Chapter 24|Caught Red-handed.
Several seconds passed as the couple remained lost in the warm daze of their embrace. Tahir, with a hint of reluctance, finally released Khadijah, in need of air. She dutifully lowered her face to his chest, ignoring the rapid pounding of her heart.
Slowly, the hands she had entwined around him began to loosen. "You should have told me you were coming," she murmured softly, her voice just loud enough for him to hear.
Tahir leaned in, his voice low and husky as he spoke directly into her ear. "It was an impromptu decision. It felt unnecessary to wait until tomorrow."
"Should I even ask what time you left Kaduna?" She lifted her head slightly, gauging his reaction, her eyes searching his face for the truth. The teasing smirk on his face told her all she needed to know; he had driven too fast.
"Welcome back," she said, attempting to step out of his arms. But his grip tightened firmly, refusing to release her especially as her hands slipped away from his body.
Tahir looked down at her, clearly unwilling to let her go. "Thank you. Something smells amazing in here."
Khadijah nodded, stealing a glance at the kitchen door, which she had swung wide open during her earlier panic. Her eyes widened as large as saucers. "Damn, damn, damn! I'm baking!" Once more, she attempted to free herself from his grasp.
At first, Tahir resisted her escape, but after a long, lingering look at her face, he finally relinquished his hold. He followed her into the kitchen, watching as she hurriedly pulled on her mittens and rushed to the oven. The timer had gone off, and she had no idea how long ago.
Muttering a stream of well-concealed curses beneath her breath, Khadijah pulled out the bronze cookies, realizing they would have burned to a crisp if left inside for another moment longer.
Tahir observed every detail of her hurried movements—the way her lithe body glided around the kitchen, the practiced ease with which she handled the oven. He couldn't help but be captivated.
"How was your trip?" Khadijah asked, breaking the silence and jolting him back to reality as she sought to shift her focus from thoughts of his welcome embrace and her frantic state, to regain her composure.
"It was good, Alhamdulillah. What do we have here?" Tahir asked, stepping closer until he was just a few feet away.
Khadijah smiled, unsure of what else to do, and offered him a plate with several cookies.
Tahir accepted it with a grin, settling onto a high stool to taste what he knew would satisfy his craving for her cooking. He took a bite and paused, as if transported to another world. After another bite, his eyes followed her, marveling at his luck. His heart filled with gratitude and wonder at how fortunate he was.
"This tastes really good, incredibly delicious," he praised, devouring a few pieces within moments.
Khadijah's gaze met his for a fleeting second before she looked away, a shyness creeping in as her lips curled into a grateful smile at his compliment. "Thank you!"
Tahir shook his head, rising from his chair and closing the distance between them. She was busy shaping the next batch of cookies, lost in her task. He approached until he was a mere whisper away, his body heat enveloping her from behind. Khadijah froze, her breath hitching unexpectedly.
Slowly, Tahir bent his head, mindful of her stillness. His lips brushed against the soft skin below her ear. For a moment, his teeth grazed her earlobe, and in a voice that sent a wave of warmth rushing through her, he whispered, "No, thank you. It tastes delicious." With a playful nip, he pressed his lips firmly against her neck, savoring the connection, before abruptly stepping back.
"Heading to my room; I need to take a bath." His words floated to her, thick and muffled, as though cotton had been stuffed into her ears.
She swallowed hard, forcing herself to turn and face him, scrutinizing his demeanor, analyzing how composed he was after what he had just done.
Khadijah nodded, unable to do much else. Her legs felt like putty, her hands as limp as overcooked noodles. In search of stability, she found a seat and lowered herself down, her heart racing wildly as if she had just run a marathon and veered off track somewhere along the way. Neither did she win nor lose the race; she simply disappeared. Poof, into thin air.
After Tahir left, Khadijah found herself smiling, amazed at how quickly her emotions had shifted. Just minutes ago, she had been on the verge of a mental breakdown, frozen with fear. Now, a serene calm had wrapped around her, a striking contrast to her earlier state.
