Chapter 17

Wind whipped up dust, bouncing it against the tall city walls. The rhythmic drumming of tiny grains against metal tried to outplay the screaming of the wind but failed. The smokescreen created gave Johanna a modicum of comfort but still her body shook and her heart tried its best to escape. Few people ventured out of the city on foot, more propaganda from Princips insinuating the slums to be nothing more than a savage jungle. Eyes would be on her, checking every movement to make sure she belonged. She tried to stand tall, walk with pride, but she felt uncomfortable in these clothes. They were too tight, even for her small frame, restricting her movement. How she longed for her worn t-shirt and jogging bottoms, although she had to admit that the bright floral patterns were beautiful. Her toes felt confined in the sleek black boots, they had been free since the time she was born, only battered flip flops as protection against the weather and hard earth.

She kept the man in sight, his presence relaxing her, if she could just copy the way he walked, mimic his mannerisms, then she might get through without any trouble. She gained on him, her nerves pumping the muscles in her legs. Maybe it would be wise to enter the city at the same time, if the guards were alerted they may be distracted by him, distracted enough to give her a chance to slip away. Best that the only two people walking stuck together.

Debris struck, a two ton truck flying toward the city. The sound deafened her for a moment, the cloud it created removing all vision. She cursed him, but only in her head, did they use swear words in the city? The biggest annoyance that the only vehicle on the road since her drop off was the size of a large house. Johanna brushed the dirt off, blinking as she walked through the grimy mist. She had fallen behind slightly, but he was not moving fast. He walked with a confident swagger, his whole body swaying from side to side whilst arms swung hard. Everything about the walk said he was in charge. The tight white t-shirt under bunched muscles and lose dark green trousers were like a blank canvas, he gave nothing away.

The walls loomed large now, but her speed from nervous energy meant they would cross the threshold at the same time. Johanna prayed the chip would work, that the information they planted in the citizen's database would get her in. Her head itched, right where it sat, in the hair bunched on top. She wanted to scratch but was worried she would dislodge it, without that chip wound into her tangled roots there would be no way of getting in.

She did not stop stride as she observed the two guards looking to the truck; it was through the gate, stopped behind a red and white striped barrier. One guard cradled a double handed gun loosely whilst the other viewed details on a tablet, his gun secured to his back. These guards gave no sign of emotion in their look; dark black boots, dark blue trousers and top, bullet proof vest, round helmet with dark visor. Seeing behind the masks told you more, their body language was of two bored people whose jobs did not pay well enough for them to be fully alert. This gave her a chance, the one chink in Princips armour.

The tablet guard pressed the screen a few times then the barrier swung up, and the truck was on its way once more. 'Probably taking vital resources from the slums to be wasted on the rich,' Johanna thought, using all her power to stop a scowl appearing on her face. Still she came though, like a runner who held back till the final straight, waiting to overtake the leader and claim victory. She was obsessed with her goal, doing everything she could to keep her face forward, to not make eye contact with the guards. Had she looked she would have noticed they were not paying her any attention.

Sirens wailed, lights flashed, lights she did not notice on her way in. They were inside the city walls now, her plan had failed, she had fallen at the first hurdle. The tablet guard secured the small device to his belt, quickly pulling the gun from his back, pointing it toward Johanna. She had two choices; run and hope not to be shot or stay and face the consequences. In a split second her mind told her she had nowhere to go, at least being alive she still had hope. Slowly, as not to give reason to shoot, she raised her arms. It was hard to keep them still, Johanna had done nothing like this before. She has turned a blind eye to her husband's line of work, always feigning ignorance when asked. She had, up to this point, stayed on the right side of the law. But here she was, caught out, the one time she crossed to the dark side, all for her daughter.

A loud crack came from behind, for a moment she thought there was a shot. Closing her eyes, she tried to work out where the bullet had hit her, but there was no pain. There was supposed to be pain, the warmth of blood, she was supposed to have dropped to her knees. Johanna had heard about people getting shot before, it was not supposed to feel like this.

She was shaken from her thoughts by a guard muttering, "you are free to go Mrs Ngobeni." Johanna opened her eyes, the tablet guard had lowered his gun and now looked at his device. She dared not move, keeping her hands raised above her head. They guard focused on her, moving his gaze from the tablet, "it's ok mam, you can lower your arms." Reluctantly she moved them to her side, slowly once again so he would not shoot. "You can go Mrs Ngobeni, we have your contact details in case we need a witness, but I am sure it will not come to that."

