
reyrebel dare: accepted

here's another update bc i dont back out on dares lmao

but please dont dare me to update everyday i dont think i can IM SORRY

but here cuz iluvyall uwu


Waking up after a well-deserved slumber in a comfortable soft fluffy bed is a great way to start your day. Yeonjun slowly opened his eyes and was about to stretch when he felt something that was restraining him from doing so. Because of that, his brows automatically formed itself into a frown as he grabbed the duvet with his free hand and removed it.

And would you look at that, an arm was securely wrapped around his waist and his right arm was kinda squished in between.

Either he grew another arm overnight or someone found him comfortable enough to embrace in their sleep.

The newly waken male turned his head to his side and witnessed a bunny in his sleeping state which is adorable according to Yeonjun's post-sleep mind. He decided he has nothing to lose anyway so he made his body shift around just so he could watch this male sleep for a bit longer.

Even in his sleep, Soobin still has a stern expression with his eyebrows furrowed and lips sealed tight. If he could just snigger out loud, Yeonjun would have but this cranky giant will probably wake up and complain about how he's so noisy and scold him for disturbing his sleep.

So he settled with a simple grin and moved closer to satisfy his urge of booping Soobin's nose.

He's still in dreamland so he doesn't have to know. Yeonjun wouldn't be able to do it if he's awake so better take his chances now.

When his finger was about a centimeter away, he felt the arm hugging him withdraw itself, causing him to freeze for thinking that Soobin's finally awake and he's gonna get caught.

Turns out he wasn't and the black haired male just pulled him closer to nestle his head in Yeonjun's neck.

And there goes his heart having a wild pace once again.

He has his head tilted a little because of the other's action and if you're curious if he could feel Soobin breathe down on his neck then he's ecstatic to tell you that he absolutely could.

Every. Single. Breath.

Why didn't nobody bother tell him that he's about to greet death as soon as he wake up?

He is trying so damn hard not to make a move as to not disrupt Soobin but he's about to lose it any second now because he just felt something soft pressed down on his fucking neck.

His breathing pattern started to get even more irregular at the moment and if Soobin doesn't move his lips away from his neck he's gonna pass the fuck out.

He could hear the beating of his heart on his ears because of how hard it's going. It's a surprise Soobin still hasn't wake up because of that.

To Yeonjun's luck, the sleeping male just snuggled into him even closer—apparently that was still possible—causing Yeonjun to flinched and bit his lower lip to stop himself from letting out a sound that he isn't supposed to make.

But fuck, it tickles so much.

Yeonjun tried to break free from the raven haired male's grasp but he just tightened his hold and buried his face further into the struggling male's neck.

And that was what it takes for Yeonjun to burst out.

"No, stop, it- it tickles!" he was snickering trying to say those words while he moved his head away from Soobin.

Due to him laughing and attempting to escape, Soobin fluttered his eyes open only for him to close it back and pull Yeonjun close to him. The elder was left startled as he let Soobin locked him up with his arms so he's basically lying on the sleepy male's left arm.

And it was actually comfortable but is it allowed? What the fuck is going on?

"Stop moving." Soobin croaked out, his 'just woke up' voice hoarse and deep. Yeonjun took note of the contrast because he looks like a little kid and he's adorable so deep and hoarse voice ain't it.

"You were tickling me." He answered, voice low and soft, unlike the giant squishing him.

Soobin just hummed in response and placed his cheek against Yeonjun's head, planning on falling back asleep in that position.

A minute of silence passed with them just lying there, and before Yeonjun could allow himself to melt in the comfort, he speaks.

"I'm gonna get up."



"Five minutes," he mumbled, "let's just stay like this for five minutes."

And so they did.


"Why are you on the floor?"

Yeonjun stopped midway into eating, the spoon he was holding close to his mouth when Soobin decided to walk in the dining area. He looked up and saw that the latter was looking at him in a judging way, face still a little puffy from having been woken up.

The brown haired male let the spoon fall back down into his bowl of milk and cereal before handing Soobin a box of cheerios. The taller was baffled yet accepted it nonetheless.

"Why are you on the floor?" Soobin repeated as he walked towards the kitchen to find himself a bowl and spoon.