Humming softly, she replayed everything that had happened from the moment she'd collided into him to the present. Suddenly, her eyes flew wide open as she remembered—she had left her iPad, one of her silk sleeping caps, and her charger in his room. The room that had, oddly enough, become her go-to sanctuary.
"Yikes," Khadijah whispered, nervously biting her nails.
She groaned inwardly, mentally picturing the state she had left his room earlier. The bed was unmade, and her belongings were strewn about. She hadn't anticipated his surprise return today. It was never part of the plan. Initially, her intention had been to curl up in his comfortable bed with her cookies and phone keeping her company until he returned to a spotless room; as neat and tidy as he had left it. Now, she had no excuse.
Hoping luck would favor her this time, she sneaked after him, praying he might have returned to his car to retrieve something he'd forgotten. But her efforts were in vain—he had gone straight to his room.
Her eyes fluttered closed involuntarily in frustration. Agitated, Khadijah fisted her hair through her scarf, wondering what had possessed her to leave her belongings scattered carelessly about the room. It was reckless, bordering on irresponsible.
"Now he knows that I've set camp there," she muttered to herself, releasing her fingernail from her teeth and reluctantly heading back to her own room, resignation settling on her features.
Just then, the timer chimed. Khadijah returned to the kitchen for the third batch of cookies. This batch was special; she had added extra chocolate for a richer flavor.
Shoving half a cookie straight into her mouth, she moaned loudly in delight before the other half followed. Khadijah picked another—it was in dire need of her attention—savoring the taste. She released a sigh, wondering who made those, then broke into a happy dance to celebrate her accomplishment.
But maturity quickly snapped her out of her sugar-induced delulu. She frowned, realizing she needed to make something substantial for dinner. Tahir couldn't survive on cookies alone. It was already half past eight, and knowing Sa'eedah—or Noor—they would likely show up soon unless they knew Tahir had returned.
Grabbing a knife, Khadijah decided to whip up something simple. Deciding to make stir-fried spaghetti, she took off to her task with practiced motions. In the process of cutting the veggies, she nicked the top of her index finger. The sharp pain eliciting a hiss from her.
Blood welled up, but she didn't have time to stall. She turned on the faucet, clenched her eyes shut, and rinsed off the blood. Raising the finger to inspect the cut, she grimaced at the stinging pain, before disinfecting it and wrapping a plaster over the injury. She returned to her task, focusing intently this time.
It didn't take long for her to finish stir-frying the spaghetti, and luckily for her, the final batch of cookies came out just as the meal was done.
Khadijah ambled to Tahir's room to check if he was done so he could eat before the night drew on. After knocking and receiving no response, she mustered all the courage she could and slowly pushed the door open. Once inside, her eyes scanned the room in search of him.
The sound of running water reached her ears, and her eyes darted to the still-unmade bed. Grateful for the opportunity to rectify her earlier oversight, she quickly snatched her iPad and charger, placing them carefully on the dresser, then hurriedly began making the bed, trying her best to smooth out every wrinkle in the sheets before he emerged.
Lost in thought about spending the next few days away from this room, Khadijah didn't notice when Tahir walked out until he casually called her name, startling her into dropping the blanket she was folding onto the bed. It was a reckless mistake to look up at him, one glance was all it took to make her spin around, facing the wall with her eyes squeezed shut.
"What are you doing?" he asked, acting as though she hadn't just seen him wearing nothing but a towel riding low on his waist.
Her eyes clenched tighter in embarrassment.
"Making your bed," she replied.
Tahir studied her rigid form. "No, I meant what are you doing facing the wall?"
"Privacy?" Khadijah offered, shrugging noncommittally.
He chuckled, his voice casual and now a touch closer. "It's alright. It's just me, Khadijah. Relax. I won't get in your way."
"He couldn't even feign innocence," she muttered. Steeling her resolve, she inched closer to the bedside table, desperately trying to ignore the rapid thumping of her heart. Under her breath, Khadijah added, "Yeah, right."
Several seconds passed in silence. Tahir stifled a laugh at her refusal to turn around or make a move that could be perceived as normal. Her steps were almost robotic.
