Chapter 51 -Isabella and Kekoa Are Here

Cris' POV

One hour had gone by with no news. It was getting pretty late, but everyone stayed with me in the maternity waiting room. The doctor entered.

"Mr. Fiore, your wife...."

I spaced out after she said that.

"Mr. Fiore, your wife is going to be okay. We were able to get her blood pressure back to normal. She is resting comfortably in her suite. The twins are currently in the maternity ward. We will take them to her room shortly."

"Thank you, Doctor Michaels. For everything, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, Mr. Fiore. And, congratulations. You're welcome to stay with her. There is another bed in the room."

"Yes, I will be staying. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Then, she left the room.

So, I turned back to my princess. "Yes, princess, mommy is okay."

"Cris, we brought something for you and Isabela to eat. Kalani and your dad ate what we brought for them. It is late, so we will all come back tomorrow to visit you, Kam, and the twins."

"Thanks for the food. And, thanks for the support. See everyone tomorrow."

"You were cool and calm in there, son. I know you were scared. I was too. Your father and I will always be there for you, Marco and Alessandra. Ti amo, ragazzo mio e buona notte. Di 'a Kamea che l'amiamo e siamo molto orgogliosi di lei." (I love you, my boy, and have a good night. Tell Kamea we love her and are very proud of her.) My mom kissed me on my forehead.

"Ti amo anch'io, mamma. Farò in modo di dirlo a Kamea. Buona serata anche a te." (I love you too, mom. I will make sure to tell Kamea that. Have a good night as well.)

"Día and Rocco, give your daddy a big hug and kiss before we leave." Both of them came over and gave me a hug and kiss. And, boy did I need that from them.

"Good night, daddy."

"Good night, Día and Rocco. I love you both."

Braelyn came over too and hugged me. "Bye, Uncle Cris."

"See you tomorrow, Princess." Layla, Bliss, Noeli, and Marissa all hugged me and said, "Good night." I needed every one of those hugs.

"Before we leave, Alessandra called and sincerely apologized for not being here. She said once the kids are out of school for Winter break, they will be coming for a visit."

"Okay. Thanks, Marco."

I am glad Layla brought something for us to eat because I am starving. After I finished eating, I went to Kamea's room.


When I opened the door, Kamea had both Isabella and Kekoa in her arms. She looked sad though.

"Hey mommy, what's wrong?"

"Hi, daddy. I have so many emotions going through my mind. I can't believe the little kickers are finally here. And, I thought about my mom again. And, you remember how we bought those things, so I could breastfeed them?"

"Yes, I remember."

"Well, the little kickers tuned their faces up at breast milk. They didn't take to it. We are going to have to give them formula."

"It's okay, sweetheart. It happens. Stefano and Lucia did the same thing to Alessandra. We can check with Layla to see if she can use them." I kissed Kamea on her forehead.

"Okay. So, daddy, would you like to hold both babies? The nurse went to get me something to eat and drink. In my left arm, it is mini you, Kekoa. And, to the right, is the stubborn one, Isabella. We may have a tough time with her."

"Until the nurse comes back, I'll take Isabella. We need to have a father/daughter chat already." After gently picking her up and cradling her in my arms, we sat down in the rocking chair in the room.

"You are just as beautiful as your mommy - beautiful, brown eyes and a head full of curly, brown hair. The stubbornness you get from your daddy. You are going to be a handful, la mia preziosa piccola bambina. (my precious little baby girl.)"

"Mommy can be stubborn too. Just ask my dad."

The nurse came back with something to eat and drink for Kamea. "Mr. Fiore, would you like to hold your son too?"

"Yes, I would. And can you take a picture, please?" I pulled my phone out, so she could take a picture.

First, she placed Kamea's food on a rolling table and placed it in front of her. Then, she gently picked up Kekoa and placed him in my left arm.

Then, the nurse snapped our picture. "Mr. Fiore, I'll place your phone on this little stand next to your wife's bed."

"Thank you."

Kam's POV

This hospital food is very tasty. It was so good that I caught myself licking my fingers. It was an oven-roasted, turkey breast sandwich with lettuce, tomato and mayo on wheat bread.

