Chapter 11|Firsts.
After my family left, my friends remained behind, joined by Tahir's sisters, keeping me company. When it was time for Maghrib prayers, Ya Kamal called Amna over the phone, inquiring how many of our friends were present. She quickly counted everyone, including Haifa and Muna, before we began praying.
We all recited our adhkar, and some time later, one of Tahir's aunts approached, calling for the bridesmaids in a cheery voice.
Amna walked over to me with a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "We're billing the groomsmen for the siyan baki! Ya Kamal and Ya Mukhtar are being so unreal! Faruk and AA are way more cooperative. See ya later!" she exclaimed, giving me a playful wink before heading out after the other girls, leaving me alone in the room.
Just then, a gentle knock had me raising my head, my eyes wide with curiosity as to who was behind the door. The knob turned slowly, and Noor appeared in the doorway, sporting the largest grin I had ever seen.
The girl wore her hair in two pigtails, secured with a headband that matched the color of her lace outfit.
"Adda Khadijah!" she exclaimed gleefully, darting over to sit beside me, wrapping her arms around me in an enthusiastic embrace. "I'm campaigning for you to spend the night here, and I'll tell you all about my friends at school! But just a heads-up, Adda Hairi isn't on our side—it's good to know your enemies—keep that in mind!"
Apparently, the only people on our side were me and Noor. My friends had successfully gotten what they wanted from the groomsmen, and without even catching a glimpse of my brother, he called them out to leave, stating that it was getting late.
I cried hard when they were leaving, my heart aching at the thought of being left behind. I only found a semblance of peace when Haifa began to console me. Their mom, Ammi, had decided to have me formally introduced to the family tomorrow, alongside their dad, which reduced the pressure of my racing thoughts.
When it was time for me to be escorted to my own home, only the twins and one of their aunts led me, directing me with supplications and encouraging words at every step of the way.
By the time I settled onto a couch in the living room of my house, my palms had become sweaty with anxiety. I was too nervous to take in the interior; my eyes saw everything in shades of grey instead of their actual colors, as if the world around me had dulled in response to my unease.
I still hadn't caught a glimpse of the groom, by the way.
A little while later, the aunt left, leaving me with Haifa and Muna, who drew me into their conversations, working to make me feel at ease again.
"Your go-to box is in one of the bedrooms in case there's anything you might need, Adda Khadijah," Haifa said, beginning to rise from her chair, taking me by surprise.
My brows shot to the top of my head in confusion. What did she mean by getting up from her chair?
"Where are you going?" I asked, barely able to refrain from stuttering and betraying my nerves.
Muna inclined her head toward the door, a bright smile on her face. "Home."
A chuckle escaped me, and I rose alongside the twins, my throat tightening as I tried to process her words.
"But it's too early! I can't stay here alone—I'm not used to..."
I felt a wave of panic swell up inside me, amplifying the anxiety that already churned in my stomach.
Muna brushed me off with a wave of her hand, her smile only deepening. "Ya Tahir is here already. You have nothing to be scared of."
Him. I was scared of him.
"Haifa, Muna," I pouted, following them to the door with every intention of stepping out alongside them.
I wasn't used to being alone in strange places, especially with strange people. And Tahir? Well, he epitomized "strange people" for me right now.
At the door, I found myself taking charge. Yes, I had overtaken both girls, stepping out first. However, the moment my foot hit the ground, it shot right back into the house.
Tahir stood by his car, a phone in his hand, the light illuminating his features. He caught my movement and held my gaze, those intense eyes making my heart race.
I quickly averted my eyes, retreating back into the house meekly. Taking a fleeting sideways glance at Muna, I noticed her hiding a smile behind her palm and made a mental note to seek vengeance when the opportunity arose.
"Goodnight. May Allah bless your home," Haifa said brightly, and Muna echoed her sentiments. They both pulled me into a warm hug before stepping out, leaving me alone with my unending stream of thoughts.
Just before the door got closed, my eyes darted back to Tahir, who was heading towards us. The only thing that stopped me from locking him out was the fear of being alone in the new environment. So, I rushed back into the living room as he approached, which didn't take long at all.
Tahir walked in with a Salaam, his deep voice resonating through the room. I replied without turning to face him, my hands busy fiddling with my phone, trying to appear nonchalant. He casually walked further into the living room in silence, stopping only when he was right beside me.
Without a word, he settled himself onto the space next to me on the couch, his scent immediately filling the air around us—rich, warm, and utterly intoxicating. I fought the wild urge to lean in and inhale in his scent; it was so good it hurt not to drown in it.
"Khadijah," he called my name, his voice low and deep, sending shivers down my spine.
"Na'am," I responded, raising my head slightly, catching a glimpse of him from the corner of my eye.