Yeonjun raised the spoon to his mouth again, "Because I am." He replied before eating his cereals. "Now come here and join me."

Once he was done pouring cereals and milk on his bowl, Soobin went ahead and sat across Yeonjun, on the floor. "There's a table behind us, you know."


"Why don't we move there?"

"Hmm, I didn't question why you were squishing the life out of me earlier, did I?" He didn't put that much of a thought when he said that and only realized it was a little too forward when it's already too late.

Soobin was taken aback by the elder's reply, but quickly covered up his surprise with a snarky remark. "No. Makes me think you were having the time of your life."

It was Yeonjun's turn to be taken aback now but two can play at this game and he's not going to lose.

"Is that why you asked me to stay with you for another five minutes?" And the moment Soobin stopped his spoon midway made Yeonjun knew he hit a target.

It's a secret, but he's already dying inside.

"But you didn't argue." Soobin smirked, swirling his spoon around his bowl. He looked ahead and saw Yeonjun pursing his lips together, but when they made eye contact, Yeonjun's lips curled upward along with his nose scrunching up in a cute way.

"I didn't because it seemed like you were scared to let me go. I couldn't even move my arm, you were hugging me too tight, remember?"

Those words made Soobin choke on his cereal. He didn't expect Yeonjun to play along like this and act daring to the point he made Soobin fluste—he meant, startled. He was just startled. Surprised. Shocked. Totally not flustered.

He was couching, chocking to his death while Yeonjun's just there, laughing at his misery. He was drinking a glass of water when Yeonjun stopped, but when he turned around and put the glass down, Yeonjun was already near him.

The elder pushed both their bowls aside, slid a little bit and leaned close to his face, making him backed away. His action caused a smirk to break over Yeonjun's lips. "Why? Am I making you nervous, honey?"

Soobin could feel his breath hitching on his throat. He gulped, trying his best to avert Yeonjun's inviting gaze. His heart beating rapidly against his liking. Yeonjun has an innocent façade on but his eyes suggested otherwise, they tell Soobin that Yeonjun is very much aware of what he's doing.

That's right. Pay for your crimes, always giving me heart attack and shit. It's time you feel the same. Yeonjun thought to himself as he leaned in closer.

Only for Soobin to lean in back too.

The brown haired was stunned Soobin was able to recover quickly. But he's already gone too far so there's no point of giving up now. Even if he's panicking so much right now, he isn't going to lose. Not this time.

"I don't know, wanna try that again, baby?" Soobin countered in a hush tone, feeling accomplished when dust of pink creeps their way onto the elder's cheeks.

"Try what?" Yeonjun replied, moving his head even closer.

He's starting to get pissed. When is Soobin going to cave in? What the fuc—

"Make me nervous, can you?"

Their faces are so fucking close, one wrong move and they'll be feeling each other's lips. If that was their plan then they're doing a really good job.

Both of them have strong gazes, neither wants to stop and only focusing on making the other give up and be flustered. They're ignoring the ringing on their ears, their beating hearts, their rapid breaths and their panicking minds all because of a stupid game they think they're into.

Just when they were about to lean in further and get themselves carried away, the door busted open.

"Oh no! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I'm gonna go leave! I'm so sorry!" a lady wearing the hotel's cleaner uniform apologized repeatedly in Japanese. She closed the door behind her hastily out of shock, making both males surprised.

And that made them went back to their senses.

They pulled away, both with a tint of blush on their faces and returned back into their now soggy cereals.

"Let's go out." Yeonjun blurted out after a moment of quietness.

"You're still not giving up?" Soobin asked in amusement. After having been caught and painting misunderstood conclusion in that worker's mind, he thought their little game would've ended by now.

"No! I meant let's go out—it's late and we still haven't had lunch. I don't think soaked cereals will suffice." The shorter male pouted, playing with his bowl of milk.

"Alright, but let's look for clothes first. I don't want to walk around in pajamas."

"Sure!" Yeonjun said before standing up to walk in the kitchen but halted his steps to look at Soobin again with a mischievous grin. "-oh and by the way, it's a date."

Soobin could only sneer and shake his head as he watched Yeonjun joyfully put their bowls and glasses in the sink.


