Names Unsaid, People Unforgiven
"You could use buddy! Don't you want a pal?" Beetlejuice grabbed Lydia by the shoulders.
"Yes I do, Yes I do!" He mimicked her voice in a squeaky and raspy tone. She simply rolled her eyes, still not impressed.
"Girl, the way I see it! Your Daddy should be leaving and you should stick around. And kill him!"
"Nothing." Beetlejuice quickly replied, "So Lydia don't end yourself, defend yourself. Daddy is the one you should maim! Together we'll exterminate, ASSASSINATE!-"
"No!" Lydia wasn't about to have yet another parent dead. She may have had some problems with him, but she didn't want her dad dead.
"The finer points can wait, but first you gotta say my name! Go ahead and jump but that won't stop him, here you got a solid Plan B option! I can bring your Daddy so much pain, all you gotta do is say my name!" Beetlejuice ran circles around the girl, he really wanted to get her to do this. He did feel sort of bad that he wasn't telling her the full truth. But who gives a shit? He was about to scare the living with the help of this teenage girl.
"Girl, just say it three times in a row. And you won't believe how far I'll go, I'm on the bench but COACH!" He pointed at Lydia, blowing a whistle.
"Just put me in the game! All you gotta do is say my name."
"I don't know you're name." Lydia placed a hand on her hip, looking up at Beetlejuice.
"Well I can't say it!" His tone was full of frustration, Lydia quickly had an idea pop into her head.
"How 'bout a game of charades?" She suggested, tilting her head.
"Yes let's play it!" He held up two fingers.
"Two words." Lydia stated.
"Right!" BJ nodded and pointed at his second finger.
"Second word.." She mumbled, getting her guessing mode ready.
"Uh-huh." Beetlejuice then made a motion as if he were drinking something, nothing too specific. Lydia couldn't completely understand what it was he was trying to say.
"Wine?" Lydia spoke louder, growing a bit annoyed.
"Okay first word." Lydia brushed her self off, getting ready to start guessing again.
"Okay." Beetlejuice made an action like something was crawling on his arm, something small and quick. Lydia had sort of an idea on what it was, but she wasn't sure.
"Close but, no!"
"YES!" Beetlejuice was so happy, he almost cried tears of joy to himself. She now knew his name, she was finally going to say it!
"Wow, I'm impressed! And all you gotta do it say my name three times. Three times in a row, it must be spoken, unbroken! Ready?" He questioned after explaining the rules to her fully and in the best detail he could. He looked at her waiting, she nodded as a smile grew on her face.
"Okay, go!" Beetlejuice yelled, Lydia began the process.
"Yes.." BJ clasped his hands together, he spoke quietly and began to sweat.
"Yes!" The suspense was killing him, he wanted her to just get on with it already!
"Oh, Oh! This is gonna be so good!" He threw his hands up into the air, he spoke louder and began to shout. He was gonna be back in business! Or so he thought.
"What?" His joy dissapeared, he looked over at Lydia who had a sly smirk on her face. He couldn't believe it, she tricked him.
"You're so smart, a stand up bro! I'll think about your offer, let ya know! But I prefer my chances down below. Beetlejuice!"
"Being young and female!"
"Argh!" Beetlejuice fell to his knees, pulling his hair. Fool him once, shame on you, fool him twice, just say his name!
"Doesn't mean that I'm an easy mark. I've been swimming with piranhas, I don't need a shark! Yes, life sucks but not that much, Okay! Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!" Lydia seemed like she was finally going to say it, BJ couldn't help but get his hopes up just a little. Yet, she still didn't say it.
"Be a doll and spare the lecture!"
"I'm offering you a full-time specter!"
"Are you any good?"
"You betcha, trust me baby!" BJ really was trying his hardest to convince her, but nothing was working! He was really getting angry, and when he got angry, things never seem to go so well.
"I just met ya, really it's a flattering offer!"
"Don't you wanna make dad suffer?"
"I think I'd rather just jump off!" She was heading towards the ledge, Beetlejuice began clinging onto her.
"No!" He protested, he needed this girl. How many times was he supposed to stop her from killing herself!?
