Zahara and Cai Lu are walking into Big Hits Entertainment in order to practice their choreographies. They are both running late.
Lura: *both laughing as they enter over something they both joked about*
Zahara: *gasps* omo..Lulu, I forgot that I have to do everyone's laundry today.
Cai Lu: Don't worry, I'll help you if you want.
Zahara: Really? I mean that would be nice but it's my turn to-
Cai Lu: are you serious?
Zahara: *staring at her giving a 'well yeah' look*
Cai Lu: *sighs* of course I will! We can do it once we get home..depending on what time we get back because I forgot to check the schedule.
Zahara: we finish practice in 3-4 hours.
Cai Lu: ah yeah that will be fine.
Zahara: *stops and turns around to face Cai Lu. They continue to walk* hey you think my choreography for our title song is actually good?
Cai Lu: are you kidding me? It's better than good! It's amazing! How could you even question that?
Zahara: what if it isn't good enough?
Cai Lu: it's perfect, girl don't even worry about it. I must admit though it was pretty hard at first and it is tiring but everyone has now adapted to it. So, it's completely fine and it will definitely make us look good.
Zahara: *smiles* well I'm glad you said tha-
While that was happening..
*Vmonkook are all walking around trying to look for their manager who was suppose to meet with them. They are arguing over the stupidest thing.*
Namjoon: *chuckles* you aren't good at hide and seek. I'm the best.
Tae: No no, no you're not. You are terrible at hide and seek. I'm the best out of all of us.
Kookie: *laughs as they all stop walking and he turns around to face both boys* the only thing you guys are good at in hide and seek is cheating.
Tae: hey! That's not true..
Kookie: Are you sure about that?
Namjoon: I know that I'm sure that I'm not a cheater.
Kookie: Don't even say that! *chuckles* There's video proof of you chea-
*Zahara bumps into Jungkook's back since she wasn't paying attention, and kept walking backward*
Zahara: *eyes widen* omo..*turns around, turning a bit red* I am SO SORRY. I didn't mean to bump into you. It's my fault, I shouldn't have been walking backwa-
*Jeez 3 hot guys..this is embarrassing.*
{A/N: when there are italics with a star at each end right after someone saying something or doing something, it's what that person is thinking. For example:
Zahara: *grabs a pot on stove getting started to make ramen* GIRLS?! DO YOU WANT SOME RAMEN?! *gets no response*
*Where are the girls?* <---that right there is what Zahara is thinking
Also, I may do this:
Lulu: *Where the hell is my hair tie?* <-- this also stands for that person's thoughts
When there are just stars and no italics and it's by someones name, it is explaining an action (if you didn't get that before) such as:
Luma: *jogging with all the girls and starts laughing when suddenly Zahara trips*
Understood, did I confused you? I'm sorry but you'll get the hang of it.}
Kookie: It's okay. This is my fault too. I shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the corridor. Hey, I haven't seen you around here.
*She is really cute..but who is she?*
Zahara: oh I'm Zahara *points to herself then to Cai Lu* this is Cai Lu *smiles*
Tae: *She's beautiful..*
Namjoon: *Where have I heard her name before?*
Kookie: Delighted to meet both of you. I'm Jungkook, but you can call me Kookie or Jungkookie or whatever you'd like is fine with me.
Namjoon: *OH YEAH! SHE'S FROM AMERICA. I listen to her music. I remember our manager telling us about him managing another band and that one of the members is already popular and is from America. I didn't know it was her though!* Ah! *snaps as he realizes who she is and points at Zahara* are THE Zahara? The one that started out as a YouTuber becoming famous across the internet then across all of America as a solo artist. I'm a fan. Oh damn, where are my manners? I'm Namjoon but my stage name is Rap Monster. You can call me Namjoon, Rap Monster or Rap Mon. *notices Taehyung is just staring at Zahara without saying a word and elbows his arm* where are your manners?
