he could only let Soobin steal a kiss from him.
When the latter pulled away at last, Yeonjun saw him sent a smirk his way before letting go of his chin that didn't fail to make his heart skipped a beat.
They stood there, inches apart as they took their time to get lost in each other's eyes.
But like any other cliché romance drama, someone just had to show up and ruin the moment.
"Alright, cut that PDA bullshit. Everyone's looking for you, save that for later." Taehyung sassed while he gave the two males a disgusted look, making them backed away from each other with blushes covering their cheeks.
Taehyung cringed at them and turned around to return back to the mansion, "Gross couples. Getting brave and then acting flustered and shit. Eugh."
Yeonjun and Soobin were called upstairs moments ago to go and get Soobin to prepare. They then entered this one room and there they saw Seokjin together with Namjoon practicing a speech and Jin looks like he's bored as fuck.
"Do I really have to say all these?"
"Yes you do. Now, recite the second paragraph again."
Seokjin groaned and dramatically got up from the bed, "Why can't you do the talking instead while I just stand there beside you and be all pretty and shit?"
Namjoon followed the male and rolled his eyes. "Because it's not my party and you are the CEO here, honey."
"Watch me quit this positi-"
Soobin cleared his throat to get their attention while Yeonjun stood beside him and sheepishly waved.
Seokjin immediately went over to them with a smile on his face, Namjoon trailing after him. "Yeonjunnie! It's so good to see you here!" He then put his arms around the said male and ushered him to walk out the room with him. "Come with me, I'll show you this thing we prepared for the show later tonight."
Yeonjun only nodded his head and went with Jin but they were stopped when Namjoon spoke, "Where do you think you're going? You still haven't finished your speech!"
Jin looked over his shoulder to glance at Namjoon, "Soobin will do it, right Soob? I know you can do it!"
"How about no?" Soobin casually replied, walking over to them by the doorway and removed his brother's arm around Yeonjun and pulled the brown haired male back to his side.
"Oh come on! I don't want to stand there and give a longass dialogue like I'm running for presidency or something." The elder complained, crossing his arms over his chest like a little kid who got scolded in kindergarten.
"Not my problem," Soobin shrugged as he wrapped his arm around Yeonjun's waist. The shorter male got startled by the action but just let it be. He kinda likes the feeling of it, anyway.
"Honey, your speech?" Namjoon asked as he raised and waved the copy from his spot.
Seokjin groaned. "But-"
"I don-"
"Kim Seokjin."
"Fine!" Jin surrendered and walked over to Namjoon to snatch the paper on his hand.
"Good." Namjoon said while smiling, his cute lil dimples popping out as Seokjin glared at him.
"You're lucky I love you."
"You're lucky I love you."
"I think we should go," Soobin mumbled quietly just for Yeonjun to hear.
The brunette let out a silent giggle and nodded his head. "Yes, we should."
They then left the room for the couple to practice the said speech, Soobin's arm still wrapped around Yeonjun's waist as they both walked away.
The party began its frenzy an hour prior.
A known band blaring their song at the backyard while some of the attendees dance and sing their heads off, some of them inside the mansion, talking and boasting and all that shit. A few others lost their way because the place's so damn massive, a few trying to top one another's gift and the rest doing whatever they're doing.
Soobin and Yeonjun found their friends at the hall while they were greeting the guests that stumbled upon their way and they all decided to be together. So now they're here, chilling by the pool as they watched the crowd go wild at the performers on that stage.
Good thing the backyard has a roof of some sort so the snow wasn't that much of trouble. Though they could still admire it if they want since the walls in some corners are well, transparent.
"Damn it, my chicken fell." Beomgyu complained, getting the others attention as he stared down defeated at his former snack that is now lying there miserably on the ground.
Taehyun, who's sitting beside Beomgyu flicked his forehead. "Dumbo."
"Ow! That was uncalled for!"
"I can do what I want."
"Toe face."
"Chestnut looking headass."
"Stop calling me that!"
