Chapter 25|The Storm.


Khadijah peeked through the blinds in her room, a sudden flash of lightning illuminated the darkened sky. Startled, she quickly drew back, shivering as she hugged a soft, fluffy pillow tightly against her chest for comfort.

Biting her lip, she sat on the edge of her bed, quietly reciting Suratul Mulk. Another bolt of lightning, this time accompanied by a deafening clap of thunder, crackled through the sky. The sound rattled her bones, causing her grip on the pillow to loosen until it slipped from her hands and fell to the floor.

Earlier, after Tahir had finished washing the dishes, Khadijah had excused herself, needing to take a bath. But just two minutes into her soothing soak, the first rumble of thunder had sent her scrambling to cut her time short, reducing her planned bath to a mere minute longer than she had already spent.

Khadijah found herself rushing through the process, urgency propelling her to slip beneath her soft comforter before the rain began. From the constant rumbling in the distance, it was clear this wasn't going to be a gentle rain, it was a warning that a fierce thunderstorm was on its way, the kind that sends shivers down her spine instead of the gentle pitter-patter of rain she enjoyed.

And thunderstorms were one of her greatest fears. Heavy rainfalls always unsettled her, but this? This felt like it might strip her of her very skin with terror.

The frantic pace at which she had hurried through her bathing routine mirrored the way she hastily moisturized her skin and slipped into a cozy cotton nightdress. She barely had time to braid her hair into two neat plaits before another round of thunder roared through the air, sounding closer and more menacing than before.

Khadijah shivered again, rising from her bed with her phone clutched in one hand and her blanket wrapped tightly around her shoulders.

It was one thing to set camp in Tahir's room when he wasn't around. But doing the same while he was there? That was an entirely different matter. What excuse could she possibly muster to justify her intrusion?

Thunderstorms scare me to death—that was her excuse, she thought, her resolve hardening with each passing second.

Once again, she shivered; whether from the cold, the fear of the storm, or the thought of entering Tahir's room—and his bed—while he was very much present, she couldn't tell.

All her life, she had never been as acutely aware of anyone as she was of Tahir and his every move. She could tell whenever his eyes followed her; she felt it, how his hands seemed to seek her out whenever she was within reach, how his gaze made her hyper-aware of her femininity.

She might be young, but she understood what his gaze held; what it implied—or at least had an inkling of its meaning. And then there were his lips, always brushing against some part of her skin, especially her lips; leaving tingling sensations.

Goosebumps erupted on her skin at the thought, and she burrowed deeper into the mattress, clutching the comforter tightly against her chest.

Just then, a loud boom filled the air. Like a bolt of lightning herself, Khadijah found herself striding quickly to his room, her blanket wrapped firmly around her.

In that moment, she decided she had found the solution to her problem. She would go to his room, take her side of the bed, leave him to his, and everyone could have their own blanket.

Resolved, she knocked timidly on his door. When no response came, she repeated the action, her lips quivering as silence greeted her again.

Hearing movement behind her, she yelped, spinning around to find Tahir standing there, wearing only a pair of sweatpants and holding a steaming mug in one hand.

He raised an eyebrow, giving her a once-over.

"Thunders." Her fingers tightened around her blanket. "I don't like thunderstorms," she stammered.

Tahir nodded, lowering his cup as he regarded her thoughtfully. "Want to borrow my room?"

"We can share your room," Khadijah whispered, gauging his reaction. When she saw his brow arch higher, she added, "Sharing is know."

Both of his brows arched in amusement now, a chuckle escaping his lips as he shook his head. "Khadijah, you don't need to ask my permission to sleep in my room. You can move in here, and I wouldn't mind."

She nodded, relieved by his consent. "Is that coffee?"

Tahir glanced down at his mug, taking a moment before nodding slowly.

Her nose wrinkled before she turned away. She grasped the knob and turned it, still aware of him standing behind her. "Goodnight, see you tomorrow morning."

He scoffed lightly. "You'll see me tonight, Khadijah."

Ignoring his words and tone, she rushed into the room, letting out a heavy sigh of utter relief as her eyes fell upon the bed that had begun to feel like a haven to her. She did a little happy dance before dropping her blanket and phone onto the mattress.

Hastily, she slipped into his bathroom to perform ablution, returning just as another flash of lightning lit up the window, followed by a thunderclap that threatened to paralyze her. Khadijah dove into his bed, grinning sheepishly as she wiggled beneath the covers, trying to find a comfortable position.