"Mr. and Mrs. Fiore, we wanted to wait until you were both together to fill out the twins' birth certificates. What is your daughter's name?"

I pointed to Cris for him to answer, while I continue devouring this sandwich.

"Her name is Isabella Jayde Fiore. Isabella is spelled with two 'l's. And, Jayde with a 'y'." Cris showed the nurse the correct spelling.

"Okay. Isabella weighed in at six pounds and eight ounces. And, what is your son's name?"

"His name is Kekoa Lorenzo Fiore."

"Your son's weight is a little smaller - at six pounds and five ounces. Kekoa was born at 1:30 pm and Isabella was born at 7:30 pm. Next, I will need both of your full names and races."

"Kamea Malia Fiore. I am mixed raced - African American and Hawaiian."

"Cristiano Amadore Fiore and I are Italian."

"Okay, I'll be right back." Then the nurse left the room.

"No wonder it hurt so much. But, those breathing techniques helped because Doctor Michaels told me the epidural had worn off before Isabella was born. But, it was worth it because we have two, beautiful precious babies."

"We sure do."

"And now comes the late-night feedings, numerous diaper changes, crawling, running, crying, smart mouths, spankings, etc." Goodness, I can't stop yawning and my eyelids are closing. Cris noticed.

"Get some rest, sweetheart."


Cris' POV

Within 5 minutes, Kamea was out like a light. She deserves a good night's rest after giving birth to twins. I looked down at Kekoa and Isabella and they were both asleep, too. I hope they are sleepers like Día and Rocco were. Kalani has a surprise for her. He is moving to Miami to be close to both Noeli and Kamea, as well as all four kids. She will be ecstatic when he tells her.

The nurse came back into the room. "Mr. Fiore, would you like me to place the twins in their bassinets, so you and your wife can get some rest?"

"Yes, please. Thank you." The nurse came over and picked up Isabella and I carried Kekoa to their bassinets. Surprisingly, they stayed asleep.



Kamea was out like a light. I wouldn't want her to get up yet anyway. So, I propped myself up off the bed to see which one was crying. I checked the time and it was 3:00 am. It was my stubborn, baby girl, Isabella.

After picking her up, I went to sit in the rocking chair.

"La mia preziosa piccola bambina, (My precious little baby girl) it's your daddy here. Be a sweet, little princess and go back to sleep for daddy. Mommy needs her rest. Let's go find a nurse so we can get you a bottle." The nurse's station is right out the door, so we stepped out of the room and took a walk.

"Hi Mr. Fiore, what can I get for you?"

"I need a bottle for this little one."

"Sure. I'll get one for you and bring it to your wife's room. There is actually a refrigerator in the room, so I will bring several bottles for you."

"Thank you."

Then, Isabella and I made the short walk back into the room. I started talking to her again.

"Later today, you get to meet your big brother and sister. And, your Nonna Isabela, Nonno Antonio, and Nonno Kalani are coming too. And, Aunt Layla, Bliss, and Noeli are here to see you too."

The nurse came into the room and gave me one of the bottles. Then, I watched which way she walked to see where the fridge was. It is on the other side of the bed that I am sleeping on. "Mr. Fiore, just let me know if you need anything else."

Once Isabella had the bottle in her mouth, she even tried to hold it with her tiny, little hands. "Smart, little girl already."

After she was done, I placed a white, blanket on my shoulder and lifted Isabella up to gently massage her back so she could belch. It was too cute. She let out a soft little belch, then laid her head on my shoulder.

Once she fell asleep, I placed Isabella back in her bassinet. I tried to go back to sleep because I know they will both be awake next time.


Narrator's POV

Sure enough, at 6:30 am, both Isabella and Kekoa woke up screaming. Cris checked both of them and they needed a diaper change. After changing them, Cris walked over to the fridge for a bottle for each baby. Kamea woke up this time. So, Cris gave Kamea a bottle and Kekoa. He held Isabella and gave her a bottle.

Both babies did their little belch, then fell back to sleep. Three hours later, they were at it again.

Marco called Cris to let him know they won't be at the hospital until noon, so they can get family time.