The space between us felt minimal, and Tahir—who apparently had no concept of personal space—edged closer, taking my hand in his grip.
Warm. Comfortable.
My eyes fluttered closed instantly as his masculine fingers enveloped my delicate wrist.
"Come with me," he urged gently, standing up and leading me deeper into the house.
I followed him in a daze, like a chick does its mother hen, my heart racing several miles per second with each step. Tahir refused to release my hand, even when he reached one of the bedrooms and paused.
Raising my head to meet his gaze, he gestured for me to enter the room. "Make yourself comfortable, Khadijah. It's just me. I don't bite." His words were meant to reassure me, and he gently helped me into the room, acting as a guide.
Swallowing stiffly, I made a feeble attempt to pull my fingers from his grasp, but he resisted, choosing instead to tug me closer.
His other hand wandered around the back of my neck, stealthily lowering my veil to rest on my shoulder. "I won't hurt you; trust me," he said in a soothing tone.
Then, in a swift move that felt surreal, his fingers brushed against my chin, lifting my face to meet his gaze.
I did, with utmost difficulty, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum.
"Come to the living room when you're done," he instructed softly.
My words caught in my throat, and I could only nod in response, feeling overwhelmed by everything. His gaze shifted from my wide eyes to the entirety of my face before he slowly walked out of the room.
Once he was gone, I released an audible breath, feeling the tension drain from my body.
It didn't take me long to take a bath, nor did it take long to find a comfortable pajama set. Over that, I slipped on a plum jalabiya to preserve my modesty. Still feeling a touch exposed, I wrapped the jalabiya's veil around my head before heading to the living room where he awaited my presence.
On my short walk to the living room, I let my eyes wander freely around the house, taking note of the doors, turns, and the beauty of everything surrounding me. The decor was warm and beautiful.
When I arrived at my destination, I found him sitting casually in a chair, his posture relaxed but attentive. He got up the moment I announced my presence with a soft shuffle of my feet and a Salaam.
"Let's eat," he suggested, regarding me with a smile.
I shook my head twice, subconsciously rubbing my arms as if to ward off the nervousness that enveloped me. "I'm not hungry."
Tahir nodded. "You don't need to eat a lot, just a little bit of yogurt and chicken. It's sunnah, and I'm sure you're aware of that already."
"I am," I responded, walking toward him and settling into a chair across from him.
Tahir and I began to eat in a comfortable silence. Occasionally, he stole glances at me, and I did the same. On multiple times, our eyes met and we both looked away, pretending to be nonchalant about the electrifying tension in the air.
As we delved into the meal, my nerves slowly began to loosen, and I found myself becoming more comfortable in his presence.
"You're in your third year, right?" Tahir asked casually, breaking the silence.
I nodded, a smile creeping onto my lips. "Yes, I am."
"Mukhtar told me you're a straight-A student." He quirked an eyebrow at me, making me giggle at the fun in his tone.
"Maybe and maybe not. I love good grades though; I enjoy seeing the same particular grade in my results," I rambled, feeling a flicker of pride in my voice.
"Which makes Mukhtar's words a fact," he replied with a knowing nod.
I nodded again. "Amna takes credit for it, though; she's the leader, and I just follow in her footsteps."
Tahir placed his now-empty cup on the table between us. "It's a good thing. You're doing great."
"Thank you!" I exclaimed, rising from the chair with the intention of packing up the remnants of our meal.
Tahir brushed me off with a gentle wave of his hand. "I've got that, don't worry. Perform wudhu, Khadijah. We're going to pray."
My heart nearly jolted at his words; I couldn't hide my surprise. I thought we were going to skip all that, you know, just get through the awkward hours, then days, and live our lives separately. I had assumed that was the plan.
But mans here clearly had other intentions. Thinking about it now, Tahir seemed like a meticulous planner.
I did as he instructed and returned to the living room, ready to offer the nawafil prayer.
Tahir took one glance at me before walking over, his movements smooth and confident. Just like earlier, he took my hand in his and led me into the house towards another bedroom. As we entered, I could immediately tell it was the master bedroom, and a sliver of apprehension crept through me.
I wasn't accustomed to scenes like this—being led into a man's private space. Period!
Anyways, there were two prayer mats laid out for us, and Tahir led me in prayer. We prayed together, and he offered a long supplication for us, taking my hand in his. Drawing me closer, Tahir placed his hand gently on my head and prayed for me, his voice barely audible.
I melted under the soothing tones of his prayer, surprised by the depth of his knowledge. It felt incredibly good to be the recipient of such thoughtful treatment, and, in no time at all, every discomfort I felt dissipated from the atmosphere around us.