By the time Tahir finished his nightly rituals, Khadijah was already buried under her blanket from head to toe, wide awake and feeling secure. Back home, before her marriage, she had often joined her mother in her room during storms; unless she was already asleep when the rain began. The memories of those comforting nights warmed her insides and tonight, she felt that familiar sense of safety enveloping her once again.

He walked into the room—after carefully locking the doors and offering supplication over them—to the sight of Khadijah wiggling under the thick blanket. The instant he entered, she halted, freezing in place.

"Can't sleep?" Tahir asked, moving around the room to retrieve his phone, his eyes fixed on her.

Khadijah's head peeked out from the blanket, her gaze flickering across the room. "I won't be able to sleep until it starts raining."


"I'm scared."

He smiled. "You're not ashamed to admit it?"

Khadijah sat up straight. "Ashamed to admit fear? Weren't you the one who called me a scaredy cat just a few hours ago? My name should be Khadijah the Scaredy Cat."

"What about crybaby? Where does that fit? Khadijah the Scaredy Crybaby?" he teased, watching her face light up with laughter.

Quickly recovering, Khadijah asserted with a grin, "I don't even know how it happens, but I always react on impulse."

"You do, huh?" He made his way to the bed. "Do we really need two blankets on one bed?"

Khadijah nodded vigorously, her expression serious.

"What if it gets too cold during the night?"

"All the more reason why two blankets are needed," Khadijah explained, smirking.

Tahir settled on the bed. "But body heat works faster and so much better than blankets, you know."

She plunged her head back into the comforter, shaking it. "It's not true, it's not true!" she exclaimed, her muffled protest causing him to chuckle softly.

Tahir leaned closer, covering himself with his own blanket before whispering in her ear, "Why don't we test both theories? See which one works better."

"I'm content with my blanket," she declared, poking her head out and adjusting her silky cap. "It's raining, can you hear it?"

"I can," he said, pausing to stare at her. "I'm surprised you don't like the rain. I love it. It brings me a sense of contentment, a deep satisfaction."

She turned to face him fully. "It's peaceful," she agreed.

"But scary."

Khadijah shrugged, noting how close they were. He was literally in her space, yet she didn't feel crowded.

"Let me teach you how to find it soothing," he offered, drawing her closer and carefully pulling her out of her comforter into his. "First, you need to relax; you're as tense as a tightly pulled string." Gently, he began to rub her arms, his touch tender. He moved higher to her shoulders, kneading the knots in her muscles, slowly coaxing the tension from her body.

Khadijah laid back, pliant under his hands. She found herself unwinding, allowing him to persuade away the fear that had gripped her.

"Listen to the sound of the rainfall," he instructed softly. "Now take a deep breath," he paused, watching her with an intensity that made her heart flutter. "Inhale the fresh scent of the rain. Let yourself enjoy it."

"It's working," Khadijah whispered, amused.

Tahir's hands worked magic on her shoulders, making her sigh in contentment. He felt her tension melt away as he slowly let go, adjusting the blanket draped over them and lowered his head.

"How do you feel now?"

"Better, a lot better," her voice came out huskier than she intended.

He nodded. "Good."

Slowly, he inched closer, pulling her tightly against him, his chest pressed firmly to her back. "Here's another way to cool you down," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear.

Confused, she looked up inquisitively.

Khadijah barely had the time to process his words before he turned her to face him, enveloping her in his strong arms. Then he began demonstrating what he meant, tilting her head to find a better angle.

At first, she began to resist, knowing where this might lead—to the one thing she feared even more than thunderstorms. But her resistance faded as he manoeuvred her in his embrace gently, expertly. Minutes later, he forced himself to pull away, knowing this wasn't why she had come to his room. No matter how much he yearned for her, he couldn't take advantage of her vulnerability in that moment. He knew it would only drive her back into her shell and break the fragile trust growing between them.

A soft whimper escaped her lips when he finally retreated, moving to sit on the edge of the bed to cool his ardor.

It lingered on the tip of her tongue to ask if she had done something wrong, but Khadijah regained control of her racing thoughts, wondering if she was losing her mind.

"Go to sleep, Khadijah."

"What about you?" she asked in a hushed whisper, her fingers trembling.

He glanced at her over his shoulder. His smile was there, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'll be fine. Sleep well, Khadijah."

Just like that, she was dismissed. Glaring at him, Khadijah complied, muttering under her breath about how quickly he had changed.

Khadijah fell asleep shortly after. In her sleep, she felt him hold her close, pulling her tightly against his side. Once, when a loud thunderclap woke her, she jumped, pressing further into his bare chest.

"It's okay," he comforted, rubbing her arm soothingly.

She fell back asleep soon after.