He slipped into a jalabiya to put her at ease. "I'm covered now. You can turn around."
Khadijah peeked over her shoulder, one eye cautiously open while the other remained tightly shut. He noticed, and laughed. She let out a sigh of relief, but the look in his eyes made her throat go dry; the heat in his gaze was blatant. Swallowing hard, she folded the blanket with trembling hands and grabbed the iPad and charger from the dresser, smiling sheepishly to mask her flustered state.
With his intense stare following her every move, she cleared her throat. "I made dinner for you. It's in the kitchen. I'll put these away before you're ready to eat."
He nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Khadijah." He walked around, careful not to startle her, and stopped at a reasonable distance. "Why are you putting them away? Where are you taking them?"
Khadijah glanced up at him, her eyes landing somewhere around his chest. "My room," she replied.
Pursing his lips, he nodded slowly. "The big bad wolf is back? Or you do not like this room anymore?"
She averted her gaze, hugging the iPad tightly against her chest, knowing she had been caught. "Neither. I just... I don't sleep here. I just laze around and take... naps," she explained, fidgeting under his scrutinous gaze.
"Don't let my presence keep you away from my room."
Khadijah nodded, smiling softly before waving once and maneuvering around him to leave the room. His penetrating gaze followed her; lingering, heavy with unspoken desire.
Tahir reluctantly tore his eyes away from the door and made his way to the bed, sitting on the edge wondering how Khadijah could be oblivious to the effect she had on him. A thought slipped into his mind—one he quickly brushed away—if she had been someone like Kamila, she would have exploited and twisted him to her advantage without hesitation. He released a strained breath, fisting his hands in an attempt to will his body to cool down, to rein in the tempest that brewed within him.
It baffled him how seeing Khadijah soothed something he hadn't even realized was raging within him. When he had first stepped into his room, the unmade bed had caught his eyes. Then his eyes wandered, taking in the sight of her iPad casually resting on the bedside table and her charger nearby.
Seeing her belongings strewn across his personal space filled him with a warmth he hadn't anticipated. It was more than just temporary clutter; it was a tangible reminder that he was truly married. It wasn't an illusion. She was the first woman whose personal items had permeated his private space, and he found it endearing in a way he hadn't thought possible.
It had brought an involuntary smile to his face, realizing that Khadijah had made herself at home there in his absence. It pleased him, making him wonder if she had missed him and sought comfort in his space, just as he had longed to have her within his sight.
He had slipped into the bathroom, knowing she would return for her belongings. His assumption was confirmed when he stepped out and found her folding his blanket. Like a deer caught in headlights, she had dropped it in a comically swift way that caught him off guard. Then she spun around, providing him privacy, of all things.
The absurd gesture amused him to no end, especially her remark about giving him privacy, as if that was what he sought. If only she knew what he truly wanted—it wasn't privacy. It was to have her draped over him, pliant beneath him, touching him—any form of physical connection.
Tahir was ready for anything and everything. He was revved up, starving for it.
Khadijah heard her phone ring and saw Sa'eedah's name flashing on the screen. She quickly answered, making her way to the door, knowing Sa'eedah had arrived. At the door, she found not only Sa'eedah but also Muna, and Haifa.
They exchanged greetings and hugs before stepping inside. Haifa lingered behind, her brows furrowed. "Was that Ya Tahir's car I saw outside? Is he back?"
Khadijah nibbled her lower lip and nodded, surprised he hadn't gone to see Ammi yet.
"Oh my God! Muna, let's go home! Tahir's here," Haifa exclaimed, grabbing her twin's hand and dragging her toward the door.
Muna, however, resisted, holding onto the wall for support. "Since we're already here, why don't we greet them properly before fleeing?"
The twins exchanged a series of meaningful looks while Khadijah and Sa'eedah watched. Sa'eedah took Khadijah's hand, leading her to the living room.
"They're communicating in twin language. No one can interpret those looks," Sa'eedah explained briskly. Upon entering the living room, she called out, "Ya Tahir, good evening. We had no idea you were back, or we wouldn't have come," she said bluntly, releasing Khadijah's hand to give him a side hug.