Tae: *why am I speechless? There must be something more about this girl because I have not felt like this when meeting someone new..speechless.* *blinks and smiles shyly* Sorry..I'm Taehyung. You can call me Tae or TaeTae, whichever is fine with me. My stage name is V though.
Zahara: may I ask why?
Tae: *nods* it stands for victory
Zahara: *smiles* nice
Cai Lu: *checks her phone as she gets a text message* uh..Zahara, Huri just texted that we NEED to get there NOW.
Zahara: really? Ah okay uh well it was nice meeting you guys! I must go now though *waves bye with a small smile as both Cai Lu and Zahara walk off around the corner*
*They all watch them leave. Taehyung is still staring at the direction Zahara disappeared to.*
Kookie: Namjoon, you know who she is?
Namjoon: *nods* Yoongi, Hobi, and Tae have listened to her music before too. Tae, I don't think you actually searched her up or anything but as for Yoongi, Hobi, and I we definitely did. She is a girl with many talents. She can dance, she can rap, she can sing, she can act, there's a lot of things she can do. I wonder what brought her into the Kpop industry if she was already becoming so successful as a solo artist and at a young age too.
Kookie: *nods as he listens to Rap Mon rant about Zahara* I haven't heard of her. Hey, it's what we'll do once we get back. *notices Tae still staring at the direction she walk off to* oooh hey Namjoon, I think our TaeTae has taken a liking to Zahara.
Namjoon: *notices* oooh I think he has too.
Tae: *hears them, turns around and faces them* huh? No! No I haven't. I don't even know her.
Kookie: and? That's why there's something called talking to someone and getting to know them more.
Tae: *rolls his eyes*
Namjoon: explain why you are blushing then?
Tae: Am not!
Kookie: *laughs* yeah yeah OKAY Tae, OKAY. Whatever you say. Alright, c'mon guys let's keep searching for our manager.
As the boys are walking around they have found the janitor named Kevin.
The 3 boys: Hey Kevin!
Kevin: *smiles and nods* hello boys.
Namjoon: Kevin, have you seen our manager or at least one of them by any chance?
Kevin: ah yeah..yeah I actually have, if you walk back down this corner then through the other hallway, around the corner and it's the 3rd door to your left.
The 3 boys: thank you!
*As the boys walk down the first hallway, they are back to where they were speaking to Zahara before, they look and realize that the other hallway Kevin was talking about was the same hallway Zahara along with Cai Lu walked down*
Kookie: *Are we going to the room Zahara and Cai Lu went to?*
Tae: *Don't tell me..*
Namjoon: *I think we are going to end up watching the band Zahara is apart of's practice*
*As they walk down the hallway around the corner, Rap Mon is the one who opens the 3rd door on the left and walks in with the boys following. Straight away once they walk in, 5 girls dancing, a very catchy dance/electro/pop song booming through the room. Without realizing the boys found themselves nodding their heads to the beat as they spot their manager and walk over to him*
The 3 boys: *spot Zahara*
Kookie: *I knew it*
Tae: *is impressed with the choreography*
Namjoon: *as impressing as them practicing is, he speaks to the manager* is there no practice for us?
Hobeom: *watching the girls and raises his hand which causes the music to stop causing the girls to stop dancing* even though you girls started a few minutes ago, take a break. *looks at Namjoon* you guys do but later, did you not hear my voicemail?
Namjoon: you left a voicemail..? Uh, *looks down* no..I'm sorry.
Hobeom: that's fine, *Namjoon looks back up to him* practice starts in 2 hours and 30 minutes but while you guys are here, supervise the girls' practice for their title song Our Way. They would love to hear your opinions. Girls!
Zahara: *didn't really pay attention towards the boys' presence but knew some people walked in, she just looked at herself in the mirror while stretching with Luma. All the girls stop what they are doing and looks over at them*
Hobeom: *while pointing at each* this is Kim Nam Joon, Kim Tae Hyung, and Jeon Jung Kook, 3 out of 7 of the members of BTS if you didn't know. These boys are basically your labeling partners or just partners really or brother group, eh. Just like HOMME.