And the two continue exchanging remarks as Yeonjun watched them with a grimace on his face, the thought of disowning them flashed inside his head. Soobin also watched them with an amused look, secretly wanting to get a bowl of popcorn to enjoy his new found entertainment.
While Kai sat there, eating his food like the unbothered king that he is.
"I don't claim them anymore." The words left Yeonjun's mouth as he shook his head and divert his attention somewhere else, only to get blinded when the party lights struck his face.
"Okay. Wow."
"You look like you have major eye problem." Taehyun commented, earning a glare from Yeonjun but quickly shifted his glare when he heard the guy beside him laughed at the comment.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Nothing." Soobin replied, trying to suppress his laughter.
"What you mean nothing? You're agreeing with Taehyun?" the elder male intensified his glare. If daggers could be shot out of his eyes, Soobin would be bathing on his own pool of blood by now.
"No, no, I'm not." Soobin defended, raising both of his hands up.
"Lies." Beomgyu said, making Soobin looked at him, betrayed. "Oof, sorry hyung."
"From now on, our friendship is over."
"It's okay Yeonjun hyung, all of them are just mean." Kai consoled the elder, patting his back.
Yeonjun then turned towards Kai and squished the poor kid, "This is why Kai is my favorite! Y'all suck."
"Lemme go~"
"No~ let me hug you~"
"Poor Kai, Yeonjun hyung's infecting you with his ugliness." said Taehyun, reaching over to get his cup of soda, only to find out they got none left.
"Shut up, Kang."
"I'm gonna go get us more drinks and food." Soobin told the group as he stood up from his seat.
"I'll help you, hyung." Offered Beomgyu who's about to stand up too but Soobin shook his head.
"It's fine," he told the younger. He then leaned down a little to pat Yeonjun by his shoulder. "I'll be back."
The male nodded at him before he walked away.
Soobin doesn't know why he did that. He just got this feeling that he had to somehow inform Yeonjun that he's leaving, even though he could just simply leave.
But whatever, he has it done already.
The four of them watched Soobin walk towards the mansion and witnessed how a few people approached him, making Soobin halt his steps.
They dismissed it, thinking that those guys were probably just going to greet Soobin like the others earlier but confusion takes over their features when they heard Kai mumbled something. "Oh no."
Taehyun was the first to ask what was wrong.
Kai started to fidget around, gaining further puzzled looks from the other three who have no idea what's going on. "We have to go get Soobin hyung out there."
Upon hearing that, Yeonjun grew worried and concerned as he glanced back towards Soobin and the unknown men's direction.
"But why? They don't seem to be doing anything." Beomgyu asked, he too glancing and observing what's happening at the scene a few meters far from them.
The youngest of the group looked at each of their faces then looked up at his friend from a distance, then went back to the three around him. "The three other guys meant no harm, they're just a bunch of leeches but everyone knows that already."
"Leeches?" Taehyun asked, getting hooked on the conversation.
Kai nodded, "They're feeding off of money." Taehyun nodded in understanding.
"What about that guy?" Beomgyu pointed out the guy with a bleached hair, the one ahead of the other three and in front of Soobin.
Yeonjun doesn't say anything, he just listened and observed the situation.
Nobody knows what's going on through his mind right now.
"His name's Ji Ryu," Kai said, his tone laced with venom that the others did not expect from him. He's a ball of sunshine and he looks so soft and innocent that no one would ever presume such tone to leave his mouth.
So whoever that guy is, he's most probably done something deeply terrible.
"He's the rudest, foulest, most hostile creature ever." Taehyun and Beomgyu were taken aback, they didn't know what to say so they just let Kai continue. "He always wants to stir up something with Soobin hyung! I swear something's wrong with his brain! That insecure little piece of-where's Yeonjun hyung?"
As the three boys look up, they saw Yeonjun already striding his way towards the men.
"Oh shit," Beomgyu whispered.
"That Ryu-ck guy better hide." said Taehyun as they couldn't do anything but watch the inevitable.
Yeonjun has a blank expression on his face as he headed towards where Soobin is, and as he heard what this blonde fucker is saying, his blood already began to boil.