Tahir stared at her sleeping form, noticing how she shivered slightly whenever thunder rumbled or how her body stiffened before relaxing again and sinking back into slumber. Holding her close, he tried desperately to keep his mind off thoughts of her that refused to let him find peace. Sleep had eluded him completely.

Intent on distracting himself from off-track thoughts, he carefully released her and moved quietly to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. When he emerged, he found Khadijah sitting on the bed, her eyes drowsy.

She barely acknowledged him before slipping into the bathroom herself. When she came out, the room was empty. Glancing at the time, she stifled another yawn and covered her legs with the blanket. By then, the rain had subsided to a gentle drizzle; the kind she found soothing. The kind she preferred.

Tahir reentered the room, shrugging off the shirt he had worn, an air of tension clinging to him. He halted at the sight of Khadijah watching him, her eyes wide. "Why aren't you sleeping?" he asked, trying to sound casual as he neatly folded the shirt and tucked it into the wardrobe.

Khadijah's gaze lingered on him. "I think the question should be directed at you," she replied, drawing her legs out from under the blanket and planting her feet firmly on the floor. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes," he replied tersely, his clipped tone betraying his unease.

Her keen eyes searched his face, concern deepening in her expression. She let out a slow, deep breath. "You haven't slept at all. Something's bothering you, isn't it?"

Tahir chuckled, the sound devoid of humor. "I'll be fine." He nodded towards the bed, a subtle gesture urging her to return to the comfort of the sheets.

Khadijah, however, shook her head, sitting up straighter. "Something's clearly bothering you. You haven't slept a wink. Every time I jolt awake, I see you wide awake. Tell me what's wrong."

He turned to face her, his expression serious. "Are you sure you want to hear?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

She nodded twice, watching him step closer, each stealthy step heightening the tension in the air. A sliver of trepidation ran down her spine, and the fear that flickered in her eyes made him stop.

Releasing a harsh exhale, Tahir shook his head. "I thought as much. You won't like what I have to say because you're afraid of me."

"I'm not!" she protested.

"You are. And you're going to get into bed and go to sleep. Please do that." He placed his hands gently on her shoulders, guiding her backwards.

"You don't even know if there's anything I can do to help—"

Tahir scoffed, regarding her with an intense look that seemed to burn into her very soul. "I want you, Khadijah." His hands enclosed around her arms, lifting her chin to meet his piercing gaze. "I want you so much that it feels like torture to simply be close to you," he paused, watching her.

He wasn't done, he'd barely begun. Leaning closer, he whispered in her ear, "I need to feel you like I need air to breathe. It's killing me to hold you close and not..." He trailed off, his lips grazing her neck. "Khadijah, I can't stop thinking about how good you feel. It's all that's on my mind!"

Listening to her ragged breaths, he knew his words had struck a chord, reaching parts of her that she never expected. He pressed closer, letting her feel. "I've never been this frustrated before, and I'm telling you now, Khadijah. It's either everything or nothing." His tongue danced over her lips.

He didn't stop until his mouth was hovering over hers, barely touching—a whisper away. "I'm taking you with me, Khadijah. I'm going to make you forget everything." He parted her lips with his, kissing her passionately, pouring every ounce of his longing into the kiss. "Everything except the person giving you pleasure."

Tahir proceeded to show her exactly what he meant. He knew he didn't have the willpower to let her decide; he had already rendered her speechless. True, he might have asked for consent, but at this point, he knew it was either this or his undoing; his demise. There was no other choice—no alternative.

Khadijah clung to him for support, searching for balance as he pursued her without relent, each movement purposeful and every intake of breath charged with intensity.

He held her gaze, refusing to allow her to cower or shy away from the depth of their connection.

Tahir had made a vow, and he refused to back down. He took her, creating new memories that would surely overshadow the past. He gave everything of himself, and in return, he took everything from her.

Everything except thoughts of him and who he was to her.


The light drizzle continued, the atmosphere soothing and serene. Tahir lay on the bed, his wife curled against his chest, her petite body soft against his solid, masculine physique. Gently, he adjusted her position, ensuring she was even more comfortable, using his arm as a makeshift pillow.

He stared at her face, admiring the serenity etched into her features as she drifted deeper into sleep.

It couldn't be normal, it wasn't, Tahir thought. She was like an enchanting creature he couldn't get his fill of, no matter how hard he tried. No matter what he did.

For now, he was sated—and so was she. But Tahir knew, as surely as he knew his own name, that it wouldn't be long before the desire began to mount.

With a deep exhale, he pressed a gentle, lingering kiss atop her head before surrendering to sleep.


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