Girls: *bow down to the knees* hello
The 3 boys: *all smile and wave hi*
Hobeom: they will supervise your practice for Our Way and give their honest opinions to you.
Girls: *look at each other*
Huri: *shrugs*
Zahara: *looks back at their manager and the boys* fair enough
*the girls get into position as the music begins and they begin*
After they finish
Hobeom: boys, your judgement?
Namjoon: it is very impressive, I personally think it is one of the most hardest dances any girl group in this industry has done, possibly even is the hardest. Seemed even harder than the choreography for Fire..I really like it. Great job.
Kookie: I was indeed impressed. The dance sure is difficult but difficult dances always makes you look good. How long did it take to get it all down?
Yari: I think about almost 2 weeks,
we used all the time we had. We got about 2-3 hours of sleep, 4 if we were lucky but DEFINITELY NOT everyday.
Luma: When we weren't sleeping, having a snack, taking a quick shower or using the toilet *the boys chuckle slightly* I'm just being honest but when we weren't doing any of those activities, we were practicing.
Huri: We want to be as perfect as we can be for our debut.
Cai Lu: As hectic as our schedule is, we do it out of passion. I know you guys know how it feels. *the boys all nod*
Tae: I definitely was shocked, in a good way, watching your dance. I don't usually see girl groups with such a dance like this. I really like it, in fact, I love it and I know your debut will be more than perfect. The dance goes perfectly with the song. The song is catchy. I see no need for any improvements. I see you girls going far, growing huge and very quickly. One question, if I may ask, who created this dance?
Huri: Zahara did.
Zahara: *stayed silent the whole time because she didn't know what to say and was timid*
Tae: *eyebrows cock upward* you made it?
Zahara: *while looking down at the ground and nods*
Kookie: wow..hey wait you were talking to us before, why are you shy now?
Cai Lu: I think I know why..she had no confidence with this choreography. She believed it wasn't good and that it wasn't good enough.
Kookie: *Wow she developed the dance?*
Luma: ahh I see, I was wondering why she started blushing.
Zahara: Am not!
Yari: Are too!
Huri: Girl, don't lie.
Zahara: *covers her face with one hand*
Namjoon: well, I don't think it should be anything you should be shy about or something you should lose confidence for.
Zahara: *uncovers her face and looks at the boys*
Kookie: it should be something that you are proud of
Tae: because even if it's just your debut, you definitely will end up having numerous supporters after it
Hobeom: not only did she create the choreography but she co-wrote the song as well.
The 3 boys: *nods their head as their facial expression shows how impressed they are*
Tae: *How talented is this girl? Maybe that's why I was speechless in front of her. I got a vibe off of her that she was someone important or well special.*
Namjoon: *This girl is pure talent, I wonder what else she can do..Yoongi and Hoseok are going to be jealous because I met Zahara and they didn't*
Kookie: you must be very talented
Zahara: nah I'm no-
Namjoon: ah you are a liar
Zahara: *slightly smiles* thank you guys. Hearing that definitely relieves me.
Huri: Zahara is the one who works the most hardest. I remember watching her creating the choreography outside on the deck. She didn't realize it but she kept redoing and redoing everything until it was her way of perfect and-
Zahara: ah stop it..we all have worked so hard. Don't only talk good about girls have worked very hard too. You are all as passionate as me. *the girls except for Zahara giggle*
Tae: *I'll need to research about her when we get back home*
Hobeom: okay so you boys can start practice by your own selves but I won't be meeting with you until later.
Namjoon: *nods* that's fine. I guess we will just practice or wait. *faces the girls* It was nice to witness your choreography and listening to your song!
Zahara: thank you so much
Kookie: it's our pleasure
Tae: may I ask what your positions in the band are?
Huri: I'm Huri, the leader and lead vocalist
Luma: I'm the lead rapper, Luma and main dancer
Yari: Yari, vocals and visual..