Just his voice was enough to ticked Yeonjun off.
"-aren't I right, Soobin?"
The guy must have noticed Yeonjun's presence because he just moved his head to look at him. A smirk then immediately plastered its way on his face.
"Oh look what we have here, Choi Soobin's lovely husband. Choi Yeonjun, isn't it?"
Soobin's breath got knocked out at the mention of the brunette's name. He shot Yeonjun a look as if to ask what he's doing there.
However, Yeonjun's focus was on this creature in front of them. And oh, how much would he love it to smack that stupid grin off his disgusting face.
"You came at the right moment, Yeonjun-ssi. We were just discussing about how Soobin right here, doesn't deserve all of these."
Yeonjun's breathing became ragged as he tried to calm himself down, just who the fuck does this guy think he is?
"And he definitely doesn't deserve a pretty guy like you too."
Something about those words killed a part of Soobin.
He felt his mouth running dry and his head started to get dizzy. He wants to say something, anything just to oppose that guy's claim. He wants to punch him in the face, tackle him to the ground and gauge his eyes off because he dared look at Yeonjun.
How dare he look at Yeonjun like that?
But his body felt weak and his knees felt like giving up because those words-that sentence-broke a part of him.
Is he worthy of a guy like Yeonjun? He began to question himself.
"You know," Yeonjun started with a smile, "you should carry a plant with you."
The guy called Ryu raised his brow questioningly, "And why is that?"
"So you could replace the oxygen you're wasting." Yeonjun answered, the smile he wore earlier was nowhere to be found.
"You got yourself a feisty one, eh? Soobin?" Ryu called out, smirking at the raven haired male.
"Do you see that? He can't even talk anymore. What a pathetic loser." That Ryu guy told his group who laughed at his words, making Yeonjun fume even more.
"Let me give you an advice, blondie." Yeonjun took a step closer, Ryu smiling smugly at him. "Shut your fucking mouth before my patience ran out, you hear me?"
Yeonjun then glance behind Ryu and glared at the three boys who were laughing their asses off a minute ago. "And as for you idiots, you should go and look for a much better leader instead of tolerating this insecure coward who knows nothing but to spit out lies to make himself feel good."
The smile on Ryu's face vanished into thin air and was replaced with a scowl, angered at Yeonjun's choice of words. "What did you sa-"
"I said you're an insecure asshole who has nothing compared to Soobin who's got everything you wish you have."
"You bitch-"
Yeonjun saw how Ryu raised his hand to slap him and he closed his eyes, awaiting the impact but nothing came. He fluttered his eyes open, confused as to why nothing happened, only to see Soobin basically twisting that guy's wrist.
"Don't you ever dare lay one filthy finger on my husband, Ryu." Soobin warned, his face all dark and threatening. He was almost unrecognizable that even Yeonjun got scared and felt chills running down his spine. "Or I'll make sure to make your life worse than hell."
Ryu obviously felt fear and pulled his wrist away from Soobin's tight hold. "We're not done, Choi."
He then walked away with that fake courage he made himself believe he has.
"What were you thinking?" Soobin asked Yeonjun once they were out of that scene.
When that Ryu guy went away, Soobin immediately turned to Yeonjun and dragged the male inside the mansion by his arm. The elder didn't even get time to react and was left with no choice but to let the taller male bring him inside.
Truth be told, Yeonjun was a little scared for what's about to happen because he never saw Soobin act like that before.
"I just-"
"Why did you do that!? What has gotten into you!?"
Soobin raised his voice that made Yeonjun flinched but he wasn't about to back down now so the shorter male swallowed the fright he felt inside the pit of his stomach.
"What do you want me to do? Sit there and watch while that guy insults you? Soobin you know I coul-"
"You should've stayed back! You don't know him!"
"And he doesn't know you! So why are you letting him say those words to you!"
The two males were practically yelling now, exchanging words with their voices raised high. Fortunately, there weren't any people present in that room that could witness this argument.