Once the twins were fed, they went back to sleep. And, so did Cris and Kamea.


Sunday afternoon

Kam's POV

While Cris was holding Isabella, I held my baby boy. Just looking down at him, he is a combo of Cris and my dad. He is going to be a charmer with the girls. We are going to have to watch him too. I looked up and noticed the nurse had entered. And, he even opened his eyes for a hot second at me and smiled.

"Hi, Mr. & Mrs. Fiore, just checking to see if you need anything."

"We are going to need some more bottles. These little, munchkins drank the ones that were in the fridge. Sorry."

"Mrs. Fiore, it is not a problem. I'll get some more for them." The nurse then left the room.

"We are going to need more bottles with them not breastfeeding."

We heard a soft knock on the door. Then, in came my dad, Isabela, and Antonio.

"Hi daddy, Isabela and Antonio." My father came over and kissed me on my forehead.

"Peheaʻoe, mommy?" (How are you doing, mommy?)

"Ua luhi wau, akā,ʻo wau ka makua maikaʻi." (I'm tired, but fine daddy.)

"E haʻaheo kou makuahine iāʻoe." (Your mom would be proud of you.)

"E ka makua, e makemakeʻoe e paʻa i kāu moʻopuna?" (Grandpa, would you like to hold your grandson?) My dad came over and gently picked up Kekoa from my arms. It was so adorable. My dad is a big, hulking figure. And, here he is cradling my baby boy in his arms. Cris gave Isabella to Antonio.

"I am so proud of you, Kamea. You did good in there even though Isabella was stubborn. Cris was the same way. I was too and so was my mother. So, she is following in her Nonna's footsteps."

"Thanks, mom. And, thank you for being in there with me."

"You're welcome, honey. And, I'll be there for Noeli too when they have kids. You both are my girls. How about I snap a picture of the grandpas holding the twins?"

Isabela took a picture of my 2 dads - Antonio treats me like a daughter so he said to call him that. "Now, each grandpa stand on the side of the bed and take a picture with mommy."

My father stood on the right and Antonio stood on the left.

"Mom, how about you and Kamea in a picture with the twins?"

I patted the bed and Isabela sat with me. Mom held her twin and I held Kekoa.

"You have a host of people who want to meet the twins, so we will see you later, Kami. When you get home, I have exciting news for my girls."

"Okay. See you daddy." Then, they walked out, and in came Marco, Noeli, and the twins.

Noeli held Día's hand and Marco held Rocco's hand.

"Hey Princess and Rocco, are you ready to meet your brother and sister? Come sit on the bed with mommy so you can hold your baby sister." Marco took Isabella from Cris, while Cris lifted Día on the bed with me. Then, Cris placed a pillow in Día's lap, then gently placed Isabella in her arms. "Say hi to your baby sister."

"What is her name, mommy?"

"Her name is Isabella." Princess struggled a little, but she was able to say it.

"Hi, Isabella." It was too cute. Cris snapped a picture. The bed was big enough, so on the other side of the bed, Cris sat Rocco on there and grabbed another pillow. Then, he put Kekoa in his arms.

"Cris, stay right there so I can get a family picture."

"What is his name, mommy?"

"His name is Kekoa, sweetie." And it must have been feeding time because they started crying. So, Cris grabbed a bottle from the fridge for both babies.

"Kids, would you like to feed your brother and sister?"

"Yes, daddy." Cris and Rocco held the bottle for Kekoa. And, me and princess held the bottle for Isabella.

"Kam, Layla, Braelyn, Ryan, and Austin are coming later. Bliss and Shane came to the hospital with us. We will let them come in. Cris just comes to get us when you want us to take the twins home."

"Thanks, Marco."

Marco and Noeli left. About 5 minutes later, Bliss and Shane came in.

Bliss' POV

Shane held open the door while I walked in on my crutches.

"Hi, Cris and Kam. How are you?"

"I am fine, now that they are out of my belly. Would you like to hold them?"

"I've never held a baby before. But I will try."

"You will be fine." So, I made my way over to the rocking chair. I really was nervous. They are so small.