He began asking me questions about our religion, probing gently into my beliefs and understanding. "What do you think is the most important part of our faith?" he inquired, genuinely curious. I shared my thoughts on the significance of community, prayer, and the importance of striving for a good character. He nodded thoughtfully, encouraging me to continue with each elaboration on my beliefs.
When our conversation came to a natural pause, he leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead. A buzz began from the soles of my feet, radiating upward to the spot he kissed, as warmth engulfed me instantly. With my head lowered to the ground, I felt Tahir move a few steps away.
I took that as my cue to leave, so I neatly folded the prayer mats and turned to face him, intending to bid him goodnight.
Just then, the room plunged into darkness as the lights went off, and I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips.
"Is everything okay?" I called out, searching for him in the darkness.
"Yes. Everything's good." A moment later, a dim light flickered on.
A sigh of relief slipped past my lips at the return of light, and I felt slightly more at ease.
"Goodnight?" I moved closer to the door, waving sweetly at him while my head remained turned around, facing him.
"Can you sleep alone?" he asked, slowly moving towards me with deliberate strides.
My eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights. It completely escaped my mind that returning to the other room would mean sleeping there alone. My bones shivered at the idea of spending a whole night in the strange room, alone with my thoughts. I imagined how my mind would race through all the scary stories I had heard growing up, and the originals I created nightly before I fell asleep.
I swallowed stiffly, wondering if it was too late to request Noor come and keep me company for the night.
"Actually, I have an idea," I suggested, making my way to the bed and sitting on the edge of it. "You can get Noor for me, right?"
Tahir's lips curled into a little smile that made him look a thousand times more handsome than usual. And normal Tahir was no average man.
He stood by the curtain, one hand in the pocket of his trousers, seemingly contemplating my suggestion.
"You could sleep here," he suggested with a casual shrug.
I bolted off the bed, my eyes wide as saucers. "I've never slept in the same room as a man before! It feels so odd and weird just considering it. I can't even." I blurted out, my nerves fraying as I glared slightly at him.
Tahir muttered something I couldn't catch under his breath, but my focus remained sharply on him as he took a steady approach until he stood directly before me.
"That's a good thing. There's always a first for everything," he said, reassuringly.
I observed the slight movement of his throat, completely unprepared for his next move until I felt it.
"Make yourself comfortable. I won't hurt you." He said, his hands gently helping me to a standing position.
Frozen in place, I watched as he unwrapped my veil, folding it and proceeding to unzip my jalabiya. My fingers trembled as they brushed against his.
"I'm comfortable. I can take it off myself," I stuttered, plucking his fingers away from my dress as I quickly zipped it down and neatly folded it before keeping it on the spot where he had set my veil.
Tahir nodded, moving away from me and stepping into the adjoining bathroom. I slipped under the covers, my mind racing as I considered how the sleeping arrangement would be, weighing each little scenario and its implications.
I had these large blankets that he could use as a makeshift mattress. Or we could divide the bed with pillows. Alternatively, he could wait until I was asleep before slipping away to another room. All these ideas appealed to me as I lay on the bed, anxiously anticipating his exit from the bathroom.
Several minutes later, Tahir walked out clad in a grey jalabiya, his hair still damp from his shower.
Gingerly, I pulled the blanket over my head, burying myself in its embrace. "I have an idea, and you'll love it," I announced, gathering my thoughts before voicing my suggestions. He listened attentively, without hesitation, as I explained each option.
Tahir agreed with me, though I was still wrapped like the filling of a burrito and couldn't gauge his reaction. I did, however, hear the hum of agreement that emanated from him.
"Great idea, huh?" he asked, his voice inching closer.
"Perfect!" I replied, a note of excitement creeping into my voice.
However, the bed dipped slightly as his weight settled next to me, causing my brows to furrow in confusion. I peeked from beneath the blanket and found him lying beside me, one hand casually propped behind his head as he regarded me with what I could only describe as a heavy, scrutinizing gaze.
I quickly averted my eyes, uncertain about what option Tahir was leaning toward.
"Khadijah, I won't hurt you, not deliberately," he reassured me, his tone sincere and calming.
"You're sleeping on the bed?" I asked, cautiously lowering the blanket to my waist as I shifted to a sitting position, trying to grasp the situation better.
"I am."
"I'll take the makeshift mattress," I stated, summoning my resolve as I pulled my legs out from under the blanket and swung them to the ground.
But, a force stopped me from sliding out of the bed, pulling me back toward the middle instead. Words escaped me as Tahir gently lifted me off the bed to position me beside him and then, in a surprising motion, over him.
I stiffened instinctively, a knot of nerves tightening in my stomach as his hands wrapped around me like a steel band. My voice faltered as shock engulfed me, my heart racing with confusion.