Soobin ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. He feels lots of different emotions at the same time that he can't handle them all. It was stupid, he knows. But he couldn't help himself and the person who's there with him happens to be Yeonjun and he knows he shouldn't let it out on him.
But here he is, doing exactly that.
"You still shouldn't have interfered. Fuck it, Yeonjun you even almost got yourself hurt!" Soobin raised his voice once again.
Yeonjun visibly flinched. He felt small, he wants to hide himself. And he could feel the stinging from the back of his eyes but he desperately hold them back.
He couldn't answer Soobin because once he speaks he knows that the tears will follow. So he just stands there, avoiding the other's gaze.
"Do you know how worried I was? Do you know how terrified I was when I saw that bastard raised his arm to hit you? I was so scared that you'll get yourself hurt! I don't want him hurting you-I don't want anyone hurting you Yeonjun! Do you know what that thought does to me!?" Soobin spat out, his thoughts running wild that he couldn't stop his mouth from letting them all out.
Yeonjun felt his chest tighten as he gathered the nerve to look at Soobin, "But I wasn't hurt, you were there. I know you wouldn't let anyone hurt me." He spoke, his voice small that it almost sounded like a whisper but Soobin managed to catch it.
"But what if I'm not there when someone tries to hurt you? You shouldn't do anything rash, you have to be careful."
"He was insulting you." Yeonjun croaked out, feeling vulnerable under Soobin's gaze.
"I can take it," Soobin retorted, "but I can't take it if it's you who's hurt."
"Why are we fighting? I don't like it." the brown haired male gave in to his tears and let them fall from his eyes, looking up at Soobin who felt his heart broke from the sight and realized how imbecile he was being.
"We're not fighting," he rushed over to Yeonjun and attempted to wipe his tears away, "don't cry, please. I'm sorry, I was being stupid."
Yeonjun sobbed into Soobin's hands, "I ju-just don't wa-want anyone to say m-mean things t-to y-you." He said in between sobs, "the-they're not true a-and I do-don't want y-you be-believing those."
"I know. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. Stop crying now, you're going to make me cry too." Soobin pulled him in an embrace and let him cry in his chest.
He felt so fucking stupid.
Yeonjun just wanted to defend him but why did he have to make a big deal out of it? He even made him cry.
Just how dumb can he be?
"I'm sorry, baby, please stop crying now, okay? Come on, we'll leave this place." Soobin comforted in a soft tone unlike the one he used earlier. Yeonjun shook his head.
"You're mad at me."
"No, no, I'm not mad you, honey. I was just frightened you'll get yourself in trouble. I could never get mad at you." The taller replied, kissing the top of Yeonjun's head before letting him go and cupping his flushed face that's filled with drying tears.
"We'll leave now, okay? I'm sorry."
"Why? What about your party?" the shorter asked, rubbing his eyes.
"It doesn't feel like it anyway, so it's fine."
Yeonjun frowned but chose not to question it for now. "Where are we going?"
"Anywhere," Soobin gave him a small smile, "we'll go anywhere you like."
"I want to go home," Yeonjun answered, "back to our house."
Yeonjun referred to their house as home.
Soobin felt his heart flattered at that as he nodded his head and pulled Yeonjun back into his arms. "We'll go home."
These two were lying down on the living room couch together with their coats on the floor.
Apparently, ditching parties is their favorite hobby.
They were talking about things, trying to forget the scenario earlier.
Yeonjun got his back pressed up against Soobin as the latter got his pressed against the couch and his arms wrapped around the smaller male. Yeonjun was playing with their hands and brought their left hands up to inspect their rings.
"Why aren't you removing your ring?" the brunette asked, his eyes focused on the little pair of shiny white golds around their fourth fingers.
"You don't remove yours too." Soobin replied casually.
"I like it, that's why I don't."
"I like it too."
They end the topic with that, letting the silence speak for them as they appreciate each other's presence.
A little while passed by and Yeonjun rolled around to face Soobin. The taller male looked down on him and raised his eyebrow questioningly. "Why?"