It's a good thing this hotel offers a bunch of apparel stores located at the 3rd floor so they don't have to walk around town in their pajamas just to buy clothes and change. Both males separated for a while, looking and choosing they preferred outfits, admiring sets of shirt from different racks so they just decided to buy them all and save time.

Yeonjun settled for a white button up, jeans and a black coat since the weather's pretty chilly this time and when he saw Soobin holding a red long sleeves to change into, he sprinted out of the changing room to force him and get him to change into something similar to him.

To make them look 'goals' he said, and since Soobin couldn't argue because he's an in denial whipped cute dummy, he did change into a white button up too. Minus the coat since the one left was small for him, much to Yeonjun's dismay.

Once they were done changing and instructing the staffs to deliver everything they purchased to their suite, the two males went down to the cafeteria since Yeonjun said he was craving for some bubble tea.

And that brought them here now, waiting in line, making Soobin crave for some sweets too because the smell of chocolates and creams were just so tempting he couldn't help himself.

Who cares if they wouldn't eat proper meals for lunch? It's already past noon anyways so having cakes and waffles and some custard wouldn't hurt that bad, right?

"Binnie, do you want to try matcha cheesecake? I heard it's their best seller." Yeonjun said without sparing him a glance as he was too absorbed with the desserts in front of them. It doesn't matter though since Soobin stopped paying attention when he called him Binnie.

Yeonjun always called him with his full name, never even gave him a pet name (not like he has to but you know) and now he just decided to drop a nickname out of the blue?

The elder must have noticed the lack of response so he turned around and nudged Soobin's arm. "Hey, so you want it or?"

"Oh, yes sure." Soobin responded and was about to get his wallet but Yeonjun was quick to halt his actions and threw him a wink.

"It's my treat~" he said in a playful tone, "you already paid for the clothes so let me pay for this, yeah? Oh and can you go look for seats, sweetie? Thank you."

Soobin mindlessly nodded, his mind was in utter shock and he couldn't decipher what was going on and what was Yeonjun thinking acting like that? Not that he's complaining but can he at least tell him why? Give him a head start, maybe? And not just attack him like that out of nowhere? He left the line to look for seats with all that thought flooding his mind.

Unbeknownst to him, Yeonjun was smirking in victory he managed to get Soobin to get out of there. It's been 4 minutes and 42 seconds since he observed this guy stealing glances at his man. Like can't he see he's right there? Right next to the man he's not so subtly checking out? Was he supposed to cling onto Soobin just so he could get the hint that he is not fucking available at the moment bitch get your own Soobin but not Yeonjun's Soobin, okay?

Look at what this guy made him do, he's making Yeonjun submit to his emotions he's trying so damn hard to ignore.


And he was about to order so he did what he had to do, or else this guy would get the moment he was waiting for and get to hit on Soobin. But no loser, he ain't gonna let that happen.

"Sorry about that, my husband's been out of it since we just got here and he's still tired." Yeonjun surely knew what he just emphasized and gave the guy a bitterly fake sweet smile.

After those words left Yeonjun's mouth, it was obvious a look of disappointment made its way to the barista's face. He then let out an irritating pretentious laugh, according to Yeonjun. "Ah, haha, yeah, I see."

Well maybe you should've seen his ring when you were checking him out and back off.

"Anyway, I would have two matcha cheesecakes please, two—"

A couple minutes later and Yeonjun found his way to this table at the far left corner where Soobin was seated. He's talking with two males who look slightly older than them but he doesn't recognize these people, or at least he doesn't remember where he had seen them before.

The brunette made his appearance to the table and sat down beside Soobin with a smile on his lips. The two unknown males sent him a smile too, though the shorter guy looked like he's so bored and wants to go home unlike the guy beside him who has a wide smile on his face which would make you feel instantly better once you saw.

Soobin, who now realized that Yeonjun might not know the other two, introduced the confused male. "Yeonjun, this is Yoongi hyung, he's Jin hyung's best friend and Namjoon hyung's partner with the music stuff." The bored looking male shot him a nod and offered him a handshake which Yeonjun gladly accepted.

"And this is Hoseok hyung, I call him Hobi hyung sometimes I guess. And they're fiancés." The guy radiating positive energy shook his hand and he felt like five years have been added to his lifespan. Yeonjun internally coo-ed as he observed the two. They looked like they contradict each other's personalities at first glance but who knows? Maybe they share a lot of similarities which led them to believe they could tie the knot.