My eyes clenched tight and my lips began to tremble.
On the verge of tears, I forced myself to look at him, forced the words out of my lips. "What are you doing?" I asked in a barely audible whisper, my fingers forced to hold tight onto his shoulders for balance.
Tahir's face revealed nothing, he shrugged. "Nothing."
"You're holding me!" I exclaimed, attempting to break free from his grip.
An amused expression crossed his face, one that I itched to claw off with my fingernails. But at that moment, all the courage I had left felt microscopic, my limbs reduced to gelatinous helplessness.
Tahir's eyes met mine, then lowered to my lips, a look crossing his face that made the sharpness of his jaw become even more pronounced. It was intense in a way I couldn't fully comprehend.
I saw nothing coming, didn't expect anything, until I felt the warmth of his lips on mine. It barely lasted a second, but the sensation drew my breath away—sucked the very soul from my body. I shivered harder, pleading with my eyes to be released.
"I'm not only holding you, Khadijah. I'm also kissing my wife goodnight," he stated softly, sincerity lacing in his tone.
Tahir attempted to kiss me a second time, but this time I was prepared. I ducked away, frantically trying to protect my sanity from the unexpected spontaneity. Tahir didn't play fair. This wasn't part of the plan.
"I don't. I'm not..." My brain fumbled, struggling to process the storm of emotions swirling within me, unable to form the coherent words I needed to express myself.
"It's okay, sleepy?" he murmured, lowering my frantic head to his chest and rubbing my back slowly in a comforting gesture.
I nodded my head, then shook it in conflict. An idea sparked in my mind, and I sprang my head from his chest to assert myself.
"Actually, I have nothing to be afraid of; I can sleep in my room. Goodnight." With that, I rose from his body, and he let me go.
My fleeting victory lasted barely a second because, in the blink of an eye, I felt myself trapped beneath him, his eyes now filled with purpose and determination.
Gathering enough courage, I parted my lips to speak, to pull myself out of the situation, but instead I fell victim to Tahir's open-mouthed kiss, which silenced me completely.
What he had done earlier was nothing more than a faint brush of his lips. Now? He devoured me as if I were his final meal on earth, shattering my senses and leaving me utterly breathless. He leaned into me, pinning my hands above my head with surprising gentleness as he removed my inner cap, allowing my braids to cascade freely around my face.
I protested instinctively, my mind racing with alarm, but Tahir was too lost in the moment to notice anything.
The room spun around me as he ran his hand tenderly through my hair, and I heard him mutter "soft" against my lips. I couldn't tell if he was referring to my hair or to my lips, and that realization left my entire body feeling weak and disarmed.
His head dipped into the hollow of my neck, lavishing it with kisses that sent shivers coursing through me, turning me into a quivering mess.
I nodded my head in the darkness, a strange flutter of anticipation igniting within me as his fingers brushed against the buttons of my pajama top—an unfamiliar sensation that sent an electric thrill racing down my spine.
"Tahir," I muttered, forcing his name out through trembling lips.
"Shhhh," he silenced me with a single word, his voice dripping with a mix of authority and reassurance.
Third Person's POV.
That was what she was.
Khadijah lay pliant beneath him, her body surrendered to the sensations he elicited. Tahir's hand caged hers above her head, and deep down, he knew he couldn't have stopped even if he had tried—though he hadn't tried, because he had no intention of stopping. Not when he was already growing addicted to the plush femininity of his wife, so alluring and soft.
He continued with his ministrations until he had ensured that all her nerves were weakened, her limbs rendered powerless, her senses heightened and overwhelmed.
Any attempts on her part to protest faded away, overpowered by the tide of sensations crashing over her, leaving her breathless. She found herself succumbing to him, lost in the intoxicating sensations that he stirred within her.
In one swift movement, Tahir pulled his jalabiya off, tossing it aside before returning to his position on the bed. Deftly, he worked on the buttons of her top, holding her gaze intensely and tenderly, diving in for more as he claimed her.
Moments turned into minutes, blurring together.
"You're beautiful," he breathed, his voice low and sincere after ridding her of the barriers that separated them.
Lost in the daze of his actions, he barely spared the time to voice an important dua before he began to take her in earnest. With gentle fervor, Tahir kissed her tears away affectionately, his heart swelling with warmth and urgency as he made love to her, enveloped in the intimacy of the moment.
His heart swelled with overwhelming emotion.
Hers shifted. She cried.
He soothed her with whispered comforts.
After a while, they both succumbed to the comforting embrace of sleep, her head resting peacefully on his chest in the stillness of the dark.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. I hope we're all doing well?
So, what's your take? Should he have? Or should he have not? Feel free to say your mind!
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Thank you!
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