"Daddy, can I get down off the bed?"

Cris grabbed Kekoa and brought him over to me. Then, he helped Rocco off of the bed.

Shane's POV

"Cradle your arms, darling. Remember how you held Rocco? Put your arms just like that." Speaking of Rocco, he walked over to where Bliss was sitting.

She is going to be a great mom one day.

As soon as Kekoa was in her arms, it looked like he opened his eyes for a second or two. And then, he smiled at Bliss. I had to snap a picture of that.

"Looks like both Kekoa and Rocco have a crush on Bliss, Shane."

"He looks like your dad and Cris, Kam. He is a beautiful baby. They both are beautiful." I could not help but smile while Bliss held him in her arms.

Cris brought Isabella over and I held her. I was familiar with holding babies because I remember when my niece and nephew were born.

"Looks like missy got quiet once she was in Shane's arms. Aww, Cris, our kids have their first crushes already. Hey Shane, stand over near Bliss. And, Cris, please take a picture for me."

This exact scene could be us one day. Can't wait. We talked for a little bit about the twins until we noticed Kam looked a little tired.

"We are going to let you both get some rest while they are asleep." Cris grabbed Kekoa and I took Isabella to her bassinet.

"When are you and the twins being released from the hospital?"

"Monday or Tuesday."

"Okay. We will see you when you come home with the twins. Would you like us to take Día and Rocco back to the waiting room?"

"That would be great, Shane. Thank you. Día and Rocco, go with your auntie and uncle. We will see you both tomorrow."

"Bye, mommy and daddy!"

Both twins held on to each of my hands. And, we followed Bliss out of Kam's room.


Narrator's POV

Later that evening, Marissa, Andre, Layla, Braelyn, Ryan, and Austin visited.


Kam's POV

"I miss you all being in California, Kam, and Cris. I just want to strangle that Miranda chick and Chase!"

"If you don't mind two screaming, babies and 2 five-year-old twins, you both can stay with us, until you find a place of your own."

"Or you could stay with my parents, Marco, Kam__." Cris stopped mid-sentence and smacked his head.

I gave him a soft glare. "Or Kamea's what? You might as well tell because if you don't, I will bug you the rest of tonight."

"Ugh, okay. You didn't hear this from me. It was supposed to be a surprise. Your father is moving to Miami. He told me he misses you both so much and he does not want to miss out on watching the twins grow up. He is excited about being a grandpa. And, his house is right down the street, one block over from our house. Also, he is keeping the restaurant in California, and your uncles are going to run it. But, he also said he wants to open one up in Miami and it is being built right next to my new club. The restaurant will be named after your mom, 'Jayde's Hawaiian Cuisine.'"

Marissa and I screamed so loud that we woke up Isabella and Kekoa.


Now, Cris and Andre glared at us. "Oops." They both went to pick up the twins and rocked them back to sleep.

"See Marissa and Andre, now you have to move to Florida."

"I know Andre will not say anything. But Kamea and Marissa, the both of you better act surprised, understand? Or, you both will be punished. Marissa, your punishment of course will be different from Kamea's."

"Hey Cris, you can't punish me. I'm not Kam," Marissa proclaimed loud and proud.

But Andre got her. "Cris can't punish you, but I can. Now, act like you will be surprised, or else?"

"Cris, you can't punish me either. Remember, you have two months to go. It is not my fault you could not keep my dad's secret."

"Uh, Kam, the look on Cris' face says you are in trouble, girl. We will see you all when you come home."

As soon as Andre put Isabella in her bassinet, they walked out of the door. Cris then walked over to me, "Ma'am, you like being in trouble, don't you?"

"Yup, I sure do." I emphasize the letter 'p.' "I was the 'smart alecky' kid growing up. Listen, can you help me out of the bed? I want to sit in the rocking chair."

"Of course, sweetheart. Swing your legs slowly while I go get your slippers and your robe."

Once he came back with my slippers, I put my hands on his shoulders and slowly stood up. Then, I put on the robe. I wrapped my arms around him and then we walked slowly towards the rocking chair.

"Thanks. My butt was starting to hurt, sitting on the bed."

