Chapter 4

Chapter 4; the dinner


We walk into the restaurant, and Shawn strides straight (lil sibilance there ;) sorry had to haha continue reading) ahead of us, not even glancing back to check if we were behind him. For all he knew we could have still been outside exchanging pleasantries with the cab driver.

We arrive at the table, a few moments after Shawn had and are greeted by many friendly faces. There's Jess, my makeup and outfit person, Alex my publicist and a couple of people who were part of the band. I had already graduated from school so I didn't need a tutor and neither did Shawn. Soon, we settled into our seats around the circular table and scanned the menu, deciding what we were going to eat. In the I decided to have some form of pasta that looked nice and to drink with that a lemonade. I sat comfortably in my seat listening to the conversations, not having a clue what they were talking about, until Alex starts talking to me

"Soo, Eva, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?" He says,

"Um like what?" I replied fiddling with the ring on my finger, a nervous habit of mine.

"Where are you from?"

"Canada," I reply instantly, feeling my face light up with a smile.  "What about you?"

"New York, so is Jess and some of the band members, and Shawn's from-"

"He's from Canada like me, I know,"

At this point, Shawn's head turns to my direction from across the table, a scowl painted on his face. But he says nothing,

"How did you know that?" Alex asks with a smile,

"Because she's a huge fan, and just doesn't want to admit it." Shawn adds in,

"In your dreams, Andrew told me," I scoff "And i'm feeling a sense of de ja vu right now but I'll say it anyways, your input wasn't needed."

"I'll help you relive your de ja vu moment, your presence wasn't needed."

"My presence might not be needed, but you got it anyways! Thank me later,"

"How about I thank you never?"

I was going to reply, saying that what he said made no sense but I realised that everyone on our table had stopped talking themselves but were looking at Shawn and I, their faces a mix of bewildered and amused. Until, what they did next, which confused me and by the look on Shawn's face it confused him too. They all burst out laughing,

"This tour," Andrew said between laughter "Is going to be s-so much fun!"

For you, i added on in my head. From there, the dinner got better. Shawn and I avoided talking to one another like the plague which I was fine with. And the pasta, it was like the best thing I had ever tasted! I had learnt more and more about everyone and the of course had found a lot out about me, for example I hate mushrooms, seafood and tomatoes but I love Italian food, I mean who doesn't?! (AN, this is actually me irl haha) and before I knew it, it was already 11pm and we had to go back to the hotel. We walked outside where once again yellow cabs were waiting for us, and got into each one, this time I wasn't with Shawn, thank goodness! Instead I ended up going in with Jess, Simon the extra guitar person from the band and Jace the drummer. The ride was luckily not filled with an awkward silence, and we just talked about our lives back at home, where I mainly ended up going on about how amazing Noah was.

"Sorry, I kind of ranted there." I mutter (AN this is legit my catchphrase ngl haha)

"No, it's fine. You must really miss them, we understand! We've all gone through it, and it can be tough. In fact most people do when they go on tour."

"You should have seen Shawn on his first tour, he always went on about this girl Lauren, and then when she moved on, telling him that the distance was too much, his reaction was hysterical! I don't think i've ever been more glad for the invention of videos," Simon adds in.

Their response wasn't like what I expected, but it was indeed hilarious. Especially when they showed me the video they took, and any guilt from laughing at Shawn vanished because his reaction was insanely funny. When we arrived at the hotel, there were many fans stood outside, some of them crying, making my heart break a little for them. Shawn had probably arrived and already met them a while ago, I mean our cab driver did get lost on the way and there was a lot of traffic.

I step out of the cab and make my way over to them, smiling brightly at them. I am greeted by deafening screams of "I love you!" or "Can you sing something for us?" or "I can't wait to see you live!"

Telling them all to huddle together so we can take a picture for my snapchat, I take my phone out and open the app, taking a selfie of all of us and captioning it with three red heart emojis. I then tell them to get into a line, something Andrew was constantly telling me to do before I even went on tour. I take pictures with each of them and try to have small conversations until they get moved on by Andrew. Eventually, maybe around half an hour later we're done, and saying goodnight to Andrew I headed up to my room.  Forgetting that I had to share it with Shawn, I walk into the room, and a scowl appears on my face instantly.

"Damn, you're still here," he says looking over to the door where i'm stood.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh um no reason, I was just hoping 11:11 wishes came true,"

"Ok whatever Shawn, i'm tired so I don't actually care,"

"Oh okay, well you can have the couch."

"Why should I have the couch, you should take the couch."

"Oh yeah, I should shouldn't I? Too bad I won't though, I was here first!"

"So what? Being here first doesn't change anything,"

"Well, I'm not moving from my bed."

"Well, I'm not sleeping on the couch."

"Neither am I."

"Yes you are,"

"We can always share the bed,?"

"Shawn, no. Not in a million years, it would just be so much easier if you took the couch."  By now i was getting extremely frustrated, and of course Shawn wasn't helping.

"Come on, just admit it, you're a huge fan. You looovvveeee me,"

"Ok, are you drunk or something Shawn? Because last I checked, I'm pretty sure I hated you,"

"No you don't, I mean everyone thinks I'm hot." he says with a stupid smirk he was just so full of himself. Now, I don't know why I said what I was about to say, I guess it just came out.

"Oh yeah I'm sure they do. Is that why Lauren moved on?"

By the look on his face, I had seemed to upset him, I mean I think it was the most emotion he had shown ever since I got here,

"Look, Shawn I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, I don't have a filter."

"I don't care, just leave me alone. Go back to Canada for all I care, because I don't want you here. Ever since you showed up at my hotel room this morning, you've bee nothing but a pain. I bet you'll probably go crying to Andrew now, and you know what. I. Don't. Care. Just stay out of my way and i'll stay out of yours. I don't need another snobby kid around who thinks they know everything about how the world works, when for all their little lives they've had mommy and daddy to protect them."

After that he left, storming into the room. I knew I had provoked him, and I probably deserved to hear that. It wasn't even that bad what he said, but at this moment I felt extremely overwhelmed, being away from home and whatever just happened. I went into the bathroom, and my sadness was replaced with anger. How can he even have the right to make these assumptions when he knows nothing about me?! After doing my daily night routine and changing my clothes I left the bathroom. Guess I was stuck with the couch for now. I pull the bottom of the couch so it turned into a bed and grabbed some blankets from a small cupboard in the hallway. Settling down into my 'bed' I gabbed my Mac and decided to watch some YouTube.

Once I was a couple of videos in, the screen lit up with Noah trying to FaceTime me, I debate for a moment about whether I should answer it or not, not that I didn't want to talk to Noah, it's what I wanted the most right now. I just wanted to be with him, for him to cuddle me and have a harry potter movie marathon with me whilst we shared a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. But at the same time I didn't want to answer it, my eyes were red and puffy from the pointless crying and I just didn't want him to worry about me.

I think for another moment, until I finally decide to.....

Gotta love a cliffhanger...even if it's a rubbish one😅😅
Do you think she'll answer or not? Comment before the next chapter and then see if you are right!! Love you all unreal amounts, and thank you for all the support you guys have shown this book!
Vote and comment if you want to, it honestly makes my day to see your lovely comments!!
Until next time

Ps- I say this every time but I haven't gone back to check or edit so I'm sorry for any mistakes and feel free to point them out to me

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