Tahir returned the gesture and raised an eyebrow. "I was about to go in and greet Ammi."
"She said you were returning tomorrow! How was your trip?" Haifa asked.
Khadijah quietly slipped away from the siblings in the living room and headed to the kitchen, returning with an overflowing plate of cookies she had baked. Just as she was about to present them to the sisters, Tahir snatched one with a teasing grin, earning an impulsive glare from her that made him laugh.
"Ouu, cookies!" Muna and Sa'eedah exclaimed in unison, exchanging knowing looks. Muna faced Khadijah, her grin widening. "From the looks of it, Adda Khadijah knew you were coming. She even made your favorite snack," she said, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously before whispering something to Haifa that was loud enough for everyone to hear. "Adda Shukhra needs to hear this!"
Khadijah giggled, unsure how to respond. The realization that they thought she had made the cookies specially for him hit her—they already believed it.
"You girls done?" Tahir asked in a monotone, glancing up with a raised brow.
Another round of knowing looks passed among the girls. This time, Haifa stood up and urged Muna with her hands while silently beckoning Sa'eedah with her eyes. "We thought Adda Khadijah was alone and bored, so we came to keep her company until 10PM. But since you're here, we'll take our leave," she sweetly added.
Muna lowered her voice conspiratorially. "Ya Tahir tun yanzu you're sending us away. Let's leave the newlyweds alone; they must be missing each other," she concluded as if Tahir and Khadijah weren't sitting right there, the atmosphere thickening with playful tension.
Tahir opened the door for them, prompting a chorus of laughter as the girls filed out, cookies in hand, leaving behind a slightly sheepish Khadijah and her unflappable husband.
Once they left, Khadijah slipped out of the room but quickly returned with his dinner. She busied herself, making tea for both of them while asking his preference. She knew he preferred coffee—she'd never seen him drink tea—but the thought of him indulging in coffee tonight irked her for personal reasons. Tahir didn't complain, he accepted his mug with gratitude.
They ate in silence. Afterward, Khadijah curled up on the sofa, her fingers tapping away on her phone as she replied to messages.
"How was school?" Tahir asked, taking the last sip of his tea and turning his attention to her.
"The usual. School was annoying," she replied instinctively. Their eyes met, and she rephrased, "It was okay. Boring, yes." She wiggled her toes, drawing his gaze to her feet before he looked back at her face.
Tahir nodded knowingly, his expression teasing yet affectionate. "Your contempt for school is glaring," he remarked, a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.
Khadijah sprang up from her chair in a mock display of indignation. "Honestly, I hate it!" she declared, the playful intensity in her voice underscoring her feelings.
He chuckled, shaking his head at her antics as he took both their cups to the kitchen. She quickly gathered the rest of the dishes, following him.
Tahir stepped aside, granting her space to head to the sink and begin washing the dishes while he joined in to help. As Khadijah began to scrub the cups, his eyes caught sight of her finger, the one with the small plaster. Concern flashed across his face as he gently took her hand in his grasp, raising it to his eyes for inspection. "What happened? How did you get hurt?" he asked, his voice low and gentle.
The memory made her wince slightly, and she unconsciously moved closer to him, her lips forming a pout. "Earlier, when I was making dinner. But it doesn't hurt anymore," she reassured him.
He raised a brow, blowing softly on the small bandage covering her finger. "I'm sorry about that," he murmured. Without a moment's hesitation, he pressed a quick kiss to the injured digit, sending a shiver of warmth up her spine. Then, with a swift move, he wrapped his arms around her waist and hoisted her up onto the counter.
Tahir stepped even closer, positioning himself between her parted knees. He tilted her chin up gently, compelling her to meet his gaze, which now carried a hint of worry. "Sit here; I'll do the dishes," he instructed.
Leaning in, he pressed a light kiss on her forehead. Reluctantly, he forced himself to move away, quickly getting to work on the dishes while she watched him, a content smile spreading across her face.
See you soon, In Shaa Allah!
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