Cai Lu: I'm Cai Lu, vocals
Zahara: I'm Zahara the lead dancer, vocals, maknae and main rapper
Namjoon: Ah okay so Huri is the leader of this band. The vocalists are Huri, Yari, Cai Lu and Zahara. The dancers and rappers are Zahara and Luma. Got it. It was nice meeting you girls but we must go and let you girls practice. When do you debut?
Huri: In a week I believe
Tae: *staring at Zahara who is staring at the ground*
*Is she embarrassed of her talent?*
Cai Lu: *He's really he staring at me?!'s not. He's staring at Zahara..why is she staring at the floor? Ah man she dozed off*
Zahara: *Ah this is embarrassing..I don't like it when they only talk about me just being talented. My members are talented as well. The more I tell them not to encourage this, the more they do it. Ah wait that doesn't make sense ah well actually-someone is staring at me..*
Zahara: *looks up and catches Tae staring at her*
Tae: *eyes slightly widen and gets embarrassed, turns away. Looks at Jungkook as he starts talking*
Kookie: I see a whole lot of potential in this band. I wish you guys the best.
Namjoon: as do I.
Tae: Couldn't have said it better myself
Huri: *nods with a smile* thank you very much
the 3 boys: *exit the room*
Hobeom: alright, start from the beginning.
Namjoon: *as they enter the room they are suppose to be in* YOONGI! HOSEOK! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHO WE MET!
Yoongi: You met Zahara.
Namjoon: WE JUST MET ZAH-how did you know?
Yoongi: just a guess
Hoseok: aish, no Kevin told us that he saw you guys talking to her when you were suppose to be looking for one of our managers.
Namjoon: Hobeom hyung is with the band Zahara is apart of
Jin: oh yeah he manages a new band
Jimin: he does?
Jin: yeah!
Kookie: their debut song is REALLY good and their choreography for it is phenomenal. You guys are going to be very shocked when you see it.
Hoseok: *with a sarcastic tone* THANKS FOR INVITING US!
Namjoon: What did you expect? Me to just take out my phone while speaking to her and texting? That doesn't seem rude AT ALL!
Yoongi: well..STILL
Namjoon: how about this, we'll ask Hobeom hyung if we can invite them somewhere like to eat and we can meet all of them.
Yoongi: ugh, okay, sounds good to me.
Hoseok: let's hope he says yes
Kookie: *on his phone* how come she hasn't shared anything about being in a band or anything? Shouldn't she be promoting..?
Namjoon: *shrugs* we'll ask another time. Doesn't she vlog? What do her fans think she's doing in Seoul then? *walks over to Jungkook with Yoongi and Hobi following*
Tae: *overhearing their conversation while he's on his phone researching a bit about Zahara*
Kookie: uhh says that she went South Korea to spend her holiday here and is staying with friends that she met in the meantime
[A/N: holiday as in vacation if you don't know]
Namjoon: I doubt she's been here for little time..they believe it's just holiday?
Kookie: *shrugs*
Yoongi: huh..that's strange.
Hoseok: why is she hiding it from her fans?
Namjoon: *shrugs* guess we'll find out later on
Jimin: *walks over with Jin* what girl are we talking about?
Kookie: Zahara
Jimin: who..?
Namjoon: she's-ah wait you've also listened to her music. I know your favorite by her is Be My Muse.
Namjoon: *eyes widen* awow, uhm, calm down. You'll meet her soon.
Jimin: maybe one day I can dance with her..
Kookie: me too!
Hoseok: me three!
Jin: I have no idea who we are talking about..
Tae: *silent, sitting on the floor, while now looking at the boys*
Namjoon: aish, is there a projector here somewhere? Ah let me go find one..on second thought Jungkook you should do it
Kookie: what? Why me?
Namjoon: I have a feeling I'll end up destroying it
Kookie: *chuckles* okay fine *goes to find one*
Yoongi: *notices Taehyung is not saying anything* Taehyung-ah, why aren't you speaking?