That's so fucking cute to be honest, let Yeonjun have his moment and scream.

"I'm so glad I can finally meet your husband, Soobin! He's so adorable, I thought Jin hyung was exaggerating since he's an absolute drama queen but he does look so cute!" Hoseok said, making Yeonjun shy and blush because of the compliment. Soobin noticed this and had to restrain himself from agreeing with Hoseok out loud.

"Thank you."

"Oh no, I'm just stating facts, right Yoongs?"

This Yoongi dude nodded his head and smiled at them. Yeonjun couldn't help but compare him with a cat because he resembles one. But then Yoongi remembered something which caused a frown to envelope his features. "Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you two supposed to be at Korea right now? We missed the party yesterday because we had to take care of something here in Japan so, what are you both doing here?"

Yoongi's question caught the two younger males off guard as they struggle to form an answer. They shared a glance with each other, trying to communicate without speaking while Yoongi shifted his eyes between the two of them. His fiancé doing the same, "Do your parents know you're here? Do Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung know? Wait—were you even at the party yesterday?"

Yeonjun and Soobin shared a glance again, the elder widened his eyes at him in a way that tells him to answer their question but Soobin could only do the same.

"Well, you see, we were at the party—"

"Then why are you here?" Yoongi interrupted Yeonjun, he arched his brow.

"Stop that, you're gonna scare him." Scolded Hoseok, patting Yoongi's knees.

"Uh, scare him off no, but he might squish your face." Soobin subconsciously mumbled, making Yeonjun pinch him and throw him a glare. "Shut up." He whispered threateningly.

"Sorry what was that?" Hoseok asked, still with a smile on his face.

Like seriously? Does he ever frown?

Yeonjun sent him a sheepish smile as he shakes his head. "It's nothing."

"Soobin, my question." Yoongi brought the topic back.

Luckily, Soobin dodged the question with the help of the waiter who just showed up with their order. 

Apparently Yeonjun ordered a bunch of food that the two of them couldn't finish alone so Yoongi and Hoseok did not order anymore aside from two frappes and they shared all these desserts.

Yoongi at first, was complaining about how sweet those brownies were and how they would end up with diabetes at the end of the day but the soufflé captivated him and shut him up. He practically called dibs on it and refused to share, even Hoseok couldn't get a taste of it. Yeonjun laughed at the sight of the couple having a little brawl over a plate of strawberry soufflé while Soobin just sat there, busy with his own plate of matcha cheesecake.

"You chose a dessert over your own fiancé?"

"I mean– you could go and buy another?" Yoongi sheepishly smile and took another spoon of it, teasing Hoseok who was looking at him in disbelief before shoving it inside his mouth.

"That could be us Soobin but you playin." Yeonjun dramatically sips on his bubble tea, sending Soobin a disappointed gaze.

The taller only side eyed him in a judging way, "You want us to fight over food?"

"No," he pouted, then shifted his eyes on Soobin's before continuing. "You don't smile at me like that."

There goes his heart wilding again. That caught him off guard, he was not prepared.

But you know what? Fuck it.

Soobin then raised his hands up to capture Yeonjun's cheeks and squished them together, the elder just let him. Not like he could do much anyway, so he just intensified his pout.

And then Soobin did a thing.

He smiled.

An actual smile at Yeonjun with his teeth and cute little dimple on show. It was a little overdue to be honest, like he's trying to achieve Yoongi's smile with his gums showing but he couldn't but it was enough to make Yeonjun's heart flatter.

He returned the smile back at Soobin but it didn't show much since his face was still squished together, so he just looked like a duck pouting his way out.

"Are you sure you're marriage was an accident?"

The question was asked by Hoseok, who had an amused look on his face. Yoongi was also sending them a look.

The two younger males brought their attention back to them. Soobin let the elder male's cheeks go and drinks his bubble tea. "So Jin hyung told you the story too?"

Hoseok scoffs. "Jinnie tells me everything."

"I thought Yoongi hyung is his best friend?" Yeonjun asked, frowning.

"Well, let's just say I stole his best friend."

literally what am i doing lol

i wrote this in class cuz our teacher was boring

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