"Earlier," Yeonjun trailed off, "you said the party doesn't feel like it's yours, what do you mean?"
Soobin noticed the genuine curiosity and concern in the brunette's eyes so he didn't hold back himself from answering, "It's like that each year. People would come and greet us-me and jin hyung-but it doesn't feel like they mean it. They're just there because the public's anticipating it but they couldn't care less if it's my birthday or not. I don't know if Jin hyung feels like this too but I think he's just getting along with it. I mean look at it this way, it's our birthday, we're supposed to celebrate it with people important to us but no, we always celebrate it with strangers and it isn't like celebrating at all. Each year, it's still business."
Yeonjun listened and feel bad Soobin have to experience that, "When was the last time you really celebrated it?"
"I don't know. I can't remember." Soobin shrugged.
To his surprise, Yeonjun broke free from his hold and sat up, ushering him to get up too. "What? What do you want to do now?"
Yeonjun grinned at him. "We're celebrating your birthday! Get up!"
"But it's snowing real hard outside."
"Who said we're going out?"
They then went to the kitchen and Yeonjun sat Soobin down to the table, "We don't have a cake but we got tons of ice creams so we'll use that."
Soobin could only shake his head at the enthusiastic male who went to get the ice cream from the freezer.
He couldn't deny the warm fuzzy feeling he felt though, it's the first time someone thought of doing that for him. It may not be too grand like the party they held yearly but at least this one, this one is all for him.
Fuck, Yeonjun's really got him way too deep.
How is he supposed to stop feeling something from the other if he continues to care for him like this?
He's never felt so cared for like this before.
Yeonjun made him feel so many emotions he didn't know he was capable of having.
Soobin watched with a smile on his face when Yeonjun came back with a tub of ice cream in hand, he even put a candle on it that caused a chuckle to leave Soobin's mouth.
"Hey! Make a wish and blow it now! The ice cream's melting!"
And so Soobin did, he closed his eyes and made a wish before blowing the candle out.
"What did you wish for?" Yeonjun eagerly asked once he put the ice cream don on the table but he rapidly shakes his hands in front of Soobin to stop him from answering, "No! Don't answer! I forgot you're not supposed to tell."
Soobin just laughed at him.
It was after they're done eating their bowl of ice cream that Yeonjun put down a small box in front of Soobin and smiled when the latter gave him a confused look.
"What's this?"
"It's your gift." Yeonjun answered, sitting down again beside the male.
Soobin inspected the white box and smirked teasingly at Yeonjun, "You're not proposing to me for real, are you?"
"You wish I am." Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Open it!"
"Okay, okay." The raven haired then picked up the box and opened it, frowning when he saw a silver key lying there in a velvet cushion.
He then brought it up and looked at Yeonjun and asked, "A key? For what?"
"It's for a yacht!"
"You were upset when we weren't able to get to the cruise on my birthday and I told you Taehyung hyung owns a yacht, right? Well, instead of borrowing it, I bought you one as a gift so we could finally try it! We'll go anywhere! You and me." Yeonjun explained excitedly, he was practically bouncing on his seat as he told Soobin that.
"Why? Don't you like it?" His excited face was replaced with a worried look instantly when Soobin wasn't answering. He became nervous that Soobin doesn't like his gift.
"I'm sorry! I'll get you a different one if you don't like it! It's just-I don't know what to get you and I decided at the last minute-Ah, this is embarrassing, I'll just get you another one-"
Soobin mumbled something that cuts him off.
"What?" Yeonbin asked with a frown as he didn't hear what Soobin said. The guy was mumbling, almost like a whisper and not even looking at him so how was he supposed to hear?
"I said thank you." Soobin covered up, he turned to face Yeonjun with a smile of adoration plastered on his fond expression. "I like it, thank you."
Yeonjun then grinned again so wide before he went to hug Soobin, "Ah, I thought you don't like it! I was scared for a moment. Anyway, Happy birthday Binnie~"
"Thank you, Yeonjun." He muttered under his breath as he returned Yeonjun's embrace.
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