Tae: *shrugs*
*the boys stare at him*
Jin: *walks over and sits down next to him. Notices he's researching about Zahara* ahh TaeTae is searching up information about Zahara
Namjoon: oooh Taeeee
Tae: *shuts his phone off as he turns red* no I wasn't!
Jimin: yeah OKAY
Tae: *glares at Jimin*
Hoseok: we are just joking Tae, we know it's curiosity. *smiles fakely*
Tae: thank you Hobi-AH WAIT YOU ARE LYING! *the boys start laughing*
Namjoon: we love you!
Tae: *groans yet ends up laughing along with them* sometimes I hate you guys
Tae: and it was out of curiosity.
Jimin: great! But...where is it?
Kookie: *looks behind himself then turns back* oh yeah, I had Kevin help me out but..where is Kevin?
Kevin: here..*comes right behind him with the projector*
Kevin: you're welcome. *sets it up for them then leaves*
Namjoon: alright, what should I show first?
Yoongi: show what video blasted off her music career
Namjoon: mm that would be her cover of Here I Am by Leona Lewis
Hoseok: *nods* oh yeah
Namjoon: *searches it up on YouTube and plays it*
The boys: *as they listen/watch, they are fascinated. They all stay in silent as they have no words to say. They are all speechless. As they continue to watch they end up seeing Zahara on the point of crying but she's trying to contain it. But towards the end, she can't hold it as strong anymore and a few tears roll down her cheek*
Kookie: why is she crying..?
Jimin: *pouts*
Yoongi: watching this always makes me feel so bad
Jin: awh..I wish I could go back into that video to when she was filming this and just hug her, really seems like she needs it
Hoseok: *wiping his eyes* her voice is beautiful
Tae: is her crying real or was it for views?
Namjoon: *looks at Tae* uhm..definitely wasn't for views, I can assure you on that. *looks at Kookie* I remember reading something about how she told people the reason through an Instagram post but deleted it 10 minutes after. There was an article about it but obviously she never confirmed it so no one except for her knows why.
Tae: okay, in their debut song, she's rapping, how did her talent for rapping come up?
Yoongi: she was livestreaming one day with a friend of hers when they started having a rap battle. That's when people found out she has the talent to rap. Then she came out with a freestyle on her channel, called Burning Fresh. Which ended up being her most famous freestyle. She created more Burning Fresh freestyles. Up to 4 parts so far I have no idea if there will be anymore parts. Burning Fresh pt. 4 is on her debut solo album, Inception. *Namjoon moves over as Yoongi searches up that rap battle Zahara had with her friend on the livestream and puts it on. The boys watch and they are impressed*
Yoongi: impressive right? Just wait for Burning Fresh pt. 1 *puts on the video as the boys watch*
Jin: she's an excellent rapper
Namjoon: even more than that
Kookie: she wrote it herself?
Hoseok: yes
Jimin: *on his phone as he looks at Inception* her album is 20 songs long..did she write all of them?
Namjoon: well, she wrote 10 whole songs on that album, co-wrote the rest. She made choreographies for majority of the songs as well.
Hoseok: time for me to show her talent for dance. The first dance cover that she at least uploaded was for House Party by Hucci with one of her great dancer friends, Dylan. *searching it up*
Tae: *one of her great friends?*
Kookie: *I wonder if I know about this Dylan kid..*
Jimin: *Did I watch this?*
Jin: *I should have gone with the boys and I could have met her earlier*
Hoseok: *clicks on video, waiting for it to load*
Yoongi: Has she ever spoken about why she didn't just start out YouTube with her talents?
Namjoon: I believe it was cause she believed she had no talent.
Yoongi: *eyes widen* I wonder what her definition for talented is then!
*video starts playing causing the boys to go silent once again*
Kookie: *nevermind, I don't recognize him.*
Hoseok: *smiling as he watches the video*
Tae: *What else can this girl do?*
Kookie: she's really good! Did she go to dance classes?