Contact her. Those were not the words she wanted to hear, but at least she had not been found out. At least the mission could continue. Johanna went to say, 'thank you,' but before she could get the words out she was shut down. It was clear these guards had no time for small talk, "have a nice day."

Johanna turned, seeing the body of the man she had made sure she kept up with. He lay face down, blood oozing from the back of his head, a gun trained on him. Johanna gagged at the image, which only added to the backstory she had been given. Quickly looking away, Kira's mother headed deeper into the city.


Everything vyed for her attention, leaving her in a state of confusion. To make matters worse, this watch would not unlock. Johanna looked up as she wandered the streets, she had never seen most of these products. The moving images on giant screens gave small details of what each were for. If only she could read the letters, she would know what they were all about.

She tapped on the tiny screen again, willing something to appear other than a padlock, date and time. Onlookers pulled strange expressions as they passed her. She was an alien on a new planet dressed as one of the locals.

It appeared in front of her, a flash of orange and black, snarling, baring long sharp canines. She stepped back as it let out an almighty roar, knocking into someone behind her. "Woah," he said.

"Sorry," she replied, turning to meet him. She wanted to run but knew that would appear suspicious. The man in front of her was tall and overbearing, he had short cropped hair and a clean shaven face. He smelt good, slightly perfumed but with a hint of musk. He wore a dark suit with blue shirt and tie embellished with flowers. She had never seen anyone like this, he looked so...clean. For a moment she was happy to be in this world, she forgot about her mission, she forgot about the tiger.

It lasted barely a heartbeat, "the beast," she uttered, turning in terror. As she looked back, she noticed it had a slightly translucent complexion. There was a man behind it now, dressed in green with a large brimmed hat. He was telling her something, she caught the words 'zoo,' 'endangered' and 'rare.' The man appeared to have control of the tiger, Johanna's heart rate slowed. She jumped as a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"It's ok, it's just an advert."

Feeling safe to turn her back, Johanna returned her gaze to the dapper man, "sorry, I've just never seen one of those beasts before." She wished she had not said it, it just slipped out, once again worried she had blown her cover.

"You're not from round here," he said. Johanna kept quiet, not wanting to arouse more suspicion. "It's ok," he chuckled, "I understand, some people don't like you guys." Johanna looked confused but stopped herself commenting. "Let me guess; you lived in the slums, had family who were rich? They died and when they looked for heirs, you were the only one left, and now you're here in the big city with all its crazy lights and sounds, no idea what you are doing."

Johanna smiled back, well he was partly right, she came from the slums and the bright lights and loud noises of the city did confuse her. She wanted to talk, but again kept silent lest she jeopardise her mission, affirming with only a nod.

"Don't let them get you down," he comforted, "some people think all your family have got to have lived in the city for generations, like you have to be some sort of pure blood."

"Well I'm not that," Johanna joked, unsure of what he spoke of.

"Where are you headed?" he asked. Concern came across her face. "No, it's not like that, I can help if you're lost. It's more exciting than going to work."

"I've got a map," Johanna said raising her wrist, "but this thing won't unlock." She tapped the screen randomly.

The well dressed man laughed, "you don't have retinal scans in the slums?" The returning confused look told him the answer, "you don't need to put in a code or touch the screen, just stare into the watch and it will scan your eye and unlock. Did you not wonder why they made you look at the screen for thirty seconds at the shop?"

There was a pause, Johanna did not want him to see where she was headed but had no choice, he was waiting to see if she needed further assistance. Tentatively she raised her wrist to her face, widening her eyes and staring into the dark screen. Like so many people using new technology for the first time she appeared to be crazy. The screen flicked into life, on it appeared an orange box with a silhouette of a head and shoulders. Behind, to the left and right in ever decreasing squares, sat icons depicting different applications.

Noticing that the watch had now been unlocked, the man said, "if you move your hand left or right you can change app, you don't need to touch the screen. Do you want me to show you where the maps are?"

"Thanks, but I think I can take it from here."

There was a brief moment of silence before he realised he was no longer needed, whilst Johanna hoped he would move on. "Well...glad to be of help. Don't go jumping at any adverts." He laughed as carried on his way, Johanna gave a fake chuckle.

Flicking through the apps Johanna breathed a sigh of relief. That was twice she had had a close shave, and she had not even got to the research lab yet.

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