"I may be suicidal! But Beetlejuice it's not as if I lost my mind!" She shoved him away, turning back towards him. She was in a rage, Beetlejuice simply took a deep breath. He calmed himself down.
"So, playing hardball, huh? You are tougher than you look." Even though she really was being a huge pain in the ass, he had to compliment her. No one was ever brave enough to stand up to him like this. Besides his demon of a mother of course.
"Just wanna make sure I know who I'm working with. Got any references?" She asked the aggravated demon. Speak of the devil, Barbara and Adam ran into the scene looking for Lydia.
"Lydia, there you are!" Barbara sighed in relief trying to get to her but Beetlejuice caught her eye.
"Are you alright!?" Adam didn't even notice him until he began speaking.
"A-Dog! B-Town! My old pals!" A smile appeared on BJ's face, Adam's eyes widened. His protective side activated.
"You get away from her! Lydia, this is a dangerously unstable individual!" Adam announced, Beetlejuice paused. He actually seemed offended by that comment, yes he knew his motives. But hearing it come out of Adam's mouth seemed worse.
"Oh, funny you say that Adam. Finally you understand something for once, but you know. I wouldn't be this way, if it weren't for you! FUCK YOU!" Beetlejuice yelled, a flash of red covering his body. Adam was taken back by the outburst.
"What?-" Before he could finish the sentence a he felt something take over him, Barbara too! They couldn't control their own bodies anymore.
"Beetlejuice is sexy!" Barbara chirped, a smile on her face.
"Beetlejuice is smart!" Adam also had a smile on his face, happy as can be!
"BJ is a graduate of julliard! He can help, we found him on Yelp! Our troubles all ended on the day that we befriended him! Every word is the truth. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!" The couple sang in harmony, the short song ended with the Maitlands in an uncomfortable position. Barbara's crotch on Adam's butt. They pulled away from each other, in pain.
"What the heck was that!?" Barbara looked at her hands in fear.
"So violating.." Adam rubbed his butt, it kinda hurt.
"There ya go, kid! Couple of five star reviews." He turned to Lydia with a sinister smile, for once she was a tad bit scared.
"What was that!?"
"That was possession. Any ghost can do that in less than one lesson." Beetlejuice explained, shrugging it off.
"Any ghost?" Lydia had an idea.
"Pretty much, any ghost'll do sure." Here's the thing, when you're trying to persuade someone. Think about your responses.
"Then Beetlejuice, what do I need you for?" She gave him a smirk, finally Beetlejuice understood what she was doing.
"Woah. Woah. Woah, woah, woah!" He yelled, looking her in the eye.
"Hold up, hold up girl! I'm your pal. They're sweet, but I'm a demon straight from hell! I know I went a little hard on the sell! But we're B-F-F-F-F's forever!" Soon enough Beetlejuice felt himself being pushed off of the roof, he screamed in agony as he fell closer to the ground.
"Lydia!" The Maitlands said in unison, dissapointed in Lydia. Sure he was a demon, but throwing people off roofs was incredibly rude.
"What? He was already dead. And you heard what he said, any ghost can do that possession stuff!" Lydia ran towards the Maitlands, about to share her newest plan.
"We don't need that demon! The three of us alone can wreck dad's evening. Together we can make a grown man weep! Guys I got a dinner date to keep." Lydia did her best to motivate the Maitlands, knowing the kind of people they were. Soon enough the Maitlands felt up for the task.
"Okay, so what's the plan?" Adam questioned.
"Teach dad a lesson! He's gonna freak when we possess him! So he wants the, perfect daughter. I'll lead that lamb to the slaughter! YEAH, I got game! I'm gonna make him say my name..." Lydia let out a chuckle as the Maitlands joined in.
"Make him say your name!" The two adults in the back repeated her in excitement.
"I'll make him say my name."
"Make him say your name!"
"I'll make him say my name!" Lydia raised her fist in the air, ready to make her dad pay without they help of some creepy old guy.
"Make him say your name!"
"Not running away!" The three of them said all together, establishing that they were a team. This might not be My Little Pony, but this team will end in harmony! Lydia was going to do it, she was going to make her dad see why they needed to go back home. Delia wasn't her mom and this wasn't her home.
Lydia was going to find her mom and get back home.
"I'll make him say my name!"
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