As soon as I sat down, Doctor Michaels entered my room. "Hi, I was just coming to let you know that you can start walking around. Also, we are going to take the twins for a check-up. If everything is okay, I am going to release you and the twins for tomorrow afternoon." Two nurses came in behind her and took the twins to be examined.

"Thank you, Doctor Michaels."

"I can't wait to get out of here and take my babies home. I want to stay downstairs in the first-floor bedroom until I can go up steps."

"That is fine, sweetheart. I'll text Marco to move their cribs in that room."

"Thanks, handsome." Shortly after that, Layla, Braelyn, Ryan, and Austin came into the room.

"Aunt Kam!" Braelyn came over and gave me a big hug.

"Hi, Lollipop! How is my girl doing? Hi Layla, Ryan, and Austin."

"I am fine, auntie. Where are the babies, Aunt Kam?"

"The doctor is making sure everything is okay, so they can come home tomorrow. They will be back shortly."

"I am fine, Kam. We heard Isabella was stubborn." Layla chuckled.

"She sure was. Just like her mommy and daddy."

Just then, a nurse walked in with a beautiful floral arrangement. "Mrs. Fiore, these flowers were delivered for you at the nurse's station."

"Thank you for bringing them in." I took the card out of the envelope to see who it was from.

"Congratulations on delivering Cris' babies. Now it is time for you to have my babies. Oh, and I am guessing you are wondering how I knew. I have my ways, love. Enjoy your time for the moment because sooner than later, it will be Chase time. XOXOXO."

"Why can't Chase just scurry away like the rat he is?!! GET THEM THINGS OUT OF HERE!!" I showed Cris the note and he was beyond livid!

"How in the world did he know?" Both Ryan and Austin asked. Cris showed them the note.

"Can auntie have another hug, Lollipop?" Braelyn hugged me, and I did not let her go. Cris grabbed the flowers and took them to be tossed away.

"He is just sick, Kam. Don't let him ruin this beautiful weekend with the twins being born."

"I'll try not to, Layla."

Twenty minutes later, the same nurses brought the twins back.

"Lollipop, look who came back. Would you like to hold them?"

"Yes, auntie!"


Narrator's POV

Doctor Michaels returned as well and gave the okay for Kamea and the twins to go home Monday afternoon. Visiting hours were almost over, so Layla and her crew left the hospital.

Nonna Isabela, Nonno Antonio, and Nonno Kalani were going to come on Monday to help bring everyone home.

Monday morning came and went. Cris signed the release papers so he could take his family home. Cris wheeled Kamea out, while Antonio and Kalani carried the twins in their portable car seats.

Meanwhile, at the house, everyone pitched in to fix lunch and to bring the twins' cribs downstairs.

Marco's POV

"Mom sent a text saying they should be home shortly." The food was ready, and the ladies created a big welcome home banner for Kam and the twins.

Ten minutes later, we heard a beeping horn pull up to the house. So, everyone sat at the table, while Noeli, me, Día, and Rocco went outside. I went to open the door for Kam.

"Good to have you and the twins' home, Kam."

I took Kam's hands to help her out of her Range Rover. After that, we walked slowly into the house.

When we walked into the house, everyone yelled, "SURPRISE!!"

"Aww, you guys, this is so sweet. And, I can't wait to dig into this food. I am starving."

"Kam, Shane, and I bought some formula for the twins and some more bottles. We didn't know how much to get, so auntie and uncle went a little overboard."

"Awww, thank you, guys." Once everyone was at the table, we all enjoyed the lunch and shared childhood stories. Just like Cris, I just observed the table and saw love and happiness. I can't wait to experience this feeling with Noeli.


Narrator's POV

Through the rest of the day, everyone took turns caring for the twins so Cris and Kamea could get some much-needed rest.

At one point throughout the early am hours, Cris got up to feed Isabella. He sat on one of the living room couches to feed her. Once she was done eating, Cris burped her and put her back in her crib. Then, he went back to the couch.


Cris' POV

Once I knew that I was by myself, I just broke down and cried. Just the thought of losing Kamea for that hour or so broke me. I just sat on the couch and balled my eyes out until they hurt. I heard footsteps walking in my direction.