Hoseok: *shakes his head* she didn't
Jimin: wait..REALLY?
Jin: was she in a group before?
Namjoon: *shakes his head*
Yoongi: pure talent is what she is.
Tae: is there anything else she can do?
Namjoon: there's a whole long list.
Jin: can she act?
Hoseok: oh yes!
Kookie: Does she play any instruments?
Namjoon: I recall she knows how to play the piano, flute, and violin.
Jimin: any sports?
Yoongi: there are videos of her playing soccer and basketball, but I don't know for sure if she plays them good or if there are any other sports.
Kookie: what nationality is she? She looks of Asian decent..
Yoongi: she does..she looks Korean actually.
Jin: no I don't see it.
Jimin: how do you not see it?
Hoseok: I don't really see it.
Namjoon: I have no idea what nationality she actually is..
Tae: you're the fanboy here
Namjoon: okay, okay, I don't actually pay attention to EVERYTHING.
An hour and a half later
Hobeom: Okay girls, go ahead and take a break, also great news for you girls.
Girls: *look at each other with a 'did anyone know about this? What could it be?' look*
Manager: you girls have got a Melon Premiere Debut Showcase!
Girls: *eyes widen* WHAT?!
Huri: wait really?!
Luma: no way!
Yari: this is awesome!
Zahara: no, this is AMAZING!
Cai Lu: more like this is crazy..*the girls look at her* OBVIOUSLY IN A GOOD WAY!
Girls: *group hug and scream in joy. They rock each other side to side then start jumping up and down going in a circle*
Hobeom: *caught off guard but smiles to see how happy they are*
Meanwhile with the boys
*playing Jenga once again*
Hobi: *it's his turn and he's having a difficult time getting his block* Jin, can you explain to me how the hell you flic-
*suddenly hear the girls screaming*
Hobi: *looks up and ends up knocking down the tower* damn it..what the hell is going on though?
Namjoon: *looking towards the door* should we go check..?
Jimin: *looks at everyone* I mean..
Kookie: *already walking out the door*
Jin: *watching Jungkook leave* what if something bad was happening?!
Yoongi: you really have to question that? The kid always loves torturing himself by putting himself at risk. *shakes his head as he follows Jungkook as so does everyone else*
Back to the girls
Girls: *start to random dance because they are just so happy, excited, surprised, yet nervous all at once*
Kookie: *first one to walk in* what's going on-oh..*fully walks into the room as so do the other guys one by one*
Huri: *notices the boys, stops dancing, and clears her throat*
Yari: *notices as well and stops dancing*
Cai Lu: *stops as well*
Luma & Zahara: *still going at it*
Boys: *all just smiling as so is the manager*
Luma: *finally notices the quietness and stops* uh..Zahara
Zahara: hm? *Luma just stares at the boys making Zahara stop and look at towards the direction that she is looking at. Zahara starts laughing while covering her mouth as she turns red.* Second time I embarrass myself here. *hides behind Luma as she continues to laugh*
Boys: *smile and chuckle*
YoonMinKook: *look down at the ground then look back up at them*
Zahara: *takes a deep breath* ah, okay *walks beside Luma while wiping her eyes as she teared up from laughter/happiness* I'm alright now
Namjoon: so what happened?
Jin: the screaming concerned us..
Girls: *look at each other and start laughing*
Zahara: *covering her mouth as she laughs*
Tae: *notices she's the only one that does it*
*she covers her mouth, and she hid before when she was's probably nothing*
Hobeom: I told them some good news and they were shocked but got very excited at the same time.
Namjoon: can we know?
Manager: maybe, maybe not.
Namjoon: can I at least know?
Manager: maybe, maybe not.
Zahara: *as everyone is paying attention to the manager, she sneaks off to get a cheeky sip of water*
Yari: *notices and silently follows Zahara to scare her*
Zahara: *taking a sip of water*
Yari: *right behind her, pokes Zahara's sides quickly* boo *moves to her side laughing*
Zahara: *eyes widen as she backs up a little as some water spills* coño! *everyone's attention turns to Zari (Zahara + Yari)* got me. I didn't think anyone was watching me..*realizes it's too quiet and slowly turns around to see everyone is staring at them. Starts to laugh and turns around quickly as she continues to laugh. After she calms down, she grabs a towel and wipes the water on the floor*
Tae: *she did it again*
*the boys except for Vmonkook introduce themselves to the girls before leaving the room*
After the girls' practice is over and they are home
Huri: *on the phone with the manager*
Zahara: *eating Nude Pepero along with Luma*
Cai Lu: *serving herself to a bowl of cereal*
Yari: *laying on the couch trying to find a movie to watch with all the girls*
Zahara: Yari, do you want a glass of water?
Yari: YES PLEASE *Zahara was sitting on the kitchen counter so she nods as she gets off and gets her a glass of water*
Huri: mm..mhmm, okay we'll see you tomorrow then. Bye. *hangs up* Girls, listen up. Hobeom oppa has a driver picking us up at 9AM. All he said is that we are going to go since we haven't had any time off to go out. We are going to the park and we are meeting our manager there.
Yari: what are we going to be doing?
Luma: I mean we can bring a net and a volleyball.
Huri: ooh also we can bring some rackets and *laughs a bit* shuttlecocks
Cai Lu: shuttlecocks?
Huri: birdies.
Cai Lu: ah okay
Zahara: I'm going to vlog tomorrow and I can also bring my DSLR and we can have a photoshoot?
Girls (except Zahara): YES
Zahara: *smiles* alright, let me go and fix up everything I'm going to take for tomorrow so it'll be easier for me in the morning.
Luma: I'll put the net by the door.
Yari: I'll get the volleyball.
Huri: I'll get the rackets
Cai Lu: I'll get the birdies, what else?
Zahara: get clothes ready?
Yari: mhmm
*everyone goes to what they said they would do*
Zahara: Hey Huri! Did Hobeom oppa tell you how long we will be there?!
Huri: No! He only said until he's done with what he is doing!
Zahara: What is he going to be doing?!
Huri: He didn't tell me!
Zahara: mm okay! Uh, Lulu!
Cai Lu: yeah?!
Zahara: Can you come here since you're done?!
Cai Lu: *jogs to Zahara's room* Yeah?
Zahara: I'm stuck between two outfits..
Cai Lu: the 2 on your bed?
Zahara: *nods*
Cai Lu: for the photoshoot?
Zahara: well yes because I have a pair of sneakers for both outfits to run around in but others for both outfits for the photoshoot.
Cai Lu: hm..okay...*looking at them and thinking* what hairstyle?
Zahara: *cocks an eyebrow* uh..wavy I guess?
Cai Lu:
Zahara: casual like usual
Cai Lu: This one then *points to the outfit on the right* but what shoes with them?
Zahara: my completely white Adidas
Cai Lu: ah okay! Yeah this outfit! What sneakers will you use to run around in then?
Zahara: uh actually, either Vanz or Converse High-
Cai Lu: what color?
Zahara: both are red.
Cai Lu: Converse!
Zahara: Okay, thank you! Alright, you still want to help me out with laundry..?
Cai Lu: of course!
Zahara: *smiles* okay. Let's go collect everyone's dirty laundry. *they both walk out of Zahara's bedroom and go to each girls' room getting their basket filled with dirty laundry. They then go downstairs to their laundry room and put all the clothes in the wash. After they finish doing that they go back upstairs into their living room to watch the movie Yari chose since it was her turn to choose tonight.*
After the movie and after the clothes have been dried (delicate clothing are hung to dry ofc) and given back to its rightful owner
*the girls have already done their night routine and are all about to go to bed*
Yari: goodnight!
Luma: night!
Huri: sweet dreams!
Cai Lu: someone wake me up in the morning, please and goodnight!
Zahara: I'll wake you all up because I have my alarms on! Nanite!
*they all go to bed*
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