"Cris, are you okay? I started craving something to eat, so I was going to raid the fridge." Layla came over and saw that I had tears in my eyes when I looked up at her.

Layla sat down, put a pillow in her lap, and encouraged me to lay my head down. "Cris, I never had any siblings, so you, Kam, Noeli, Marco, and Bliss are my brothers and sisters. When you are ready, just tell me."

"Is everything okay out here?" I heard Bliss walking in with her crutches. She came over and sat down too. I think she already knew. "Aww, Cris, it is okay to cry. Let it out. Layla and I are here for you."

I took a deep breath, then started talking. "I come off as a tough, hard-nosed guy, which I am. But, when Doctor Michaels said Kamea's blood pressure was too low, I watched her passed out. I was scared to death but knew I had to be strong. Now that we are home, it just all came crashing down on me. I wouldn't know what to do if she died. She means the world to me."

"Cris, I have known you and Kam for almost two months. What the two of you share with each other is truly special. I see it in the way you tease each other, in the way you love one another, and, in the way, you treat your family and friends. I am so glad I got to know you both. Both you and Ryan are like my big brothers even though we probably are close in age. I love coming to Florida and supporting your family. Your parents and even Kam's dad have treated me like a daughter. I will always treasure that. You all go above and beyond for your family and friends. And, I absolutely love your kids. Layla and I will always be here for you, Kamea, Día, Rocco, Isabella, and Kekoa. Always, okay? Even if you and Kam want to have a date night, call me and I will fly to Florida in a heartbeat."

"Bliss is right, Cris. We will always have your back. We will stay here with you. Cry yourself to sleep if you would like. It is okay to cry."

And, that is exactly what I did - cried myself to sleep.


Narrator's POV

Once everyone woke up the next morning, they saw Bliss, Cris, and Layla asleep on the couch. When they woke up, Layla explained what happened.

Throughout the two weeks that everyone was there, they all pitched in to take care of the babies while Cris and Kam got much-needed rest. Kamea's dad gave them the good news and she was able to act surprised. Both Noeli and Kamea were excited.

And, those two weeks went by very fast. Cris went to see off the New York crew.

Cris' POV

"Thank you all for spending the past few weeks with us. It meant the world to us to have you here."

"You're welcome. That is what sisters do for their big brothers."

Rocco ran over to Bliss to hug her. She leaned against the truck, so she could pick him up. "You be a good boy for mommy and daddy, okay? We will be back in February."


"Rocco, come over here so auntie can get on the plane."

"Bye, Uncle Cris." Braelyn hugged me and got on the plane with Layla.

"We will see you next month, Cris."

"Thanks, Shane. Have a safe flight back to New York." Then, they got on the plane.

Rocco and I got in the truck and drove to a safe distance to watch the plane take off. Once the plane was in the air, we made our way home.

Later that day, we took Marissa and Andre to the airport to see them off back to California.

Marissa's POV

"Hey cous, we are going to move down to Florida. Uncle Kalani is letting us stay with him until we find our own place. And, thanks for letting us work at your club. We will be here for the grand opening next month."

"That is great news. Looking forward to having you both in Florida. And, you're welcome."

"Looks like our flight is boarding. I'll call you when we land in California."

Andre and I handed our tickets in and we boarded the plane. We had first-class seats, so that is where we went.

Once we were comfortable in our seats, I noticed someone getting on the plane that I couldn't wait to beat down. I just had to send a text to Cris.

"Cris, you will never believe who is on the same plane as us. I will save you from guessing who it is. It is that chick that paid someone to hurt Kam's friend, Layla."

"What a minute?! Miranda is on the same plane?!"

"Yeah, that's her name."

"Thanks for letting me know. She is going to pay for what she did to Layla. I'll call my security team to have her followed."

"You're welcome. Call me later. The plane is about to take off."

The plane took off and we are now in the air.

"Lady, you will never harm another person again."


Thank you all for reading chapter 51.

Kamea and her dad are talking Hawaiian. And, Cris and Isabela are talking Italian.

Thank you all for the votes and comments. 😘    

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